28 research outputs found

    Fatal Vibrio vulnificus Infection Associated with Eating Raw Oysters, New Caledonia

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    International audienceTo the Editor: The bacterium Vi-brio vulnifi cus is a marine fl ora sap-rophyte that can cause necrotic skin infection and septicemia in humans who eat shellfi sh. Symptoms of sep-ticemia (mortality rate >50%) have been described mostly in Florida and Japan among persons who ate raw fi lter-feeding shellfi sh when seawater temperatures are >20°C (1). V. vulnifi cus–related septicemia introduced through the digestive system appears within 7 days after inges-tion (2). Clinical signs and symptoms include fever, collapse, and metastatic necrotic skin lesions. We report 3 patients from New Caledonia who died after V. vulnifi cus infection, which they probably acquired by eating contaminated oysters. These patients were hospitalized during February–May 2008 at Noumea Hospital (Noumea, New Caledonia). Patient 1 was a 51-year-old man with fever, muscle pains, bleeding gums, and a history of alcohol abuse; within 48 hours after symptom onset, he died of septic shock, with diffuse ecchymoses and purpura. Patient 2 was a 67-year-old woman with no known concurrent conditions who was admitted to the hospital with chills, diarrhea, and vomiting; septic shock developed, with painful erythematous plaques on the lower limbs becoming foamy, confl uent, and necrotic. Patient 3 was a 74-year-old woman with untreated lupus who was hospitalized with lower-limb edema, hypotension, hypothermia, and erythematous skin lesions. All 3 patients received cepha-losporins but died of multiple organ failure within 12 hours after hospital admission. Peripheral blood aerobic–anaer-obic samples were taken from all patients , stored in BacT/Alert FA vials (bioMĂ©rieux, Marcy-l'Etoile, France), and incubated in the BacT/Alert 3D system (bioMĂ©rieux). Curved mobile gram-negative bacilli were isolated from blood samples cultured on conventional media without additional salt within 24 h after incubation at 37°C in a 5% CO 2-enriched atmosphere. V. vulnifi cus was identifi ed through the Vitek2 system (bioMĂ©rieux) and con-fi rmed by using the Api 20E system (bioMĂ©rieux). Strains were sent to the Centre National de Reference des Vibrions et du CholĂ©ra, (Institut Pasteur, Paris, France), which by PCR confi rmed the gene encoding virulence-associated hemolysin, a species-specifi c marker (3). Molecular typing by pulsed-fi eld gel electrophoresis was performed to assess possible clonality of the strains. Several studies have shown the genomic diversity among environmental and clinical V. vulnifi cus isolates. The use of genotyping methods has identifi ed >100 V. vulnifi cus strains in a single oyster (4) and notable hetero-geneity among clinical isolates from multiple patients, even if a unique pathogenic strain causes the infection in each patient. Thus, V. vulnifi cus infections within a large population at risk may result from rare events controlled more by the host than by the bacterial strain (5). Pulsed-fi eld gel electrophoresis genotype analysis enabled us to divide the strains into 2 groups. One group included the isolate from patient 1, and the other group included isolates from patients 2 and 3, which despite having slightly different NotI and Sfi I patterns refl ecting genetic rearrangement , clearly belonged to a single clone. Isolation of strains with such a high degree of homogeneity is not common, raising the question of the existence of V. vulnifi cus clones that are particularly virulent or adapted to humans. Currently, however, reliable markers for determining V. vulnifi cus virulence do not exist. Thus, no geno-typing system is likely to be useful for rapidly identifying strains that affect public health (6). V. vulnifi cus–related analysis requires the assumption that all strains are virulent. Epidemiologic information collected from patients' families indicated recent consumption of raw oysters. Two of the 3 cases occurred within a short time frame and were associated with eating local oysters harvested on the west coast of New Caledonia. The literature mentions few cases of V. vulnifi cus infection in the South Pacifi c. Cases described were isolated, rarely fatal, and involved infection through the skin (7–10). The V. vulnifi-cus infections we report may be related to the emergence of a new clone or to changes in the climate or environmental conditions. New Caledonia experienced unusual weather conditions during the fi rst half of 2008 (heavy rains and exceptionally high temperatures). These specifi c conditions may have favored higher sea surface temperatures, lower salinity, increased turbidity, and subsequent multiplication of V. vulnifi-cus in seawater. A range of projects were implemented to train practitioners to recognize potential V. vulnifi cus infections. Local health authorities issued criteria for defi ning suspected cases of V. vulnifi cus infection and recommendations for early medical care of patients with clinical symptoms. Methods of detecting the bacterium in human and animal health laboratories were improved , particularly by the systematic use of selective media in the event of suspected clinical V. vulnifi cus infection and standardized reporting of V. vulnifi cus isolation. Preventive measures , such as improving microbial surveillance and warning consumers about risks associated with eating raw seafood, are essential to help reduce the risk for V. vulnifi cus–induced illness. 136 Emerging Infectious Diseases ‱ www.cdc.gov/eid ‱ Vol. 17, No. 1, January 2011 LETTERS Acknowledgments We thank Jacob Kool, Martha Iwa-moto, Rajal Mody, and Dominique Hervio-Heath for help in investigating these cases and for formulating recommendations


