107 research outputs found

    Mandatos y consejos en la filosofía práctica moderna

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    This paper addresses the traditional distinction between commands and advices in modern practical philosophy as doctrine of duties. The distinction plays an essential role in Christian Thomasius' thought for his differentiation between distinct spheres of practical life, iustum, honestum and decorum, i. e. the spheres of law (iustum), proper ethics (honestum) and incoercible external behaviour – with ethical meaning –, including good manners (decorum). In Kant's practical philosophy, the distinction between commands and counsels corresponds to the distinction between morality and prudence as pursuit of happiness. Moral life is ruled by moral law and by the idea of duty, that organizes in its own perspective the other aspects of practical activity and the different kinds of duties. As time passed, Kant is more and more interested to the historical realization of morality as Moralisierung through promotion of its external conditions such as pacific coexistence through the juridical law and improvement of intersubjective relations through Zivilisierung and good manners. Kant's and eighteenth century's doctrine of duties leave no space for a morality beyond duty as supererogation, a concept that has received a new attention in contemporary moral debate and can still be discussed in a Kantian perspective.Este artículo trata de la distinción entre órdenes y consejos en la filosofía práctica moderna como doctrina de deberes. La distinción juega un papel esencial en el pensamiento cristiano de Thomasius por su diferenciación entre las distintas esferas de la vida práctica, iustum, honestum y decorum, por ejemplo, las esferas de la ley (iustum), ética correcta (honestum) e incoercible comportamiento externo —con significado ético—, incluyendo las buenas maneras (decorum). En la filosofía práctica de Kant, la distinción entre mandatos y consejos corresponde a la distinción entre moralidad y prudencia como búsqueda de la felicidad. La vida moral está regida por la ley moral y por la idea del deber, que organiza en su propia perspectiva los otros aspectos de la actividad práctica y los diferentes tipos de deberes. Según pasó el tiempo, Kant estaba cada vez más interesado en la realización histórica de la moralidad como Moralisierung a través de la promoción de sus condiciones externas como la coexistencia pacífica a través de la ley jurídica y el desarrollo de las relaciones intersubjetivas a través de Zivilisierung y buenas maneras. La doctrina de los deberes de Kant y del siglo dieciocho no deja espacio para una moralidad más allá del deber como supererogation, un concepto que ha recibido una nueva atención en el debate contemporáneo moral y puede seguir siendo discutido en una perspectiva kantiana

    Sensitivity and specificity of in vivo COVID-19 screening by detection dogs: Results of the C19-Screendog multicenter study

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    Trained dogs can recognize the volatile organic compounds contained in biological samples of patients with COVID-19 infection. We assessed the sensitivity and specificity of in vivo SARS-CoV- 2 screening by trained dogs. We recruited five dog-handler dyads. In the operant conditioning phase, the dogs were taught to distinguish between positive and negative sweat samples collected from volunteers’ underarms in polymeric tubes. The conditioning was validated by tests involving 16 positive and 48 negative samples held or worn in such a way that the samples were invisible to the dog and handler. In the screening phase the dogs were led by their handlers to a drive-through facility for in vivo screening of volunteers who had just received a nasopharyngeal swab from nursing staff. Each volunteer who had already swabbed was subsequently tested by two dogs, whose responses were recorded as positive, negative, or inconclusive. The dogs’ behavior was constantly monitored for attentiveness and wellbeing. All the dogs passed the conditioning phase, their responses showing a sensitivity of 83-100% and a specificity of 94-100%. The in vivo screening phase involved 1251 subjects, of whom 205 had a COVID-19 positive swab and two dogs per each subject to be screened. Screeningsensitivity and specificity were respectively 91.6-97.6% and 96.3-100% when only one dog was involved, whereas combined screening by two dogs provided a higher sensitivity. Dog wellbeing was also analysed: monitoring of stress and fatigue suggested that the screening activity did not adversely impact the dogs’ wellbeing. This work, by screening a large number of subjects, strengthen recent findings that trained dogs can discriminate between COVID-19 infected and healthy human subjects and introduce two novel research aspects: i) assessement of signs of fatigue and stress in dogs during training and testing, and ii) combining screening by two dogs to improve detection sensitivity and specificity. Using some precautions to reduce the risk of infection and spillover, in vivo COVID-19 screening by a dog-handler dyad can be suitable to quickly screen large numbers of people: it is rapid, non- invasiveand economical, since it does not involve actual sampling, lab resources or waste management, and is suitable to screen large numbers of people

    Preliminary Assessment of Radiolysis for the Cooling Water System in the Rotating Target of {SORGENTINA}-{RF}

