2 research outputs found

    Proteomics: a tool to develop novel diagnostic methods and unravel molecular mechanisms of pediatric diseases

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    Proteomics is the study of the expression of changes and post-translational modifications (PTM) of proteins along a metabolic condition either normal or pathological. In the field of health, proteomics allows obtaining valuable data for treatment, diagnosis or pathophysiological mechanisms of different illnesses. To illustrate the aforementioned, we describe two projects currently being performed at the Instituto Nacional de Pediatría: The immuno-proteomic study of cow milk allergy and the Proteomic study of childhood cataract. Cow's milk proteins (CMP) are the first antigens to which infants are exposed and generate allergy in some of them. In Mexico, the incidence of CMP allergy has been estimated at 5-7%. Clinical manifestations include both gastrointestinal and extra-gastrointestinal symptoms, making its diagnosis extremely difficult. An inappropriate diagnosis affects the development and growth of children. The goals of the study are to identify the main immune-reactive CMP in Mexican pediatric population and to design more accurate diagnostic tools for this disease. Childhood cataract is a major ocular disease representing one of the main causes of blindness in infants; in developing countries, this disease promotes up to 27% of cases related to visual loss. From this group, it has been estimated that close to 60% of children do not survive beyond two years after vision lost. PTM have been pointed out as the main cause of protein precipitation at the crystalline and, consequently, clouding of this tissue. The study of childhood cataract represents an outstanding opportunity to identify the PTM associated to the cataract-genesis process

    Consenso para las prácticas de alimentación complementaria en lactantes sanos

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    ResumenLa nutrición adecuada durante los primeros dos años de vida es fundamental para el desarrollo pleno del potencial de cada ser humano; actualmente se reconoce que este periodo es una ventana crítica para la promoción de un crecimiento y desarrollo óptimos y un buen estado de salud. Por tanto, cumplir con una alimentación adecuada en esta etapa de la vida tiene impacto sobre la salud, estado de nutrición, crecimiento y desarrollo de los niños; no sólo en el corto plazo, sino en el mediano y largo plazo. El presente trabajo ofrece recomendaciones de alimentación complementaria (AC) que se presentan en forma de preguntas o enunciados que consideran temas importantes para quienes atienden niños durante esta etapa de la vida; por ejemplo: inicio de la alimentación complementaria a los 4 o 6 meses de edad; exposición a alimentos potencialmente alergénicos; introducción de bebidas azucaradas; uso de edulcorantes artificiales y productos light; secuencia de introducción de alimentos; modificaciones de consistencia de alimentos de acuerdo a la maduración neurológica; número de días para probar aceptación y tolerancia a los alimentos nuevos; cantidades por cada tiempo de comida; prácticas inadecuadas de alimentación complementaria; mitos y realidades de la alimentación complementaria; hitos del desarrollo; práctica del “Baby Led Weaning” y práctica de vegetarianismo.AbstractA proper nutrition during the first two years of life is critical to reach the full potential of every human being; now, this period is recognized as a critical window for promoting optimal growth, development, and good health. Therefore, adequate feeding at this stage of life has an impact on health, nutritional status, growth and development of children; not only in the short term, but in the medium and long term. This paper provides recommendations on complementary feeding (CF) presented as questions or statements that are important for those who take care for children during this stage of life. For example: When to start complementary feedings: 4 or 6 months of age?; Exposure to potentially allergenic foods; Introduction of sweetened beverages; Use of artificial sweeteners and light products; Food introduction sequence; Food consistency changes according to neurological maturation; Number of days to test acceptance and tolerance to new foods; Amounts for each meal; Inadequate complementary feeding practices; Myths and realities of complementary feeding; Developmental milestones; Practice of “Baby Led Weaning” and practice of vegetarianism