10 research outputs found

    Type 2 diabetes mellitus and the prevalence of apical periodontitis and endodontic treatment in an adult Brazilian population

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    Introduction This cross-sectional study evaluated the prevalence of apical periodontitis (AP) and endodontic treatment in type 2 diabetic individuals as compared with nondiabetics from an adult Brazilian population. Methods Full-mouth radiographs from 30 type 2 diabetic and 60 age- and sex-matched nondiabetic individuals were examined, and the presence of AP lesions in untreated and root canal-treated teeth was recorded. The number of teeth and the prevalence of root canal treatment were also evaluated. Results AP was significantly more present in teeth from diabetic individuals (98/652, 15%) than in nondiabetic controls (162/1,368, 12%) (P = .05). A separate analysis of untreated and treated teeth revealed that significance was mostly because of the prevalence of AP in untreated teeth, which was 10% in diabetics and 7% in nondiabetics (P = .03). No significant difference between diabetics and nondiabetics was observed for the other parameters under study, including the prevalence of AP in root canal–treated teeth, the number of teeth in the oral cavity, the number of treated teeth per individual, the number of individuals with at least 1 AP lesion or 1 root canal treatment, and the number of teeth with AP per individual (P > .05). Conclusions AP was significantly more prevalent in untreated teeth from type 2 diabetics. This suggests that diabetes may serve as a disease modifier of AP in the sense that individuals with diabetes can be more prone to develop primary disease. However, findings do not confirm that diabetes may influence the response to root canal treatment because treated teeth had no increased prevalence of AP when compared with controls

    Temporal abundance of Aedes aegypti in Manaus, Brazil, measured by two trap types for adult mosquitoes

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    A longitudinal study was conducted in Manaus, Brazil, to monitor changes of adult Aedes aegypti (L.) abundance. The objectives were to compare mosquito collections of two trap types, to characterise temporal changes of the mosquito population, to investigate the influence of meteorological variables on mosquito collections and to analyse the association between mosquito collections and dengue incidence. Mosquito monitoring was performed fortnightly using MosquiTRAPs (MQT) and BG-Sentinel (BGS) traps between December 2008-June 2010. The two traps revealed opposing temporal infestation patterns, with highest mosquito collections of MQTs during the dry season and highest collections of BGS during the rainy seasons. Several meteorological variables were significant predictors of mosquito collections in the BGS. The best predictor was the relative humidity, lagged two weeks (in a positive relationship). For MQT, only the number of rainy days in the previous week was significant (in a negative relationship). The correlation between monthly dengue incidence and mosquito abundance in BGS and MQT was moderately positive and negative, respectively. Catches of BGS traps reflected better the dynamic of dengue incidence. The findings help to understand the effects of meteorological variables on mosquito infestation indices of two different traps for adult dengue vectors in Manaus

    Imigrantes russos no Brasil: para entender, para ser compreendido

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    While L2 acquisition by Brazilians has been studied for different languages, the acquisition of Brazilian Portuguese by foreigners has been poorly explored. Recent studies of non-native accented speech in other languages have shown that a foreign accent could largely influence the perception of personal qualities of speakers, and this issue presents a large interest for intercultural research projects. Our research project is focused on Russophone immigrants living in Brazil, bilingual speakers of Russian and Portuguese. The specific aim of the current work is to describe a database containing information about 40 native Russian speakers living in São Paulo for at least six months. Their linguistic and sociocultural profiles are presented, and the experimental protocol of the data collection is described. The protocol included recording speech samples in Russian and in Portuguese and video recordings for further facial expression analysis of bilinguals by the program FaceReader 7.0. The analysis of the sociocultural profiles of the Russophones, presented in the current work, provides a strong basis for the enrichment of the phonetic, sociolinguistic, and nonverbal behavior analysis of these speakers.A aquisição de L2 por brasileiros tem sido foco de um grande número de estudos. No entanto, a aquisição de português brasileiro por falantes de outras línguas tem sido pouco explorada. Pesquisas recentes sobre o sotaque estrangeiro mostram que este pode exercer forte influência na percepção de características pessoais de falantes, fator este que se reveste de grande interesse em projetos de pesquisa de natureza intercultural. O nosso projeto de pesquisa tem como foco imigrantes russófonos que moram no Brasil, falantes bilíngues de russo e português. O objetivo específico deste trabalho é descrever um banco de dados que contém informação sobre 40 falantes nativos de russo que moram em São Paulo há pelo menos 6 meses. Descrevemos seus perfis linguísticos e socioculturais, e apresentamos o protocolo de coleta de dados desenvolvido. O protocolo inclui a gravação de amostras de fala em russo e em português, e também a gravação em vídeo para futura análise de expressões faciais em bilingues, utilizando o programa FaceReader 7.0. A análise de perfis socioculturais de russófonos, apresentada no presente trabalho, fornece subsídios para enriquecer as análises fonéticas, sociolinguísticas e de comportamento não-verbal desses falantes

