1,937 research outputs found

    Exploring Sex Differences in the Effect of Cannabidiol on Physical Activity, Cognition, Psychological Wellbeing, and Inflammatory and Neural Health Biomarkers

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    Cannabidiol (CBD) is believed to improve physical and mental health in recreationally active men and women. The purpose of this study was to investigate the biological sex-related differences in physical activity, health-related fitness, mental and cognitive health, and biomarkers of inflammation and neural health before and after an 8-week CBD intervention. Participants (N =49; CBD Treatment Group (CG): n =24; Placebo Treatment Group (PG): n = 25; Females: n = 25; Males: n = 24; Males in CBD Group (CF-M): n = 12; Females in CBD Group (CG-F), n = 12; Males in Placebo Group (PG-M): n =12; Females in Placebo Group (PG-F): n = 13) completed a total of 8 visits, separated by an 8-week intervention period of either 50 mg of CBD or a calorie-matched placebo to consume daily. Before and after the intervention, participants completed a fasted blood draw, psychological and cognitive function questionnaires, and assessments for body composition, peak oxygen uptake, anaerobic fitness, and muscular strength. Isolated serum was used to determine resting concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) using enzyme-linked immunoassays. Data were analyzed with SPSS using independent t-tests and 2 and 3-way mixed analysis of variance (α = 0.05). An interaction (time*treatment) on anaerobic fitness was found in which PG experienced a 9% and 3% decline in mean peak power (p = 0.006) and relative peak power (p = 0.006) compared with CG. Another interaction (treatment*sex) was found on overall CRP concentrations in which CG-F had 92% and 115% greater overall mean CRP concentrations than PG-F (p = 0.026) and CG-M (p = 0.012), respectively. Another interaction (treatment*sex) was also found on overall BDNF concentrations in which PG-F had 43% and 39% greater overall mean BDNF concentrations than CG-F (p = 0.014) and PG-M (p = 0.008), respectively. Results suggest that 8 weeks of CBD does not alter body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, and muscular strength. However, results suggest that it may serve as a potential aid in preventing decreases in anaerobic fitness, and that its effect on resting concentrations of CRP and BDNF are different between males and females

    Learning Styles and Techniques Used Among Undergraduates with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    As universities increase their student body, the autistic student cohort requires proper support from their faculty and peers. Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder have specific barriers such as transference and social communication that have to be considered to properly create community based support and services. Many previous studies showed that autistic students who had additional academic and emotional support presented higher graduation rates and GPAs, whereas students with generalized support, known as mainstreaming, were more socially and emotionally depleted. For the past forty years, the learning styles of these students have been bolstered through the techniques of behavioral therapies. This paper presents the data of surveys and individual interviews of autistic students from a southern university. Through the use of the university’s bulk email system, insight into this hidden population was provided and was analyzed through both quantitative and qualitative methodology. The results show a relationship between prior behavioral therapeutic intervention and satisfaction with university life and coursework. Additionally, the data provided specifics on the resources that these students are currently using and how these programs could be improved upon from the students’ perspective. As this study surveyed the effects of proper academic support, peer support, and general awareness, the study hopes to lessen the isolation of autistic students from the academic community through this research. This study aims to provide a starting point for future research which can be conducted to integrate this data into academic programs that would allow for better support of students and diversify the academic field through accessibility

    Phenotypic evolution in microalgae: a dramatic morphological shift in Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides (Chlorophyta) after exposure to TNT

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    Phenotypic evolution in microalgae: a dramatic morphological shift in Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides (Chlorophyta) after exposure to TNT. The occurrence of rapid morphological evolution in the microalga Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides (Chlorophyta) was induced after exposure of the wild strains of the alga to the potent algal poison 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). After exposing a wildtype population (consisted of representative spherical-ellipsoidal cells) to doses of TNT that were lethal for most of the cells, a TNT-resistant spindle-shaped mutant was able to proliferate. This spindleshaped mutant appeared spontaneously by rare mutations before the selective treatment: in deed, it was already present in the wild population. The frequency of the mutants within the ancestral population seemed to be determined by the balance between the rate of accumulation by recurrent mutation and the rate of elimination by selection (ranging 10-102 spindle-shaped mutants per 106 cells). We hypothesize that clone selection could take place in asexual populations of microalgae by selection of rare, pre-selective genotypes, driven by a drastic selective pressure subsequent to a catastrophic environmental changeEvolucion fenotípica en microalgas: un cambio morfológico espectacular en Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides (Chlorophyta) tras la exposición a TNT. Un cambio morfológico muy rápido tiene lugar en Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides (Chlorophyta) tras la exposición de cepas salvajes al potente alguicida 2,4,6 trinitrotolueno (TNT). Las cepas salvajes, sensibles al TNT, tienen una morfología típica esférico-elipsoidal. Tras exponer dichas cepas a dosis letales de TNT, solamente sobreviven células resistentes al tóxico cuya silueta es fusiforme. Estos resistentes fusiformes aparecen como consecuencia de mutaciones espontáneas que tienen lugar antes de exponer las cepas salvajes al agente selectivo (TNT): es decir, las células fusiformes estaban presentes en la población salvaje. La frecuencia de mutantes fusiformes en las poblaciones salvajes está definida por el equilibrio entre la tasa de acumulación de mutantes y la tasa en que son eliminados por tener una eficiencia biológica menor (10-102 mutantes fusiformes por 106 células salvajes). Se propone que la selección de clones podría ser un mecanismo de evolución adaptativa en poblaciones de microalgas asexuales. Este evento opera mediante la selección de genotipos pre-selectivos que aparecen como consecuencia del incremento de la presión de selección como fruto de eventos catastróficos en el medio ambient

