45 research outputs found

    Systematic analysis of PINK1 variants of unknown significance shows intact mitophagy function for most variants

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    Pathogenic variants in PINK1 cause early-onset Parkinson’s disease. Although many PINK1 variants have been reported, the clinical significance is uncertain for the majority of them. To gain insights into the consequences of PINK1 missense variants in a systematic manner, we selected 50 PINK1 missense variants from patient- and population-wide databases and systematically classified them using Sherloc, a comprehensive framework for variant interpretation based on ACMG-AMP guidelines. We then performed functional experiments, including mitophagy and Parkin recruitment assays, to assess the downstream consequences of PINK1 variants. Analysis of PINK1 missense variants based on Sherloc showed that the patient databases over-annotate variants as likely pathogenic. Furthermore, our study shows that pathogenic PINK1 variants are most often linked to a loss-of-function for mitophagy and Parkin recruitment, while this is not observed for variants of unknown significance. In addition to the Sherloc framework, the added layer of evidence of our functional tests suggests a reclassification of 9/50 missense variants. In conclusion, we suggest the assessment of multiple layers of evidence, including functional data on top of available clinical and population-based data, to support the clinical classification of a variant and show that the presence of a missense variant in PINK1 in a Parkinson’s disease case does not automatically imply pathogenicity

    Parkinson's disease-associated VPS35 mutant reduces mitochondrial membrane potential and impairs PINK1/Parkin-mediated mitophagy

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    BACKGROUND: Mitochondrial dysfunction plays a prominent role in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease (PD), and several genes linked to familial PD, including PINK1 (encoding PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 [PINK1]) and PARK2 (encoding the E3 ubiquitin ligase Parkin), are directly involved in processes such as mitophagy that maintain mitochondrial health. The dominant p.D620N variant of vacuolar protein sorting 35 ortholog (VPS35) gene is also associated with familial PD but has not been functionally connected to PINK1 and PARK2. METHODS: To better mimic and study the patient situation, we used CRISPR-Cas9 to generate heterozygous human SH-SY5Y cells carrying the PD-associated D620N variant of VPS35. These cells were treated with a protonophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) to induce the PINK1/Parkin-mediated mitophagy, which was assessed using biochemical and microscopy approaches. RESULTS: Mitochondria in the VPS35-D620N cells exhibited reduced mitochondrial membrane potential and appeared to already be damaged at steady state. As a result, the mitochondria of these cells were desensitized to the CCCP-induced collapse in mitochondrial potential, as they displayed altered fragmentation and were unable to accumulate PINK1 at their surface upon this insult. Consequently, Parkin recruitment to the cell surface was inhibited and initiation of the PINK1/Parkin-dependent mitophagy was impaired. CONCLUSION: Our findings extend the pool of evidence that the p.D620N mutation of VPS35 causes mitochondrial dysfunction and suggest a converging pathogenic mechanism among VPS35, PINK1 and Parkin in PD. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s40035-021-00243-4

    Research on increasing the enrolment in mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science teacher education

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    Dit rapport geeft de resultaten weer van een onderzoek dat is uitgevoerd door drie universiteiten naar de vergroting van de instroom in de eerstegraads lerarenopleiding bij de bètavakken wiskunde, informatica, natuurkunde en scheikunde. Het onderzoek is tot stand gekomen in samenwerking met de decanen van de bètafaculteiten vanwege de zorgen over de lage instroom in universitaire lerarenopleidingen. Het onderzoek maakt deel uit van een project tot versterking van de bètadidactiek waaraan ook de Universiteit Twente en de Universiteit Utrecht deelnemen, en is mogelijk gemaakt door subsidie van het ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap.In dit rapport worden de deelonderzoeken weergegeven in verschillende hoofdstukken:• Universiteit Leiden (dr. ir. Alma Kuijpers, dr. Michiel Dam, prof. r. ir. Fred Janssen): hoofdstukken 2 en 6.• Technische Universiteit Delft (dr. Begüm Coskun, prof. dr. Marc de Vries): hoofdstuk 4.• Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (dr. Els van Rooij, dr. Marjon Fokkens-Bruinsma, prof. dr. Martin Goedhart): hoofdstukken 3 en 5

    Feasibility of Follow-Up Studies and Reclassification in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Gene Variants of Unknown Significance

