724 research outputs found


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    La presente investigación fue el resultado de un estudio analítico, descriptivo, observacional y exploratorio del fenómeno bullying en los adolescentes del 5to y 6to año de la Escuela Primaria “Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla”, Turno Matutino, del ciclo escolar 2012-2013, en San Fernando Huixquilucan, Estado de México, con la finalidad de identificar, distinguir y determinar mediante un análisis la conducta y comportamiento de los adolescentes. Entre los hallazgos más importantes, destaca la agresión psicológica que incluye amenazar, ridiculizar, excluir, insultar y rechazar a las víctimas, y es la presentada con mayor frecuencia en un 75.71% del total de la población afectada por este fenómeno, mientras que la agresión física es en menor proporción. En comparación con otros estudios se observa que, en esta población, la agresividad psicológica no es diaria; sin embargo, es semanal, factor preocupante por la conducta que se proyecta de acuerdo con la personalidad de cada individuo, lo cual tiene que ver con su entorno y forma de vida. Del total de los alumnos que han recibido agresión física o psicológica (48.60%) y refieren que ha sido cuando se encuentran en compañía (58.33%), lo que nos indica que el victimario lo hace con la perspectiva de ejercer poder y amedrentar a sus iguales para propiciar bullying sobre ellos. Para mayor certeza sobre los porcentajes expuestos, ante esta problemática, se toman como referencia distintas gráficas, las cuales arrojan datos y porcentajes precisos, como resultado de una encuesta aplicada a los alumnos de la institución ya mencionada

    Water resources and freshwater aquaculture development of Yucatan, Mexico

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    The suitability of aquaculture for inland water bodies in the State of Yucatan, a karstic area of southeast Mexico was investigated. Five types of water bodies distinct in morphometric and hydrological characteristics were identified through land-based surveys. Representative sites for each were selected for further study: a sinkhole, a permanent aguada (clogged sinkhole), a rain-filled seasonal pond, a small 9 ha) gravel quarry. The water quality in all of the sites had a high pH (range 7.2-9.4) alkalinity (range 130-840 mg/l CaC03) and hardness (range 198-998mg CaC03). Their nutrient status varied from the permanently stratified and hypereutrophic conditions in the permanent aguada, to oligotrophic conditions in gravel quarries. In general, the water quality resulted adequate for fish culture in the gravel quarries, the sinkhole and in the seasonal pond, but ecological considerations prevented sinkholes for aquaculture development. Aquaculture trials involving the stocking of fry of the native cichlid Cichlasoma urophthalmus and O. niloticus in seasonal ponds and a small gravel quarry demonstrated the feasibility of neglected water bodies for small-scale aquaculture. A net yield of 180 Kg/ha/6 months was obtained from a gravel quarry fertilised with grass Panicum virgatum and stocked with C. urophthalmus. Yields from seasonal ponds were 157Kg/ha of O. niloticus from a small (0.010 ha), and 30 kg/ha of C. urophthalmus from a large (1.11 ha) seasonal pond (no fertilisation or feeding. An environmental impact assessment was carried out at an experimental cage site in gravel quarry. An estimated 0.02 kg of phosphorus was wasted per kg fish produced. A socioeconomic survey on attitudes towards aquaculture adoption was carried out in four agricultural villages and a fishing port. This led to the construction and operation of a small pond demonstration unit. Results suggest that farmers are receptive and adoption of aquaculture as a complementary activity may be feasible and beneficial to rural development, especially in areas with existing water bodies. Economic modelling of the different production units involved showed returns to labour higher than the average agricultural wage. A computer-based Geographical Information System identified areas suitable for aquacultural development. Two major areas were identified: the northern Karst plains where gravel quarries are abundant and suitable for intensive cage-culture; and the southern hilly region where small-scale seasonal aquaculture could be developed

    Infecção por riquétsias em carrapatos de aves silvestres em duas ecorregiões da Argentina

