8 research outputs found
Vital NETosis vs. suicidal NETosis during normal pregnancy and preeclampsia
Background: NETosis occurs in the context of infection or inflammation and results in the expulsion of decondensed DNA filaments called NETs (Neutrophil Extracellular Traps) into the extracellular environment. NETosis activates coagulation and contributes to the thrombotic risk of inflammatory diseases. To date, two mechanisms of NETosis have been identified: suicidal NETosis, in which neutrophils die after expelling the filaments; and vital NETosis, in which expulsion appears without altering the membrane. Human pregnancy is associated with a mild pro-inflammatory state, which is increased in the event of complications such as preeclampsia (PE). NETosis has been observed in these situations, but the mechanism of its production has not yet been studied. The aim of our study was to evaluate the balance of vital vs. suicidal NETosis in normal pregnancy and in PE.Patients/Methods: Neutrophils from healthy volunteers were stimulated with plasma from normal pregnancies (n = 13) and from women developing preeclampsia (n = 13). Immunofluorescent labelling was performed to determine the percentages and origin of NETs in both groups. Inhibition with suicidal or vital NETosis inhibitors was also performed to validate our results.Results: We found a significant increase in NETs in women with PE compared to women with normal pregnancies. We showed that vital and non-vital NETosis are present in normal and preeclamptic pregnancies. We demonstrated that the higher proportion of NETs observed in PE was due to non-vital NETosis whose main component is represented by suicidal NETosis.Discussion: These results suggest the important part of non-vital NETosis in the pathophysiology of PE
The Risk of Thrombosis Around Pregnancy: Where Do We Stand?
International audiencePregnancy and puerperium increase the relative risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) and the absolute risk remains low, around 1 per 1,000, with induced mortality of around 1 per 100,000. Analysis of large databases has helped specify the modes of presentation and risk factors (RF) whose impact is greater after than before childbirth, since VTE during pregnancy and post-partum obey different RFs. The evolution of the population concerned (mostly women over 35, obese, of multi-ethnicity undergoing medically assisted reproduction) affects the frequency of these RFs. Pulmonary embolism (PE) is over-represented after childbirth, but 30% of PE in pregnancy occurs without any RFs. Recommendations for prevention, mainly from expert groups, are heterogeneous and often discordant. Low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) are the mainstay of pharmacological thromboprophylaxis, in a field where randomized controlled studies are definitely lacking. VTE risk assessment in pregnancy must be systematic and repetitive. Risk assessment methods and scores are beginning to emerge to guide thromboprophylaxis and should be used more systematically. In the future, analyzing observational data from huge, nationwide registries and prospective cluster clinical trials may bring to light clinically relevant outcomes likely to feed comprehensive guidelines
Pasteurs des Ăąmes, Passeurs des Arts
Les disciplines historiques ont portĂ© un Ă©clairage dĂ©cisif sur la diversitĂ© du clergĂ© sĂ©culier et sur sa place dans la sociĂ©tĂ© française dâAncien RĂ©gime ; analysĂ©e Ă travers les prismes de la culture matĂ©rielle, de lâhistoire sociale et politique ou de lâanthropologie religieuse, la figure du prĂȘtre de campagne est aujourdâhui mieux cernĂ©e. Sans ĂȘtre totalement nĂ©gligĂ©es, les recherches sur lâimplication du bas clergĂ© dans la commande artistique des temps modernes attendent cependant des approfondissements, dont cet ouvrage livre tes premiĂšres rĂ©flexions. Les prĂȘtres Ă©taient probablement les premiers concernĂ©s par le dĂ©cor de leurs Ă©glises mais quelle Ă©tait prĂ©cisĂ©ment la nature de leurs « participations » ? Quelques interrogations ont dĂ©jĂ leurs rĂ©ponses : textes et documents livrent des preuves de leur immixtion dans la commande, allant de la mise en Ćuvre des adjudications au choix des artistes ou des ateliers, Ă la gestion des coĂ»ts, la sĂ©lection des matĂ©riaux, etc. Et si nous pouvons saisir la maniĂšre dont les hommes dâĂ©glise sâimmisçaient dans la crĂ©ation, lâexamen des portraits quâils ont laissĂ©s documente conjointement la perception de leur propre condition : des guides de cortĂšges processionnels aux faiseurs de miracles, des cĂ©lĂ©brants dâautels aux « notables » en soutanes, ces reprĂ©sentations sont autant dâindices qui Ă©clairent la vie et la culture des dites paroissiales quâils constituaient