4 research outputs found

    The TEAM instrument for measuring emergency team performance: validation of the Swedish version at two emergency departments

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    Background: The Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM) questionnaire is designed for rating the non-technical performance of emergency medical teams during emergencies, e.g., resuscitation or trauma management. Originally developed in Australia it has today been translated and validated into eleven languages, but a Swedish version is lacking. The aim was therefore to cross-culturally translate and evaluate the reliability and validity of the TEAM questionnaire in a Swedish health care setting. Methods: The instrument was forward and backward translated and adapted into a Swedish context according to established guidelines for cross-cultural adaptation of survey-based measures. The translated version was tested through 78 pairwise assessments of 39 high-priority codes at the emergency departments of two major hospitals. The raters observed the teams at work in real time and filled in the questionnaires immediately afterwards independently of each other. Psychometric properties of the instrument were evaluated. Results: The original instrument was translated by pairs of translators independently of each other and reviewed by an expert committee of researchers, nurses and physicians from different specialties, a linguist and one of the original developers of the tool. A few adaptations were needed for the Swedish context. A principal component factor analysis confirmed a single ‘teamwork’ construct in line with the original instrument. The Swedish version showed excellent reliability with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.955 and a mean inter-item correlation of 0.691. The mean item-scale correlation of 0.82 indicated high internal consistency reliability. Inter-rater reliability was measured by intraclass correlation and was 0.74 for the global score indicating good reliability. Individual items ranged between 0.52 and 0.88. No floor effects but ceiling effects were noted. Finally, teams displaying clear closed-loop communication had higher TEAM scores than teams with less clear communication. Conclusions: Real time observations of authentic, high priority cases at two emergency departments show that the Swedish version of the TEAM instrument has good psychometric properties for evaluating team performance. The TEAM instrument is thus a welcome tool for assessing non-technical skills of emergency medical teams. © 2021, The Author(s). **Please note that there are multiple authors for this article therefore only the name of the first 5 including Federation University Australia affiliate “Simon Cooper" is provided in this record*

    Krusta zinātne – kāpēc zinātniekiem ir jāsaprot krusta noslēpums, lai veidotu veiksmīgu dialogu ar kristiešiem

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    Titel: Borta bra men hemma bäst? - kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid återförandet av en tidigare outsourcad aktivitet Författare: Gustav Forss och Simon Skott Handledare: Jörgen Dahlgren Bakgrund: Outsourcing har sen början av 1990-talet varit trendigt. Ett genomförande av outsourcing kan leda till avsevärda positiva effekter, det finns dock studier som tyder på att många företag har negativa erfarenheter av fenomenet, varpå backsourcing vuxit fram. Negativa erfarenheter av outsourcing samt att marknaden för densamma fortsätter att växa, borde innebära att vi i framtiden kommer se fler fall av backsourcing och dess roll som en alltmer etablerad strategi. Tidigare studier har endast fokuserat på motiven till backsourcing och vi vill därför bredda den akademiska förståelsen i ämnet. Syfte: Att identifiera de kritiska framgångsfaktorer som ligger till grund för lyckad backsourcing. Vidare vill författarna också öka förståelsen av fenomenet backsourcing. Definitioner: Outsourcing - överlåtande av en tidigare internt utförd aktivitet till en tredje part. Backsourcing - återförande av en tidigare outsourcade aktivitet, till egen regi. Insourcing - införande av en aktivitet som tidigare utförts av en underleverantör. Resultat: Genom studien har författarna urskilt ett mönster i hur och varför företag genomför backsourcing. Vidare har en modell över backsourcingprocessen skapats som kan hjälpa företag i återförandet av en aktivitet. Författarna har också identifierat fyra kritiska framgångsfaktorer som är specifika vid backsourcing. Sökord: Backsourcing, Outsourcing, Insourcing, Kritiska framgångsfaktorer, Backsourcingprocesse

    There is no place like home? : Critical success factors when returning a previously outsourced activity

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    Titel: Borta bra men hemma bäst? - kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid återförandet av en tidigare outsourcad aktivitet Författare: Gustav Forss och Simon Skott Handledare: Jörgen Dahlgren Bakgrund: Outsourcing har sen början av 1990-talet varit trendigt. Ett genomförande av outsourcing kan leda till avsevärda positiva effekter, det finns dock studier som tyder på att många företag har negativa erfarenheter av fenomenet, varpå backsourcing vuxit fram. Negativa erfarenheter av outsourcing samt att marknaden för densamma fortsätter att växa, borde innebära att vi i framtiden kommer se fler fall av backsourcing och dess roll som en alltmer etablerad strategi. Tidigare studier har endast fokuserat på motiven till backsourcing och vi vill därför bredda den akademiska förståelsen i ämnet. Syfte: Att identifiera de kritiska framgångsfaktorer som ligger till grund för lyckad backsourcing. Vidare vill författarna också öka förståelsen av fenomenet backsourcing. Definitioner: Outsourcing - överlåtande av en tidigare internt utförd aktivitet till en tredje part. Backsourcing - återförande av en tidigare outsourcade aktivitet, till egen regi. Insourcing - införande av en aktivitet som tidigare utförts av en underleverantör. Resultat: Genom studien har författarna urskilt ett mönster i hur och varför företag genomför backsourcing. Vidare har en modell över backsourcingprocessen skapats som kan hjälpa företag i återförandet av en aktivitet. Författarna har också identifierat fyra kritiska framgångsfaktorer som är specifika vid backsourcing. Sökord: Backsourcing, Outsourcing, Insourcing, Kritiska framgångsfaktorer, Backsourcingprocesse

    The TEAM instrument for measuring emergency team performance: validation of the Swedish version at two emergency departments

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    Background The Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM) questionnaire is designed for rating the non-technical performance of emergency medical teams during emergencies, e.g., resuscitation or trauma management. Originally developed in Australia it has today been translated and validated into eleven languages, but a Swedish version is lacking. The aim was therefore to cross-culturally translate and evaluate the reliability and validity of the TEAM questionnaire in a Swedish health care setting. Methods The instrument was forward and backward translated and adapted into a Swedish context according to established guidelines for cross-cultural adaptation of survey-based measures. The translated version was tested through 78 pairwise assessments of 39 high-priority codes at the emergency departments of two major hospitals. The raters observed the teams at work in real time and filled in the questionnaires immediately afterwards independently of each other. Psychometric properties of the instrument were evaluated. Results The original instrument was translated by pairs of translators independently of each other and reviewed by an expert committee of researchers, nurses and physicians from different specialties, a linguist and one of the original developers of the tool. A few adaptations were needed for the Swedish context. A principal component factor analysis confirmed a single ‘teamwork’ construct in line with the original instrument. The Swedish version showed excellent reliability with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.955 and a mean inter-item correlation of 0.691. The mean item-scale correlation of 0.82 indicated high internal consistency reliability. Inter-rater reliability was measured by intraclass correlation and was 0.74 for the global score indicating good reliability. Individual items ranged between 0.52 and 0.88. No floor effects but ceiling effects were noted. Finally, teams displaying clear closed-loop communication had higher TEAM scores than teams with less clear communication. Conclusions Real time observations of authentic, high priority cases at two emergency departments show that the Swedish version of the TEAM instrument has good psychometric properties for evaluating team performance. The TEAM instrument is thus a welcome tool for assessing non-technical skills of emergency medical teams