25,308 research outputs found

    Quantum Inequalities on the Energy Density in Static Robertson-Walker Spacetimes

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    Quantum inequality restrictions on the stress-energy tensor for negative energy are developed for three and four-dimensional static spacetimes. We derive a general inequality in terms of a sum of mode functions which constrains the magnitude and duration of negative energy seen by an observer at rest in a static spacetime. This inequality is evaluated explicitly for a minimally coupled scalar field in three and four-dimensional static Robertson-Walker universes. In the limit of vanishing curvature, the flat spacetime inequalities are recovered. More generally, these inequalities contain the effects of spacetime curvature. In the limit of short sampling times, they take the flat space form plus subdominant curvature-dependent corrections.Comment: 18 pages, plain LATEX, with 3 figures, uses eps

    Bounds on negative energy densities in flat spacetime

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    We generalise results of Ford and Roman which place lower bounds -- known as quantum inequalities -- on the renormalised energy density of a quantum field averaged against a choice of sampling function. Ford and Roman derived their results for a specific non-compactly supported sampling function; here we use a different argument to obtain quantum inequalities for a class of smooth, even and non-negative sampling functions which are either compactly supported or decay rapidly at infinity. Our results hold in dd-dimensional Minkowski space (d≥2d\ge 2) for the free real scalar field of mass m≥0m\ge 0. We discuss various features of our bounds in 2 and 4 dimensions. In particular, for massless field theory in 2-dimensional Minkowski space, we show that our quantum inequality is weaker than Flanagan's optimal bound by a factor of 3/2.Comment: REVTeX, 13 pages and 2 figures. Minor typos corrected, one reference adde

    Battery workshop

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    The workshop was attended by representatives from industry and government. The requirements for energy storage and the plans for battery development were reviewed. The workshop followed a debate format, with the objective of recommending improvements to the development plans presented by NASA and the Air Force. The issues addressed were: (1) significant technology deficiencies which can be identified; (2) adequacy of current and proposed programs to resolve the technology deficiencies identified; (3) additional tasks which should be undertaken, including benefits and timing; and (4) lowest priority items in the presently planned program, both in content and in timing

    Quantum Inequalities and Singular Energy Densities

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    There has been much recent work on quantum inequalities to constrain negative energy. These are uncertainty principle-type restrictions on the magnitude and duration of negative energy densities or fluxes. We consider several examples of apparent failures of the quantum inequalities, which involve passage of an observer through regions where the negative energy density becomes singular. We argue that this type of situation requires one to formulate quantum inequalities using sampling functions with compact support. We discuss such inequalities, and argue that they remain valid even in the presence of singular energy densities.Comment: 18 pages, LaTex, 2 figures, uses eps

    Restrictions on Negative Energy Density in Flat Spacetime

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    In a previous paper, a bound on the negative energy density seen by an arbitrary inertial observer was derived for the free massless, quantized scalar field in four-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. This constraint has the form of an uncertainty principle-type limitation on the magnitude and duration of the negative energy density. That result was obtained after a somewhat complicated analysis. The goal of the current paper is to present a much simpler method for obtaining such constraints. Similar ``quantum inequality'' bounds on negative energy density are derived for the electromagnetic field, and for the massive scalar field in both two and four-dimensional Minkowski spacetime.Comment: 17 pages, including two figures, uses epsf, minor revisions in the Introduction, conclusions unchange

    Stochastic Spacetime and Brownian Motion of Test Particles

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    The operational meaning of spacetime fluctuations is discussed. Classical spacetime geometry can be viewed as encoding the relations between the motions of test particles in the geometry. By analogy, quantum fluctuations of spacetime geometry can be interpreted in terms of the fluctuations of these motions. Thus one can give meaning to spacetime fluctuations in terms of observables which describe the Brownian motion of test particles. We will first discuss some electromagnetic analogies, where quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field induce Brownian motion of test particles. We next discuss several explicit examples of Brownian motion caused by a fluctuating gravitational field. These examples include lightcone fluctuations, variations in the flight times of photons through the fluctuating geometry, and fluctuations in the expansion parameter given by a Langevin version of the Raychaudhuri equation. The fluctuations in this parameter lead to variations in the luminosity of sources. Other phenomena which can be linked to spacetime fluctuations are spectral line broadening and angular blurring of distant sources.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures. Talk given at the 9th Peyresq workshop, June 200