    Etiquetado frontal de advertencia nutricional de alimentos y bebidas pre-envasados. Postura intersectorial de expertos en Centro América y República Dominicana

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    La región latinoamericana ha sido pionera en la implementación del etiquetado frontal de advertencia nutricional (EFAN), mismo que ha demostrado su eficacia y efectividad para identificar correctamente cuando un producto contiene cantidades excesivas de nutrientes asociados a Enfermedades no transmisibles (ENT). Sin embargo, ningún país del Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA); que incluye a Belice, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá y República Dominicana, lo ha adoptado. Por esta razón, el Instituto de Nutrición de Centro América y Panamá, convocó a un grupo de expertos de la academia y la sociedad civil con el objetivo de establecer una postura técnica, basada en la mejor evidencia científica, en relación al etiquetado frontal para los nutrientes críticos de alimentos y bebidas pre- envasados en la región centroamericana. Se presenta evidencia específica de la región del SICA que demuestran la superioridad del EFAN frente a otros etiquetados como las Guías Diarias de Alimentación (GDA), el semáforo y el Nutriscore para seleccionar opciones más saludables. Dentro del marco de los derechos de la niñez y de los consumidores, se brindan argumentos y se hace un llamado a los gobiernos para la pronta adopción del EFAN como una política costo-efectiva para la prevención de ENT. Además, se proveen recomendaciones para su monitoreo y evaluación, así como recomendaciones de otras políticas costo-efectivas como la regulación de la publicidad de alimentos no saludables dirigido a la niñez y adolescencia, entre otros, para la prevención de las ENT y la creación de ambientes y sistemas alimentarios más saludables y sostenibles. The Latin American region has been a pioneer in the implementation of a front- of-pack warning labeling system (FOPWL), which has demonstrated its efficacy and effectiveness in correctly identifying when a product contains excessive amounts of nutrients associated with Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). However, countries of the Central American Integration System (SICA); which includes Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and the Dominican Republic, have no adopted it. For this reason, the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama convened a group of experts from academia and civil society with the aim of establishing an evidence-based technical position, in relation to front-of-pack labelling for critical nutrients of pre-packaged foods and beverages in the Central American region. Specific evidence from the SICA region demonstrating the superiority of FOPWL over other labels such as the Guideline Daily Amount (GDA), the traffic light and Nutriscore to select healthier choices is presented. Within the framework of children's and consumer rights, arguments are provided, and a call is made to governments for the prompt adoption of FOPWL as a cost-effective policy for the prevention of NCDs. In addition, recommendations for its monitoring and evaluation are provided, as well as recommendations for other cost-effective policies such as the regulation of unhealthy food advertising aimed at children and adolescents, among others, for the prevention of NCDs and the creation ofhealthier and more sustainable environments and food systems

    Chemical composition and antiparasitic activity of essential oils from leaves of <i>Guatteria friesiana</i> and <i>Guatteria pogonopus</i> (Annonaceae)

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    <p>Natural products represent a valuable source for discovery of antiparasitic agents. Here, we describe the antiparasitic activity from essential oils extracted from leaves of <i>Guatteria friesiana</i> (EOGF) and <i>Guatteria pogonopus</i> (EOGP) (Annonaceae). The essential oils were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC/MS and GC-FID. The sesquiterpenes are more abundant in both essential oils. <i>G. friesiana</i> are dominated by β-eudesmol (51.9%), γ-eudesmol (18.9%) andα-eudesmol (12.6%). The major compounds identified for EOGP were spathulenol (24.8%), γ-amorphene (14.7%) and germacrene D (11.8%). The essential oils demonstrated potent trypanocidal and antimalarial activities with values of IC<sub>50</sub> lower than 41.3 μg/mL<i>.</i> EOGF also inhibits the proliferation of amastigotes. In addition, we identified significant ultrastructural alterations induced by the essential oils, especially in the cell membrane, Golgi complex, endoplasmatic reticulum and mitochondria. The results presented herein reinforce the potential of other members of this family for search of antiparasitic compounds.</p

