4,954 research outputs found


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    Objective: To identify the causes for exclusion of living kidney donors at a third-level hospital in northwestern Mexico. Materials and methods: An observational, cross-sectional, descriptive and retrospective study, in which the medicalrecords of candidates for living kidney donation were evaluated from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021. Results: Out of the 30 selected records, only 6.6 % (2) were chosen as donors, i.e., the rejection rate of the potential candidates was 93.3 % (28). The average age was 40.7 years; when divided into age groups, it was observed that 7.44 % were ≤ 39 years, 5.31 % were ≥ 50 years and 4.25 % were in the 40–49 age range. The main pathologies that caused therejection of living donors were chronic diseases such as unknown renal disease, obesity, diabetes mellitus, systemic hypertension and heart diseases, which accounted for 60.7 %. The desire to donate was more frequent among blood relatives than non-blood relatives. In the case of blood relatives, i.e., siblings, parents, children, uncles, aunts, etc., 64.2 % were rejected, while 34.7 % of non-blood relatives, including spouses and friends, were rejected.Conclusions: Based on the body mass index (BMI), the results showed that overweight and obesity were the main causes of exclusion, a situation that is consistent with the Mexican epidemiological profile. The number of living donors at ourcenter has been reduced because most of the population is not healthy and has obesity, which affects the willingness to be a candidate for living kidney donation.Objetivo: Identificar las causas de exclusión de los donantes renales vivos en un centro hospitalario de tercer nivel en el noroeste de México.Materiales y métodos: Estudio de tipo observacional, transversal, descriptivo, retrospectivo. Se realizó la evaluación de los expedientes clínicos de los candidatos vivos para donación renal, que abarcó el periodo comprendido entre el 1 de enero de 2019 y el 31 de diciembre de 2021. Resultados: De los 30 expedientes seleccionados, solo se eligieron 2 (6,6 %) donadores, es decir, existió un índice de rechazo de 28 (93,3 %) de los potenciales candidatos. La edad promedio fue de 40,7 años; al dividirlos en grupos de edad, se observó que el 7,44 % fueron ≤39 años; el 5,31 %, ≥50 años; y el 4,25 %, de 40 a 49 años. Dentro de las principales patologías que originaron el rechazo del donador vivo se encuentran las enfermedades crónicas, como afección renal desconocida, obesidad, diabetes mellitus, hipertensión arterial sistémica y cardiopatías, que representaron el 60,7 %. El deseo de donares más frecuente entre consanguíneos que en no consanguíneos. En el caso de los consanguíneos, es decir, hermanos, padres, hijos, tíos, etc., el 64,2 % fue rechazado; en los no consanguíneos, el 34,7 %, que incluía a esposos y amigos. Conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos sobre el índice de masa corporal (IMC) mostraron que el sobrepeso y laobesidad fueron las principales causas de exclusión, circunstancia que es particular en nuestro país respecto a su perfil epidemiológico. La cantidad de donantes vivos en nuestro centro se redujo porque la mayor parte de la población no es sana, padece obesidad y ello repercute al momento de presentarse como candidato a donante.Resumo Objetivo: Identificar as causas de exclusão de doadores vivos de rim. Material e métodos: Estudo observacional, transversal, descritivo, retrospectivo, no qual é realizada a análise dos prontuários de possíveis doadores de rim no período de 1º de janeiro de 2019 a 31 de dezembro de 2021. Identificar diagnósticos que excluam uma pessoa como doador. Resultados: Dos 30 arquivos selecionados, apenas 2 (6,6%) foram escolhidos como doadores, ou seja, houve uma taxa de rejeição de 28 (93,3%). Os principais motivos de rejeição foram doenças crônicas, indicando 60,7% em que se encontraram doença renal desconhecida, obesidade, diabetes mellitus, hipertensão arterial sistêmica e cardiopatia. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos no índice de massa corporal (IMC) mostraram o sobrepeso e a obesidade como uma das principais causas de exclusão com 21,4%, informação semelhante à de Lapasia et al., que descreve a obesidade como a principal causa de rejeição representando quase 40% dos doadores. Ezzaki et al, também a descrevem como causa de exclusão