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    Several tick-borne Rickettsia species are recognized human pathogens in Argentina. Here we evaluated rickettsial infection in ticks collected on passerine birds during 2011-2012 in two eco-regions of Argentina. The ticks were processed by molecular analysis through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection and DNA sequencing of fragments of two rickettsial genes, gltA and ompA. A total of 594 tick specimens (532 larvae and 62 nymphs), representing at least 4 species (Amblyomma tigrinum, Ixodes pararicinus, Haemaphysalis juxtakochi, Haemaphysalis leporispalustris), were evaluated. At least one A. tigrinum larva, collected on Coryphospingus cucullatus in Chaco Seco, was infected with Rickettsia parkeri, whereas at least 12 larvae and 1 nymph of I. pararicinus, collected from Troglodytes aedon, Turdus amaurochalinus, Turdus rufiventris, C. cucullatus and Zonotrichia capensis, were infected with an undescribed Rickettsia agent, genetically related to several rickettsial endosymbionts of ticks of the Ixodes ricinus complex. R. parkeri is a recognized human pathogen in several American countries including Argentina, where a recent study incriminated A. tigrinum as the potential vector of R. parkeri to humans. Birds could play an important role in dispersing R. parkeri-infected A. tigrinum ticks. Additionally, we report for the first time a rickettsial agent infecting I. pararicinus ticks.Algumas espécies de Rickettsia transmitidas por carrapatos são reconhecidos como patógenos humanos na Argentina. Este presente trabalho avaliou a infecção por Rickettsia em carrapatos coletados em aves passeriformes, durante 2011-2012, em duas ecorregiões da Argentina. Os carrapatos foram processados pela reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) e sequenciamento de DNA de dois genes de Rickettsia: gltA e ompA. Ao todo, 594 amostras de carrapatos (532 larvas e 62 ninfas), representando pelo menos 4 espécies (Amblyomma tigrinum, Ixodes pararicinus, Haemaphysalis juxtakochi, Haemaphysalis leporispalustris), foram avaliadas. Pelo menos uma larva de A. tigrinum, coletada de Coryphospingus cucullatus no Chaco Seco, estava infectada com Rickettsia parkeri, enquanto pelo menos 12 larvas e 1 ninfa de I. pararicinus, coletadas de Troglodytes aedon, Turdus amaurochalinus, Turdus rufiventris, C. cucullatus e Zonotrichia capensis estavam infectadas com Rickettsia sp., geneticamente relacionada a vários endossimbiontes riquetsiais de carrapatos do complexo Ixodes ricinus. R. parkeri é reconhecidamente um patógeno humano em alguns países americanos, incluindo a Argentina, onde um estudo recente incriminou A. tigrinum como um provável vetor. Aves poderiam desempenhar um papel importante na dispersão de carrapatos A. tigrinum infectados por R. parkeri. Em adição, relata-se pela primeira vez a infecção por Rickettsia em I. pararicinus.Fil: Flores, Fernando Sebastián. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Virología “Dr. J. M. Vanella”; ArgentinaFil: Borges Costa, Francisco. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Nava, Santiago. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; ArgentinaFil: Diaz, Luis Adrian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas y Tecnológicas. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas y Tecnológicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Virología “Dr. J. M. Vanella”; ArgentinaFil: Labruna, Marcelo Bahía. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    The potential for mariculture of Yucatán, México

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    La Argentina es una potencia agroalimentaria muy importante

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    Así lo asegura el representante de la FAO, Alejandro Flores Nava, en una entrevista exclusiva con Revista RIA. Ciencia y tecnología al servicio del desarrollo nacional.Gerencia de Comunicación e Imagen InstitucionalFil: Flores Nava, Alejandro. Representante de la FAO en Argentina; Argentin

    A dynamic cell recruitment process drives growth of the Drosophila wing by overscaling the vestigial expression pattern

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    Organs mainly attain their size by cell growth and proliferation, but sometimes also grow through recruitment of undifferentiated cells. Here we investigate the participation of cell recruitment in establishing the pattern of Vestigial (Vg), the product of the wing selector gene in Drosophila. We find that the Vg pattern overscales along the dorsal-ventral (DV) axis of the wing imaginal disc, i.e., it expands faster than the DV length of the pouch. The overscaling of the Vg pattern cannot be explained by differential proliferation, apoptosis, or oriented-cell divisions, but can be recapitulated by a mathematical model that explicitly considers cell recruitment. When impairing cell recruitment genetically, we find that the Vg pattern almost perfectly scales and adult wings are approximately 20% smaller. Conversely, impairing cell proliferation results in very small wings, suggesting that cell recruitment and cell proliferation additively contribute to organ growth in this system. Furthermore, using fluorescent reporter tools, we provide direct evidence that cell recruitment is initiated between early and mid third-instar larval development. Altogether, our work quantitatively shows when, how, and by how much cell recruitment shapes the Vg pattern and drives growth of the Drosophila wing.Fil: Muñoz Nava, Luis Manuel. Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional; MéxicoFil: Alvarez, Hugo Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos; ArgentinaFil: Flores Flores, Marycruz. Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional; MéxicoFil: Chara, Osvaldo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos; Argentina. Technische Universität Dresden; AlemaniaFil: Nahmad, Marcos. Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional; Méxic

