499 research outputs found

    Embryonic Cannabidiol Exposure Does Not Affect Adult Zebrafish Swimming Performance

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    Cannabis is used for a variety of reasons such as relieving pain, relieving stress, and reducing nausea during chemotherapy. While cannabis originates from central and south Asia, the drug has become extremely popular in North America. In July of 2001, medicinal use of cannabis was legalized in Canada, and on October 17 2018, recreational use of cannabis was legalized nationally. Many scientific studies have shown the negative effects of cannabis in consumers and of second hand smoke exposure, including lung cancer, respiratory issues, and reduced decision making and cognitive function. Because of the rapid increase in cannabis, high concentrations have filtered into the water treatment facilities and spread into lakes and ponds through pipelines that could potentially cause harm to the fish. While there are studies that have concluded that there are alterations to the fish’s neuronal patterns and cardiac systems in zebrafish, there were no reports of how the medical ingredient of cannabis (cannabidiol or CBD) may affect the ability of a fish to swim. Proper swim behaviour is an essential survival characteristic to fish and other marine animals, but when a novel potentially toxic compound is introduced into their environment, impacts to vital biological functions in the organism may occur. This study aimed to investigate the potential effects of cannabidiol on zebrafish by evaluating their critical swimming speed (Ucrit value). Using a swim tunnel, we were able to control the environment and easily identify at what point the fish would be fatigued. Comparisons were made between three different fish tanks: one tank exposed to CBD, and the other two tanks contained a fresh water control and a solvent control. Using both our “p” and “F” stat values, we can conclude that there were no significant differences observed between the three fish tanks. In the future, we hope to analyse the neurology of the fish exposed and complete a fish respirometry measuring the oxygen consumption of CBD exposed fish.&nbsp

    Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Lactobacillus Rahmnosus and Bifidobacterium Breve on Cigarette Smoke Activated Human Macrophages

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major global health problem with cigarette smoke (CS) as the main risk factor for its development. Airway inflammation in COPD involves the increased expression of inflammatory mediators such as CXCL-8 and IL-1β which are important mediators for neutrophil recruitment. Macrophages are an important source of these mediators in COPD. Lactobacillus rhamnosus (L. rhamnosus) and Befidobacterium breve (B. breve) attenuate the development of 'allergic asthma' in animals but their effects in COPD are unknown.To determine the anti-inflammatory effects of L. rhamnosus and B. breve on CS and Toll-like receptor (TLR) activation.We stimulated the human macrophage cell line THP-1 with CS extract in the presence and absence of L. rhamnosus and B. breve and measured the expression and release of inflammatory mediators by RT-qPCR and ELISA respectively. An activity assay and Western blotting were used to examine NF-κB activation.Both L. rhamnosus and B. breve were efficiently phagocytized by human macrophages. L. rhamnosus and B. breve significantly suppressed the ability of CS to induce the expression of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, IL-23, TNFα, CXCL-8 and HMGB1 release (all p<0.05) in human THP-1 macrophages. Similar suppression of TLR4- and TLR9-induced CXCL8 expression was also observed (p<0.05). The effect of L. rhamnosus and B. breve on inflammatory mediator release was associated with the suppression of CS-induced NF-κB activation (p<0.05).This data indicate that these probiotics may be useful anti-inflammatory agents in CS-associated disease such as COPD

    Влияние размера частиц горной породы на параметры пневмотранспортирования

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    Приведені результати досліджень впливу розміру часток гірської породи, що транспортується, на параметри пневмотранспортування. Отримані залежності для визначення швидкості пневмотранспортування та витрат стислого повітря від розміру часток матеріалу, що транспортується, з урахуванням параметрів пневмотранспортної системи.The brought results over of researches of influence of size of parts of mountain breed that is transported, on the parameters of pneumatic portage. The got dependences are for determination of speed of pneumatic portage and charges of the compressed air from the size of parts of material that is transported, taking into account the parameters of the pneumatic portage system

    Chlamydophila pneumoniae induces a sustained airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation in mice

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    Background: It has been reported that Chlamydophila (C.) pneumoniae is involved in the initiation and promotion of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD). Surprisingly, the effect of C. pneumoniae on airway function has never been investigated.Methods: In this study, mice were inoculated intranasally with C. pneumoniae (strain AR39) on day 0 and experiments were performed on day 2, 7, 14 and 21.Results: We found that from day 7, C. pneumoniae infection causes both a sustained airway hyperresponsiveness and an inflammation. Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and macrophage inflammatory chemokine-2 (MIP-2) levels in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)-fluid were increased on all experimental days with exception of day 7 where MIP-2 concentrations dropped to control levels. In contrast, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) levels were only increased on day 7. From day 7 to 21 epithelial damage and secretory cell hypertrophy was observed. It is suggested that, the inflammatory cells/mediators, the epithelial damage and secretory cell hypertrophy contribute to initiation of airway hyperresponsiveness.Conclusion: Our study demonstrates for the first time that C. pneumoniae infection can modify bronchial responsiveness. This has clinical implications, since additional changes in airway responsiveness and inflammation-status induced by this bacterium may worsen and/or provoke breathlessness in asthma and COPD

