2 research outputs found

    Almacenamiento inapropiado de los productos terminados de la empresa ferro Torre S.A.

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    Galvanized products with oxidation problems were identified at Ferrotorre warehouse in 2019. This case study was boosted to determine the causes which are deteriorating finished product. The quality quantitative focus was applied among a finite population, using tools such as interviews and direct observation. Training, lack of space, messy storing, inadequate inventory rotation, environmental conditions and excess overtime were the detected problems while gathering the investigation primary source information.Even an ISO Quality Management System is present, the finished products storing process is weak which could represent big problems in future external audits and maybe the loss of actual certifications. It would impact directly to client鈥檚 loyalty and moving away from the competitive steel market.It is necessary to planinventory improvement actions in order to keep an adequate arrangement and rotation facilitating logistics management and to train permanently to personnel. Internal audits must be strengthened to detect problems on time and to develop actions plans for reducing the quantity of rejected finished products and the associated costs diminishing the produ

    Almacenamiento inapropiado de los productos terminados de la empresa ferro Torre S.A.

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    En el a帽o 2019, se identific贸 problemas de oxidaci贸n de los productos galvanizados que se encontraban almacenados en la bodega de producto terminado, lo que dio paso a realizar el estudio para poder determinar las causas que generan el deterioro del producto terminado. Se utiliz贸 para el estudio el enfoque cualitativo-cuantitativo, para una poblaci贸n finita, utilizando las t茅cnicas de la entrevista y la observaci贸n directa. Durante la recopilaci贸n de la informaci贸n a las fuentes primarias de la investigaci贸n se detectaron problemas de capacitaci贸n del personal, falta de espacio,desorden dealmacenamiento, deficiencias en la rotaci贸n de los inventarios,las condiciones clim谩ticas, y personal con exceso de sobretiempo.A pesar de mantener un sistema de gesti贸n de Calidad ISO, presenta debilidades en los procesos de almacenamiento de los productosterminados, lo que podr铆a causar problemas a futuro en las auditor铆as externas y una posible p茅rdida de los reconocimientos obtenidos mediante las certificaciones, disminuyendo la fidelizaci贸n de los clientes y retir谩ndolos del mercado competitivo del acero. Es necesario crear acciones de mejora correspondiente al orden yuna buena rotaci贸n del inventario que faciliten la gesti贸n log铆stica, capacitando constantemente al personal del 谩rea y a su vez fortalecer el seguimiento de las auditor铆as internas para detectar a tiempo los problemas encontrados y armar planes de acci贸nque ayuden a reducir el producto no conforme en la bodega y los costos asociados que disminuyen la productGalvanized products with oxidation problems were identified at Ferrotorre warehouse in 2019. This case study was boosted to determine the causes which are deteriorating finished product. The quality quantitative focus was applied among a finite population, using tools such as interviews and direct observation. Training, lack of space, messy storing, inadequate inventory rotation, environmental conditions and excess overtime were the detected problems while gathering the investigation primary source information.Even an ISO Quality Management System is present, the finished products storing process is weak which could represent big problems in future external audits and maybe the loss of actual certifications. It would impact directly to client鈥檚 loyalty and moving away from the competitive steel market.It is necessary to planinventory improvement actions in order to keep an adequate arrangement and rotation facilitating logistics management and to train permanently to personnel. Internal audits must be strengthened to detect problems on time and to develop actions plans for reducing the quantity of rejected finished products and the associated costs diminishing the produ