5 research outputs found
Antiplatelet therapy and the prevention of thrombosis
- Author
- Antiplatelet Trialists' Collaboration
- Antiplatelet Trialists' Collaboration
- Antiplatelet Trialists' Collaboration
- Antiplatelet Trialists' Collaboration
- Buring
- Clagett
- Consensus
- Dutch TIA Study Group
- Goldhaber
- Hanssen L and Zanchetti A for the HOT Study Group
- Hull
- Juul-Moller
- MacMahon
- Meade
- Peto
- SALT Collaborative Group
- Steering Committee of the Physicians' Health Study Research Group
- Steering Committee of the Physicians' Health Study Research Group
- Thromboembolic Risk Factors (THRIFT) Consensus Group
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Gender differences in the effects of cardiovascular drugs
- Author
- American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines
- American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee
- Antithrombotic Trialists' Collaboration
- APPROVE Investigators
- ARISTOTLE Committees and Investigators
- ASSENT-2 Investigators. Assessment of the Safety and Efficacy of a New Thrombolytic
- ATLAS ACS 2–TIMI 51 Investigators
- Authors/Task Force Members
- AVERROES Steering Committee and Investigators
- BEAUTIFUL Investigators
- Beta-Blockers in Heart Failure Collaborative Group
- Canadian Acute Coronary Syndrome Registry I and II Investigators
- Carvedilol Prospective Randomized Cumulative Survival (COPERNICUS) Study Group
- Carvedilol Prospective Randomized Cumulative Survival Study Group
- CHAMPION PHOENIX Investigators
- CHARM Investigators and Committees
- Cholesterol Treatment Trialists' (CTT) Collaboration
- Collaboration Antithrombotic Trialists
- CRUSADE Investigators
- ENGAGE AF-TIMI 48 Investigators
- Eplerenone Post-Acute Myocardial Infarction Heart Failure Efficacy and Survival Study Investigators
- ESPRIT Investigators
- ESSENCE (Efficacy and Safety of Subcutaneous Enoxaparin in Non-Q-wave Coronary Events) and TIMI (Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction) 11B Investigators
- EUGenMed Cardiovascular Clinical Study Group
- European Atherosclerosis Society Consensus Panel
- Fibrinolytic Therapy Trialists' (FTT) Collaborative Group
- Fifth Organization to Assess Strategies in Acute Ischemic Syndromes Investigators
- For the ACE inhibitor myocardial infarction collaborative group
- For the Amlodipine Cardiovascular Community Trial Study Group
- For the GUSTO-I Investigators
- For the HOT Study Group
- For the SWORD Investigators
- Fragmin during Instability in Coronary Artery Disease (FRISC) Study Group
- Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio Della Streptochinasi nell'Infarto Miocardico (GISSI)
- Gusto V Investigators
- INITIATIVE Investigators
- Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Women's Health Research Board on Population Health
- INTERHEART Study Investigators
- ISCOAT Study Group (Italian Study on Complications of Oral Anticoagulant Therapy)
- ISIS-2 (Second International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative Group
- LIFE Study Group
- National Institutes of Health
- OASIS-6 Investigators
- OASIS-6 Trial Group
- Office of Extramural Research NIH
- OPTIMAAL Steering Committee of the OPTIMAAL Study Group
- PARADIGM-HF Committees Investigators
- PARADIGM-HF Investigators and Committees
- PLATO Investigators
- PLATO study group
- RE-LY Steering Committee and Investigators
- REMIT Investigators
- REPLACE-2 Investigators
- REPLACE-2 Investigators
- ROCKET AF Investigators
- SCAAR Study Group
- SHIFT Investigators
- SYNERGY Trial Investigators
- The GUSTO Investigators
- The Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation Study Investigators
- The MERIT-HF Study Group
- The SOLVD Investigattors
- TIMI 11A Investigators
- TRITON-TIMI 38 Investigators
- US General Accounting Office (GAO)
- VALIANT Investigators
- Valsartan Heart Failure Trial Investigators
- Valsartan in Acute Myocardial Infarction Trial Investigators
- VALUE Trial Group
- Women's Health Initiative Investigators
- Working Group on Thrombosis of the Italian Society of Cardiology
- Writing Group for the Women's Health Initiative Investigators
- Publication venue
- 'Oxford University Press (OUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Diabetes-Related Risk Factors Across Hispanic Subgroups in the Hispanic Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (1982-1984)
- Author
- American Diabetes Association [ADA]
- American Diabetes Association [ADA]
- American Diabetes Association [ADA]
- American Diabetes Association [ADA]
- American Diabetes Association [ADA]
- Arauz-Pacheco
- Berlowitz
- Boyle
- Buchanan
- Burchfiel
- Burke
- Burrows
- Caban
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]
- Chiasson
- Chobanian
- Cowie
- Craven
- Davis
- Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group
- Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group
- Feldman
- Flegal
- Gavin
- Goodman
- Haffner
- Hamman
- Harris
- Heart Protection Study Collaborative Group
- Kannel
- Kindig
- Kindig
- Labib
- Lahelma
- Martikainen
- Martikainen
- Miech
- Mirowsky
- Mokdad
- Mokdad
- Mokdad
- National Center for Health Statistics [NCHS]
- National Center for Health Statistics [NCHS]
- National Center for Health Statistics [NCHS]
- National Cholesterol Education Program (Adult Treatment Panel III)
- National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
- National Institutes of Health
- Perez-Cardona
- Pyorala
- Ramirez
- Raskin
- Reichard
- Resnick
- Shichiri
- The Expert Committee on the Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus
- The HOT Study Group
- The Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study Group
- Tucker
- Tuomilehto
- U.S. Census Bureau
- U.S. Census Bureau
- United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study Group [UKPDS]
- United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study Group [UKPDS]
- Witzig
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- A's Legal Outcome Whatever
- About Minnesota Health Action Group
- About the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
- Abstract How
- Abuse Fraud
- Accountable Achieving
- Accountable Becoming
- Accountable Becoming
- Accountable Care
- Accountable Care
- Accountable Care Advance Payment
- Accountable Care Collaboratives
- Accountable Care Deep Dive
- Accountable Care High Performance
- Accountable Care Journey
- Accountable Care Missing Ingredient
- Accountable Care Organization Demonstration Establishes Medicaid
- Accountable Care Organization Private Payor
- Accountable Care Organizations at Academic Medical Centers
- Accountable Care Organizations Getting Ready
- Accountable Care Organizations Joint Principles
- Accountable Care Organizations Leap
- Accountable Care Organizations Physicians
- Accountable Care Organizations Transforming Health
- Accountable Care Organizations Workshop Regarding
- Accountable Care Preparing
- Accountable Care The Timeline
- Accountable Care-The Big IT
- Accreditation Process NCQA
- Accreditation Standards NCQA
- ACO Groups Outperform Rest of Network on Clinical Quality.
