2,058 research outputs found

    Entropic equation of state and scaling functions near the critical point in scale-free networks

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    We analyze the entropic equation of state for a many-particle interacting system in a scale-free network. The analysis is performed in terms of scaling functions which are of fundamental interest in the theory of critical phenomena and have previously been theoretically and experimentally explored in the context of various magnetic, fluid, and superconducting systems in two and three dimensions. Here, we obtain general scaling functions for the entropy, the constant-field heat capacity, and the isothermal magnetocaloric coefficient near the critical point in scale-free networks, where the node-degree distribution exponent λ\lambda appears to be a global variable and plays a crucial role, similar to the dimensionality dd for systems on lattices. This extends the principle of universality to systems on scale-free networks and allows quantification of the impact of fluctuations in the network structure on critical behavior.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Randomly dilute Ising model: A nonperturbative approach

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    The N-vector cubic model relevant, among others, to the physics of the randomly dilute Ising model is analyzed in arbitrary dimension by means of an exact renormalization-group equation. This study provides a unified picture of its critical physics between two and four dimensions. We give the critical exponents for the three-dimensional randomly dilute Ising model which are in good agreement with experimental and numerical data. The relevance of the cubic anisotropy in the O(N) model is also treated.Comment: 4 pages, published versio

    Previous attentional set can induce an attentional blink with task-irrelevant initial targets

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    Identification of a second target is often impaired by the requirement to process a prior target in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP). This is termed the attentional blink. Even when the first target is task-irrelevant an attentional blink may occur providing this first target shares similar features with the second target (contingent capture). An RSVP experiment was undertaken to assess whether this first target can still cause an attentional blink when it did not require a response and did not share any features with the following target. The results revealed that such task-irrelevant targets can induce an attentional blink providing that they were task-relevant on a previous block of trials. This suggests that irrelevant focal stimuli can distract attention on the basis of a previous attentional set

    Ground state spin and Coulomb blockade peak motion in chaotic quantum dots

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    We investigate experimentally and theoretically the behavior of Coulomb blockade (CB) peaks in a magnetic field that couples principally to the ground-state spin (rather than the orbital moment) of a chaotic quantum dot. In the first part, we discuss numerically observed features in the magnetic field dependence of CB peak and spacings that unambiguously identify changes in spin S of each ground state for successive numbers of electrons on the dot, N. We next evaluate the probability that the ground state of the dot has a particular spin S, as a function of the exchange strength, J, and external magnetic field, B. In the second part, we describe recent experiments on gate-defined GaAs quantum dots in which Coulomb peak motion and spacing are measured as a function of in-plane magnetic field, allowing changes in spin between N and N+1 electron ground states to be inferred.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of the Nobel Symposium 2000 (Physica Scripta

    Design and Analysis Tools for Supersonic Inlets

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    Computational tools are being developed for the design and analysis of supersonic inlets. The objective is to update existing tools and provide design and low-order aerodynamic analysis capability for advanced inlet concepts. The Inlet Tools effort includes aspects of creating an electronic database of inlet design information, a document describing inlet design and analysis methods, a geometry model for describing the shape of inlets, and computer tools that implement the geometry model and methods. The geometry model has a set of basic inlet shapes that include pitot, two-dimensional, axisymmetric, and stream-traced inlet shapes. The inlet model divides the inlet flow field into parts that facilitate the design and analysis methods. The inlet geometry model constructs the inlet surfaces through the generation and transformation of planar entities based on key inlet design factors. Future efforts will focus on developing the inlet geometry model, the inlet design and analysis methods, a Fortran 95 code to implement the model and methods. Other computational platforms, such as Java, will also be explored

    Model C critical dynamics of random anisotropy magnets

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    We study the relaxational critical dynamics of the three-dimensional random anisotropy magnets with the non-conserved n-component order parameter coupled to a conserved scalar density. In the random anisotropy magnets the structural disorder is present in a form of local quenched anisotropy axes of random orientation. When the anisotropy axes are randomly distributed along the edges of the n-dimensional hypercube, asymptotical dynamical critical properties coincide with those of the random-site Ising model. However structural disorder gives rise to considerable effects for non-asymptotic critical dynamics. We investigate this phenomenon by a field-theoretical renormalization group analysis in the two-loop order. We study critical slowing down and obtain quantitative estimates for the effective and asymptotic critical exponents of the order parameter and scalar density. The results predict complex scenarios for the effective critical exponent approaching an asymptotic regime.Comment: 8 figures, style files include

    Network harness: bundles of routes in public transport networks

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    Public transport routes sharing the same grid of streets and tracks are often found to proceed in parallel along shorter or longer sequences of stations. Similar phenomena are observed in other networks built with space consuming links such as cables, vessels, pipes, neurons, etc. In the case of public transport networks (PTNs) this behavior may be easily worked out on the basis of sequences of stations serviced by each route. To quantify this behavior we use the recently introduced notion of network harness. It is described by the harness distribution P(r,s): the number of sequences of s consecutive stations that are serviced by r parallel routes. For certain PTNs that we have analyzed we observe that the harness distribution may be described by power laws. These power laws observed indicate a certain level of organization and planning which may be driven by the need to minimize the costs of infrastructure and secondly by the fact that points of interest tend to be clustered in certain locations of a city. This effect may be seen as a result of the strong interdependence of the evolutions of both the city and its PTN. To further investigate the significance of the empirical results we have studied one- and two-dimensional models of randomly placed routes modeled by different types of walks. While in one dimension an analytic treatment was successful, the two dimensional case was studied by simulations showing that the empirical results for real PTNs deviate significantly from those expected for randomly placed routes.Comment: 12 pages, 24 figures, paper presented at the Conference ``Statistical Physics: Modern Trends and Applications'' (23-25 June 2009, Lviv, Ukaine) dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Mykola Bogolyubov (1909-1992

    Defect-induced condensation and central peak at elastic phase transitions

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    Static and dynamical properties of elastic phase transitions under the influence of short--range defects, which locally increase the transition temperature, are investigated. Our approach is based on a Ginzburg--Landau theory for three--dimensional crystals with one--, two-- or three--dimensional soft sectors, respectively. Systems with a finite concentration nDn_{\rm D} of quenched, randomly placed defects display a phase transition at a temperature Tc(nD)T_c(n_{\rm D}), which can be considerably above the transition temperature Tc0T_c^0 of the pure system. The phonon correlation function is calculated in single--site approximation. For T>Tc(nD)T>T_c(n_{\rm D}) a dynamical central peak appears; upon approaching Tc(nD)T_c(n_{\rm D}), its height diverges and its width vanishes. Using an appropriate self--consistent method, we calculate the spatially inhomogeneous order parameter, the free energy and the specific heat, as well as the dynamical correlation function in the ordered phase. The dynamical central peak disappears again as the temperatur is lowered below Tc(nD)T_c(n_{\rm D}). The inhomogeneous order parameter causes a static central peak in the scattering cross section, with a finite kk width depending on the orientation of the external wave vector k{\bf k} relative to the soft sector. The jump in the specific heat at the transition temperatur of the pure system is smeared out by the influence of the defects, leading to a distinct maximum instead. In addition, there emerges a tiny discontinuity of the specific heat at Tc(nD)T_c(n_{\rm D}). We also discuss the range of validity of the mean--field approach, and provide a more realistic estimate for the transition temperature.Comment: 11 pages, 11 ps-figures, to appear in PR
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