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    Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) is a heterogeneous group of neurodegenerative disorders with autosomal dominant inheritance. Genetic testing for SCA leads to diagnosis, prognosis and risk assessment for patients and their family members. While advances in sequencing and computing technologies have provided researchers with a rapid expansion in the genetic test content that can be used to unravel the genetic causes that underlie diseases, the large number of variants with unknown significance (VUSes) detected represent challenges. To minimize the proportion of VUSes, follow-up studies are needed to aid in their reclassification as either (likely) pathogenic or (likely) benign variants. In this study, we addressed the challenge of prioritizing VUSes for follow-up using (a combination of) variant segregation studies, 3D protein modeling, in vitro splicing assays and functional assays. Of the 39 VUSes prioritized for further analysis, 13 were eligible for follow up. We were able to reclassify 4 of these VUSes to LP, increasing the molecular diagnostic yield by 1.1%. Reclassification of VUSes remains difficult due to limited possibilities for performing variant segregation studies in the classification process and the limited availability of routine functional tests

    Mutations in Potassium Channel KCND3 Cause Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 19

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify the causative gene for the neurodegenerative disorder spinocerebellar ataxia type 19 (SCA19) located on chromosomal region 1p21-q21. METHODS: Exome sequencing was used to identify the causal mutation in a large SCA19 family. We then screened 230 ataxia families for mutations located in the same gene (KCND3, also known as Kv4.3) using high-resolution melting. SCA19 brain autopsy material was evaluated, and in vitro experiments using ectopic expression of wild-type and mutant Kv4.3 were used to study protein localization, stability, and channel activity by patch-clamping. RESULTS: We detected a T352P mutation in the third extracellular loop of the voltage-gated potassium channel KCND3 that cosegregated with the disease phenotype in our original family. We identified 2 more novel missense mutations in the channel pore (M373I) and the S6 transmembrane domain (S390N) in 2 other ataxia families. T352P cerebellar autopsy material showed severe Purkinje cell degeneration, with abnormal intracellular accumulation and reduced protein levels of Kv4.3 in their soma. Ectopic expression of all mutant proteins in HeLa cells revealed retention in the endoplasmic reticulum and enhanced protein instability, in contrast to wild-type Kv4.3 that was localized on the plasma membrane. The regulatory β subunit Kv channel interacting protein 2 was able to rescue the membrane localization and the stability of 2 of the 3 mutant Kv4.3 complexes. However, this either did not restore the channel function of the membrane-located mutant Kv4.3 complexes or restored it only partially. INTERPRETATION: KCND3 mutations cause SCA19 by impaired protein maturation and/or reduced channel function

    Spinocerebellar ataxia type 19/22 mutations alter heterocomplex Kv4.3 channel function and gating in a dominant manner

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    The dominantly inherited cerebellar ataxias are a heterogeneous group of neurodegenerative disorders caused by Purkinje cell loss in the cerebellum. Recently, we identified loss-of-function mutations in the KCND3 gene as the cause of spinocerebellar ataxia type 19/22 (SCA19/22), revealing a previously unknown role for the voltage-gated potassium channel, Kv4.3, in Purkinje cell survival. However, how mutant Kv4.3 affects wild-type Kv4.3 channel functioning remains unknown. We provide evidence that SCA19/22-mutant Kv4.3 exerts a dominant negative effect on the trafficking and surface expression of wild-type Kv4.3 in the absence of its regulatory subunit, KChIP2. Notably, this dominant negative effect can be rescued by the presence of KChIP2. We also found that all SCA19/22-mutant subunits either suppress wild-type Kv4.3 current amplitude or alter channel gating in a dominant manner. Our findings suggest that altered Kv4.3 channel localization and/or functioning resulting from SCA19/22 mutations may lead to Purkinje cell loss, neurodegeneration and ataxia

    Mobile Technology in Allergic Rhinitis : Evolution in Management or Revolution in Health and Care?

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    Smart devices and Internet-based applications (apps) are largely used in allergic rhinitis and may help to address some unmet needs. However, these new tools need to first of all be tested for privacy rules, acceptability, usability, and cost-effectiveness. Second, they should be evaluated in the frame of the digital transformation of health, their impact on health care delivery, and health outcomes. This review (1) summarizes some existing mobile health apps for allergic rhinitis and reviews those in which testing has been published, (2) discusses apps that include risk factors of allergic rhinitis, (3) examines the impact of mobile health apps in phenotype discovery, (4) provides real-world evidence for care pathways, and finally (5) discusses mobile health tools enabling the digital transformation of health and care, empowering citizens, and building a healthier society. (C) 2019 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & ImmunologyPeer reviewe