92 research outputs found

    Прикладна механіка і основи конструювання: навчально-методичний посібник

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    Розроблено відповідно до навчальної програми і призначено для виконання розрахунково-графічної роботи з дисципліни «Прикладна механіка і основи конструювання» студентам напряму підготовки 6.050202 «Автоматизація та компютерно-ігрегровані технології» денної та заочної форм навчання. Посібник рекомендовано також для самостійної роботи студентів, оскільки він вміщує короткі теоретичні викладки основного матеріалу дисципліни «Прикладна механіка і основи конструювання», умови завдань, приклади їх розв’язування, необхідні довідкові дані

    ADAMDEC1 maintains a growth factor signaling loop in cancer stem cells

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    Glioblastomas (GBM) are lethal brain tumors where poor outcome is attributed to cellular heterogeneity, therapeutic resistance, and a highly infiltrative nature. These characteristics are preferentially linked to GBM cancer stem cells (GSCs), but how GSCs maintain their stemness is incompletely understood and the subject of intense investigation. Here, we identify a novel signaling loop that induces and maintains GSCs consisting of an atypical metalloproteinase, a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-like protein decysin 1 (ADAMDEC1), secreted by GSCs. ADAMDEC1 rapidly solubilizes fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2) to stimulate FGF receptor 1 (FGFR1) expressed on GSCs. FGFR1 signaling induces upregulation of Zinc-finger E-box-binding homeobox 1 (ZEB1) via ERK1/2 that regulates ADAMDEC1 expression through miR-203, creating a positive feedback loop. Genetic or pharmacological targeting of components of this axis attenuates self-renewal and tumor growth. These findings reveal a new signaling axis for GSC maintenance and highlight ADAMDEC1 and FGFR1 as potential therapeutic targets in GB

    Murine Polyomavirus Virus-Like Particles Carrying Full-Length Human PSA Protect BALB/c Mice from Outgrowth of a PSA Expressing Tumor

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    Virus-like particles (VLPs) consist of capsid proteins from viruses and have been shown to be usable as carriers of protein and peptide antigens for immune therapy. In this study, we have produced and assayed murine polyomavirus (MPyV) VLPs carrying the entire human Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) (PSA-MPyVLPs) for their potential use for immune therapy in a mouse model system. BALB/c mice immunized with PSA-MPyVLPs were only marginally protected against outgrowth of a PSA-expressing tumor. To improve protection, PSA-MPyVLPs were co-injected with adjuvant CpG, either alone or loaded onto murine dendritic cells (DCs). Immunization with PSA-MPyVLPs loaded onto DCs in the presence of CpG was shown to efficiently protect mice from tumor outgrowth. In addition, cellular and humoral immune responses after immunization were examined. PSA-specific CD4+ and CD8+ cells were demonstrated, but no PSA-specific IgG antibodies. Vaccination with DCs loaded with PSA-MPyVLPs induced an eight-fold lower titre of anti-VLP antibodies than vaccination with PSA-MPyVLPs alone. In conclusion, immunization of BALB/c mice with PSA-MPyVLPs, loaded onto DCs and co-injected with CpG, induces an efficient PSA-specific tumor protective immune response, including both CD4+ and CD8+ cells with a low induction of anti-VLP antibodies

    Open for collaboration : an academic platform for drug discovery and development at SciLifeLab

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    The Science for Life Laboratory Drug Discovery and Development (SciLifeLab DDD) platform reaches out to Swedish academia with an industry-standard infrastructure for academic drug discovery, supported by earmarked funds from the Swedish government. In this review, we describe the build-up and operation of the platform, and reflect on our first two years of operation, with the ambition to share learnings and best practice with academic drug discovery centers globally. We also discuss how the Swedish Teacher Exemption Law, an internationally unique aspect of the innovation system, has shaped the operation. Furthermore, we address how this investment in infrastructure and expertise can be utilized to facilitate international collaboration between academia and industry in the best interest of those ultimately benefiting the most from translational pharmaceutical research - the patients

    Is there a best woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca)? : a consumer survey of preferred sensory properties and cultivation characteristics of woodland strawberries

