827 research outputs found

    Graduate Recital: Fonda D. Ginsburg, Percussion

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    Kemp Recital Hall Saturday Afternoon December 4, 1993 12:30p.m

    Hubungan Antara Konformitas Dengan Intensi Prososial Pada Remaja Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan Lapas Anak Kelas II a Kutoarjo

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara konformitas dengan intensi prososial pada remaja warga binaan pemasyarakatan LAPAS Anak Kelas II A Kutoarjo.Populasi penelitian ini yaitu remaja warga binaan pemasyarakatan LAPAS Anak Kelas II A Kutoarjo sebanyak 110 orang. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 78 orang, sampel diambil dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan dua buah Skala Psikologi yaitu Skala Intensi Prososial (24 aitem valid, α = 0.834) dan Skala Konformitas (22 aitem valid, α = 0.836).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan koefisien korelasi rxy = 0.447 dengan p=0,000 (p<0,05). Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis yang diajukan peneliti, yaitu terdapat hubungan positif antara konformitas dengan intensi prososial dapat diterima.Nilai koefisien korelasi positif menunjukkan bahwa arah hubungan kedua variabel adalah positif, artinya semakin tinggi konformitas maka semakin tinggi intensi prososial. Konformitas memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 19.9% pada intensi prososial dan sebesar 80.1% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini

    An Integrated XRF/XRD Instrument for Mars Exobiology and Geology Experiments

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    By employing an integrated x-ray instrument on a future Mars mission, data obtained will greatly augment those returned by Viking; details characterizing the past and present environment on Mars and those relevant to the possibility of the origin and evolution of life will be acquired. A combined x-ray fluorescence/x-ray diffraction (XRF/XRD) instrument was breadboarded and demonstrated to accommodate important exobiology and geology experiment objectives outlined for MESUR and future Mars missions. Among others, primary objectives for the exploration of Mars include the intense study of local areas on Mars to establish the chemical, mineralogical, and petrological character of different components of the surface material; to determine the distribution, abundance, and sources and sinks of volatile materials, including an assessment of the biologic potential, now and during past epoches; and to establish the global chemical and physical characteristics of the Martian surface. The XRF/XRD breadboard instrument identifies and quantifies soil surface elemental, mineralogical, and petrological characteristics and acquires data necessary to address questions on volatile abundance and distribution. Additionally, the breadboard is able to characterize the biogenic element constituents of soil samples providing information on the biologic potential of the Mars environment. Preliminary breadboard experiments confirmed the fundamental instrument design approach and measurement performance

    Density Estimates and Habitat Preferences of Two Sympatric Bird Species as Potential Bioindicators of Tropical Forest Alterations

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    Forestry management can shape the structure of habitat types and have important biological consequences on the composition of biodiversity. This study focused on Momotus lessonii and Eumomota superciliosa, two potential bioindicators of local and wide scale tropical forest alterations. The study took place in the Karen Mogensen Wildlife Refuge (Costa Rica), a protected area characterized by two main forest habitats where the two species coexist, i.e., primary moist and second-growth dry forest. A distance sampling method was used to obtain density estimates for each species. A spot mapping approach showed an apparent partitioning of the two species at the site. The Kilometric Abundance Index (KAI) and statistical analyses revealed significant differences between the two habitats, i.e., E. superciliosa tended to be more abundant and preferred the dry forest, whilst M. lessonii favored moist environments. The development of arid and semi-arid environments characterized by open areas will probably lead to a numerical increase in E. superciliosa with a consequent expansion, while the decline of moister and homogeneously forested environments will likely affect negatively M. lessonii. We argue that these birds will act as bioindicators of local and global environmental changes, and their monitoring will enable appropriate forest management decisions for conservation purposes

    A New Quantization Map

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    In this paper we find a simple rule to reproduce the algebra of quantum observables using only the commutators and operators which appear in the Koopman-von Neumann (KvN) formulation of classical mechanics. The usual Hilbert space of quantum mechanics becomes embedded in the KvN Hilbert space: in particular it turns out to be the subspace on which the quantum positions Q and momenta P act irreducibly.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, Late

    'Sexercise': Working out heterosexuality in Jane Fonda’s fitness books

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    This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published in Leisure Studies, 30(2), 237 - 255, 2011, copyright Taylor & Francis, available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/02614367.2010.523837.This paper explores the connection between the promotion of heterosexual norms in women’s fitness books written by or in the name of Jane Fonda during the 1980s and the commodification of women’s fitness space in both the public and private spheres. The paper is set in the absence of overt discussions of normative heterosexuality in leisure studies and draws on critical heterosexual scholarship as well as the growing body of work theorising geographies of corporeality and heterosexuality. Using the principles of media discourse analysis, the paper identifies three overlapping characteristics of heterosexuality represented in Jane Fonda’s fitness books, and embodied through the exercise regimes: respectable heterosexual desire, monogamous procreation and domesticity. The paper concludes that the promotion and prescription of exercise for women in the Jane Fonda workout books centred on the reproduction and embodiment of heterosexual corporeality. Set within an emerging commercial landscape of women’s fitness in the 1980s, such exercise practices were significant in the legitimation and institutionalisation of heteronormativity

    A relaxationless demonstration of the Quantum Zeno Paradox on an individual atom

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    The driven evolution of the spin of an individual atomic ion on the ground-state hyperfine resonance is impeded by the observation of the ion in one of the pertaining eigenstates. Detection of resonantly scattered light identifies the ion in its upper ``bright'' state. The lower ``dark'' ion state is free of relaxation and correlated with the detector by a null signal. Null events represent the straightforward demonstration of the quantum Zeno paradox. Also, high probability of survival was demonstrated when the ion, driven by a fractionated π\pi pulse, was probed {\em and monitored} during the intermissions of the drive, such that the ion's evolution is completely documented.Comment: 7 page

    Complex Scaled Spectrum Completeness for Coupled Channels

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    The Complex Scaling Method (CSM) provides scattering wave functions which regularize resonances and suggest a resolution of the identity in terms of such resonances, completed by the bound states and a smoothed continuum. But, in the case of inelastic scattering with many channels, the existence of such a resolution under complex scaling is still debated. Taking advantage of results obtained earlier for the two channel case, this paper proposes a representation in which the convergence of a resolution of the identity can be more easily tested. The representation is valid for any finite number of coupled channels for inelastic scattering without rearrangement.Comment: Latex file, 13 pages, 4 eps-figure

    Proximal mandibular nerve block using eletrolocation, for rostral mandibulectomy in a geriatric dog

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    Abstract \u2014 We describe a case of proximal mandibular nerve block with ropivacaine, using electrolocation, for perioperative pain management in a geriatric dog undergoing rostral mandibulectomy. The patient did not require intraoperative analgesia or analgesic supplementation for 8 h after the end of the surger