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    RENNES1-BU Santé (352382103) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF


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    RENNES1-BU Santé (352382103) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Les infections invasives à streptocoque du groupe A en Nouvelle-Calédonie en 2006

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    En 2006, 90 patients ayant eu une infection invasive Ă  streptocoque du groupe A en Nouvelle -CalĂ©donie ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©pertoriĂ©. Cette premiĂšre Ă©tude rĂ©trospective menĂ©e sur le territoire Ă  permis de dĂ©montrer une incidence relativement Ă©levĂ©e par rapport aux autres pays avec 38 cas /100 000 hab et notamment dans la population mĂ©lanĂ©sienne (78 cas / 100 000 hab), l'homme Ă©tant 2 fois plus touchĂ© avec une atteinte principale aux Ăąges extrĂȘmes de la vie. Le principal facteur de risque est la lesion cutanĂ©e souvent nĂ©gligĂ©e, responsable de cellulites (45%), de myosite (11%), septicĂ©mie (15%), arthrite septique (10%), pneumopathie (2%) et de 3,5% de dĂ©cĂšs.L'Ă©tude rĂ©vĂšle des souches Emm trĂšs diffĂ©rentes des souches habituelles avec Emm 15, Emm 92 et 6 nouveaux types non connus jusqu'ici, Emm 15 semble trĂšs liĂ© Ă  la population autochtone, il existe une grande diversitĂ© des souches Emm retrouvĂ© et une rĂ©sistance aux antibiotiques mois importantes que dans les autres pays (pas de rĂ©sistance aux macrolides et 10% de rĂ©sistance aux cyclines). L'humiditĂ© joue un rĂŽle prĂ©pondĂ©rant dans la survenue d'infection invasive. Des moyens de prĂ©vention sont possibles avec principalement le traitement prĂ©coce des plaies et adaptĂ© avec l'aide du mĂ©decin gĂ©nĂ©raliste, l'extrĂȘme variabilitĂ© des souches Emm et leurs diversitĂ©s pose un problĂšme en vue de l'utilisation d'un vaccin efficace en Nouvelle-CalĂ©donie.TOULOUSE3-BU SantĂ©-Centrale (315552105) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Leptospirose (facteurs de gravité à l'admission)

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    CAEN-BU MĂ©decine pharmacie (141182102) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Implication de la leucocidine de Panton et Valentine dans les infections sévÚres à Staphylococcus aureus en Nouvelle-Calédonie

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    INTRODUCTION : La leucocidine de Panton et Valentine (PVL) est incriminĂ©e comme facteur de virulence majeur du Staphylococcus aureus (SA). Depuis 1999, des souches de SA rĂ©sistantes Ă  la mĂ©ticilline d'acquisition communautaire (SARM-CA) sĂ©crĂ©tant cette toxine Ă©mergent mondialement et sont responsables d'infections cutanĂ©es, de pyomyosites, d'ostĂ©omyĂ©lites, et de pneumopathies nĂ©crosantes sĂ©vĂšres. En Nouvelle-CalĂ©donie, le SARM-CA n'a pas encore Ă©mergĂ© mais l'incidence des infections Ă  SA est Ă©levĂ©e. OBJECTIFS : Les objectifs de cette Ă©tude sont l'estimation de la prĂ©valence de la PVL dans les infections sĂ©vĂšres Ă  SA, la description de ces infections et l'Ă©tude de clonalitĂ© des souches de SA PVL+ ET PVL- en Nouvelle-CalĂ©donie. L'objectif final est de dĂ©gager des recommandations de prise en charge mĂ©dicale. METHODE : Les souches de SA responsables d'infections sĂ©vĂšres ont Ă©tĂ© envoyĂ©es sur deux pĂ©riodes diffĂ©rentes au CNR des staphylocoques Ă  Lyon pour analyse. RESULTATS : La PVL est sĂ©crĂ©tĂ©e par 47 (58 % des 81 souches incluses et est associĂ©e majoritairement Ă  des ostĂ©omyĂ©lites, des pneumopathies, des pyomyosites et des abcĂšs profonds. Les infections Ă  SA PVL+ atteignent significativement une population plus jeune, mĂ©lanĂ©sienne, avec moins de comorbiditĂ©s, l'acquisition est d'avantage communautaire, le recours Ă  la chirurgie plus souvent nĂ©cessaire par rapport aux infections Ă  SA PVL-. Ces souches, toutes mĂ©ticillinosensibles sont reprĂ©sentĂ©es par 11 clones dont un prĂ©domine : le clone agr4 ST121 pandĂ©mique (53 %des souches). DISCUSSION : La prĂ©valence de la PVL dans les infections Ă  SA en Nouvelle-CalĂ©donie est Ă©levĂ©e et l'Ă©mergence de clones de SARM-PVL+ est probable malgrĂ© l'incidence faible des SARM hospitaliers. Des mesures de prĂ©vention s'imposent pour limiter la dissĂ©mination dans la communautĂ© et Ă  l'hĂŽpital de ces souches et prĂ©venir l'Ă©mergence de SARM-CA avec toutes les difficultĂ©s que cela implique dans une sociĂ©tĂ© oĂč environ 40 % de la population vit en tribu.BORDEAUX2-BU SantĂ© (330632101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Analyse descriptive de la prise en charge des patients atteints de dengue en Nouvelle-Calédonie