    Interactions of Ar(9+) and metastable Ar(8+) with a Si(100) surface at velocities near the image acceleration limit

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    Auger LMM spectra and preliminary model simulations of Ar(9+) and metastable Ar(8+) ions interacting with a clean monocrystalline n-doped Si(100) surface are presented. By varying the experimental parameters, several yet undiscovered spectroscopic features have been observed providing valuable hints for the development of an adequate interaction model. On our apparatus the ion beam energy can be lowered to almost mere image charge attraction. High data acquisition rates could still be maintained yielding an unprecedented statistical quality of the Auger spectra.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures, http://pikp28.uni-muenster.de/~ducree

    Conjugated Alpha-Alumina nanoparticle with vasoactive intestinal peptide as a Nano-drug in treatment of allergic asthma in mice

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    Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by airway inflammation, bronchoconstriction, airway hyperresponsiveness and recurring attacks of impaired breathing. Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) has been proposed as a novel anti-asthma drug due to its effects on airway smooth muscle relaxation, bronchodilation and vasodilation along with its immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. In the current study, we investigated the therapeutic effects of VIP when conjugated with α-alumina nanoparticle (α-AN) to prevent enzymatic degradation of VIP in the respiratory tract. VIP was conjugated with α-AN. Balb/c mice were sensitized and challenges with ovalbumin (OVA) or PBS and were divided in four groups; VIP-treated, α-AN-treated, α-AN-VIP-treated and beclomethasone-treated as a positive control group. Specific and total IgE level, airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR), bronchial cytokine expression and lung histology were measured. α-AN-VIP significantly reduced the number of eosinophils (Eos), serum IgE level, Th2 cytokines and AHR. These effects of α-AN-VIP were more pronounced than that seen with beclomethasone or VIP alone (P<0.05). The current data indicate that α-AN-VIP can be considered as an effective nano-drug for the treatment of asthma

    Effects of non-digestible oligosaccharides on inflammation, lung health and performance of calves

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    Our objective was to determine the effects of nondigestible oligosaccharides (NDO) on lung health and performance. Three hundred male Holstein-Friesian calves aged 18.0 ± 3.6 d received 1 of 6 treatments for 8.5 wk (period 1). Treatments included a negative control (CON), galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) administered as a spray via the nose once daily (SPR), GOS administered via the milk replacer (MR) at 1% (GOS-L) and 2% (GOS-H), fructo-oligosaccharides administered via the MR at 0.25% (FOS) and a combination of GOS and fructo-oligosaccharides administered via the MR at 1% and 0.25%, respectively (GOS-FOS). Milk replacer was fed twice daily. Feeding levels were equal between calves and increased progressively in time. Body weight was measured every 4 wk and clinical health was scored weekly. Blood and broncho-alveolar lavage fluid (BALF) samples were collected bi-weekly from a subset of calves (n = 120). After period 1, all calves received the same control MR for 18 wk until slaughter (period 2), during which general performance and clinical health were measured. Generally, infection pressure was high, with clinical scores and BALF proinflammatory TNFα concentrations increasing with time in period 1, which resulted in a high number of required group antimicrobial treatments (6 group antimicrobial treatments in 13 wk, supplied to all calves). Average daily gain adjusted to equal solid feed intake was increased for GOS-L (+61 g/d) compared with CON calves from experimental wk 1 to 5. Plasma white blood cell concentration tended to be lowered by GOS-L, plasma IL-8 concentration was reduced by all orally supplemented NDO, plasma IL-6 was reduced by all NDO treatments except GOS-FOS and plasma IL-1β was reduced by all NDO treatments compared with CON, although this differed per time point for SPR. The neutrophil percentage in BALF was reduced by GOS-L in wk 6, which was associated with a relative increase in macrophages. The BALF concentration of TNFα and IL-8 was reduced or tended to be reduced by GOS-L and GOS-H, while IL-6 was or tended to be reduced by SPR, GOS-L, GOS-H, and GOS-FOS, and IL-1β was reduced by SPR, GOS-L, GOS-H, and FOS. Generally, feeding the combination of GOS and FOS was not more effective than feeding GOS or FOS alone, because feeding GOS-FOS resulted in higher concentrations of plasma and BALF cytokine and chemokine concentrations compared with feeding GOS-L alone, and resulted in higher plasma cytokine concentrations compared with feeding FOS alone. None of the BALF and plasma cytokine or chemokine concentrations differed between the GOS-L and GOS-H treatment. Performance and clinical scores in period 2 did not differ among treatments. Altogether, all tested NDO reduced systemic and lung inflammation in calves under high natural infection pressure and for GOS-fed calves, this increased performance during the first 4 wk. Combining GOS and FOS did not have a synergistic effect. The intranasal administration of GOS also lowered systemic and lung inflammation, but tended to negatively affect performance. Overall, this study demonstrates the potential of NDO to alleviate systemic and respiratory inflammation in calves