8 research outputs found
Epidémiologie moléculaire du rotavirus du groupe A associé aux gastroentérites chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans dans la ville de Yaoundé (Cameroun)
Le rotavirus est la première cause de gastroentérites grave chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans. La gravité et la mortalité de la maladie sont majorées dans les pays à revenus faibles d’Asie du sud et d’Afrique subsaharienne. Au Cameroun, la forte prévalence des rotaviroses, associées aux spécificités génotypiques locales du virus, soulignent l’importance de disposer de données épidémiologiques sur le virus. Cette étude visait à contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des principales souches de rotavirus responsables des gastroentérites chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans dans la ville de Yaoundé. Il s’agit d’une étude descriptive transversale d’une durée de 4 mois, dans 8 formations sanitaires de la ville de Yaoundé. Les échantillons de selles d’enfants de moins de 5 ans, hospitalisés pour gastroentérite ont été prélevés. La recherche du rotavirus s’est faite avec le kit ELISA Oxoid ProSpec TTM, et la détermination des génotypes du virus s’est faite par RT - PCR. Cent trente échantillons de selles d’enfants souffrant de gastroentérite ont été collectés. 66,1% de ces échantillons provenaient des hôpitaux FCB/CME, du CHE et de HDE. Le rotavirus a été isolé chez 30% des enfants, dont 40% avait entre 6 et 11 mois. Le CHE (6,9%) et l’HGY (0%) avaient respectivement la prévalence la plus élevée et la plus basse de la ville. Un nombre élevé de combinaisons génotypiques a été isolé, parmi lesquels prédominaient G1P[8] (31%) suivit de G3P[6] (28%) et de G4P[6] (13 %). Les génotypes mixtes G1P[6][8], G2P[6][8], et G1G3P[8] représentaient 22% des isolats. Un type G (3%) est resté indéterminé durant cette étude.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Epidémiologie moléculaire, rotavirus, génotypes, gastroentérite, enfants, YaoundéEnglish Title:  Molecular epidemiology of group A rotavirus associated to gastroenteritis in children less than 5 years in Yaoundé (Cameroon)English AbstractRotavirus is the leading cause of severe gastroenteritis in children less than 5 years. Severity and mortality of this disease are majored in low-income countries of South - Asia and sub - Saharan Africa. In Cameroon, the high prevalence of rotaviruses associated to local genotypic specificities of virus enhances the importance of epidemiological database on the virus. This study aimed at contributing to a better knowledge of the main rotavirus strains responsible for gastroenteritis in children less than 5 years in Yaoundé. We carried out a descriptive and cross sectional study during 4 months, in 8 health centers in Yaoundé. Stool specimens were collected from children less than 5 years old, hospitalized for gastroenteritis. Rotavirus was detected with ELISA kit Oxoid ProSpecTTM, and genotypes determined by RT - PCR. One hundred and twenty seven stool specimens were collected during the study. FCB/CME, CHE, HDE provided 66.1% of specimens collected. Rotavirus was isolated in 30% of children, and 40% of these children were between 6 to 11 months old. The CHE (6. 9%) and the HGY (0%) had respectively the highest and the lowest prevalence of the town. A large number of genotype has been isolated and G1P[8] (31%) were predominant, followed by G3P[6] (28%) and G4P[6] (13%). Mixt genotypes G1P[6][8], G2P[6][8], and G1G3P[8] represented 22% of isolates. One G - type remained untypable.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Molecular epidemiology, rotavirus, genotypes, gastroenteritis, children, Yaound
Medicinal Mushroom of Potential Pharmaceutical Toxic Importance: Contribution in Phytotherapy
Orthodox medical practice depends greatly on the use of high throughput (HTP) pure pharmaceutical new chemical entities, with a purity that can easily be evaluated and whose efficacy and toxicity can show a dose-dependent, clear structure-activity relationships (SAR). On the contrary, natural products contain mixtures of natural bioactive metabolites that have not undergone any chemical analyses and whose mechanism of action is not known. Medicinal mushrooms have been used throughout the history of mankind for the treatment of various diseases including cancer. Nowadays they have been intensively studied and generated research interest in an attempt to reveal the chemical nature and mechanisms of action of their bioactive molecules. Targeted treatment of diseases, non-harmful for healthy tissues, has become a major objective in recent times and metabolites of fungal origin provide a vast reservoir of potential new chemical entities. There are many examples of mushrooms common for use globally that demonstrate the complex nature of their pharmaceutical potential This review paper attempts to show that some aspects of fungotherapy of the disease have been well studied. We also give an insight into the role of mushroom metabolites for treatment of diseases types that are especially susceptible to the fungal treatments
Reproductive health policy Saga: Restrictive abortion laws in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), unnecessary cause of maternal mortality
Abortion is a common but controversial phenomenon globally. The discourse on the legality of abortion remains intricate, leaving a substantial number of women restricted from accessing safe abortion. There are evidence of an association between restrictive abortion laws, unsafe abortions, and maternal mortality in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). We explore how restrictive abortion laws violate women’s right to health and bodily integrity. We used Carol Bacchi’s policy framework to analyze how restrictive abortion laws have been discursively framed (problematization); the assumptions that underpinned the representation; the consequences of the representation; what was left unproblematic; how the representation could be questioned, disrupted and replaced. We found that most of these laws are based on morality and the limited number of women in politics has made them objects rather than subjects in decision-making process. Therefore, we recommend a holistic approach to abortion laws with women leading the process to achieve reproductive justice
Forensic Toxicology Concepts and Applications in Pharmaceutical Medicine
International audienc