8 research outputs found

    Interventional radiology and Brazilian medical students: a survey of knowledge and interests in a public university

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    Objetivos: Avaliar o conhecimento de estudantes de medicina e o interesse em radiologia intervencionista como especialidade e analisar se existe interesse de que este assunto ou especialidade seja inserido no currículo acadêmico. Material e Métodos: Os participantes foram convidados a responder um questionário com diferentes questões relacionadas à radiologia intervencionista e que abordava questões referentes ao nível de conhecimento da especialidade, formação médica necessária, procedimentos realizados e a necessidade de inserção desta especialidade na grade curricular da formação acadêmica médica. Resultados: Cento e oitenta e sete acadêmicos responderam a pesquisa (57 (30,48%) do 1º ou 2º períodos, 110 (58,82%) 3º ou 4º e 20 (10,7%) 5º ou 6º anos). A maioria dos estudantes afirmou conhecer termos relacionados à radiologia intervencionista. Em relação a área de atuação da radiologia intervencionista, 109 (58,29%) sinalizaram o diagnóstico e tratamento. Oitenta e três participantes (44,39%) afirmaram que os procedimentos utilizam todos os métodos de imagem e 70 (37,43%) não souberam responder quais métodos a radiologia intervencionista utiliza. Menos de 50% dos participantes reconhece os procedimentos que podem ser realizados pela especialidade. A grande maioria (95,19%) dos estudantes concordaram que a inserção de mais informações sobre a área durante a graduação seria de grande valia na formação acadêmica. Conclusão: Acadêmicos de medicina têm pouco conhecimento sobre a radiologia intervencionista, no entanto são extremamente positivos em seu desejo de ter esse assunto inserido na grade curricular da faculdade de medicina.Objectives: To evaluate the knowledge of medical students and the interest in interventional radiology as a specialty and to analyze if there is interest that this subject or specialty be inserted in the academic curriculum. Materials and Methods: Participants were invited to respond a questionnaire with different questions related to interventional radiology, which addressed questions related to the level of knowledge of the specialty, medical training required, procedures performed and the need to insert this specialty in the curriculum of academic training. Results: One hundred and eighty-seven academics answered the survey (57 (30.48%) of the 1st or 2nd period, 110 (58.82%) 3rd or 4th and 20 (10.7%) 5th or 6th years). Most students said they knew terms related to interventional radiology. Regarding the intervention area of radiology, 109 (58.29%) signaled the diagnosis and treatment. Eighty-three participants (44.39%) stated that the procedures use all imaging methods and 70 (37.43%) did not know what methods interventional radiology uses. Less than 50% of participants recognize the procedures that can be performed by the specialty. The vast majority (95.19%) of the students agreed that the insertion of more information about the area during the graduation would be of great value in the academic formation. Conclusion: Medical students have poor knowledge about interventional radiology, however they are extremely positive in their desire to have this subject inserted in the curriculum of medical school

    Avaliação Da Contratilidade Uterina Por Ressonância Magnética Em Mulheres Submetidas A Embolização De Miomas Uterinos