- Act False Claim
- Act Social Security
- Activity Spurs Flurry
- Address Antitrust Federal Agencies
- Adopt Patient-Center
- Advocate Makes
- Aetna
- Aetna Of
- Aggressive Cigna Plans
- Ahead Work
- Aid In Shared Savings Provider Creates LLC
- Alliance Healthcare Performance
- America's Hospitals Transformation
- American Medicine Social Transformation
- American People Medical Care
- Announces Chairman Cox
- Announces CMS
- Announces CMS
- Announces CMS
- Antitrust
- Antitrust Dealing
- Antitrust Enforcement FTC-DOJ
- Antitrust Policy Has Industry MSSP
- Applicants Draw Cautious Optimism P's Initial
- Applicants Offer Pioneer ACO
- Applicants Want Their Insurers Find MSSP ACO
- Appraiser Penalties IRS
- Appreciated Though
- Are Outdated Regulations
- Ark With
- Arrangement Posts Big Quality MCNT ACO
- Asks CMS
- Asset Trends
- At Taxpayers Laughing
- Baby Will
- Based Plans Are Co-Sponsored
- Be Providers Should
- Beginner's Guide
- Best Attorneys Debate
- Best Better
- Beyond
- Biggest Physician Alignment
- Blue Blue Cross
- Blue Cross Blues
- Blunders You Can Avoid ACO
- Both Worlds Choosing
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Bundled-Payment Program CMS
- Bursting Out All Over Os Are
- Business Valuing
- Buying Calif United Is
- Buzzwords All Providers Should Hot ACO
- C.F.R
- Calif Employers Say
- Can Predictive Analytics
- Capital Access
- Capital Crisis Report
- Capital Navigating Today's
- Capital Spending Analysis
- Care Are Accountable
- Care Creating Accountable
- Care Episode Medicare Acute
- Care Financial Management Understanding Health
- Care Health
- Care Home Health
- Care Hospitals
- Care Initiative Comprehensive Primary
- Care Innovations Guide GE
- Care Organization Demonstration Project Medicaid Accountable
- Care Organization Pilot Program New Accountable
- Care Organizations Constructing Accountable
- Care Organizations If Accountable
- Care Organizations Implementing Accountable
- Care Organizations Implementing Accountable
- Care Organizations Launching Accountable
- Care Primary
- Care Primary
- Care Primary
- Care Providing Accountable
- Care Reform Federal Health
- Care Reform Implementing Health
- Care Toward Accountable
- Care Valuing Health
- Care's Home Health
- Caring Cost
- Case Study ACO
- Case Study ACO
- Case Study ACO
- Case Study ACO
- Catching Up
- Cats Herding
- Change Payment
- Changes Needed Norton Focuses
- Characteristics Physician
- Chronic Disease Management Groups Seek
- Cigna
- Clinic Mayo
- Clinical Integration Capital Planning
- Clinical Integration Program Antitrust Considerations
- Clinical Will
- CMS Faces Divisions within the Agency on ACO Rules
- Co-Ops Challenges
- Coalitions N.J.
- Code United States
- Colorado Puts
- Commercially Insured Population Accountable Care
- Communication Is Bene
- Compass A New Quality
- Compliance Conducting
- Components Insurers Work
- Compromise New American
- Conducting Cost-Benefit Guidelines
- Consultant
- Consulting Guide
- Contemporary Financing Practices Examination
- Control Medicaid Spending Utah Wants
- Conversion Enters New Phase Carilion Clinic
- Corner Editor's
- Corner Thought Leader's
- Corner Thought Leader's
- Corner Thought Leader's
- Corner Thought Leader's
- Cost Accounting Introduction
- Costs Evaluation
- Costs Healthcare
- Costs May Be Rising Healthcare
- Creating Accountable Care Organizations Leadership
- Creating Safety Net Accountable Breaking Down
- Creation ACO
- Criteria Implementing Quali
- Criteria NCQA
- Crossroads Hospitals
- Current Populations Survey Labor Force
- Cyber Exposure Accounting
- Data Are Being Integration Platforms
- Data Sharing Will ACO
- Data So You
- Daubert
- Dave Letter
- Deadline Extended Pioneer ACO
- Delivering Value Defining
- Delivery Innovative Alternative
- Delivery Models New Healthcare
- Demo Is Federal Pediatric
- Demo S's PGP
- Demographic Trends Economic
- Demonstrates Case Study
- Demonstrations Medicare
- Demonstrations That Medicare Touts
- Deputy Letter
- Designs Wrapped Bene
- Development Forgotten Players
- Dictionary Black's Law
- Disclosure Project Brief Consumer-Purchaser
- Dividend Policy Dividends
- Docs May Not Drive Hospital Employment
- Dollars Chasing Unconstitutional Os Waste
- Dominates Some Private-Sector Global Cap
- Don't Hospitals That
- Dr Thought Leader's
- Drug
- Early Provider Seeks
- Economy Impact
- Effective Care Management Golden Payoff
- Efforts May Not Be Geisinger's
- Eight Section
- Electronic Health Use
- Emergence of National Electronic Health Record Architectures in the United States and Australia The
- Enable Formation Massachusetts Weighs
- Encourage Innovation Expanding
- Enterprise-Wide Capital Optimizing
- Entities That Headquarters
- Equation Value
- Establish Oregon Gears
- Estimating Hospital Debt Capacity Financial Planning
- Evolving
- Exclusivity
- Experiments Deliver Hope Care Coordination
- Experts Home Care
- Fair Market Do You
- Falk I. S.
- Federal Health Care Programs CFR
- Federal Trade Commission
- Field Lessons
- Final Rule ACO
- Final Rule CMS
- Final Rules Released ACO
- Finance How
- Financial Crisis Getting Up
- Financial Gauging
- Financial Leaders Strategic Alerts
- Financial Model NEJM
- Financing Growth Handbook
- Financing Guide
- Financing Matters Primary Care
- Firms Focused HOT
- Fiscal Ensuring
- Florida Vinson Ruling
- Focus Quality Matters
- For All Medical Home
- Former Medicare A
- Four Medica Partners
- Fraud Meeting
- Fraud New
- Fraud Os
- Fraud Os Fit
- Frequently Asked
- From Operationalizing
- Function Form Follows
- Funding Investors Not
- Funds Targeted for Innovation Center
- Future Competing
- Future Hospital
- Get Higher Quality Scores Want Higher ACO
- Get New Texas Retirees
- Get Steps
- Glen McDaniel Integrated Delivery
- Good Healthcare Capital
- Governance Effective Policy
- Great Nation's Underemployed
- Growing
- Handbook ACO
- Handbook Complete Capitation
- Handbook Valuation
- Hastings Catching Up
- Health Care Performance Improvement
- Health Care Providers' Patients
- Health Care Reform Learning
- Health Care Spending Geographic Variation
- Health Care System UNC
- Health Care Systems Capital Structure
- Health Care Systems Cash Management
- Health Care Uniquely Is American
- Health Care Value
- Health Economics Dictionary
- Health Information Technology Bene
- Health Information Technology Dictionary
- Health Information Technology Meaningful Use
- Health Information Technology Meaningful Use
- Health Information Technology Terms Defining Key
- Health OECD
- Health Partners
- Health Record Typical Electronic
- Health Reform Physician-Hospital
- Health System U.S.