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    The SORGENTINA-RF project aims at developing a 14 MeV fusion neutron source featuring an emission rate in the order of 5-7 x 10(13) s(-1). The plant relies on a metallic water-cooled rotating target and a deuterium (50%) and tritium (50%) ion beam. Beyond the main focus of medical radioisotope production, the source may represent a multi-purpose neutron facility by implementing a series of neutron-based techniques. Among the different engineering and technological issues to be addressed, the production of incondensable gases and corrosion product into the rotating target deserves a dedicated investigation. In this study, a preliminary analysis is carried out, considering the general layout of the target and the present choice of the target material

    A database solution for the quantitative characterisation and comparison of deep-marine siliciclastic depositional systems

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    In sedimentological investigations, the ability to conduct comparative analyses between deep-marine depositional systems is hindered by the wide variety in methods of data collection, scales of observation, resolution, classification approaches and terminology. A relational database, the Deep-Marine Architecture Knowledge Store (DMAKS), has been developed to facilitate such analyses, through the integration of deep-marine sedimentological data collated to a common standard. DMAKS hosts data on siliciclastic deep-marine system boundary conditions, and on architectural and facies properties, including spatial, temporal and hierarchical relationships between units at multiple scales. DMAKS has been devised to include original and literature-derived data from studies of the modern sea-floor, and from ancient successions studied in the sub-surface and in outcrop. The database can be used as a research tool in both pure and applied science, allowing the quantitative characterisation of deep-marine systems. The ability to synthesise data from several case studies and to filter outputs on multiple parameters that describe the depositional systems and their controlling factors enables evaluation of the degree to which certain controls affect sedimentary architectures, thereby testing the validity of existing models. In applied contexts, DMAKS aids the selection and application of geological analogues to hydrocarbon reservoirs, and permits the development of predictive models of reservoir characteristics that account for geological uncertainty. To demonstrate the breadth of research applications, example outputs are presented on: (i) the characterisation of channel geometries, (ii) the hierarchical organisation of channelised and terminal deposits, (iii) temporal trends in the deposition of terminal lobes, (iv) scaling relationships between adjacent channel and levee architectural elements, (v) quantification of the likely occurrence of elements of different types as a function of the lateral distance away from an element of known type, (vi) proportions and transition statistics of facies in elements and beds, (vii) variability in net-to-gross ratios among element types

    DTT - Divertor Tokamak Test facility: A testbed for DEMO

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    The effective treatment of the heat and power exhaust is a critical issue in the road map to the realization of the fusion energy. In order to provide possible, reliable, well assessed and on-time answers to DEMO, the Divertor Tokamak Test facility (DTT) has been conceived and projected to be carried out and operated within the European strategy in fusion technology. This paper, based on the invited plenary talk at the 31st virtual SOFT Conference 2020, provides an overview of the DTT scientific proposal, which is deeply illustrated in the 2019 DTT Interim Design Report

    DTT - Divertor Tokamak Test facility - Interim Design Report

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    The “Divertor Tokamak Test facility, DTT” is a milestone along the international program aimed at demonstrating – in the second half of this century – the feasibility of obtaining to commercial electricity from controlled thermonuclear fusion. DTT is a Tokamak conceived and designed in Italy with a broad international vision. The construction will be carried out in the ENEA Frascati site, mainly supported by national funds, complemented by EUROfusion and European incentive schemes for innovative investments. The project team includes more than 180 high-standard researchers from ENEA, CREATE, CNR, INFN, RFX and various universities. The volume, entitled DTT Interim Design Report (“Green Book” from the colour of the cover), briefly describes the status of the project, the planning of the design future activities and its organizational structure. The publication of the Green Book also provides an occasion for thorough discussions in the fusion community and a broad international collaboration on the DTT challenge

    La crisi dell'immortalità in Kant

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    L'articolo prende in considerazione la riflessione kantiana sul problema dell'immortalità illustrando il progressivo indebolimento della difesa kantiana di questo postulato e il sostanziale venir meno di una sua funzione sistematica a partire dalla Critica dela facoltà di giudizio, dopo che le prime due Critiche avevano cercato di mantenere un ruolo di esso nel quadro della filosofia critic


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    Cosa è "buono"? Genealogia e valutazione

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    Analisi delle due prime dissertazioni della "Genealogia della morale" di Nietzsche, con particolare attenzione per la questione della valutazione e dell'esame del termine "buono" contenuto nella prima dissertazion

    Zyniker, Zynismus

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    Der Artikel beschreibt die Rolle des Begriffs in der Kantischen Philosophi