1,227 research outputs found

    Dispositions of Property to Unincorporated Non-Profit Associations

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    It now becomes necessary to examine the cases in which the disposition could not be treated as one to the existing members. This treatment will disclose that some courts have been prepared to regard some dispositions to associations as being for the purposes of the association. The only way in which property may be devoted to a purpose without conferring beneficial interests on particular individuals is by a trust. Accordingly in many instances the disposition takes effect as a trust

    An enhanced classification of artificial ground

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    This report describes a detailed scheme for the mapping and recording of artificial ground. It presents codes and descriptions that underpin the entries in the British Geological Survey stratigraphical lexico

    Are pregnancy outcomes associated with risk factor reporting in routinely collected perinatal data?

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    Relatório de estágio do mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física dos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, apresentado à Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física da Universidade de CoimbraApresentado como um documento reflexivo e figurativo das experiências e vivências tidas durante o ano de Estágio Pedagógico em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, este relatório final foi desenvolvido com base no contexto da Turma do 11º PS da Escola Secundária de Avelar Brotero, contendo, assim, todas as expetativas, conceções, aprendizagens, dificuldades, estratégias, soluções e etapas superadas. Estruturado em cinco capítulos – Enquadramento pessoal onde consta as expetativas iniciais relativas ao Estágio Pedagógico; contextualização da prática desenvolvida, onde caracterizamos o contexto; realização da prática profissional, da qual consta uma reflexão sobre todo o processo de planeamento, realização e avaliação; reflexões acerca do processo pedagógico, onde expomos opiniões edificantes dos desafios e dilemas na condução do processo de ensino-aprendizagem; e o aprofundamento do tema problema – foi evidenciado o caminho que fomos (re)construindo com identidade, partilha e reflexão, e a forma como encaramos o compromisso com as aprendizagens dos alunos. Fundamentado no paradigma construtivista, o desenvolvimento curricular foi neste relatório assumido como um processo que deverá centrar-se no aluno, aludindo ao conjunto de estratégias, métodos e procedimentos que permitem a concretização de um projeto de formação pessoal e social que a prática desportiva pode potenciar. Tendo em atenção os contextos e cenários de aprendizagem, os papéis e responsabilidades de quem ensina e de quem aprende, fomos delegando ao aluno autonomia, iniciativa, criatividade, capacidade de cooperação e entreajuda, capacidade de decidir, vontade de aprender e de praticar. O Modelo de Educação Desportiva, enquanto modelo de ensino, foi um marco neste processo, pelo que foi objeto de um estudo mais aprofundado. This document was presented as a reflective essay on the experiences lived during the year of Practicum in Teaching of Physical Education on learning stages of Elementary School and High School. This final report was based on the class of 11º PS of Avelar Brotero’s High School, and represents all the expectations, conceptions, learning skills, difficulties found in the process, strategies adopted, solutions found and overcome barriers. It was structured in five chapters: initial expectations relating to the Practicum; characterization of the context; professional practice, in which lies was a reflexion about all the process of planning, making and evaluation; problems and challenges occurred during the process of teaching and learning; and finally deep reflection about he main theme - was then noted the way in which we had been (re)building our study with identity, sharing and reflexion and the way we faced the commitment with the students own learning skills and paths. Under the influence of the constructivist paradigm, curriculum development was seen as a process that will focus on the student, alluding to the set of strategies, methods and procedures that allow the making of a project of personal and social development that the sports practice may enhance, delegating the student autonomy, responsibility, initiative, creativity, ability to cooperate and assist others, and ability to learn and share. The Sport Education Model while teaching model it was a milestone in this process, whereat it was object of further study

    Lack of effect of sex on pig embryonic development in vivo

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    The effect of sex on pig conceptus development to day 12 of gestation was investigated. On day 2 of gestation, reciprocal embryo transfers were performed resulting in four groups (Yorkshire–Yorkshire, Yorkshire–Meishan, Meishan–Yorkshire and Meishan–Meishan). Conceptuses at day 12 were recovered from each recipient and diameter, as well as DNA, protein and oestradiol content were determined for individual conceptuses. The sex of individual conceptuses at day 12 was determined by amplification of a fragment of the pig SRY gene, using the polymerase chain reaction. Embryos developed more rapidly to day 12 in Yorkshire recipients, but there was no detectable effect of sex on the diameter, DNA, protein or oestradiol content of conceptuses from any transfer group. Thus, no sex effect was apparent under conditions either promoting or retarding the rate of early pig blastocyst growth. These results provide strong evidence that pig embryonic development occurs at a rate determined by uterine environment and not by sex of the conceptus