    Síntesis y caracterización de un biomaterial para su uso en ingeniería de tejidos de piel

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    La ingeniería de tejidos constituye una disciplina relativamente nueva y un campo de investigación y desarrollo interdisciplinario que aplica los conocimientos de la bioingeniería, química, física, biología etc. para resolver problemas químicos y quirúrgicos asociados a la pérdida de tejido o al fallo funcional de órganos (San Román et al., 2000; Naderi et al., 2011). Esta área de conocimiento busca proporcionar una nueva solución a los problemas de daño o pérdida tisular, mediante el reemplazo o restauración de tejido. Más aún se aspira a recobrar la función de un órgano y en algunos casos su reconstrucción parcial o total, con estructuras que contengan poblaciones específicas de células. La meta fundamental de la ingeniería de tejidos es desarrollar sustitutos (biológicos o sintéticos) que restauren, mantengan o mejoren la función del tejido perdido o lesionado por trauma o enfermedad. (Marler et al., 1998; Landínez et al., 2010). Esta nueva área de estudio permitirá crear estrategias que permitan la sustitución del tejido dañado, por un tejido diseñado y construido para satisfacer las funciones y las necesidades de cada paciente

    Serving Our Communities: Leveraging the Honors College Model at Two-Year Institutions

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    Honors colleges at two-year institutions play a uniquely important role in twenty-first century higher education by providing additional opportunities, services, and programming that support greater outcomes for the community, especially for those members of underrepresented and underserved populations. Two-year institutions may wonder how the honors college structure could be valuable, particularly when honors programs are already well established, recognized, and understood among the faculty and staff as providing opportunities for students and supported by administration. Honors colleges can give honors a seat at the table in deans councils, budgetary discussions, campus planning, and curriculum development processes, which in turn allows for better advocacy for the needs of its students and faculty. Having honors in these higher-level discussions also allows campus partners to learn from successes in honors instruction, advising, and recruiting. This chapter examines three honors colleges that serve varying geographic locations and uniquely different two-year student populations, including large numbers of minority, first-generation, and low-income students, while exploring how honors can fulfill unmet needs and solidify its place as a cornerstone of opportunity and success in the community. The essay hopes to engage various readers rather than offer a one-size-fits-all analysis of how honors colleges at two-year institutions serve their students, faculty, campus, and larger communities

    Factores de riesgo asociados a hipoglicemia en neonatos a término del HJCH en Piura, 2018

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    La hipoglicemia neonatal es el trastorno metabólico más frecuente y precoz del recién nacido, que puede causar desde irritabilidad transitoria hasta estados de convulsión, apnea y muerte. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Se diseñó un estudio observacional, retrospectivo, analítico, caso control, con 58 casos y 58 controles, que tuvo por objetivo conocer los factores de riesgo asociados a hipoglicemia en neonatos a término, nacidos en el hospital Essalud José Cayetano Heredia. RESULTADOS. Las variables que sí mostraron asociación estadística con la hipoglicemia del recién nacido fueron: antecedente de diabetes materna y de estrés perinatal. No se demostró asociación estadísticamente significativa, de hipoglicemia neonatal con: sexo del recién nacido; vía de culminación del parto; uso de medicamentos durante el trabajo de parto; inducción o estimulación con ocitócicos; retardo de crecimiento intrauterino; antecedente de hipertensión materna inducida por el embarazo; presencia de Síndrome de aspiración de líquido amniótico meconial; peso al nacer.Neonatal hypoglycaemia is the most frequent and early metabolic disorder of the newborn, which can cause from transitory irritability to states of convulsion, apnea and death. MATERIAL AND METHODS. An observational, retrospective, analytical, control case study was designed, with 58 cases and 58 controls, whose objective was to know the risk factors associated with hypoglycemia in term infants born in the hospital Essalud José Cayetano Heredia. RESULTS. The variables that did show a statistical association with the hypoglycemia of the newborn were: history of maternal diabetes and perinatal stress. There was no statistically significant association of neonatal hypoglycemia with: sex of the newborn; culmination route of delivery; use of medications during labor; induction or stimulation with oxytocics; intrauterine growth retardation; history of maternal hypertension induced by pregnancy; presence of meconium amniotic fluid aspiration syndrome; Birth weight.Tesi