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    Introduction        Resistant varieties are important to combat agricultural pathogens and pests in strawberry and other crops. Consequently, plant breeders aim to develop crop varieties with higher resistance in order to increase sustainability. However, plant resistance may affect quality, e.g. sensory properties of the fruits, and thereby consumer acceptance. The development of new varieties may also affect consumer attitudes. The purpose of this study was to investigate consumers’ preferences and attitudes regarding woodland strawberry. Methods Consumer data from a total number of 176 (78% women and 22% men, >18 years) Swedish respondents were collected via a web based survey during two weeks in September 2017. Data were processed using descriptive and analytical statistics. Results The most preferred fruits have a significant flavor of woodland strawberry and are high in sweetness. Further, “naturalness” and “free from pesticides” were of importance to the respondents. Women were significantly more concerned of “naturalness”, especially the older women. The younger claimed that “organic production” was more important. The older consumers were significantly more interested in “healthiness” than the younger, they also found it significantly more important than the younger that strawberries could resist grey mould and pest insects. All the respondents preferred to eat strawberries fresh. Discussion In line with earlier studies, taste and flavor are the most preferred properties for consumers. In woodland strawberry, the compound methyl anthranilate is responsible for the characteristic flavor of the fruit, together with sweetness from saccharides. However, also in accordance with earlier studies, factors such as naturalness, healthiness and organic production are of greatest importance to the consumer. Though it was also apparent that different consumer groups prioritized different factors. However, common for all respondents was a strong preference to eat strawberries fresh!Multifunctional resistance : a key to integrated pest management, pollination, and fruit qualit

    The crystal structure of staphylococcal enterotoxin H : Implications for binding properties to MHC class II and TcR molecules

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    The X-ray structure of the superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin H (SEH) has been determined at 1.69 Å resolution. In this paper we present two structures of zinc-free SEH (apoSEH) and one zinc-loaded form of SEH (ZnSEH). SEH exhibits the conventional superantigen (SAg) fold with two characteristic domains. In ZnSEH one zinc ion per SEH molecule is bound to the C-terminal β-sheet in the region implicated for major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC class II) binding in SEA, SED and SEE. Surprisingly, the zinc ion has only two ligating amino acid residues His206 and Asp208. The other ligands to the zinc ion are two water molecules. An extensive packing interaction between two symmetry-related molecules in the crystal, 834 Å2/molecule, forms a cavity that buries the zinc ions of the molecules. This dimer-like interaction is found in two crystal forms. Nevertheless, zinc-dependent dimerisation is not observed in solution, as seen in the case of SED. A unique feature of SEH as compared to other staphylococcal enterotoxins is a large negatively charged surface close to the Zn2+ site. The interaction of SEH with MHC class II is the strongest known among the staphylococcal enterotoxins. However, SEH seems to lack a SEB-like MHC class II binding site, since the side-chain properties of structurally equivalent amino acid residues in SEH and those in SEB-binding MHC class II differ dramatically. There is also a structural flexibility between the domains of SEH. The domains of two apoSEH structures are related by a 5°rotation leading to at most 3 Å difference in C(α) positions. Since the T-cell receptor probably interacts with both domains, SEH by this rotation may modulate its binding to different TcR Vβ-chains. (C) 2000 Academic Press

    Platelet-derived growth factor over-expression in retinal progenitors results in abnormal retinal vessel formation

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    Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) plays an important role in development of the central nervous system, including the retina. Excessive PDGF signaling is associated with proliferative retinal disorders. We reported previously that transgenic mice in which PDGF-B was over-expressed under control of the nestin enhancer, nes/tk-PdgfB-lacZ, exhibited enhanced apoptosis in the developing corpus striatum. These animals display enlarged lateral ventricles after birth as well as behavioral aberrations as adults. Here, we report that in contrast to the relatively mild central nervous system phenotype, development of the retina is severely disturbed in nes/tk-PdgfB-lacZ mice. In transgenic retinas all nuclear layers were disorganized and photoreceptor segments failed to develop properly. Since astrocyte precursor cells did not populate the retina, retinal vascular progenitors could not form a network of vessels. With time, randomly distributed vessels resembling capillaries formed, but there were no large trunk vessels and the intraocular pressure was reduced. In addition, we observed a delayed regression of the hyaloid vasculature. The prolonged presence of this structure may contribute to the other abnormalities observed in the retina, including the defective lamination