    Contribuições da perspectiva crítica de base histórico-cultural para a produção científica em psicologia educacional

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    Com ênfase na importância do monitoramento da produção científica, podendo o mesmo indicar qualidade da e rumos tomados pela produção do saber, o presente estudo visa a mapear as produções no âmbito da psicologia escolar educacional e, mais especificamente, nos artigos científicos que apresentem uma perspectiva crítica nessa área. Para tanto, foi realizada uma busca bibliográfica das versões on-line, publicadas entre 2007 e 2011, disponíveis na página da revista Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, publicação semestral da Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional (ABRAPEE). Ao todo, foram analisados 134 artigos. Os resultados apontaram que 17 artigos (12,69%) foram classificados na perspectiva crítica. Cada estudo trata de importantes aspectos da psicologia escolar educacional, tendo como foco o papel do psicólogo na escola, a formação docente e a postura crítica dos agentes escolares. Todos os artigos selecionados fundamentam-se na teoria histórico-cultural, uma das abordagens críticas da psicologia resgatadas para a compreensão dos fenômenos educacionais, aqui considerados essencialmente psicossociais. Entende-se que esse levantamento representa um instrumento de fundamentação e de questionamento na formação acadêmica (graduação e pós-graduação) de alunos de psicologia, da área de educação e de áreas afins, e propicia um maior aprofundamento acerca de como vem se configurando a psicologia escolar educacional contemporânea e dos impactos nas práticas profissionais orientadas por uma perspectiva crítica

    Fungal planet description sheets: 716–784

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    Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Chaetopsina eucalypti on Eucalyptus leaf litter, Colletotrichum cobbittiense from Cordyline stricta × C. australis hybrid, Cyanodermella banksiae on Banksia ericifolia subsp. macrantha, Discosia macrozamiae on Macrozamia miquelii, Elsinoë banksiigena on Banksia marginata, Elsinoë elaeocarpi on Elaeocarpus sp., Elsinoë leucopogonis on Leucopogon sp., Helminthosporium livistonae on Livistona australis, Idriellomyces eucalypti (incl. Idriellomyces gen. nov.) on Eucalyptus obliqua, Lareunionomyces eucalypti on Eucalyptus sp., Myrotheciomyces corymbiae (incl. Myrotheciomyces gen. nov., Myrotheciomycetaceae fam. nov.), Neolauriomyces eucalypti (incl. Neolauriomyces gen. nov., Neolauriomycetaceae fam. nov.) on Eucalyptus sp., Nullicamyces eucalypti (incl. Nullicamyces gen. nov.) on Eucalyptus leaf litter, Oidiodendron eucalypti on Eucalyptus maidenii, Paracladophialophora cyperacearum (incl. Paracladophialophoraceae fam. nov.) and Periconia cyperacearum on leaves of Cyperaceae, Porodiplodia livistonae (incl. Porodiplodia gen. nov., Porodiplodiaceae fam. nov.) on Livistona australis, Sporidesmium melaleucae (incl. Sporidesmiales ord. nov.) on Melaleuca sp., Teratosphaeria sieberi on Eucalyptus sieberi, Thecaphora aus-traliensis in capsules of a variant of Oxalis exilis. Brazil, Aspergillus serratalhadensis from soil, Diaporthe pseudo-inconspicua from Poincianella pyramidalis, Fomitiporella pertenuis on dead wood, Geastrum magnosporum on soil, Marquesius aquaticus (incl. Marquesius gen. nov.) from submerged decaying twig and leaves of unidentified plant, Mastigosporella pigmentata from leaves of Qualea parviflorae, Mucor souzae from soil, Mycocalia aquaphila on decaying wood from tidal detritus, Preussia citrullina as endophyte from leaves of Citrullus lanatus, Queiroziella brasiliensis (incl. Queiroziella gen. nov.) as epiphytic yeast on leaves of Portea leptantha, Quixadomyces cearen-sis (incl. Quixadomyces gen. nov.) on decaying bark, Xylophallus clavatus on rotten wood. Canada, Didymella cari on Carum carvi and Coriandrum sativum. Chile, Araucasphaeria foliorum (incl. Araucasphaeria gen. nov.) on Araucaria araucana, Aspergillus tumidus from soil, Lomentospora valparaisensis from soil. Colombia, Corynespora pseudocassiicola on Byrsonima sp., Eucalyptostroma eucalyptorum on Eucalyptus pellita, Neometulocladosporiella eucalypti (incl. Neometulocladosporiella gen. nov.) on Eucalyptus grandis × urophylla, Tracylla eucalypti (incl. Tracyllaceae fam. nov., Tracyllalales ord. nov.) on Eucalyptus urophylla. Cyprus, Gyromitra anthracobia (incl. Gyromitra subg. Pseudoverpa) on burned soil. Czech Republic, Lecanicillium restrictum from the surface of the wooden barrel, Lecanicillium testudineum from scales of Trachemys scripta elegans. Ecuador, Entoloma yanacolor and Saproamanita quitensis on soil. France, Lentithecium carbonneanum from submerged decorticated Populus branch. Hungary, Pleuromyces hungaricus (incl. Pleuromyces gen. nov.) from a large Fagus sylvatica log. Iran, Zymoseptoria crescenta on Aegilops triuncialis. Malaysia, Ochroconis musicola on Musa sp. Mexico, Cladosporium michoacanense from soil. New Zealand, Acrodontium metrosideri on Metrosideros excelsa, Polynema podocarpi on Podocarpus totara, Pseudoarthrographis phlogis (incl. Pseudoarthrographis gen. nov.) on Phlox subulata. Nigeria, Coprinopsis afrocinerea on soil. Pakistan, Russula mansehraensis on soil under Pinus roxburghii. Russia, Baoran­ gia alexandri on soil in deciduous forests with Quercus mongolica. South Africa, Didymocyrtis brachylaenae on Brachylaena discolor. Spain, Alfaria dactylis from fruit of Phoenix dactylifera, Dothiora infuscans from a blackened wall, Exophiala nidicola from the nest of an unidentified bird, Matsushimaea monilioides from soil, Terfezia morenoi on soil. United Arab Emirates, Tirmania honrubiae on soil. USA, Arxotrichum wyomingense (incl. Arxotrichum gen. nov.) from soil, Hongkongmyces snookiorum from submerged detritus from a fresh water fen, Leratiomyces tesquorum from soil, Talaromyces tabacinus on leaves of Nicotiana tabacum. Vietnam, Afroboletus vietnamensis on soil in an evergreen tropical forest, Colletotrichum condaoense from Ipomoea pes-caprae. Morphological and culture characteristics along with DNA barcodes are provided. © 2018 Naturalis Biodiversity Center & Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute