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    [RĂ©sumĂ© français] La Nouvelle-CalĂ©donie, territoire situĂ© dans le pacifique sud, a vĂ©cu la plus grande Ă©pidĂ©mie de dengue de son histoire durant l annĂ©e 2009 avec l arrivĂ©e du sĂ©rotype 4. Cette maladie virale bĂ©nigne dans la plupart des cas, se complique en forme hĂ©morragique ou en choc syndrome chez certains patients. Cette analyse descriptive rĂ©trospective de l Ă©pidĂ©mie a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e sur les dossiers des cas confirmĂ©s de dengue prĂ©sents sur le Centre Hospitalier Territorial durant les 3 mois du pic Ă©pidĂ©mique de fĂ©vrier et avril 2009. MalgrĂ© le nombre de malades, le sĂ©rotype 4 a Ă©tĂ© moins virulent. Seulement un dĂ©cĂšs a Ă©tĂ© recensĂ© durant notre Ă©tude. Les facteurs de gravitĂ© sont le diabĂšte, la consommation d AINS, d anticoagulant et l hypertension artĂ©rielle, la tachycardie corrigĂ©e par la tempĂ©rature, la tension artĂ©rielle pincĂ©e, la thrombopĂ©nie, la cytolyse hĂ©patique et la crĂ©atinĂ©mie. Mais leur apparition Ă  partir du 3Ăšme jour de fiĂšvre rend leur utilisation aux urgences peu rentable comme facteur prĂ©dictif des formes graves, la majoritĂ© des patients consultant avant ce dĂ©lais. Le mĂ©decin gĂ©nĂ©raliste par sa proximitĂ©, doit ĂȘtre mis en avant lors d une Ă©pidĂ©mie pour suivre ces patients. Aux urgences, la dĂ©cision d hospitalisation semble plus souvent motivĂ©e par la mauvaise tolĂ©rance des symptĂŽmes ou un doute diagnostique que par l utilisation des signes de gravitĂ© de l OMS. Une formation sur ces critĂšres et une redĂ©finition de l utilisation du signe du tourniquet Ă  visĂ©e diagnostique est nĂ©cessaire pour diminuer le nombre d hospitalisations[RĂ©sumĂ© anglais] New Caledonia is a territory located in the South Pacific, lived the largest outbreak of dengue in its history during 2009 with the arrival of serotype 4. The viral disease is benign in most cases, but may complicate by dengue haemorrhagic fever or shock syndrome in some patients. This retrospective descriptive analysis of the epidemic has analysed on the records of confirmed cases of dengue on the Territorial Hospital during three months of the epidemic peaked, in February and April 2009. Despite the number of sick, serotype 4 was less virulent ; only one death was recorded during our study. The aggravating factors are diabetes, consumption of NSAIDs, anticoagulant and high blood pressure, tachycardia corrected by temperature, blood pressure narrower, thrombocytopenia, hepatic cytolysis, and creatinine. But their are appeared from the 3rd day of fever. They can t use in emergencies as a predictor of severe because most patients consulte before that date. The general practicien, by its proximity, is the best, during an epidemic, to follow his patients. In the emergencies, the decision of hospitalization seems more often motivated by the poor tolerance of symptoms or diagnostic doubt that the use of signs of gravity of the WHO. A Training on these criteria and a redefinition of the use of the tourniquet test aimed diagnosis are necessary to reduce the number of hospitalization.PARIS13-BU Serge Lebovici (930082101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    La ciguatera (obstacles au diagnostic et perspectives thérapeutiques)

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    ANGERS-BU MĂ©decine-Pharmacie (490072105) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF