261 research outputs found

    The Courts and the Conventions of the Constitution

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    This article addresses the somewhat evasive topic of conventions. In the first part of the article, the author discusses conventions in a very general way as part of our "working Constitution of Canada". In so doing, he considers such questions as: What constitutes a convention?; How does it change?; and, In what circumstances does it change? Numerous examples of conventions are presented and examined. The second part of the article is more specifically concerned with the relationship between the courts and these conventions. Particular emphasis is placed on the patriation reference of 1982 to the Supreme Court of Canada. The author concludes by assessing the appropriate role of the courts with respect to matters of convention.Cet étude adressera le sujet quelque peu évasif des conventions. En premier lieu, l'auteur donnera au apercu général des conventions en rapport avec le rôle de la Constitution du Canada dans notre vie quotidienne. Entre autres, l'auteur discutera les questions suivants: Quelle est une convention?; Comment peut-on modifier une convention?; Dans quelles circonstances est-ce qu'une convention change? L'etude présentera et examinera plusieurs exemples de conventions. En deuxième lieu, l'auteur démontrera la relation qui existe entre les Cours et les conventions et, en particulier, il attirera l'attention sur la référence de patriation à la Cour Suprême du Canada en 1982. Finalement, l'étude évaluera le rôle des Cours le plus approprié en rapport aux affaires des convention

    Towards a Workable Rubric for Assessing Photoshop Liability

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    Demosaicing images from colour cameras for digital image correlation

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    Digital Image Correlation is not the intended use for consumer colour cameras, but with care they can be successfully employed in such a role. The main obstacle is the sparsely sampled colour data caused by the use of a colour filter array (CFA) to separate the colour channels. It is shown that the method used to convert consumer camera raw files into a monochrome image suitable for digital image correlation (DIC) can have a significant effect on the DIC output. A number of widely available software packages and two in-house methods are evaluated in terms of their performance when used with DIC. Using an in-plane rotating disc to produce a highly constrained displacement field, it was found that the bicubic spline based in-house demosaicing method outperformed the other methods in terms of accuracy and aliasing suppression

    Patent arterial duct

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    Patent arterial duct (PAD) is a congenital heart abnormality defined as persistent patency in term infants older than three months. Isolated PAD is found in around 1 in 2000 full term infants. A higher prevalence is found in preterm infants, especially those with low birth weight. The female to male ratio is 2:1. Most patients are asymptomatic when the duct is small. With a moderate-to-large duct, a characteristic continuous heart murmur (loudest in the left upper chest or infraclavicular area) is typical. The precordium may be hyperactive and peripheral pulses are bounding with a wide pulse pressure. Tachycardia, exertional dyspnoea, laboured breathing, fatigue or poor growth are common. Large shunts may lead to failure to thrive, recurrent infection of the upper respiratory tract and congestive heart failure. In the majority of cases of PAD there is no identifiable cause. Persistence of the duct is associated with chromosomal aberrations, asphyxia at birth, birth at high altitude and congenital rubella. Occasional cases are associated with specific genetic defects (trisomy 21 and 18, and the Rubinstein-Taybi and CHARGE syndromes). Familial occurrence of PAD is uncommon and the usual mechanism of inheritance is considered to be polygenic with a recurrence risk of 3%. Rare families with isolated PAD have been described in which the mode of inheritance appears to be dominant or recessive. Familial incidence of PAD has also been linked to Char syndrome, familial thoracic aortic aneurysm/dissection associated with patent arterial duct, and familial patent arterial duct and bicuspid aortic valve associated with hand abnormalities. Diagnosis is based on clinical examination and confirmed with transthoracic echocardiography. Assessment of ductal blood flow can be made using colour flow mapping and pulsed wave Doppler. Antenatal diagnosis is not possible, as PAD is a normal structure during antenatal life. Conditions with signs and symptoms of pulmonary overcirculation secondary to a left-to-right shunt must be excluded. Coronary, systemic and pulmonary arteriovenous fistula, peripheral pulmonary stenosis and ventricular septal defect with aortic regurgitation and collateral vessels must be differentiated from PAD on echocardiogram. In preterm infants with symptomatic heart failure secondary to PAD, treatment may be achieved by surgical ligation or with medical therapy blocking prostaglandin synthesis (indomethacin or ibuprofen). Transcatheter closure of the duct is usually indicated in older children. PAD in preterm and low birth weight infants is associated with significant co-morbidity and mortality due to haemodynamic instability. Asymptomatic patients with a small duct have a normal vital prognosis but have a lifetime risk of endocarditis. Patients with moderate-to-large ducts with significant haemodynamic alterations may develop irreversible changes to pulmonary vascularity and pulmonary hypertension

