17 research outputs found

    The Informational System - Factor of Success in the Management of the Organization

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    Information bridges the gaps among different parts of the systems, and also among themselves. This is why one may assert that the informational system lies at the bedrock of the creation, maintenance and development of the organizational structures. With its help, the organization manages to strike and to keep a balance and that is a factor of success that generates energy, creation and permanent development. Success actually means having all knowledge and information turned into a positive action.informational system, decision, organization, economic efficiency, process of management

    European Approaches on the Concept of Lean Management

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    All aspects of Lean Management presented in this paper have attempted to show the size of an approach of the industrial performance in European companies. The myth created by the results in Japanese car companies Toyota has attracted the interest of many authors to this management system. In this paper, we propose to make a presentation of the contributions in the field, some of them, but also why the system was met with reluctance in this part of the world.lean management; car companies; European approach; production method.


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    The firm, considered to be a unitary system, disposes of a functioning mechanism defined by a few characteristics, which include: - it is a unitary ensemble with an established juridical regime and a certain functional autonomy; - it has specific in and out parameters; - it is capable of self-adjusting its activity through its own management of informational links. To do so, an important role is held by the analises of the logistical system, which implies the component of logistics, and the physics and informational flow."

    The Features of the Production, Financial-Accounting and Human Resources Functions in the SMEs

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    Managers of any organization exercising the functions of management, organization, coordination, training and control in different areas, which generally are called functions of the organization. Management of SMEs differ from the management in the large companies both in the way of exercising the functions of management, as well as by the features of specific activities of each functions of the organization. Therefore, the activities of production, financial-accounting and human resources functions remove highlighting a specific part of management of SMEs.production function; financial-accounting function; human resources function; SMEs.

    The Informational System - Factor of Success in the Management of the Organization

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    Information bridges the gaps among different parts of the systems, and also among themselves. This is why one may assert that the informational system lies at the bedrock of the creation, maintenance and development of the organizational structures. With its help, the organization manages to strike and to keep a balance and that is a factor of success that generates energy, creation and permanent development. Success actually means having all knowledge and information turned into a positive action

    Methods and Conditions for Achieving Continuous Improvement of Processes

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    In the early twentieth century, the Taylor model improved, in a spectacular maner the efficiency of the production processes. This allowed obtaining high productivity by low-skilled workers, but used in large number in the execution of production. Currently this model is questioned by experts and was replaced by the concept of "continuous improvement". The first signs of change date from the '80s, with the apparition of quality circles and groups of operators on quality issues, principles which are also found in other continuous improvement strategies like: TQM (Total Quality Management), TPM (Total Production Maintenance), Kaizen and Six-Sigma. All these strategies are based on an active participation of the workers. Within this framework, many companies organize autonomous teams of workers responsible for organizing their work and improve economic performances.continuous improvement; segment improvement; Kaizen; TQM; TPM; autonomous teams; Six Sigma.


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    Any significant management action can be assessed both in terms of success of immediate goals and as effect of the organization ability to embrace change. Market competition intensifies with the development of Romanian society and its needs. Companies that offer different products and services need to impose certain advantages and to increase their performances. The paper will present modern tools for measuring and evaluating organizational performance, namely: Balanced Scorecard, Deming model and Baldrige model. We also present an example for Balance Scorecard, of an organizations belonging to the cosmetics industry.management, performance, balance scorecard, performance measurement


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    Organizations' competitiveness is an effect of their current strategic and tactical movements and also a cause, a driver of future performance. This paper aims to analyze competitiveness in dynamics, by taking into account the impact of organizations' potential of competitiveness on their current actions, which of course will lead to a higher or lower level of competitiveness in future.organizations, potential of competitiveness, sustained competitive advantage, strategy, management, dynamics

    On the strategical policies and decisions in the main fields of the activity enterprise

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    To obtain the established objectives from the general strategy, the enterprises have to adapt theirs policies and decisions to the real conditions in which they function. The adoption of such a set of tools is not always an easy action, because one always has to take into account the reciprocal influences of a lot of factors from the economical environment of the enterprise. This paper is a review of the main problems of the present enterprises in the adoption process of the strategically policies and decisions in the main fields of their economical activities.strategy, policy, decision, capacity, flexibility