58 research outputs found

    Simulated Human Tissue Performance

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    ABSTRACT Materials in medical simulations typically consist of polymers such as PVC, silicone, and some slightly more esoteric materials. While adequate for procedural training, they are typically lacking in the realism necessary to fully engage the learner. To improve the behaviors of simulated tissues, a better understanding of the mechanics of human tissue is required. To address this problem, the military is working closely with academia to broadly characterize fresh human cadaver tissues that are of interest to military medical learning. This paper compares the measured mechanical properties of simulated tissues from medical trainers against human tissues that would be subject to a chest tube insertion (skin, pleura). The research will also begin the development of models to translate human tissue data into performance requirements for future simulated tissues. ABOUT THE AUTHORS Fluvio Lobo Fenoglietto is a Biomedical Engineering Graduate student at the Center for Research in Education and Simulation Technologies (CREST). CREST is a research and development division that spun off SimPORTAL, a simulation training program part of the University of Minnesota's Medical School. As part of CREST, Fluvio leads the development of a materials research unit focused on the characterization of the mechanical, optical, electrical, and thermal properties of biological tissues. Fluvio currently pursues an MS degree in the field of Biomedical Engineering and will continue his research as a PhD candidate, focusing on the areas of Tissue Mechanics and Simulation. Mark V. Mazzeo is an Engineering Technician for Medical Simulation Technologies at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Simulation and Training Technology Center (STTC). He supports Science and Technology Managers with contractual documentation, maintenance and demonstration of laboratory equipment, experimental design, and data collection and analysis. He is actively involved in several research projects, from basic research to develop quantitative methods for characterizing simulated tissues, to usability studies to assess the effectiveness and utility of new technologies for Soldiers

    Comportamiento del acuífero costero Guanahacabibes, Pinar del Río

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    The investigation assessed the hydrodynamic, hydrogeochemical and biomolecular behavior of the Guanahacabibes costal aquifer starting from the measurement of the piezometric levels, chemical and microbial composition of the hydrochemical facie. The methods used included the modification of the monitoring main, correction of the absolute height in the observation points applying a technical leveling with a double use of the LEICA-SR20 GPS. Piezometric measuring were done in 22 wells once a month with an electric sunding line with ± 0,5 cm accuracy, it was determined the concentration of anions and cations as well as the total alkalinity, CO2, potential redox, electric conductivity, temperature, pH, hardness and total solids dissolved. Filtering membranes were used for the biomolecular study. The principal paleodirections of flow were determined by the principal alignment technique and combinatorial Boolean analysis. The costal aquifer of the peninsula, in terms of hydrogeology possesses a partial grade of salinization, presenting a variable behavior of the transitional zone. The water quality is determined by the processes of mixture freshwater _ sea water, modifiers of the chemical composition through various geochemical processes, such as reduction anaerobic and ionic interchange, which are subject to the regimens of rains, recharge of the aquifer and of tides. Also it is found that there are great differences among the bacterial communities in seawater, superficial water and subterranean water samples in the horizontal as well as in the vertical direction, associated with the significant variation of their hydrochemistry.La investigación evaluó el comportamiento hidrodinámico, hidrogeoquímico y biomolecular del acuífero costero Guanahacabibes a partir de la medición de los niveles piezométricos, composición química y microbiana de las facies hidroquímicas. Los métodos empleados incluyeron la modificación de la red de monitoreo, corrección de las cotas absolutas en los puntos de observación utilizando una nivelación técnica con doble puesta del GPS modelo LEICA-SR20. Las mediciones piezométricas se realizaron en 22 pozos con frecuencia mensual con una sonda eléctrica de precisión ± 0,5 cm, se determinó las concentraciones de aniones y cationes, alcalinidad total, CO2, potencial Redox, conductividad eléctrica, temperatura, pH, dureza y sólidos totales disueltos. Para el estudio biomolecular se utilizó las membranas filtrantes. Con la técnica de alineación principal y el análisis combinatorio booleano, se determinaron las principales paleodirecciones de flujo. Desde el punto de vista hidrogeológico el acuífero está parcialmente salinizado, presentando un comportamiento variable de la zona de mezcla. La calidad de las aguas estuvo determinada por los procesos de mezcla agua dulce -agua de mar que modifican la composición química mediante diversos procesos geoquímicos, entre ellos los de reducción anaeróbica de sulfato de intercambio iónico, los cuales están sujetos a los regímenes de lluvias, de alimentación del acuífero y de mareas. Se encontró grandes diferencias entre las comunidades bacterianas de las muestras de agua de mar, agua superficial y agua subterránea tanto en la dirección horizontal como en la vertical, asociado a la variación significativa de las facies hidroquímicas correspondientes

    Preliminary results of the 2017 season in the Amazonian earthen structures known as geoglyphs.