    A Literature Review on the Effects of Breakfast Consumption and School Breakfast Clubs

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    This paper reviews the academic literature that has been published on children’s breakfast consumption and the impact of school breakfast clubs on children’s diet, health, and educational success. In showing an overall positive impact – particularly on children’s health, but with some encouraging signs too of a correlation between school breakfast club provision and improved cognitive skills, test results, attendance, punctuality, relationships, and behaviour – the paper also seeks to locate this policy initiative within the broader context of social norms and psychosocial factors which influence breakfast consumption. It is that broader context, alongside a determination to ensure this educational intervention provides the best possible value for money, which leads us to conclude that school breakfast provision must be fully integrated into the school day and aligned with budgets for free school meals and after-school provision. The UK Government has given a welcome commitment to extend the National School Breakfast Programme until March 2021. The Programme is delivered by Family Action and Magic breakfast and aims to increase the number of school breakfast clubs in a certain number of deprived areas. This paper attempts to illustrate the path to an effective longer-term strategy which produces optimal outcomes for children from disadvantaged backgrounds, their families, and taxpayers

    Measurement of Creep Deformation across Welds in 316H Stainless Steel Using Digital Image Correlation

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    Spatially resolved measurement of creep deformation across weldments at high temperature cannot be achieved using standard extensometry approaches. In this investigation, a Digital Image Correlation (DIC) based system has been developed for long-term high-temperature creep strain measurement in order to characterise the material deformation behaviour of separate regions of a multi-pass weld. The optical system was sufficiently stable to allow a sequence of photographs to be taken suitable for DIC analysis of creep specimens tested at a temperature of 545 °C for over 2000 h. The images were analysed to produce local creep deformation curves from two cross-weld samples cut from contrasting regions of a multi-pass V-groove weld joining thick-section AISI Type 316H austenitic stainless steel. It is shown that for this weld, the root pass is the weakest region of the structure in creep, most likely due to the large number of thermal cycles it has experienced during the fabrication process. The DIC based measurement method offers improved spatial resolution over conventional methods and greatly reduces the amount of material required for creep characterisation of weldments

    A new method for quantifying anisotropic martensitic transformation strains accumulated during constrained cooling

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    Martensitic phase transformations during welding can play a major role in determining the final residual stresses and they can be anisotropic if the transformation occurs under stress. Traditionally, the Satoh test has been used to quantify the response, but it suffers from the fact that the temperature is not uniform along the specimen length, making it difficult to interpret the data. This shortcoming is overcome in our new experimental method using digital image correlation (DIC) to quantify the temperature dependent evolution of the transformation strain locally both parallel and perpendicular to an applied load, in this case for a high-strength low alloy (HSLA) steel and a tough, low transformation temperature weld consumable designed to mitigate tensile weld residual stresses. The method is able to separate the volumetric component of the transformation strain from the deviatoric transformation plasticity component. The volumetric component is shown to be independent of applied load, while the deviatoric component varies approximately linearly with applied load. For the HSLA steel studied here the method also reveals that the transformation start temperature rises under both tensile and compressive loading, confirming previous work. From a weld modelling viewpoint our method provides sufficient information to include the stress dependency of the anisotropic transformation strain in numerical finite element models of the weld process

    Memetic electromagnetism algorithm for surface reconstruction with rational bivariate Bernstein basis functions

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    Surface reconstruction is a very important issue with outstanding applications in fields such as medical imaging (computer tomography, magnetic resonance), biomedical engineering (customized prosthesis and medical implants), computer-aided design and manufacturing (reverse engineering for the automotive, aerospace and shipbuilding industries), rapid prototyping (scale models of physical parts from CAD data), computer animation and film industry (motion capture, character modeling), archaeology (digital representation and storage of archaeological sites and assets), virtual/augmented reality, and many others. In this paper we address the surface reconstruction problem by using rational Bézier surfaces. This problem is by far more complex than the case for curves we solved in a previous paper. In addition, we deal with data points subjected to measurement noise and irregular sampling, replicating the usual conditions of real-world applications. Our method is based on a memetic approach combining a powerful metaheuristic method for global optimization (the electromagnetism algorithm) with a local search method. This method is applied to a benchmark of five illustrative examples exhibiting challenging features. Our experimental results show that the method performs very well, and it can recover the underlying shape of surfaces with very good accuracy.This research is kindly supported by the Computer Science National Program of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Project #TIN2012-30768, Toho University, and the University of Cantabria. The authors are particularly grateful to the Department of Information Science of Toho University for all the facilities given to carry out this work. We also thank the Editor and the two anonymous reviewers who helped us to improve our paper with several constructive comments and suggestions