    Probing e-e interactions in a periodic array of GaAs quantum wires

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    We present the results of non-linear tunnelling spectroscopy between an array of independent quantum wires and an adjacent two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in a double-quantum-well structure. The two layers are separately contacted using a surface-gate scheme, and the wires are all very regular, with dimensions chosen carefully so that there is minimal modulation of the 2DEG by the gates defining the wires. We have mapped the dispersion spectrum of the 1D wires down to the depletion of the last 1D subband by measuring the conductance \emph{G} as a function of the in-plane magnetic field \emph{B}, the interlayer bias VdcV_{\rm dc} and the wire gate voltage. There is a strong suppression of tunnelling at zero bias, with temperature and dc-bias dependences consistent with power laws, as expected for a Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid caused by electron-electron interactions in the wires. In addition, the current peaks fit the free-electron model quite well, but with just one 1D subband there is extra structure that may indicate interactions.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures; formatting correcte

    Spatial scaling properties of coral reef benthic communities

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    The spatial structure of ecological communities on tropical coral reefs across seascapes and geographies have historically been poorly understood. Here we addressed this for the first time using spatially expansive and thematically resolved benthic community data collected around five uninhabited central Pacific oceanic islands, spanning 6° latitude and 17° longitude. Using towed-diver digital image surveys over ~140 linear km of shallow (8–20 m depth) tropical reef, we highlight the autocorrelated nature of coral reef seascapes. Benthic functional groups and hard coral morphologies displayed significant spatial clustering (positive autocorrelation) up to kilometre-scales around all islands, in some instances dominating entire sections of coastline. The scale and strength of these autocorrelation patterns showed differences across geographies, but patterns were more similar between islands in closer proximity and of a similar size. For example, crustose coralline algae (CCA) were clustered up to scales of 0.3 km at neighbouring Howland and Baker Islands and macroalgae were spatially clustered at scales up to ~3 km at both neighbouring Kingman Reef and Palmyra Atoll. Of all the functional groups, macroalgae had the highest levels of spatial clustering across geographies at the finest resolution of our data (100 m). There were several cases where the upper scale at which benthic community members showed evidence of spatial clustering correlated highly with the upper scales at which concurrent gradients in physical environmental drivers were spatially clustered. These correlations were stronger for surface wave energy than subsurface temperature (regardless of benthic group) and turf algae and CCA had the closest alignments in scale with wave energy across functional groups and geographies. Our findings suggest such physical drivers not only limit or promote the abundance of various benthic competitors on coral reefs, but also play a key role in governing their spatial scaling properties across seascapes

    Evaluation of human and non-human primate antibody binding to pig cells lacking GGTA1/CMAH/β4GalNT2 genes

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    Background Simultaneous inactivation of pig GGTA1 and CMAH genes eliminates carbohydrate xenoantigens recognized by human antibodies. The β4GalNT2 glycosyltransferase may also synthesize xenoantigens. To further characterize glycan-based species incompatibilities, we examined human and non-human primate antibody binding to cells derived from genetically modified pigs lacking these carbohydrate-modifying genes. Methods The Cas9 endonuclease and gRNA were used to create pigs lacking GGTA1, GGTA1/CMAH, or GGTA1/CMAH/β4GalNT2 genes. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated from these animals and examined for binding to IgM and IgG from humans, rhesus macaques, and baboons. Results Cells from GGTA1/CMAH/β4GalNT2 deficient pigs exhibited reduced human IgM and IgG binding compared to cells lacking both GGTA1 and CMAH. Nonhuman primate antibody reactivity with cells from the various pigs exhibited a slightly different pattern of reactivity than that seen in humans. Simultaneous inactivation of the GGTA1 and CMAH genes increased nonhuman primate antibody binding compared to cells lacking either GGTA1 only or to those deficient in GGTA1/CMAH/β4GalNT2. Conclusions Inactivation of the β4GalNT2 gene reduces human and nonhuman primate antibody binding resulting in diminished porcine xenoantigenicity. The increased humoral immunity of nonhuman primates towards GGTA1/CMAH-deficient cells compared to pigs lacking either GGTA1 or GGTA1/CMAH/β4GalNT2 highlights the complexities of carbohydrate xenoantigens and suggests potential limitations of the nonhuman primate model for examining some genetic modifications. The progressive reduction of swine xenoantigens recognized by human immunoglobulin through inactivation of pig GGTA1/CMAH/β4GalNT2 genes demonstrates that the antibody barrier to xenotransplantation can be minimized by genetic engineering