    A Superluminal Subway: The Krasnikov Tube

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    The ``warp drive'' metric recently presented by Alcubierre has the problem that an observer at the center of the warp bubble is causally separated from the outer edge of the bubble wall. Hence such an observer can neither create a warp bubble on demand nor control one once it has been created. In addition, such a bubble requires negative energy densities. One might hope that elimination of the first problem might ameliorate the second as well. We analyze and generalize a metric, originally proposed by Krasnikov for two spacetime dimensions, which does not suffer from the first difficulty. As a consequence, the Krasnikov metric has the interesting property that although the time for a one-way trip to a distant star cannot be shortened, the time for a round trip, as measured by clocks on Earth, can be made arbitrarily short. In our four dimensional extension of this metric, a ``tube'' is constructed along the path of an outbound spaceship, which connects the Earth and the star. Inside the tube spacetime is flat, but the light cones are opened out so as to allow superluminal travel in one direction. We show that, although a single Krasnikov tube does not involve closed timelike curves, a time machine can be constructed with a system of two non-overlapping tubes. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that Krasnikov tubes, like warp bubbles and traversable wormholes, also involve unphysically thin layers of negative energy density, as well as large total negative energies, and therefore probably cannot be realized in practice.Comment: 20 pages, LATEX, 5 eps figures, uses \eps

    Relation Between Einstein And Quantum Field Equations

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    We show that there exists a choice of scalar field modes, such that the evolution of the quantum field in the zero-mass and large-mass limits is consistent with the Einstein equations for the background geometry. This choice of modes is also consistent with zero production of these particles and thus corresponds to a preferred vacuum state preserved by the evolution. In the zero-mass limit, we find that the quantum field equation implies the Einstein equation for the scale factor of a radiation-dominated universe; in the large-mass case, it implies the corresponding Einstein equation for a matter-dominated universe. Conversely, if the classical radiation-dominated or matter-dominated Einstein equations hold, there is no production of scalar particles in the zero and large mass limits, respectively. The suppression of particle production in the large mass limit is over and above the expected suppression at large mass. Our results hold for a certain class of conformally ultrastatic background geometries and therefore generalize previous results by one of us for spatially flat Robertson-Walker background geometries. In these geometries, we find that the temporal part of the graviton equations reduces to the temporal equation for a massless minimally coupled scalar field, and therefore the results for massless particle production hold also for gravitons. Within the class of modes we study, we also find that the requirement of zero production of massless scalar particles is not consistent with a non-zero cosmological constant. Possible implications are discussed.Comment: Latex, 24 pages. Minor changes in text from original versio

    Casimir Force between a Dielectric Sphere and a Wall: A Model for Amplification of Vacuum Fluctuations

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    The interaction between a polarizable particle and a reflecting wall is examined. A macroscopic approach is adopted in which the averaged force is computed from the Maxwell stress tensor. The particular case of a perfectly reflecting wall and a sphere with a dielectric function given by the Drude model is examined in detail. It is found that the force can be expressed as the sum of a monotonically decaying function of position and of an oscillatory piece. At large separations, the oscillatory piece is the dominant contribution, and is much larger than the Casimir-Polder interaction that arises in the limit that the sphere is a perfect conductor. It is argued that this enhancement of the force can be interpreted in terms of the frequency spectrum of vacuum fluctuations. In the limit of a perfectly conducting sphere, there are cancellations between different parts of the spectrum which no longer occur as completely in the case of a sphere with frequency dependent polarizability. Estimates of the magnitude of the oscillatory component of the force suggest that it may be large enough to be observable.Comment: 18pp, LaTex, 7 figures, uses epsf. Several minor errors corrected, additional comments added in the final two sections, and references update
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