    Incidencia de la organización de la Fuerza de venta en el Desarrollo empresarial de las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (PYMES) del municipio de Matagalpa durante el año 2016

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    En la siguiente investigación se aborda sobre la incidencia de la organización de la fuerza de ventas de tienda Standar Chontal en el desarrollo empresarial. La tienda está ubicada en la parte norte de Matagalpa fundada hace cuatro años y dirigida venta al detalle, bajo la dirección de su propietario Sr. Alejandro Montenegro. El propósito de llevar a cabo esta investigación es obtener información y resultados de la aplicación de las variables, organización de la fuerzas de ventas y desarrollo empresarial, la relación que existe entre ellas y las actividades realizadas en el negocio en función de las mismas. Para realizar la investigación se utilizó las encuestas a trabajadores y clientes como herramientas de consulta y métodos de observación por los cuales se triangularon los resultados que facilitaron los datos recopilados de las diferentes variables. La tienda es un negocio permanente en el mercado desde su apertura, una organización abierta a cambios y continuas mejoras en su proceso de crecimiento, con una buena aceptación en el mercado, por ello es importante aprovechar esta fortaleza que ha logrado formar y trabajar para que aumente y de esa manera llene las expectativas de los clientes activos y potenciales. A través de la investigación se obtuvieron resultados cercanos a los objetivos planteados dando a conocer la realidad de la organización y la importancia del recurso humano para la toma de decisión y el impacto de esta en el desarrollo empresaria

    Aplicación de una auditoria ambiental y su incidencia en el riesgo financiero de la comercializadora de Hidrocarburos CGHL S.A.C. distrito de Trujillo, año 2018

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar cómo la Auditoría Ambiental incide disminuyendo el riesgo financiero de la comercializadora de hidrocarburos CGHL S.A.C., distrito de Trujillo, año 2018. La cual se desarrolló de forma progresiva con la recopilación de información, analizando documentos que la organización empresarial posee y otros que se recolectaran en campo, al igual que la elaboración y análisis de los resultados que permitieron integrar todas las variables de acuerdo con el problema estudiado. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, esta investigación tiene un enfoque cualitativo, diseño explicativo o causal, mediante el cual se investigó las causas y efectos al momento de aplicar la auditoría ambiental. En la recolección de datos se empleó las técnicas de observación, encuesta y análisis documental, siendo los instrumentos la lista de cotejo, cuestionario de control interno y guía de análisis documental para la recolección y análisis de la información. Cuyos resultados se evidencian a través de tablas y gráficos. Los resultados nos permitieron determinar que la empresa posee graves problemas en relación con el cumplimiento de sus políticas ambientales como: la falta de implementación de manuales y procedimientos acerca del manejo de residuos sólidos y materiales tóxicos, en cuanto al riesgo financiero tienen una incidencia negativa evidenciando derrame de combustible, falta de almacenes adecuados, desconocimiento de las técnicas de seguridad y uso indiscriminado de la energía eléctrica, los cuales perjudican la salud y el medio ambiente. Sin dejar de mencionar el impacto económico en la rentabilidad de la misma al incurrir en costos innecesarios que se pueden evitar.The objective of this investigation was to determine how the Environmental Audit affects the financial risk of the hydrocarbons trading company CGHL SAC, district of Trujillo, 2018. It was developed progressively with the collection of information, analyzing documents that the business organization. It has and others that will be collected in the field, as well as the elaboration and analysis of the results that allowed integrating all the variables according to the problem studied. From the methodological point of view, this research has a qualitative approach, explanatory or causal design, through which the causes and effects were investigated at the time of applying the environmental audit. In the collection of data, the techniques of observation, survey and documentary analysis were used, the instruments being the checklist, internal control questionnaire and document analysis guide for the collection and analysis of the information. Whose results are evidenced through tables and graphs. The results allowed us to determine that the company has serious problems in relation to compliance with environmental policies such as: the lack of implementation of manuals and procedures on the management of solid waste and toxic materials, in terms of financial risk have a negative impact evidencing spillage of fuel, lack of adequate stores, ignorance of safety techniques and indiscriminate use of electric power, which harm health and the environment. Not to mention the economic impact on the profitability of the same to incur unnecessary costs that can be avoided.Tesi