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    La primera sesión de trabajo de campo del equipo conjunto de investigación de la de la Universitat de València Estudi General (UVEG) y  la Universidad Federal de Acre (UFAC) ha avanzado significativamente en el conocimiento de las estructuras de tierra construidas en el paisaje amazónico, conocidas popularmente como "geoglifos". En ella se ha realizado por primera vez una topografía de alta precisión y ha permitido hallar una nueva estructura que sumar al catálago en el territorio de la "Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendés"

    Doing archaeology and working with Amazonian communities: the case of the earthen structures known as geoglyphs

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    The project of study of earthen structures known as geoglyphs led by the universities of Valencia (Spain) and the Federal University of Acre (Rio Branco, Brazil) has different objectives but the main one, beyond, the study of the structures is the implementation of plans that allow the necessary protection of these monuments having an impact on local communities. The project pretends to move away from interventions that could be labeled as ‘neocolonialist’ and contribute to the development of archaeological activity in the state of Acre. For this, it has the collaboration of the Acrean delegation of the Instituto de Patrimonio Histórico Artístico (IPHAN), la fundación Elías Mansur de Cultura e Comunicação and institutions of great social relevance as the In- stituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBIO) and the Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuària (EMBRAPA). The study of the geoglyphs, paradoxically, has been possible due to the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest with absolute con- tempt of the local communities, both indigenous and rubber workers (serengueiros). The sustainable development of these com- munities implies a management of the extractive reserves, mainly of the Chico Mendes one, and to that sustainable development it intends to contribute the integral study of the earthen structures known as geogplyphs. The extraordinary dimension of the phe- nomenon, more than 500 structures in the state of Acre (more than 150000 km2 of mainly forested surface) makes its conserva- tion very complicated if local communities are not involved. From the archaeological point of view, the necessary excavations have to weigh the sustainability of the project and plan activities of protection.The project of study of earthen structures known as geoglyphs led by the universities of Valencia (Spain) and the Federal University of Acre (Rio Branco, Brazil) has different objectives but the main one, beyond, the study of the structures is the implementation of plans that allow the necessary protection of these monuments having an impact on local communities. The project pretends to move away from interventions that could be labeled as ‘neocolonialist’ and contribute to the development of archaeological activity in the state of Acre. For this, it has the collaboration of the Acrean delegation of the Instituto de Patrimonio Histórico Artístico (IPHAN), la fundación Elías Mansur de Cultura e Comunicação and institutions of great social relevance as the In- stituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBIO) and the Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuària (EMBRAPA). The study of the geoglyphs, paradoxically, has been possible due to the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest with absolute con- tempt of the local communities, both indigenous and rubber workers (serengueiros). The sustainable development of these com- munities implies a management of the extractive reserves, mainly of the Chico Mendes one, and to that sustainable development it intends to contribute the integral study of the earthen structures known as geogplyphs. The extraordinary dimension of the phe- nomenon, more than 500 structures in the state of Acre (more than 150000 km2 of mainly forested surface) makes its conserva- tion very complicated if local communities are not involved. From the archaeological point of view, the necessary excavations have to weigh the sustainability of the project and plan activities of protection

    Flourishing in subterranean ecosystems: Euro-Mediterranean Plusiocampinae and tachycampoids (Diplura, Campodeidae)