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    Purpose: To Evaluate The Impact Of Uterine Fibroid Embolization (Ufe) On Uterine Contractility Using Ultrafast Magnetic Resonance (Cine-Mr) Sequences. Method: This Prospective Study Included 26 Patients, Aged Between 30 And 41 Years (Mean Age: 36 Years), With Symptomatic Uterine Fibroids Undergoing Ufe. Patients Underwent Cine-Rm Sequences Before And 6 Months After Emut. Contractility Was Classified As Absent, Ordered Or Disordered. Patients Were Divided Into Three Patterns Of Evolution Of Contractility After Ufe: Unchanged (Group A), Favorable Modification (Group B) And Loss Of Contractility (Group C). The Following Variables Were Also Evaluated: Uterine Volume, Dominant Localization Of Fibroids, Fibroid-Myometrial Index (Predominance Of Myometrium Versus Predominance Of Fibroids) And Pattern Of Necrosis Of The Dominant Myometrial Nodule After The Procedure. Results: Of The 26 Patients, Eight (30.7%) Had No Contractility Before The Procedure, 18 (69.2%) Presented With Some Type Of Contractility, 11 (61%) WerObjetivo: Avaliar O Impacto Da Embolização De Miomas Uterinos (Emut) Na Contratilidade Uterina Utilizando Sequências Ultrarrápidas De Ressonância Magnética (Cine-Rm). Método: Este Estudo Prospectivo Incluiu 26 Pacientes, Entre 30 E 41 Anos (Média De 36 Anos), Com Miomas Uterinos Sintomáticos Submetidos À Emut. As Pacientes Realizaram Rm Com Técnicas De Cine-Rm Antes E 6 Meses Após A Emut. Na Cine-Rm, A Contratilidade Foi Classificada Como Ausente, Presente Ordenada Ou Presente Desordenada. As Pacientes Foram Divididas Em Três Padrões De Evolução Da Contratilidade Após A Emut: Padrão Inalterado (Grupo A), Modificação Favorável De Padrão (Grupo B) E Perda Da Contratilidade (Grupo C). Foram Avaliadas Também As Seguintes Variáveis: Volume Uterino, Localização Dominante Dos Miomas, Índice Mioma-Miométrio (Predominância De Miométrio Versus Predominância De Miomas) E Padrão De Necrose Do Nódulo Miometrial Dominante. Resultados: Das 26 Pacientes, Oito (30,7%) Não Apresentavam Contratilidade Antes Do Procedimento E 18Dados abertos - Sucupira - Teses e dissertações (2018

    Extracellular matrix metalloproteinase expression in endometrial tissue after arterial embolization of myomas

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    OBJECTIVES: Arterial embolization of myomas (AEM) is controversial because of the changes that occur in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the endometrium and its effect on gestational success in infertile patients desiring reproductive capability. Therefore, we performed this study on the expression of genes in the ECM of the endometrium, such as those coding metalloproteinases (MMP), before and 6 months after embolization of the uterine arteries. METHODS: Seven women with leiomyomas were evaluated, and MMP3 and MMP10 levels were measured. The women underwent pelvic nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), examination, and endometrial biopsy between the 20th and 24th day of the menstrual cycle, and pre- and post-AEM (after 6 months). For data analysis, the Cq comparative method, also known as the 2-DDCT method, was used to calculate the relative quantities of MMP gene expression among the samples collected. RESULTS: There was a significant decrease by 9.52 times in the expression of MMP3 (p=0.007), and a nonsignificant change in the expression of MMP10 (p=0.22) in post-AEM-treated women than pre-AEM-treated women. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that ECM continues to undergo tissue remodeling 6 months after AEM, at least with regard to MMP3 expression, suggesting that AEM affects the ECM for at least 6 months after the procedure

    The value of percutaneous transhepatic treatment of biliary strictures following pediatric liver transplantation

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    <div><p>Abstract Objective: To evaluate the percutaneous transhepatic approach to the treatment of biliary strictures in pediatric patients undergoing liver transplantation. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study of data obtained from the medical records, laboratory reports, and imaging examination reports of pediatric liver transplant recipients who underwent percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography, because of clinical suspicion of biliary strictures, between 1st September 2012 and 31 May 2015. Data were collected for 12 patients, 7 of whom were found to have biliary strictures. Results: In the 7 patients with biliary strictures, a total of 21 procedures were carried out: 2 patients (28.6%) underwent the procedure twice; 3 (42.8%) underwent the procedure three times; and 2 (28.6%) underwent the procedure four times. Therefore, the mean number of procedures per patient was 3 (range, 2–4), and the average interval between them was 2.9 months (range, 0.8–9.1 months). The drainage tube remained in place for a mean of 5.8 months (range, 3.1–12.6 months). One patient presented with a major complication, hemobilia, which was treated with endovascular embolization. Clinical success was achieved in all 7 patients, and the mean follow-up after drain removal was 15.4 months (range, 5.3–26.7 months). Conclusion: The percutaneous transhepatic approach to treating biliary strictures in pediatric liver transplant recipients proved safe, with high rates of technical and clinical success, as well as a low rate of complications.</p></div