- Health What Is
- Healthcare Broken Covenant
- Healthcare Conglomerates Get Ready
- HealthCare Costs Another Controlling
- Healthcare Facilities Applying Lean
- Healthcare Industry Running IT
- Healthcare Information Technology MBA
- Healthcare Landscape Ever-Changing
- Healthcare Norton
- Healthcare Providers Reforming Payments
- Healthcare Systems High Performing
- Help Enable Os Can
- Here Getting
- High Interest Os Generate
- High-Performance Care Creating
- Hill Letter
- Holes Structural
- Homes Medical
- Hospital Costs Two Hundred
- Hospital Critical Access
- Hospital Finance Community Leader's
- Hospital Making
- Hospital Management Capital Budgeting
- Hospital Strategies
- Hospital System Kansas City
- Hospital Wants Critical Access
- Hospital's Can Participation
- Hospitalists The New
- Hospitals
- Hospitals
- Hospitals Economics
- Hospitals Financial Management
- Hospitals May Be Tax-Exempt
- Hospitals Will Look to Health Plans for Support on ACO's Clinical Data. Gantry Group
- Hottest Three-Letter ACO
- How Much Control They Hospitals Grapple
- Hurdles ACO
- Impact May Largest Medicare ACO
- Implementation of Recovery Auditing at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- Implementing Health Care Provider Designing
- Improve Care Collaborating
- Improve Tech Platforms
- In
- Incentives for the Use of Health Information Technology and Establishing the Position of the National Health Information Technology Coordinator: Executive Order 13335 of April 27
- Include More Technical Support Aetna Expands
- Increase Value Employers Look
- Infections Are Indicator That Reduced ICU
- Initiative May New CMMI
- Instruments Derivative Financial
- Insurers
- Integration Clinical
- Integration Vertical
- Invitations ACO
- Is Best Strategic Alignment
- Is Human To Err
- Is On Gold Rush
- Issue One NCQA
- Issues Highly CMS
- Its Premier Offers
- Jersey New
- July May Have Later A's Final ACO
- Key Planning
- Key Technology
- Large Geographically Diverse Achieving Accountability
- Larger
- Latest More Physicians
- Launch Accountable Care Network Wisconsin Systems
- Launches CMS
- Law Health
- Lawmakers Advance N.J.
- Laws New State
- Legal Identifying
- Less Doing More
- Letter
- Letter
- Letter
- Letter
- Letter
- Letter from Ambulatory Surgery Center Association (ASC) to CMS
- Liability Insurance Broker Develops
- Like Integrated Delivery Network Scripps Announces
- Links Os Forging
- Long Os May
- Long-Term The
- Loose-Knit Physician Group Seek Advice on How to Form
- Maine
- Makes Major CMS
- Makes PAC
- Managed Competition History
- Management ACO
- Management Financial Institutions
- Management Supply Chain
- Management Working Capital
- Managers Contest RX
- Maps Value
- Marketing's Scope Os Widen
- Markets Antitrust
- Marriage From Courtship
- Marriage From Courtship
- May Be Addressed By Antitrust Worries
- May Hospital Systems
- May Private Payers
- Maze Health Reform
- MD Groups Move Forward with ACO Development Despite Risks.
- Measures Cost Containment
- Measuring Physician Resource Use Alternative Approaches
- Medicaid Payment Initiatives Selected State
- Medical Care Committee
- Medical Care Costs
- Medical Care Reports Committee
- Medical Home Building
- Medical Home Nurturing
- Medical Practice Selling
- Medicare Chief Blum CMS
- Medicare Physician Group Practice Demonstration
- Medicare Physician Group Practice Demonstration
- Medicare Physician Group Practice Demonstration Project Racks Up $38.7 Million in Savings. Chris Anderson
- Medicare Physician Group Practices
- Medicare Role
- Medicare Shared Saving Program Medicare
- Medicare Shared Savings Program Assessing
- Medicare Shared Savings Program Implications
- Medicine Corporate Practice
- Methods Valuation
- Milliman
- Million Medicare Beneficiaries More Than
- Minnesota
- Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee
- Mission Your
- Model ACO
- Model ACO
- Model Good Start
- Model Offers Participants Flexibility Pioneer ACO
- Model Pioneer
- Model Requires Detailed Oncology Payment
- Models Private Sector ACO
- Models Show Improving Preliminary Data
- Modern Health Care Policy Challenges
- Multispecialty Physician Practices Price Trends
- Nancy Pelosi Letter
- Necessarily So It Ain't
- New
- New Administration Offers
- New Advancing Public
- New Day It's
- New Jersey Senate State
- New Pioneer Begins
- News Release
- No-Shows Despite Notable
- Norton
- Not ACO
- Nurses
- Nurses Be Best How Can
- O's Shadows In
- Observers Behavioral Health
- Offered Banner Health
- Offers Legal Protections Not MSSP
- Official Cites Concerns CMS
- Official DOJ
- Official Says Fraud OIG
- Officials CMS
- Opening Their Own Health Insurers
- Opinion Leaders' Health Care
- Organization Accountable Care
- Organization Accountable Care
- Organization Proposed Regulations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Exempt
- Organizations Health Care
- Organizations Hold Promise Accountable Care
- Organizations Will Truly Manage New Healthcare
- Organizations-Health Information Accountable Care
- Organizing
- Os Aetna Forms
- Os AHA
- Os Alternatives
- Os Are
- Os Are Being New
- Os Are Forming More Pediatric
- Os Beyond
- Os Case Studies
- Os Conversion
- Os Cs
- Os Forward Physicians Will
- Os Future
- Os Getting Ready
- Os How Fast
- Os Is Stop-Loss
- Os Manage Staff Time Hospital
- Os May Find Footing Commercial
- Os Medicare
- Os Medicare
- Os Next Steps
- Os No Longer Mythical Medicare
- Os Oncologists Drive
- Os Oregon Launches
- Os Positioning Specialty
- Os Privacy
- Os Proposed Rules
- Os Reduce Health Care Will
- Os Reinforce Could
- Os Rises Notably Employer Interest
- Os Shared Risk
- Os What's
- Os Why Are
- Os Will Medicare
- Os Won't Be Unveiled Pioneer
- Other
- Out Aetna Rolls
- Outlier
- Overcome Physicians Must
- Overview
- Overview Accountable Care
- Own Words In Their
- Own Words In Their
- Own Words In Their
- Own Words In Their
- Own Words In Their
- Participants Five
- Participants Should Know Their MSSP
- Partner Insurer Sees
- Partners Superior Health
- Patient Registry Benchmarks
- Patient View Plans Broad
- Patient-Center
- Patients Medicare Improvements
- Pay
- Pay Os Can
- Payment Ds Cite
- Payment Medicare Physician
- Payment New
- Payment Value-Based
- Payments Bundled
- Payments Episode-Based
- Payments May Hinge ACO
- Penalties Civil Monetary
- Performance Law
- Performance Measurement ACO
- Performance Measures NCQA ACO
- Pharmacists' US
- Physician
- Physician Employment Os Shine
- Physician Group Practice Demonstration
- Physician Group Practice Demonstration
- Physician Group Practice Demonstration Succeeds in Improving Quality and Reducing Costs
- Physician-Driven Model New Jersey
- Physician-Hospital Alignment Pitfalls
- Physicians
- Pilot Is Being Chosen
- Pilot New CMMI
- Pilots Anthem Launches