    Characterisation of microbial attack on archaeological bone

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    As part of an EU funded project to investigate the factors influencing bone preservation in the archaeological record, more than 250 bones from 41 archaeological sites in five countries spanning four climatic regions were studied for diagenetic alteration. Sites were selected to cover a range of environmental conditions and archaeological contexts. Microscopic and physical (mercury intrusion porosimetry) analyses of these bones revealed that the majority (68%) had suffered microbial attack. Furthermore, significant differences were found between animal and human bone in both the state of preservation and the type of microbial attack present. These differences in preservation might result from differences in early taphonomy of the bones. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortiu (INICC) report, data summary of 43 countries for 2007-2012. Device-associated module

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    We report the results of an International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) surveillance study from January 2007-December 2012 in 503 intensive care units (ICUs) in Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Europe. During the 6-year study using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) U.S. National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) definitions for device-associated health care–associated infection (DA-HAI), we collected prospective data from 605,310 patients hospitalized in the INICC's ICUs for an aggregate of 3,338,396 days. Although device utilization in the INICC's ICUs was similar to that reported from ICUs in the U.S. in the CDC's NHSN, rates of device-associated nosocomial infection were higher in the ICUs of the INICC hospitals: the pooled rate of central line–associated bloodstream infection in the INICC's ICUs, 4.9 per 1,000 central line days, is nearly 5-fold higher than the 0.9 per 1,000 central line days reported from comparable U.S. ICUs. The overall rate of ventilator-associated pneumonia was also higher (16.8 vs 1.1 per 1,000 ventilator days) as was the rate of catheter-associated urinary tract infection (5.5 vs 1.3 per 1,000 catheter days). Frequencies of resistance of Pseudomonas isolates to amikacin (42.8% vs 10%) and imipenem (42.4% vs 26.1%) and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates to ceftazidime (71.2% vs 28.8%) and imipenem (19.6% vs 12.8%) were also higher in the INICC's ICUs compared with the ICUs of the CDC's NHSN