20,273 research outputs found

    Temperature dependent anisotropy of the penetration depth and coherence length in MgB$_2

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    We report measurements of the temperature dependent anisotropies (γλ\gamma_\lambda and γξ\gamma_\xi) of both the London penetration depth λ\lambda and the upper critical field of MgB2_2. Data for γλ=λc/λa\gamma_\lambda=\lambda_c/\lambda_a was obtained from measurements of λa\lambda_{a} and λc\lambda_c on a single crystal sample using a tunnel diode oscillator technique. γξ=Hc2c/Hc2c\gamma_\xi=H_{c2}^{\parallel c}/H_{c2}^{\bot c} was deduced from field dependent specific heat measurements on the same sample. γλ\gamma_\lambda and γξ\gamma_\xi have opposite temperature dependencies, but close to TcT_c tend to a common value (γλγξ=1.75±0.05\gamma_\lambda\simeq \gamma_\xi=1.75\pm0.05). These results are in good agreement with theories accounting for the two gap nature of MgB2_2Comment: 4 pages with figures (New version

    Implementing vertex dynamics models of cell populations in biology within a consistent computational framework

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    The dynamic behaviour of epithelial cell sheets plays a central role during development, growth, disease and wound healing. These processes occur as a result of cell adhesion, migration, division, differentiation and death, and involve multiple processes acting at the cellular and molecular level. Computational models offer a useful means by which to investigate and test hypotheses about these processes, and have played a key role in the study of cell–cell interactions. However, the necessarily complex nature of such models means that it is difficult to make accurate comparison between different models, since it is often impossible to distinguish between differences in behaviour that are due to the underlying model assumptions, and those due to differences in the in silico implementation of the model. In this work, an approach is described for the implementation of vertex dynamics models, a discrete approach that represents each cell by a polygon (or polyhedron) whose vertices may move in response to forces. The implementation is undertaken in a consistent manner within a single open source computational framework, Chaste, which comprises fully tested, industrial-grade software that has been developed using an agile approach. This framework allows one to easily change assumptions regarding force generation and cell rearrangement processes within these models. The versatility and generality of this framework is illustrated using a number of biological examples. In each case we provide full details of all technical aspects of our model implementations, and in some cases provide extensions to make the models more generally applicable

    Experience matters: Females use smell to select experienced males for paternal care

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    Mate choice and mating preferences often rely on the information content of signals exchanged between potential partners. In species where a female's reproduction is the terminal event in life it is to be expected that females choose high quality males and assess males using some honest indicator of male quality. The Nereidid polychaete, Neanthes acuminata, exhibits monogamous pairing and the release of eggs by females terminates her life and larval success relies entirely on a male's ability to provide paternal care. As such females should have developed reliable, condition-dependent criteria to choose mates to guarantee survival and care for offspring. We show that females actively chose males experienced in fatherhood over others. In the absence of experienced males dominance, as evident from male-male fights, is utilized for mate selection. The preference for experienced males is not affected by previous social interactions between the individuals. We show that the choice of the partner is based on chemical signals demonstrating a 'scent of experience' to females providing evidence for the role of chemical signals in sexual selection for paternal care adding to our understanding of the mechanisms regulating condition-dependent mate choice

    Destruction of chain-superconductivity in YBa_2Cu_4O_8 in a weak magnetic field

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    We report measurements of the temperature dependent components of the magnetic penetration depth {\lambda}(T) in single crystal samples of YBa_2Cu_4O_8 using a radio frequency tunnel diode oscillator technique. We observe a downturn in {\lambda}(T) at low temperatures for currents flowing along the b and c axes but not along the a axis. The downturn in {\lambda}_b is suppressed by a small dc field of ~0.25 T. This and the zero field anisotropy of {\lambda}(T) likely result from proximity induced superconducting on the CuO chains, however we also discuss the possibility that a significant part of the anisotropy might originate from the CuO2 planes.Comment: 5 page

    Feasibility of a chemical poison loop system

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    Chemical poison loop system for reactivity control of tungsten water moderated rocket reacto

    Plasmonic Resonances and Electromagnetic Forces Between Coupled Silver Nanowires

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    We compute the electromagnetic response and corresponding forces between two silver nanowires. The wires are illuminated by a plane wave which has the electric field vector perpendicular to the axis of the wires, insuring that plasmonic resonances can be excited. We consider a nontrivial square cross section geometry that has dimensions on the order of 0.1λ0.1 \lambda, where λ\lambda is the wavelength of the incident electromagnetic field. We find that due to the plasmonic resonance, there occurs great enhancement of the direct and mutual electromagnetic forces that are exerted on the nanowires. The Lippman-Schwinger volume integral equation is implemented to obtain solutions to Maxwell's equations for various λ\lambda and separation distances between wires. The forces are computed using Maxwell's stress tensor and numerical results are shown for both on and off resonant conditions

    Interpretation of the angular dependence of the de Haas-van Alphen effect in MgB_2

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    We present detailed results for the amplitude and field dependence of the de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) signal arising from the electron-like π\pi sheet of Fermi surface in MgB_2. Our data and analysis show that the dip in dHvA amplitude when the field is close to the basal plane is caused by a beat between two very similar dHvA frequencies and not a spin-zero effect as previously assumed. Our results imply that the Stoner enhancement factors in MgB_2 are small on both the Sigma and Pi sheets.Comment: 4 pages with figures. Submitted to PR

    Geometric approach to Fletcher's ideal penalty function

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    Original article can be found at: www.springerlink.com Copyright Springer. [Originally produced as UH Technical Report 280, 1993]In this note, we derive a geometric formulation of an ideal penalty function for equality constrained problems. This differentiable penalty function requires no parameter estimation or adjustment, has numerical conditioning similar to that of the target function from which it is constructed, and also has the desirable property that the strict second-order constrained minima of the target function are precisely those strict second-order unconstrained minima of the penalty function which satisfy the constraints. Such a penalty function can be used to establish termination properties for algorithms which avoid ill-conditioned steps. Numerical values for the penalty function and its derivatives can be calculated efficiently using automatic differentiation techniques.Peer reviewe