- Pilots Should Seek Predictable Bundled Payment
- Plan Blues
- Plan Massachusetts
- Plans Consumer-Driven
- Plans May Parent Organizations
- Plans Will Help Self-Funded
- Players New Power
- Poker Liar's
- Policy May Make It Proposed Antitrust
- Population-Based Accountable Hospital Readiness
- Position Financial
- Practice Corporate
- Practice How One
- Preconference
- Premier Accountable Care Collaboratives
- Prepares Detroit PHO
- Prevention Improves Productivity Investing
- Primary Care Practices Cost Survey
- Private Plans Wasting Money
- Prognosis Is Unclear for Delivery Reforms Following Debt Panel
- Program Analysis Accountable Care
- Program Application Shared Savings
- Program Commercial ACO
- Program Medicare
- Program Poster Boys
- Programs Pilot
- Programs Two Medicare ACO
- Projections Renew Latest Medicare
- Projects Healthcare Capital
- Property Valuation
- Proposal Wyden-Ryan
- Proposed Administration Releases
- Proposed Implications
- Proposed Rules Spotlight ACO
- Protection Patient
- Protection Patient
- Prove It Call Yourself
- Provider Groups Support ACO Concept
- Providers Financial Implications
- Provision Raises Antitrust Concerns Health Law
- Public The
- Purchaser Takes Risky Large Healthcare
- Puts Crystal Run's ACO
- Qualified Domestic Relations Orders Qs
- Quality Frameworks
- Quality Health Care Pathways
- Quality Pioneering
- Quality Targets Most Hit
- Question Rural Docs
- Re Letter
- Readiness Assessment Version
- Readiness Planning ACO
- Real Congratulations
- Recession Great
- Recommends RWJF
- Records Overview Electronics Health
- Recovery American
- Reduced Hospital Visits Os Cite
- Reform Health Care
- Reform Health System
- Reform Law Is Pediatric ACO
- Reform Payment
- Reform Top Healthcare
- Registries Clinical
- Regs Are ACO
- Regulations ACO
- Regulations Are Expected This Final CMS MSSP
- Regulations Controversial Draft
- Regulations Put ACO
- Regulations Spells Opposition
- Regulations Stark
- Reinsurance Options ACO
- Related Bills States Debate
- Releases HHS
- Releases Proposed Regulations Regarding CMS
- Relief Tax
- Report Finance Leaders
- Report of the Committee on the Costs of Medical Care
- Report of the Committee on the Costs of Medical Care The
- Reviews Systematic
- Right Fit Finding
- Risk
- Risk-Based Contracts Why
- Roles of Patient-Center
- Ropes &
- Roundtable
- Rule Key Uncertainties
- Rule Offers Final ACO
- Rule Will Encourage Final MSSP
- Rules ACO
- Rules Agencies Release
- Rules Outline Gains New ACO
- Rules Proposal HHS
- Rules Receive Guarded ACO
- Rural Providers May Make Limitations
- S's Final How
- Save Accountable
- Saving Economic Evaluation
- Savings Capital BC
- Savings Medicare Shared
- Savings Program Final Rule What Shared
- Savings Program Medicare Shared
- Savings Program Medicare Shared
- Scale Stanford Presenteeism
- Seattle Group Health
- Seek Plans Will
- Seeks Input CMS
- Self-Tutorial Capital Analysis
- Sends CMS
- Senior Voice Listening
- Service Medicine End
- Services Healthcare
- Sets BSC
- Shape Overweight
- Shared Savings Program CMS
- Shared Savings Programs Design
- Shared Services Centers Can Drive Significant Savings. Jim McDowell
- Sheet Fact
- Shield's California Blue
- Shock Future
- Should Draw Payer Experienced Providers
- Show Long-Term Promise Bundled Payments
- Shows Physicians Swiss Experiment
- Site Visits Key Findings
- Small Medical Groups Face Decisions in Af liation
- Social Theory Foundations
- Spending Differences Associated with the Medicare Physician Group Practice Demonstration. Carrie H. Colla David E. Wennberg, Ellen Meara, Daniel Gottlieb, Valerie A. Lewis, et al.
- Spending Growth Implications
- Spending Health Care
- Spending-The Massachusetts Controlling Healthcare
- Spotlights Physician-Friendly CMS
- Start-Up Costs ACO
- State Doctor's Duty
- Strategies Intermountain Shares
- Strategies Valuation
- Strategy Competitive
- Study Case
- Study Identifies ACO
- Success Role
- Success Secrets
- Super Committee Gets Scores of Recommendations
- Suppliers Venture Capital
- Supply Chain Os
- System Purposes Federal Reserve
- Team ACO
- Team Finance's
- Team-Based Performance Engaging Staff
- Technology Health Information
- Texas Could Make It New Laws
- That Has Improved Mortality Texas ACO
- The Coordinated ED
- Their Own Patients May
- Their Risks Rewards
- Them End
- Those That Some
- To Be
- Tocknell How Rivals
- Today Medical Practice
- Total Insured Californians ACO HMO
- Tough Oncology Poses
- Transition Healthcare Marketing
- Translation Lost
- Transparency Industry Tells CMS
- Trend Corporate Social
- Triple Aim HealthPartners'
- Unicorn Stalking
- University Medical Center ACO Eyes Private Plans for the Future.
- Unveils NCQA
- Update Primary Care
- US Oncology May Go National with Private-Sector ACO. Judy P. Tursman.
- Used Sacramento Pilot
- Valuation
- Valuation of Hospitals &
- Valuation Theory
- Value Creating Shareholder
- Value Creating Shareholder
- Value Forms
- Value From Volume
- Value Introduction
- Value Making
- Value Theory
- Variable-Rate Debt Risks
- ver Medicare Quality Reporting Most Doctors
- ver Quantity Quality
- We What Can
- Wellmark
- Whom You Ask Nursing Homes
- Why Are Insurers Buying Physician Groups
- Why Not the Best? Results from a National Scorecard on U.S.
- Will CIGNA
- Will Larger Plans
- Will Use Prospective Patient Experts Predict CMS
- Work Time Lost Productive
- World Brave New
- Wrong Capital Budget Requests Spending Scarce
- You Movin'
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Infrared spectrometry
- Author
- (A3) Determination of the Phenyl Group in Organosilicon Compounds Kreshkov, A. P., Ponomarev, V. S., Kirichenko, E. A., Damaeva, A. D., Shaplna, T. N„ Plast. Massy, 49-50
- (A39) JR Spectroscopic Method for Determining Nitro Group Impurities in Aromatic Diisocyanates Caraculacu, Adrian, Barba lata, Alla, Grigoriu, George E.
- (A53) Determination of the Hydroxyl Number of Polyurethane Prepolymers with Terminal Hydroxyl Groups
- (A55) Quantitative Determination of Isocyanurate Groups in Polyurethane Foam Putnins, E., Putnina, V., Karlivans, V., Latv. PSR Zinat. Akad. VestÃs, Kim. Ser., 367-8
- (A64) Infrared and Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Determination of the Composition of Groups of Compounds in Lubricating Oils of High Sulfur Content Belafi-Rethy, Katalin
- (A67) Determination of Hydroxyl Group Content in Cottonseed Oil Yunusova, S. G., Kantsepol'skaya, F. M., Kristallovich, E. L, Glushenkova, A. I., Umarov, A. U., Khim. Prir. Soedin., 300-3
- (B19) Atlas of Long-Wave Infrared Absorption Spectra of Complex Group III-V Metal and Uranyl Fluorides Kharitonov, Yu. Ya„ Davidovich, R. L., Kostin, V. I., (Nauka
- (B29) The Coblentz Society Desk Book of Infrared Spectra Graver, Clara D.