    El capital intelectual en la Universidad Pública

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    La aportación de la universidad como creadora y difusora del conocimiento es inminente. Gracias a las investigaciones que allí se realizan, así como al cumplimiento de su misión, formar investigadores y profesionistas, algunos países, sobre todo los más desarrollados, han logrado mayores niveles de competitividad y bienestar para su población. En México las universidades públicas tienen un papel fundamental, prueba de ello es el reconocimiento que el Gobierno Federal otorga a su quehacer como fuerte apoyo para el cambio estructural anhelado por nuestro país al incrementar su nivel de competitividad por el camino de la investigación y la formación de capital humano altamente especializado. Ante este panorama, las universidades públicas mexicanas deben cumplir fehacientemente su misión como formadoras y forjadoras de personal calificado para la empresa, sector público, organizaciones no gubernamentales y demás instituciones de educación; pero, al mismo tiempo impulsar la investigación científica y desarrollo tecnológico, así como la difusión de la cultura y la promoción del deporte, elementos fundamentales para vivir en una sociedad más justa, equitativa e incluyente.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic

    TI en la dinámica del conocimiento empresarial (pdf)

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    En nuestra era, las ventajas competitivas se generan por el conocimiento del entorno y hacia el interior de las organizaciones. El conocimiento es una capacidad humana este valor se origina en la disposición que tienen los integrantes de una organización al crear, identificar, coleccionar, organizar, compartir, adaptar y aplicar una serie de conocimientos tácitos y explícitos, que pueden permitir el mejor funcionamiento y el crecimiento de la organización. Los cambios en TI han modificado la forma de hacer negocios en todo el mundo, la dinámica empresarial está cambiando aceleradamente como efecto del uso de las TI y su transformación en nuevos productos y servicios genera ventajas competitivas y diferenciación entre los mercados y las compañías, el reto de las empresas actuales se centra en cómo adaptarse a esta nueva era de conocimiento dinámico, de cambio permanente y de un rápido flujo a través de las TI. Aún estamos en el umbral de una nueva dinámica de gestión empresarial donde la información, las ideas y los conocimientos se convierten en el factor clave que determina la viabilidad o el fracaso de las empresas en el futuro.UAE

    Procesamiento de fibras electrohiladas dispersas compuestas de polipirrol en ácido poliláctico

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    A study about the synthesis of composite fibers of polypyrrole (PPy) dispersed in polylactic acid (PLA) by the electrospinning method is presented in this work. For this purpose, PPy particles were polymerized by plasma using glow discharges in a vertical tubular reactor with synthesis power from 20 to 100 W. In each synthesis two fractions were obtained, one soluble and another insoluble, the latter was divided into two, films and particles. Only the particles were used in this work, that were dispersed in PLA solutions, obtaining homogeneous dispersions, which were subsequently injected in an electrospinning machine designed and built by the UAEM-ININ work team to obtain the electrospinning fibers. The characterization of polymers and fibers was carried out by Scanning Microscopy (SEM), Infrared Spectroscopy (IR), X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Absorption Spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Contact Angle and Electrical Conductivity. The results indicate that the particles are spherical with diameters between 0.05 and 3.54 μm as a function of the energy applied in the synthesis. The composite PPy/PLA fibers have diameter from 0.05 to 13.99 μm with protuberances on the surface, tentatively indicating that they are PPy particles embedded in the fibers. The fibers are partially aligned. The chemical structure of PPy particles have =C-H and N-H groups derived from pyrrole and multiple bond formation due to dehydrogenation of pyrrole during synthesis to form cross-linked PPy structures. In the chemical structure in PPy/PLA fibers, PLA structure predominates over that of PPy. The electromagnetic absorption of PPy particles and PPy/PLA fibers is intense in the UV region and is reduced in the Visible region, depending on the synthesis power and the diameter of the fibers. Hydrophilicity in the materials was evaluated by means of the contact angle between particles and fibers with solutions similar to those of the spinal cord whose values for the particles are between 70° and 88° and for the fibers between 110° and 147°. These results suggest that the PPy particles are hydrophilic (90°). The moisture-free electrical conductivity of the PPy particles was in the 10-8 to 10-2 S/m range and that of the composite fibers of PPy/PLA were in the 10-8 -10-4 S/m interval. Conductivity is important in the spinal cord since the neuronal communication in the central nervous system is by ionic pulse