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    Este artículo contiene 138 páginas, 213 figuras, 14 tablas.Diplura is a group of entognathous hexapods, often considered a sister group to insects. They play an important role in recycling organic matter in soil and subterranean terrestrial ecosystems. The Campodeidae is the most diverse family, divided into four subfamilies. The subfamily Plusiocampinae has a subterranean life-style with many species distributed in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The incertae sedis tachycampoids (“lignée Tachycampoïde”) is a group within the family Campodeidae that share with the Plusiocampinae a strong preference for subterranean habitats and several morphological characters, such as slender body shape, elongated appendages, considerable increment in the number of antennomeres and cercal articles, and complexity of sensorial structures. The present monograph provides a taxonomic revision of the subfamily Plusiocampinae and the genera belonging to the tachycampoid lineage from Europe and the Mediterranean region. It comprises detailed morphological descriptions and illustrations together with data on the habitats and distributions of 87 species, 10 subspecies and 11 affinis forms. Seven new species are described among those, namely: Plusiocampa (Plusiocampa) apollo Sendra, Giachino & Vailati sp. nov., P. (P.) chiosensis Sendra & Gasparo sp. nov., P. (P.) dublanskii Sendra & Turbanov sp. nov., P. (P.) hoffmanni Sendra & Paragamian sp. nov., P. (P.) rhea Sendra sp. nov., P. (P.) ternovensis Sendra & Borko sp. nov. and P. (Venetocampa) ferrani Sendra & Delić sp. nov.DS’s field trips were funded by the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (Grant 173038); KP was partially funded by the HISR project “Conservation of the Cave Fauna of Greece” funded by the MAVA Foundation and WWF Greece; PMG and DV carried out sampling in Greece using permits from the Ministry of Environment no. 124085/1362/2015, 135366/373/2016 and 166238/248/2018; IT was funded within the framework of the state assignment of FASO Russia (themes no. АААА-А18-118012690106-7 and АААА-А18-118012690105), supported in part by RFBR (project no. 17-54-40017Абх_а); sampling efforts by AF and colleagues resulted from various projects on the evolution of cave fauna diversity, some of them funded by the German Research Foundation, DFG (DFG FA 1042/1-1 and DFG BA 2152/14-1); PMG and DV were partly supported by the program “Research Missions in the Mediterranean Basin” sponsored by the World Biodiversity Association onlus XLI contribution; ASPSR was supported by a research grant (15471) from Villum Fonden.Peer reviewe

    ARIA digital anamorphosis : Digital transformation of health and care in airway diseases from research to practice

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    Digital anamorphosis is used to define a distorted image of health and care that may be viewed correctly using digital tools and strategies. MASK digital anamorphosis represents the process used by MASK to develop the digital transformation of health and care in rhinitis. It strengthens the ARIA change management strategy in the prevention and management of airway disease. The MASK strategy is based on validated digital tools. Using the MASK digital tool and the CARAT online enhanced clinical framework, solutions for practical steps of digital enhancement of care are proposed.Peer reviewe

    ARIA digital anamorphosis: Digital transformation of health and care in airway diseases from research to practice

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    Digital anamorphosis is used to define a distorted image of health and care that may be viewed correctly using digital tools and strategies. MASK digital anamorphosis represents the process used by MASK to develop the digital transformation of health and care in rhinitis. It strengthens the ARIA change management strategy in the prevention and management of airway disease. The MASK strategy is based on validated digital tools. Using the MASK digital tool and the CARAT online enhanced clinical framework, solutions for practical steps of digital enhancement of care are proposed

    Analise dos determinantes da evoluçao do regime complementar de previdencia fechada no Brasil

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    Orientador: Dayani Cris de AquinoMonografia(Graduaçao) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Setor de Ciencias Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Ciencias EconômicasResumo: Neste estudo analisa-se os determinantes da evolução do regime complementar de previdência fechada no Brasil, onde demonstra-se inicialmente através da "Teoria do Ciclo de Vida do Consumo e da Poupança" a motivação à "poupança previdenciária" e seus resultados agregados, que dependem da presença ou não da previdência social, sua forma de funcionamento, e garantias fornecidas aos seus participantes. Desta forma, apresentou-se à estrutura do Sistema Previdenciário Brasileiro e a crise na previdência social do país, que abriu espaço para o desenvolvimento de um regime complementar e com foco exclusivo para o regime complementar de previdência fechada, procurou-se demonstrar a dinâmica da evolução deste segmento e sua importância para a economia brasileira