- (B30) NATO Advanced Study Institute Series Vol.
- (B37) NATO Advanced Study Institutes Series C
- (B4) Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Vol.
- (B6) International Center of Information on Antibiotics Inf, Bull. 16, Pt.
- (C37) Separation of the Raman or JR Lines of a Group Constituting Several Superimposed Lines Fahys, B., Rondot, D., Mignot, J
- (L9) Broadly Tunable Pulsed Laser for the Infrared Using Color Centers
- (M17) Infrared Studies of some Analgesic Group Commercial Tablet Samples Lai, B. B„ Varma
- (P80) State of Water in Cellulose Acetate Membranes Toprak, Chris, Agar, John N., Falk, Michael
- (R151) Some Wider Uses of Group Frequencies Bellamy, L. J.
- (R25) Fourier Transform Infrared: Applications to National Technical Problems Ferraro, John R., Basile, Louis J.
- (R28) Characteristic Vibrational Frequencies of Compounds Containing Main-Group Elements Gans, P.
- (T116) High Resolution Study of the Group V Impurities Absorption in Silicon Pajot, B., Kauppinen, J., Anttila, R.
- (T37) Infrared Group
- Absorption Effects Naylor
- Absorption Infrared Spectroscopy Pritchard
- Absorption Scanning Matare
- Absorption Spectra Lin
- Absorption Spectrum Chang
- Absorption System Using Topographic
- Actinides Goffart
- Activation
- Activation Analysis Hoffmann
- Adsorbed Species Dignam
- Air Dispersion Filters Vereshchagin
- Airplane Appel
- Alkali Metal Methacrylates III
- Alkyds Frazee
- Aluminum Single Crystals Mertens
- Ambient Temperature Griffiths
- Amorphous Semiconductors Brodsky
- An Audio-Visual Program Maas
- An Infrared Method Iyer
- An Iterative
- Analysis Dally
- Analytical Chemistry Geick
- Analytical Chemistry Hirschfeld
- Analytical Laboratory Manocha
- Analyzer Lang
- Analyzers Refine Process Control Jones
- Anesthetic Chemicals Zeller
- Anharmonic Vibrations Durig
- Anisotropic Branched Polyethylene
- Answer Box'Approach Obremski
- Application Chaney
- Applications
- Applications Carlsson
- Applied Infrared Spectroscopy
- Aragonite-Calcite Transformation Rao
- Aromatic Chlorocarbons Ballester
- Aromatic Polyamide Fibers King
- Aromatic Polyamides Shablygin
- Artifact Strassburger
- Atactic Polystyrene Enns
- Atactic Polystyrene Jasse
- Atmosphere
- Atmosphere Cappellani
- Atmosphere Lukshin
- Atmosphere Maker
- Atmospheric Formaldehyde Marche
- Atmospheric Halocarbon Monitoring Techniques Rasmussen
- Atmospheric Reactions Niki
- Atmospheric Sensing Restelli
- Atmospheric Trace Constituents I.
- Atmospheric Trace Gases Sebacher
- Attenuated Total Internal Reflection Dorofeev
- Attenuated Total Reflection Crawford
- Attenuated Total Reflection Escolar
- Automated Interpretation Heite
- Avail
- Band Filters Chamberlain
- Band Resolution V.
- Bandpass Mesh Interference Filters Holah
- Barley Allison
- Based File Searching Powell
- Biological Interest Vergoten
- Biological Macromolecules D'Esposito
- Biological Membranes A
- Block Copolymers West
- Blown Polypropylene Films Bottin
- Boehm S.
- Buback Z. Naturforsch.
- Bulk Materials Hass
- Calcium Fluoride Surfaces Palik
- Calculating Molecular Vibrations Dement'ev
- Calibration Curves I.
- Carbon Dioxide Determination Paul
- Carbon Dioxide Huddleston
- Carbon Dioxide Measurements Bischof
- Carbon Dioxide Parkinson
- Carbon Painter
- Carbon Zawadzkl
- Cellulose Vakulyuk
- Cement De Luxan
- Cement Manufacture Ghosh
- Chain Structure Dobos
- Chemical Analysis Butler
- Chemistry Griffiths
- Chenery D. H.
- Chloramphenicol Namigohar
- Chloroform Halothane
- Chromatograms Hanna
- Chromatography
- Chromatography Versaud
- Chrtins Galat
- Coal A Novel
- Coal Bartle
- Coker Gasoline Distillate Hanna
- Column Eluates Vldrlne
- Commercial Dlvlnylbenzene Witt
- Compensational Spectra Baumgarten
- Complex Organic Mixtures Lynch
- Component Metals Mertens
- Composite Matrix Resins May
- Compound Identification System Hanna
- Compounds Von Eijk
- Computer Assisted Vibrational Spectroscopy Coleman
- Computer-Readable Form Penca
- Conservation I. General Principles
- Contaminants Using Grating Spectrometers Obremski
- Conventional Gas Chromatograph Shaps
- Copper Light Pipes Griffiths
- Correlation Functions Lester
- Correlation Infrared Process Analyzer Garfunkel
- Correlation Spectroscopy Wiens
- Cost Infrared Data Systems Coates
- Counter Imaging System Krasutsky
- Cryogenic Solutions Freund
- Crystalline Polymers Tadakoro
- Crystals Hexter
- Crystals Vakulenko
- Cyclic Loading Leksovskll
- Dairy Laboratory Hoffer
- Danielsson Bengt
- Data Collections A. Condensed Phases
- Defect Polymer Solids Loginov
- der Tensile Loads Gudim
- Desiccant Samish
- Detailed Intensity Information Rasmussen
- Detection Claspy
- Detection Kreuzer
- Detection Pao
- Detector Talmi
- Deuterated Lipids Smith
- Diameter Tungsten Wire Mok
- Diamond Anvil Cell Klaeboe
- Differential Infrared Spectrophotometry Naqvi
- Differential Infrared Spectroscopy Rousseaux
- Diketones Valiere
- Dimov N.
- Dioxide Hirano
- Dispersive Fourier Transform Spectrometry Birch
- Dispersive Fourier Transform Spectroscopy Birch
- Dye Laser Hartig
- Dynamic Infrared Studies I.
