31 research outputs found

    De definitie van specialistische geneesmiddelen

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    Samenvatting Vanwege bekostigingsproblemen met bepaalde geneesmiddelen is er een afbakeningsdiscussie rond dit onderwerp ontstaan. Buiten het ziekenhuis worden soms geneesmiddelen gebruikt waarvan zorgverzekeraars vinden dat ze niet via de extramurale geneesmiddelfinanciering moeten worden bekostigd maar dat ze ten laste van het ziekenhuisbudget zouden moeten komen. Ziekenhuizen zijn bereid deze geneesmiddelen te betalen als ze er maar voor gecompenseerd worden. Tegen deze achtergrond is een mogelijke oplossing voor de financieringsproblematiek om extramuraal afgeleverde geneesmiddelen te scheiden in specialistische en generalistische middelen. Door de specialistische geneesmiddelen medisch-inhoudelijk, beleidsmatig en financieel onder de reikwijdte van het ziekenhuis te brengen kan de continuïteit in behandeling door de medisch specialist ook worden doorgetrokken naar de farmacotherapie, ongeacht waar de patiënt zich bevindt (intramuraal of extramuraal). Voor generalistische middelen zou de medisch-inhoudelijke, beleidsmatige en financiële praktijk niet anders zijn dan in de huidige situatie. etc ..

    Systemic impairment in relation to disease burden in patients with moderate COPD eligible for a lifestyle program. Findings from the INTERCOM trial

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    Carel R van Wetering1, Floortje E van Nooten2, Stijn J M Mol3, Martine Hoogendoorn2, Maureen P M H Rutten-van Mölken2, Annemie M Schols41Department of Physiotherapy, Máxima Medical Centre, Veldhoven, The Netherlands; 2Institute for Medical Technology Assessment, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 3Department of Respiratory Medicine, Máxima Medical Centre, Veldhoven, The Netherlands; 4Department of Respiratory Medicine, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The NetherlandsIntroduction: In contrast with the frequency distribution of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) stages in the population, in which the majority of the patients is classified as GOLD 2, much less information is available on the prevalence and implications of systemic manifestations in less severe patients relative to GOLD 3 and 4.Aim: To characterize local and systemic impairment in relation to disease burden in a group of GOLD 2 COPD patients (n = 127, forced expiratory volume in one second (SD): 67 (11)% pred) that were eligible for the Interdisciplinary Community-based COPD management (INTERCOM) trial.Methods: Patients were included for this lifestyle program based on a peak exercise capacity (Wmax) <70% of predicted. Metabolic and ventilatory response to incremental cycle ergometry, 6 minute walking distance (6MWD), constant work rate test (CWR), lung function, maximal inspiratory pressure (Pimax), quadriceps force (QF), quadriceps average power (QP) (isokinetic dynamometry), handgrip force (HGF) and body composition were measured. Quality of life (QoL) was assessed by the St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) and dyspnea by the modified Medical Research Council (MRC) dyspnea scale. Exacerbations and COPD-associated hospital admissions in 12 months prior to the start of the study were recorded. Burden of disease was defined in terms of exercise capacity, QoL, hospitalization, and exacerbation frequency. GOLD 2 patients were compared with reference values and with GOLD 3 patients who were also included in the trial.Results: HGF (77.7 (18.8) % pred) and Pimax (67.1 (22.5)% pred) were impaired in GOLD 2, while QF (93.5 (22.5)% pred) was only modestly decreased. Depletion of FFM was present in 15% of weight stable GOLD 2 patients while only 2% had experienced recent involuntary weight loss. In contrast to Wmax, submaximal exercise capacity, muscle function, and body composition were not significantly different between GOLD 2 and 3 subgroups. Body mass index and fat-free mass index were significantly lower in smokers compared to ex-smokers. In multivariate analysis, QF and diffusing capacity (DLco) were independently associated with Wmax and 6 MWD in GOLD 2 while only 6 MWD was identified as an independent determinant of health-related QoL. HGF was an independent predictor of hospitalization.Conclusions: This study shows that also in patients with moderate COPD, eligible for a lifestyle program based on a decreased exercise capacity, systemic impairment is an important determinant of disease burden and that smoking affects body composition.Keywords: COPD, systemic impairment, lifestyle, pulmonary rehabilitatio