    Advanced hydrogels for treatment of diabetes

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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood, which leads to metabolic disorders with severe consequences. Today, there is no cure for diabetes. The current management for diabetes and derived medical conditions, such as hyperglycemia, cardiovascular diseases or diabetic foot ulcer, includes life style changes and hypoglycemia based therapy, which do not fully restore euglycemia or the functionality of damaged tissues in patients. This encourages scientists to work outside their boundaries to develop routes that can potentially tackle such metabolic disorders. In this regard, acellular and cellular approaches have represented an alternative for diabetics, although such treatments still face shortcomings related to limited effectiveness and immunogenicity. The advent of biomaterials has brought significant improvements for such approaches, and three-dimensional extracellular matrix analogous, such as hydrogels, have played a key role in this regard. Advanced hydrogels are being developed to monitor high blood glucose levels and release insulin, as well as serve as a therapeutic technology. Herein, the state of the art in advanced hydrogels for improving treatment of diabetes, from laboratory technology to commercial products approved by drug safety regulatory authorities, will be concisely summarized and discussed. [Abstract copyright: This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

    Análisis modal comparado entre modelos virtuales 2d y 3d aplicado a un Cube Sat

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    El siguiente trabajo presenta un análisis modal comparado entre modelos virtuales 2D y 3D, para validar la sistematización de una metodología de análisis completo de Ingeniería Asistida por Computadora, ejemplificada en la aplicación a un modelo de nano satélite tipo Cube Sat. Se detallan los requerimientos de las especificaciones técnicas, condiciones estructurales, cargas, restricciones y frecuencias de vibración, que sufre este satélite al momento de su despegue y durante su órbita. Posteriormente se aplica al Diseño Asistido por Computadora la solicitud del análisis de respuesta dinámica al modelo de su estructura principal simplificada, utilizando el Método de los Elementos Finitos. Las simulaciones incluyen el análisis dinámico de frecuencias naturales y modos de vibración libre. La comparación se lleva a cabo con las herramientas de un Sistema de Ingeniería Basada en el Conocimiento que permiten optimizar la elaboración de diseños mecánicos y reducir tiempos de solución ante nuevos retos de simulación

    Minimal spontaneously broken hidden sector and its impact on Higgs boson physics at the Large Hadron Collider

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    We have studied a hidden sector of the SM with spontaneous symmetry breaking that opens many different scenarios for Higgs physics. We have shown that this hidden sector can affect the SM Higgs detection. In some speci c regimes it is still possible to detect the Higgs; in other scenarios the hidden sector would completely eclipse it

    In the quest of specific-domain ontology components for the semantic web

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    This paper describes an approach we have been using to identify specific-domain ontology components by using Self-Organizing Maps. These components are clustered together in a natural way according to their similarity. The knowledge maps, as we call them, show colored regions containing knowledge components that may be used to populate an specific-domain ontology. Later, these ontology may be used by software agents to carry out basic reasoning task on our behalf. In particular, we deal with the issue of not constructing the ontology from scratch, our approach helps us to speed up the ontology creation process


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       This paper studies the levels of maximum accelerations of the ambient vibrations and their corresponding frequencies in a sector of Panama City, which concentrates health centers educational, religious and residential buildings. The measurements were due during a year in 25 points, three times a day was possible to verify that we are exposed to high levels dose of vibrations that, although in most of the cases are not perceivable, they affect in the long term.    En este trabajo se estudian los niveles de aceleraciones máximas de las vibraciones ambientales y sus correspondientes frecuencias, en un sector de la Ciudad de Panamá que concentra centros sanitarios, educativos y religiosos, así como edificios residenciales. Las mediciones se realizaron durante un año, en 25 puntos de la ciudad, en tres momentos del día. Se pudo comprobar que estamos expuestos a niveles de vibraciones altas que, aunque en la mayoría de los casos no son perceptibles por las personas, afectan nuestra salud.&nbsp

    Nivel de ruido en la ciudad de Panamá

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    En este trabajo se estudian los niveles sonoros en un sector del área urbana de la Ciudad de Panamá (5,0 km2 ), que concentra gran cantidad de centros hospitalarios, educativos, habitacionales y religiosos. Se midieron los niveles sonoros y sus frecuencias en 100 puntos durante un año. Además, se realizaron encuestas a los transeúntes para determinar su percepción sobre el ruido. Se pudo comprobar que el área de estudio está expuesto desde las 7:00 de la mañana hasta las 9:00 de la noche, durante todo el año, a un valor promedio de 74 dBA

    Dynamic semantic ontology generation: a proposal for social robots

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    [Abstract] During a human-robot interaction by dialogue/voice, the robot cannot extract semantic meaning from the words used, limiting the intervention itself. Semantic knowledge could be a solution by structuring information according to its meaning and its semantic associations. Applied to social robotics, it could lead to a natural and fluid human-robot interaction. Ontologies are useful representations of semantic knowledge, as they capture the relationships between objects and entities. This paper presents new ideas for ontology generation using already generated ontologies as feedback in an iterative way to do it dynamically. This paper also collects and describes the concepts applied in the proposed methodology and discusses the challenges to be overcome.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades; RTI2018-096338-B-I0