- Effects In Difference Spectra Aliara
- Effluents Curbelo
- Effluents Mattson
- Electric Field Courtois
- Electrical Insulating Materials Blahnlk
- Electrolytic Extraction-Infrared Spectrometry Yoshida
- Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Froitzheim
- Elevated Temperatures Terlemezyan
- Ellipsometric Method Batavin
- Emission Measurements Baumgarten
- Enamel C
- Environmental Analysis Griffiths
- Environmental Protection Schunck
- Epoxy Resin Formulations Hagnauer
- Ethylene Fukumi
- External Calibration Koenig
- Far Infrared Absorption Spectra Tateyama
- Far Infrared Astronomical Observations Houck
- Far Infrared Fourier Spectroscopy Kitade
- Far Infrared Kilp
- Far Infrared Radostitz
- Far Infrared Spectroscopy K'rtade
- Far Infrared Spectroscopy Otsuka
- Far-Infrared Interferometry Durig
- Farhat Shamim
- Fat Protein
- Fiber-Forming Polymers Marupov
- Fibers
- Fibrous Materials Aronson
- Films Stas'kov
- Filter Correlation Methods Gryvnak
- Flame-Retardant Fabrics McCall
- Fleming John
- Flip Raman Laser Smith
- Fluorescence Spectroscopy Gottardi
- Forensic Analysis Griffiths
- Forensic Science Grieve
- Formulation Quality Control Obremski
- Fourier Air Monitor Smith
- Fourier Spectroscopy Fonck
- Fourier Transform Infrared
- Fourier Transform Infrared Green
- Fourier Transform Infrared Griffiths
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectra Antoon
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer Baumgarten
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer Kuehl
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer Kuehl
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer Mattson
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometers Anderson
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry Grieble
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry Hembree
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry Hirschfeld
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry Hirschfeld
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry Hirschfeld
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry Lowry
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry Matsul
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry Taylor
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy D'Esposito
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Genzel
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Ishida
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Sprouse
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Wehry
- Fourier Transform Infrared System Krishnan
- Fourier Transform Spectrometer Scanlon
- Fourier Transform Spectroscopy Cooper
- Fourier Transform Spectroscopy Larson
- Fourier Transform Spectroscopy Ñafie
- Fractionated Coal Liquids Painter
- Free Carrier Infrared Absorption Schwartz
- Free Radicals Hester
- Fuels Spectroscopic
- Gain Ranging Hirschfeld
- Gas Chromatographic Peaks Delaney
- Gas Chromatographic Peaks Wall
- Gas Chromatography Delaney
- Gas Chromatography Delaney
- Gas Chromatography Effluents Clark
- Gas-Chromatographic Methods Sklyar
- Gaseous Pollutants Laurent
- Gel Permeation Chromatography Birley
- General Concepts Buechi
- Germanium Compounds Nauka
- Glass Fiber Ishida
- Glass Surfaces Fink
- Glycerides Using Infrared Detection Parris
- Gravimetric Study Careri
- Harmonic Generator Zuidberg
- Hemiellipsoidal Mirror Infrared Reflectometer Wood
- Hemocyanins Carbon
- Hemoglobin Alben
- Hemoglobin Alben
- Heterodyne Interferometer Kristal
- Heterodyne Spectrometers Betz
- High Grade Quartz Lipson
- High Magnetic Fields Kotthaus
- High Pressure Obriot
- High Pressures Ferraro
- High Sensitivity Huber-Waelchll
- High Spectral Resolution Spaenkuch
- High Temperatures Hattori
- High-Power CW
- High-Pressure Polyethylene Stas'kov
- Highest Possible Performance Seeley
- Hot Teflon Coating A
- Hydrated Films Heathman
- Hydrogen Bonding A Semi-Quantitative
- Important Pesticides Giang
- In Loaded Composite Material Regel
- In Melt Crystallized Polyethylene Rueda
- In Polyethylene Rueda
- Inclusion Compounds Davies
- Induced Cholesteric Solutions Korte
- Industrial Analysis Peitscher
- Industrial Aqueous Effluents Kotarski
- Industrial Carbonylation Reactions Hagen
- Industrial Infrared Analysis Grasselli
- Information Bulletin No.
- Information Theory Dupuis
- Infrared
- Infrared Absorption
- Infrared Absorption A Review
- Infrared Absorption Band Shapes II.
- Infrared Absorption Band Shapes Methods
- Infrared Absorption Gauge Edgar
- Infrared Absorption Photometry Terashima
- Infrared Analysis White
- Infrared Applications Reich
- Infrared Astronomy Beckman
- Infrared Data Bases Fisk
- Infrared Data Files Penca
- Infrared Detection Hwang
- Infrared Detectors Levinstein
- Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Spectrometer Niwa
- Infrared Emission
- Infrared Emission Spectroscopy Bates
- Infrared Emission Spectroscopy Lauer
- Infrared Emission Spectroscopy Maulhardt
- Infrared Emission Spectroscopy Pham Van
- Infrared Extinction Using Lidar Murray
- Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometry
- Infrared Fourier Transform• Spectrometry Fuller
- Infrared Heavy-Water Instruments
- Infrared Heterodyne Radiometer Davies
- Infrared Heterodyne Spectrometer Abbas
- Infrared Heterodyne Spectroscopy Abbas
- Infrared Heterodyne Spectroscopy Abbas
- Infrared Intensities Steele
- Infrared Interference Morosanu
- Infrared Lees
- Infrared Matrix Isolation Spectrometry Reedy
- Infrared Measurements Greve
- Infrared Methods Black
- Infrared Methods Taleb-Bendiab
- Infrared Moorwood
- Infrared Photography Using Semiconductors Pinson
- Infrared Polarization Measurements Krishnan
- Infrared Raman Sources De Martino
- Infrared Reflectance Shenk
- Infrared Region Vol
- Infrared Schaber
- Infrared Schroeder
- Infrared Spectra Clark
- Infrared Spectra De Biasi
- Infrared Spectra Eckert
- Infrared Spectra Schaarschmidt
- Infrared Spectra Simons
- Infrared Spectra Veszpremi
- Infrared Spectra Zupan
- Infrared Spectral Data Clerc
- Infrared Spectral Region Kossova
- Infrared Spectral Studies Balllntine
- Infrared Spectrometry Adam
- Infrared Spectrometry Bessler
- Infrared Spectrometry Cyr
- Infrared Spectrometry Paxson
- Infrared Spectrometry Rethy
- Infrared Spectrometry Vance
- Infrared Spectrophotometry AM B
- Infrared Spectrophotometry Bondoli
- Infrared Spectrophotometry Carbon Monoxide
- Infrared Spectrophotometry Hirayama
- Infrared Spectrophotometry Namigohar
- Infrared Spectrophotometry Ohmacht
- Infrared Spectrophotometry Trinler
- Infrared Spectroscopic
- Infrared Spectroscopy A Monograph
- Infrared Spectroscopy Andrews
- Infrared Spectroscopy Ataman
- Infrared Spectroscopy Casy
- Infrared Spectroscopy Cleverley
- Infrared Spectroscopy Cook
- Infrared Spectroscopy Endrle
- Infrared Spectroscopy Estep-Barnes
- Infrared Spectroscopy Fultz
- Infrared Spectroscopy Goldfarb
- Infrared Spectroscopy Golfier
- Infrared Spectroscopy Hlavay
- Infrared Spectroscopy Krejcar
- Infrared Spectroscopy Liquier
- Infrared Spectroscopy McRae
- Infrared Spectroscopy Mizrahi
- Infrared Spectroscopy Mori
- Infrared Spectroscopy Reed
- Infrared Spectroscopy Rollins
- Infrared Spectroscopy Rudnaya
- Infrared Spectroscopy Schnepel
- Infrared Spectroscopy Using Preconcentration Separation
- Infrared Spectroscopy Zuzi
- Infrared Studies Schneider
- Infrared Transmission PÃnnow
- Infrared Truett
- Infrared Vibrational Circular Dichroism Ñafie
- Inorganic Chemistry Farmer
- Instrumental Methods Sachdev
- Instrumentation Measurement Techniques
- Insulating Film Thickness Measurement Hlnze
- Intensity Data Tanabe
- Interatomic Bonds In Polymers Voroboyev
- Interfering Gases Perlmutter
- Interferograms Small
- Interferometric Spectroscopy Chamberlain
- Internal Reflection Spectroscopy Sung
- Internal-Reflection Spectroscopy Holm
- Internal-Reflection Spectroscopy Palik
- Interpretation Sheppard
- Intrinsic Semiconductors Longo
- Inversion
- Ion Clustering In Ionomers Rouse
- Ionic Crystals De Wette
- Ionomer Clustering Rouse
- Iqbal Z.