    Epidemiology and economic impact of moderate and severe neurotrophic keratopathy in Italy

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    Neurotrophic keratopathy is a rare corneal disease caused by impaired corneal innervation. There is a paucity of published evidence on neurotrophic keratopathy with no published studies on the economics of neurotrophic keratopathy in the Italian or international literature. This cost analysis aimed at assessing the economic impact of moderate (persistent epithelial defect) and severe (corneal ulcer without perforation) neurotrophic keratopathy from the perspective of the National Health Service and patients in Italy. Treatment algorithm and health resource use information were collected from a panel of nine experts from Italian centres specialized in ocular/corneal conditions. National ambulatory and inpatient hospital tariffs were applied to units of service, and Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco (AIFA) published prices to pharmaceuticals. Mean annual per patient cost was derived as an average cost weighted by the proportion of patients on each respective treatment and length of the treatment. The National Health Service + patient perspective additionally included patients' out-of-pocket expenses. The mean annual estimated National Health Service cost of treatment was €5167 (persistent epithelial defect) and €10,885 (corneal ulcer without perforation) per patient. Costs were largely driven by ambulatory visits and hospital interventions. The mean annual estimated National Health Service + patient cost was €5731 (persistent epithelial defect) and €11,478 (corneal ulcer without perforation) per patient, including cost of out-of-pocket expenses for pharmaceuticals and therapeutic contact lenses. Mean annual cost of neurotrophic keratopathy in Italy doubles with disease severity. Further research is warranted to provide more insight especially into societal costs

    An exploration of differences between Japan and two European countries in the self-reporting and valuation of pain and discomfort on the EQ-5D.

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    PURPOSE: To investigate the systematic differences in the self-reporting and valuation of overall health and, in particular, pain/discomfort between three countries (England/UK, Japan, and Spain) on the EQ-5D. METHODS: Existing datasets were used to explore differences in responses on the EQ-5D descriptive system between Japan (3L and 5L), the UK (3L), England (5L), and Spain (5L), particularly on the dimension of pain/discomfort. The role of different EQ dimensions in determining self-reported overall health scores for the EuroQol visual analog scale (EQ-VAS) was investigated using ordinary least squares regression. Time trade-off (TTO) results from Japanese and UK respondents for the EQ-5D-3L as well as Japanese and English respondents for the EQ-5D-5L were compared using t tests. RESULTS: For the EQ-5D-3L, a higher percentage of respondents in Japan than in the UK reported 'no pain/discomfort' (81.6 vs 67.0%, respectively); for the EQ-5D-5L, the proportions were 79.2% in Spain, 73.2% in Japan, and 63-64% in England, after adjusting for age differences in samples. The 'pain/discomfort' dimension had the largest impact on respondents' self-reported EQ-VAS only for EQ-5D-3L in Japan. Using the EQ-5D-3L, Japanese respondents were considerably less willing to trade off time to avoid pain/discomfort than the UK respondents; for example, moving from health state, 11121 (some problems with pain/discomfort) to 11131 (extreme pain/discomfort) represented a decrement of 0.65 on the observed TTO value in the UK compared with 0.15 in Japan. Using the EQ-5D-5L, Japanese respondents were also less willing to trade off time to avoid pain/discomfort than respondents in England; however, the difference in values was much smaller than that observed using EQ-5D-3L data. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence of between-country differences in the self-reporting and valuation of health, including pain/discomfort, when using EQ-5D in general population samples. The results suggest a need for caution when comparing or aggregating EQ-5D self-reported data in multi-country studies.Astellas Europe B