76 research outputs found

    Prof. Dr. BĂĄnĂłczy JolĂĄn emlĂ©kĂ©re (1929–2016)

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    A fogåszat tudomåny és a technikatörténetének nemzetközi és hazai összahasonlító kutatåsa = National and international comparative of history science and technology of dentistry

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    A kutatĂĄs fƑ cĂ©lja volt, hogy a fogĂĄszat mint tevĂ©kenysĂ©g, szolgĂĄltatĂĄs, tudomĂĄny törtĂ©netĂ©t vizsgĂĄlja az ƑsidƑktƑl napjainkig. A kutatĂĄs nem csupĂĄn a fogĂĄszati szakma terĂŒletĂ©re korlĂĄtozĂłdott, hanem korszakonkĂ©nt integrĂĄlta azt az orvosi, a mƱvĂ©szeti Ă©s filozĂłfiai eszmerendszerekbe, hiszen ezek szorosan összefĂŒggenek. KutatĂĄsra Ă©s bemutatĂĄsra kerĂŒlt a foggyĂłgyĂ­tĂĄs minden korszakban szorosan kapcsolĂłdva a termĂ©szetrƑl alkotott ismeretekhez, a mindennapi Ă©let kulturĂĄlis szemlĂ©letĂ©hez, amely a mƱvĂ©szetekben is kifejezƑdik, a technika vĂ­vmĂĄnyaihoz, a nĂ©pi hiedelmekhez, tĂ©vhitekhez Ă©s a mindennapi praktikumhoz. A fogorvoslĂĄs törtĂ©netĂ©rƑl szĂ©p kiĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsĂș könyv tankönyvkĂ©nt is Ă©s kutatĂłk szĂĄmĂĄra rendelkezĂ©sre ĂĄll. | The aim of the research was to investigate the history of science, practice and service from the beginning till today. The research doesn't limited only for the dental practice, it was integrated into the theories system of medicine, artistic, and philosophic periods. We had investigated and researched every period of the dental curing which connected with the knowledge of nature and the view of everyday culture which manifest itself in the arts, in technical news, in misbelieve too. The beautiful book of the history of dentistry is a good textbook for the students and for the researchers

    Új zĂłnĂĄk-rĂ©gi problĂ©mĂĄk

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    Az utcai prostitĂșciĂłnak rĂ©gi hagyomĂĄnya van Budapesten. MĂ­g az 1867-es elsı szabĂĄlyrendelet egyĂ©rtelmĂ»en elıírja, hogy a kĂ©jelgĂ©s szĂ­ntere kizĂĄrĂłlag a bordĂ©lyhĂĄz, addig 1902-ben ez mindössze fıkapitĂĄnyi javaslatkĂ©nt fogalmazĂłdott meg, Ă©s csak az 1909-es szabĂĄlyrendeletben rögzĂ­tettĂ©k, hogy az utcĂĄn Ă»zött prostitĂșciĂłt vissza kell szorĂ­tani

    History of X-ray in dentistry

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    Professor Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (1845-1923) was working at Wuerzburg University in Germany. Working with a cathode-ray tube in his laboratory, Roentgen observed a fluorescent glow of crystals on a table near his tube. The tube that Roentgen was working with consisted of a glass envelope with positive and negative electrodes encapsulated in it. On November 8th, 1895, he was conducting experiments in his laboratory on the effects of cathode rays. The air in the tube was evacuated, and when a high voltage was applied, the tube produced a fluorescent glow. The new type of ray was being emitted from the tube. Roentgen shielded the tube with heavy black paper, and discovered a green coloured fluorescent light generated by a material located a few feet away from the tube. At the first time he investigated his hand, and he surprised to see his hand bones. It was the beginnings of the new investigate picture form inside, without cutting and open the body. Roentgen’s discovery was to open up an exciting field for doctors. It was now possible to use this new form of radiation in the study of the human body. Broken bones, for example, could now be looked at by using the rays to see straight through flesh. Roentgen decided to call them like an unknownray. exact x-rays. A month after his discovery he held a public display featuring the very first x-ray pictures – one’s of his wife’s hand (Figure 1). The news of this amazing breakthrough caused a major stir in the medical and scientific communities. The news had soon travelled around the world. Doctors soon picked up on the beneficial uses of the x-ray photography and were quick in using them to diagnose health complaints. In Germany the process was known for it’s discoverer – Roentgen (Figure 2)

    A fogszĂș törtĂ©nete II.

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    Budapesti erkölcsrendészeti iratanyag forråsfeltåråsa 1873-1883 = The archives resource of Police Department in control of prostitution in Budapest 1873-1883