- Isotactlc Polystyrene Painter
- Janicka K.
- Kuiper Airborne Observatory Harvey
- Kupecek P.
- Laboratory Industry
- Landa Isaac
- Lapse Infrared Spectroscopy Hartshorn
- Laser Double-Beam Spectrometer Dubs
- Laser Raman Spectroscopy Srivastava
- Lasers Jones
- Layered Materials Wieting
- Lead Alloys Pujade-Renaud
- Leg Wire Identification Kopec
- Ligands Davidson
- Ligands Gases
- Light-Pipe Type Hansen
- Liquid Argon Solution Jeannotte
- Liquid Crystals I. Surface-Induced
- Liquid Ionization Chamber Media Gruhn
- Liquid Substances Shevchuk
- Liquids Clarke
- Liquids Kanstad
- Long-Path Automatic
- Low Carbon Dioxide Concentrations Bingham
- Low Temperature Infrared Spectrometry Carreau
- Lung Surfactant Krishnan
- Macromolecules Coleman
- Magic Brown
- Matrix Isolation Spectroscopy Mamantov
- Measuring Infrared Emissivity Emilsson
- Meat Products I. Plotting
- Mechanical Measurements I. The
- Mechanical Measurements The
- Mechanical Treatment Terlemezyan
- Medium Rings Rounds
- Melt Extrusion Penwell
- Metal Carbonyls Kettle
- Metal Carbonyls Mauro
- Metal Nucleic Acid Systems Theophanides
- Metal Substrates Aliara
- Metal Surfaces Kanstad
- Metal-Ligand Bond Cheremisina
- Metals Boerio
- Meteor Satellites Pakamov
- Methane Baumgartner
- Methane Sebacher
- Methanol Choppin
- Methods Gribov
- Micro Paint Analysis Audette
- Microcrystalline Cellulose III
- Micrometeorologlcal Studies Daoo
- Middle Infrared Spectroscopic Observations Larson
- Milk Industry Laboratories Hoffer
- Millimeter Waves Vol
- Mineralogist Dietrich
- Minerals Rossman
- Mixtures Lin
- Mixtures Namigohar
- Mixtures Rasmussen
- Modern Infrared Technology Schwickardi
- Molecular Air Pollutants Mooradian
- Molecular Crystals Schrader
- Molecular Fragments Dement'ev
- Molecular Motions Perrot
- Molecular Spectra Gribov
- Molecular Spectra Melkozerova
- Molecular Spectra Serov
- Molecular Spectroscopy
- Molecular Structure
- Molecular Vibrations Koptev
- Molten Sulfur Startsev
- Molybdenum Gratton
- Monitoring Acrylonitrile Jacobs
- Monitoring Chemical Processes Jones
- Monodisperse Aerosols Schroeder
- Monomolecular Layers Chollet
- Multi-Component Multi-Point
- Multicomponent Acrylic Polymers Tomescu
- Mycobacterium Paraffinicum Cells Gusev
- Natural Membranes Cameron
- Natural Quartz Crystals Komov
- Near Infrared Landa
- Near Infrared Procedures Miller
- Near Infrared Reflectance Instrumentation Rotolo
- Near Infrared Region Vechkasov
- Near-Infrared Reflectance Rubenthaler
- Near-Infrared Region Adams
- New Analytical Methods Optoacoustical
- New Technique Bethune
- Nickel Faces Bertolini
- Nitrogen Dioxide Measurements Drummond
- Nitrous
- Nobbs J. H.
- Noninvasive Infrared
- Number Optics Kauppinen
- O'Keefe David H
- Oblique Phonons Freeh
- Oil Identification Adinoff
- Oils Verges
- Ointments Danielak
- Operating Junction Devices White
- Optical Method Malyutenko
- Opto-Acoustic Spectroscopy
- Optoacoustic Spectroscopy Kelley
- Organic
- Organic Compounds Clerc
- Organic Compounds Sasaki
- Organophosphorus Compounds Shagidullin
- Oriented Chemical Information System Zupan
- Oxygen Chance
- Oyster Shells Ramaswamy
- Ozone High Resolution
- Partially-Known Composition Zyat'kov
- Particulate Compounds
- Pectic Substances Filippov
- Performance Liquid Chromatography Sebenik
- Performance Potential Bourne
- Petroleum
- Pharmaceuticals Brlckell
- Phenol Alkylation Products Perov
- Photomechanical Processes Saidov
- Pitch Ruede
- Planetary Atmospheres Fink
- Plastics Analysis Vol
- Plastics Infrared Spectrophotometric
- Pollution Patel
- Polyacrylonitrile Coleman
- Polyamlc Acids A. N.
- Polyatomic Molecules Blanke
- Polyatomic Molecules Gribov
- Polybutadiene Gemmer
- Polychloroprenes Accentuation
- Polychloropropenes Structural
- Polycrystalline Silver Halides Garfunkel
- Polydimethylsiloxane Membranes Kennedy
- Polyesterimlde Resins Singh
- Polyethylene Barnes
- Polyethylene Hart
- Polyethylene Melkumov
- Polyethylene Painter
- Polyethylene The
- Polymer Blends I.
- Polymer Blends II
- Polymer Spectroscopy Brames
- Polymer Systems Antoon
- Polymer Systems Koenig
- Polymeric Materials Coleman
- Polymers A Review
- Polymers Containing Benzene Rings
- Polymers Gribov
- Polymers Loginov
- Polymers Panov
- Polymers Using Vibrational Spectroscopy Jasse
- Polymers Wool
- Polymethylene Chain Snyder
- Polypeptides Peticolas
- Polypropylene Blackwell
- Polypropylene Painter
- Polystyrene Film Polystyrene
- Polystyrene Film Polystyrene
- Polyurethane Block Polymers Srichatraplmuk
- Porous Silica Interface Ishida
- Porphyrins Alben
- Predictions Ackerman
- Pressure
- Pressure Infrared Interferometry Lauer
- Prism Kaiser
- Problems Involved Hirschfeld
- Propantheline Bromide Brannon
- Propylene Copolymers Toader
- Proteins Painter
- Pulse Breeding Programs Williams
- Quality
- Quality
- Quality Assurance McAllister
- Quartz Kaolin
- Quartz Production Kurashige
- Quartz Surfaces Ershova
- Radiation Using Harmonic Generation Huyben
- Raman Lasers Grasyuk
- Raman Optical Activity Ñafie
- Raman Spectroscopy Vol
- Raman Spectroscopy Vol
- Raman Spectroscopy Whalley
- Rapid Scan Fourier Spectroscopy Busse
- Ray Diffractometry Raina
- Ray Scattering Kuepper
- Ray Structure Analysis Steger
- Red Gas Analysis Hauck
- Reference Data Dupuis
- Reflection Spectroscopy
- Reinforced Plastics Chmel
- Related Species Burdett
- Remote
- Resolved Infrared Spectral Photography Bethune
- Resonance Absorption Gerlach
- Respirable Dust Heidermanns
- Retrieval Purposes Dupuis
- Robert S. McDonald
- Rubber Osland
- Rubidium Vapor Nlay
- Saferstein Richard
- Sapphire Cell Infrared Spectrophotometry Read
- Sea Water Kantin
- Sedimented Substances Mineral Oil
- Seeley J. S.
- Segmented Polyurethanes Fourier Transform JR
- Selected Organic Solvents Barbetta
- Semiconductors Gopal
- Semiconductors Stradling
- Semiconductors Weisbuch
- Semiconductors White
- Silicon Containing Oxygen Sari
- Silicon Jastrzebski
- Silicon Schroder
- Silicone Localization
- Single Beam Infrared Spectrometer Syrjala
- Single Crystals Adams
- Small Molecules Lehmann
- Small Ring Molecules Carreira
- Small Strains Jansson
- Soda-Treated Cotton Ferrus
- Sodium Nitrite Solutions Loginov
- Sodium Vapors Solomatin
- Soils Hlavay
- Solid Adsorption Studies Ramamoorthy
- Solid State Analysis Steger
- Solids Baraldl
- Solids Durig
- Solution Coates
- Solution Vincent-Geisse
- Some Practical Considerations Smith
- Source Emissions Herget
- Space Science Library Vol
- Spacelab Bonetti
- Spacelab Witt
- Specialist Periodical Reports
- Specialist Periodical Reports
- Specialist Periodical Reports
- Specialist Periodical Reports
- Spectra
- Spectra Using Pattern Recognition Comerford
- Spectral Data Goehner
- Spectral Infrared Experiment Nadile
- Spectral Range Balashov
- Spectrally Varying Experiments Anderson
- Spectrofluorimetric Methods Ovsepyan
- Spectrometric Method Kempe
- Spectrophotometry Weitkamp
- Spectroscopic Method Lopatkina
- Spectroscopic Method Saidov
- Spectroscopic Method Slukin
- Spectroscopic Surface Studies Foerster
- Spectroscopic Techniques Ward
- Spectroscopy Agibalova
- Spectroscopy Bartlck
- Spectroscopy Benedetti
- Spectroscopy Falzi
- Spectroscopy Grigorovich
- Spectroscopy Hellmann
- Spectroscopy Hellmann
- Spectroscopy Ishida
- Spectroscopy Kellner
- Spectroscopy Kofman
- Spectroscopy Ockman
- Spectroscopy Sackett
- Spectroscopy Siesler
- Spectroscopy Wagner
- Spin-Flip Laser Smith
- Spots Heavy Water Leaks Anon
- Sprays MachÃn
- Stable Isotopes Carbon
- Stainless Steel Wletlng
- Stambaugh B.
- Standard Addition Selective Subtraction
- State Physical Infrared Imaging Walther
- Stratosphere Girard
- Stratospheric Composition I. The Balloon
- Stress Gafurov
- Stressed Polymer Compounds Gabaraeva
- Structure Vol
- Studying Complex Biological Systems Gendreau
- Styrene-Vinylacetate Copolymers Ebdon
- Submillimeter Region Sakai
- Submillimeter Wavelength Pradere
- Subway Air Trattner
- Sulfadimethoxine Using Infrared Spectroscopy Sukhomlinov
- Sulfur Trioxide Majkowski
- Supposed Longwave Limit Seeley
- Surface Analysis I.
- Surface Chemistry Ibach
- Surface Damaged Crystals Nichols
- Surface Electromagnetic Wave Spectroscopy Chabal
- Surface Studies Fedyk
- Surface Studies Jakobsen
- Surface Vibrations Andersson
- Surface-Related Effects Nordal
- Surfaces Palik
- Surfactants Kunkel
- Synchrotron Radiation Lagarde
- Synthetic Atmospheres Tuazon
- Synthetic Fibers Klyushnik
- System Coffey
- System Using Heterodyne Detection Koh
- System Using Heterodyne Detection Pandey
- Tablets Infrared Spectroscopy
- Technical-Grade Dimethyl
- Technique Adrian
- Temperature Thermal Detection Scheme Bailey
- Tetrachloride Extraction-Infrared Spectrophotometry Yamaguchi
- Tetrachloride In Chlorendic Anhydride Fatkullina
- The Experimental Viewpoint Stephens
- The Suspension Procedure Supplementary Sample
- Thionyl Chloride Cells Geronov
- Three Membered Ring Compounds Wurrey
- Three Phase Model Melamies
- Total Body Water Using Infrared
- Total Ozone Prior
- Toxic Dusts Collected
- Trace Gas Analysis Hanst
- Trace Organic Gases Sweger
- Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Applications Erickson
- Transient Systems Durana
- Transients Mantz
- Transition-Element Compounds Goldstein
- Transmission Spectroscopy Penninger
- Trout Ascoll
- Tunable Acousto-Optic Filter Chang
- Tunable Diode Lasers Butler
- Tunable Infrared Lasers Pidgeon
- Tunable Lasers McDowell
- Twisted Infrared Metal Waveguides Garmlre
- Ultrahigh Vacuum Systems Wierenga
- Ultraviolet Horlick
- Undergraduate Curriculum Polyethylene Chain
- Unlaxially Oriented Atactic Polystyrene Jasse
- Unsaturated Hydrocarbons Rang
- Unusual Dextrans Part IX
- Upper Atmosphere Mankin
- Urinary Calculi Ohmacht
- Urinary Stones Klee
- Urinary Stones Sagebiel
- Using Far-Infrared Spectroscopy Rebours
- Using Infrared Absorption Brice
- Using Infrared Frequency Shifts Clark
- Using Infrared Laser Spectroscopy Davies
- Using Nonlinear Optical Upconversion Krishnan
- Using Nonlinear Optical Upconversion Krishnan
- Using Tunable Diode Lasers
- Using Tunable Semiconductor Diodes Kim
- Vacuum Kydd
- Vapor Phase Infrared Spectrophotometry Uden
- ver Long Atmospheric Paths Cuiten
- Very High Pressures IR
- Via Difference-Frequency Generation Pine
- Vibrational Spectra Horak
- Vidrine D. Warren
- Vinyipyrldlne Thin Films Bieg
- Vinyl Acetate Copolymer Kostkova
- Vinylpyrldine Thin Films Bieg
- Voigt-Shaped Lines Lin
- Waste Waters Hellmann
- Water Ershova
- Water Gomez-Taylor
- Water Kaschube
- Water Ranchet
- Water Solution Fabian
- Water Using Heavy Water Basset
- Wavelength Rocketborne Infrared Spectrometer Wyatt
- Wool Fibers Weideman
- Zanzucchi P. J.
- Zeolite Catalysis Naccache
- Publication venue
- 'American Chemical Society (ACS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study