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    A FƑvĂĄrosi LevĂ©ltĂĄr, Magyar Kir. ÁllamrendƑrsĂ©g Bp-i FƑkapitĂĄnysĂĄgi (ErkölcsrendĂ©szeti) iratokat dolgoztuk fel Ă©s a velĂŒk összefĂŒggĂ©sben lĂ©vƑ egyĂ©b polgĂĄri ĂŒgyeket mint pl. adĂĄs-vĂ©tel, bontĂłper, vĂ©grendelet, szabĂĄlyozĂĄsi eljĂĄrĂĄsok, rendƑrorvosi jelentĂ©sek, kĂ©rvĂ©nyek, TörvĂ©nyszĂ©ki Ă­tĂ©letek. A dokumentumok sokfĂ©lesĂ©gĂ©vel egy teljes korrajzot tudtunk feltĂ©rkĂ©pezni a prostitĂșciĂł tĂĄrsadalomban betöltött szerepĂ©t, a közigazgatĂĄs, közegĂ©szsĂ©gĂŒgy, lĂ©pĂ©seit, valamint erkölcsi megĂ­tĂ©lĂ©sĂ©t, a mindennapok peres ĂŒgyein keresztĂŒl. A bordĂ©lyok adĂĄsvĂ©teli szerzƑdĂ©sein keresztĂŒl megtudjuk a bordĂ©lyok akkori felszereltsĂ©gĂ©t. Az egĂ©szsĂ©gĂŒgyi ellenƑrzĂ©srƑl, az adĂłk nagysĂĄgĂĄrĂłl, a prostituĂĄltak szĂĄmĂĄrĂłl, kilĂ©tĂŒkrƑl a nemzetközi lĂĄnykereskedĂ©srƑl, migrĂĄciĂłrĂłl rĂ©szletes narrativĂĄkat talĂĄltunk. A tanĂșkihallgatĂĄsi jegyzƑkönyvek hƱ kĂ©pet adnak a FƑkapitĂĄnyi döntĂ©sek, a bordĂ©lytulajdonosok vĂ©dekezĂ©sĂ©rƑl, valamint a pönalizĂĄciĂł mĂ©rtĂ©kĂ©rƑl. Nyomon követtĂŒk a feljelentĂ©stƑl kezdve a kihĂĄgĂĄs megĂĄllapĂ­tĂĄsĂĄtĂłl a bĂŒntetĂ©s kiszabĂĄsĂĄig azt a lassĂș folyamatot, melyet nemcsak az erkölcsrendĂ©szet folytatatott hanem sokkal nagyobb idƑintervallumban vizsgĂĄltuk a kutatott terĂŒletet. A kutatott dokumentumokbĂłl forrĂĄskiadvĂĄny összeĂĄllt. | The Archive of Capital (Police of the Hungarian Kingdom/ The Capitan of Headquarters in Budapest documents was digested and with them other civil cases in a context like: Sale and purchase agreement, Divorce, Wills, regulatory procedures, police doctor’s reports, applications, Forensic judgments. With these documents we could map to illustrate the prostitution's role in society, the reaction of the public administration, public health, the moral assessment of the legal affairs in the everyday life. Trough the brothel contracts of sale at the time we know the equipments. Detailed narratives were found of the health check methods, the taxes on the brothel owners, the number and person of prostitutes, the trafficking of human being, migration. The reports give a fair presentation of the witnesses Chief decisions, defensibility of owners, about the punish rate. We could follow the slow process from the denunciation till the establishment of a penalty, during a much larger interval like the given period of morals police. The investigated documents are ready for a source publication.

    Fejezetek a fogĂĄszati tömƑanyagok törtĂ©netĂ©bƑl.

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    A hiĂĄnyzĂł foganyag pĂłtlĂĄsĂĄra, vagyis a fögtömĂ©sre a civilizĂĄciĂł törtĂ©nete sorĂĄn sokfĂ©le, kĂŒlönbözı tulajdonsĂĄgĂș anyaggal, illetve anyagok kombinĂĄciĂłival prĂłbĂĄlkoztak. A tömĂ©sek tĂ­pusaik szerint lehetnek tiszta fĂ©mek, plasztikus tömıanyagok (amalgĂĄmok, cementek, guttaperchĂĄk) Ă©s kĂ©szĂŒlhetnek ĂŒvegbıl vagy porcelĂĄnbĂłl. A legrĂ©gebbi fogtömı anyagokat a mayĂĄk (i. e. 2500 Ă©vvel) hasznĂĄltĂĄk kultikus okokbĂłl: pontosan nem ismerjĂŒk ezek jelentısĂ©gĂ©t, cĂ©ljĂĄt. A felsı, Ă©lı frontfogakba kĂ©zi, parittyĂĄs fĂșrĂłval kör alakĂș kazettĂĄt alakĂ­tva csiszolt fĂ©ldrĂĄgaköveket, Ășn. inlayket kĂ©szĂ­tettek, melyet ragasztĂłanyaggal, cementtel rögzĂ­tettek. Az ĂĄsvĂĄnyi kövek anyaga szerint lehetett: jade, vas-pirit, hematit, kvarc, serpentin Ă©s ezek keverĂ©ke dolomittal, magnezittel, calcitokkal, de olyan paleolĂłgiai leleteket is talĂĄltak, ahol aranytömĂ©seket vagy a frontfogak incizĂĄlis Ă©lĂ©t szabĂĄlyosan levĂĄgva, vagy többszörösen bevĂĄgva talĂĄltĂĄk. Ezek a precolombuszi fogremekmƑvek Ă©s technikĂĄjuk KözĂ©p- Ă©s DĂ©l-Amerika földjĂ©ben maradva feledĂ©sbe merĂŒltek, Ă©s csak a 19. szĂĄzad vĂ©gi ĂĄsatĂĄsok sorĂĄn kerĂŒltek napvilĂĄgra

    Report Hungary

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