3,033 research outputs found

    Public expenditures on health and pensions in OECD countries : their simultaneous estimation

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    This dissertation aims to explore the simultaneous determination of public expenditures on health and old-age pensions regarding 31 high-income OECD countries during the period 1990-2011. To take into account that each country and year can´t be treated as homogenous, the thesis uses a panel data model with country and year fixed effects. Regarding pensions and health individual determination, it was verified through an OLS regression with Dummy Variables, that GDP is the most important determinant of health expenditures and that it also has a strong impact on old-age pensions expenditures. Given that old-age pensions expenditures have a statistically significant impact on health expenditures and vice versa, a 2SLS model was used in order to estimate this simultaneous determination. Per capita pensions expenditures have a positive and robust impact on health expenditure per capita mainly because pensions expenditures will redistribute income for those that have a larger propensity to spend on health. Additionally the expectations of the future pensions payments serve as an incentive to invest in living longer. (Yonghong An 2015) The impact on pensions expenditures of expenditures on health was not so clear. The impact is positive and significant, but the instruments for health used in the pensions 2SLS equation, though relevant, seem not to be strong enough to totally validate this causality relation. If true, this relation would indicate that when the Government invests in health, invests in a higher life expectancy which means that also it will have to pay for pensions during a longer period.Esta dissertação tem como objetivo explorar a determinação simultânea dos gastos públicos com pensões de velhice e saúde em 31 países da OCDE durante o período 1990 - 2011. Como os países e períodos de tempo não podem ser tratados de forma homogénea, um modelo de dados de painel com efeitos fixos por país e ano é utilizado. No que se refere à determinação individual dos gastos, verificou-se através de regressões OLS com Dummy Variables que o é a variável com maior impacto na despesa em saúde e que também tem um forte impacto nas despesas com pensões. Dado que as despesas com pensões de velhice tiveram um impacto nas despesas de saúde e vice-versa, um modelo 2SLS foi utilizado. A despesa com as pensões tem um impacto positivo e robusto nas despesas em saúde, devido ao facto das despesas com pensões redistribuírem o rendimento por aqueles que têm maior propensão para gastar em saúde. (Yonghong An 2015). Por outro lado as expectativas dos pagamentos futuros das pensões servem como um incentivo para se investir em viver mais tempo. O impacto nas despesas com pensões das despesas em saúde não é tão claro. Apesar do impacto ser significativo, os instrumentos utilizados para a saúde na equação de 2SLS das pensões, apesar de relevantes, não parecem ser suficientemente fortes para validar totalmente esta relação. Se verdadeira ela indicará que quando o Governo investe em saúde, investe na esperança de vida o que implicará pagamentos de pensões durante períodos mais longos

    Confidence in risky value-based choice

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    Risk engenders a phenomenologically distinct experience from certainty, often driving people to behave in ostensibly irrational ways, and with potential consequences for our subjective sense of confidence in having made the best choice. While previous work on decision confidence has largely focused on ambiguous perceptual decisions or value-based choices under certainty, it is unclear how subjective confidence reports are formed during risky value-based choice (i.e. those with uncertain outcomes). Accordingly, we sought to examine the effect of risky (versus certain) choice upon confidence ratings in a calibrated economic choice task and explore the well-documented interrelationships between confidence and subjective value (SV) as well as choice response time (RT) in the context of value-based choice. By jointly analyzing choices (risky versus certain), SV of the chosen option, confidence, and RT, we found a systematic effect of risk on subjective confidence: subjective confidence reports were significantly higher when selecting a certain prospect compared with a risky one. Interestingly, risk attenuated the strength of the relationships between confidence and both RTs and difference in subjective value (ΔSV), as well as the relationship between RT and ΔSV. Taken together, these results corroborate how choice, RT, confidence and SV relate in value-based choice under risk, informing both theories of confidence and risk preferences

    Trends in colorectal cancer among Hispanics by stage and subsite location: 1989-2006

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Springer Nature via the DOI in this record.OBJECTIVES: Hispanic colorectal cancer (CRC) rates historically have been lower than for non-Hispanic Whites in the United States and in Florida. The aim of this study is to understand CRC trends in Florida Hispanics and non-Hispanic Whites. METHODS: Using a cross-sectional study design, all invasive CRCs diagnosed among Florida residents between 1989 and 2006 were accessed from the Florida Cancer Data System (FCDS). These cases were analyzed by Hispanic and non-Hispanic White ethnic identification. The Hispanic Origin Identification Algorithm was applied to the FCDS data to identify Hispanic subjects. Primary cancer site and histology data were organized according to SEER (Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results) categories. Joinpoint regression was used to generate incidence trends by stage and subsite location. RESULTS: Rates of CRC incidence were higher for Florida Hispanics compared with non-Hispanic Whites since the mid 1990s. There was a consistent significant increase in the incidence of distant stage CRC in Hispanics (annual percent change (APC) of 1.26 and 0.90 in males and females), whereas rates in non-Hispanics decreased significantly during the same time period (APC -1.36 and -1.28, respectively). Similar trends were found in distant-stage right-sided CRC. Among right-sided CRCs, local stage incidence rate increased for both non-Hispanic Whites and Hispanics, whereas the incidence rate for regional stage decreased for both racial/ethnic groups. CONCLUSIONS: Trends for distant-stage CRC are increasing among Florida Hispanics. This is a particular public health concern given that CRC is a cancer for which screening modalities exist and could imply a concomitant increase in CRC-related mortality among Florida Hispanics. Lower rates of CRC screening in Hispanics are documented at the state level, relative to non-Hispanic Whites. Screening programs targeting the Florida Hispanic population are warranted.This work was supported by the Florida Department of Health (contract CODM7); the Florida Bankhead-Coley Cancer Research Program (#2BT02); the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Program of Cancer Registries; the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine; and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to University of Exeter

    Local C0,αC^{0,\alpha} Estimates for Viscosity Solutions of Neumann-type Boundary Value Problems

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    In this article, we prove the local C0,αC^{0,\alpha} regularity and provide C0,αC^{0,\alpha} estimates for viscosity solutions of fully nonlinear, possibly degenerate, elliptic equations associated to linear or nonlinear Neumann type boundary conditions. The interest of these results comes from the fact that they are indeed regularity results (and not only a priori estimates), from the generality of the equations and boundary conditions we are able to handle and the possible degeneracy of the equations we are able to take in account in the case of linear boundary conditions

    Uniqueness Results for Second Order Bellman-Isaacs Equations under Quadratic Growth Assumptions and Applications

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    In this paper, we prove a comparison result between semicontinuous viscosity sub and supersolutions growing at most quadratically of second-order degenerate parabolic Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman and Isaacs equations. As an application, we characterize the value function of a finite horizon stochastic control problem with unbounded controls as the unique viscosity solution of the corresponding dynamic programming equation

    Characterization, crystallization and preliminary X-ray investigation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus.

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    Comparative StudyJournal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tRecombinant Sulfolobus solfataricus glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase has been purified and found to be a tetramer of 148 kDa. The enzyme shows dual cofactor specificity and uses NADP+ in preference to NAD+. The sequence has been compared with other GAPDH proteins including those from other archaeal sources. The purified protein has been crystallized from ammonium sulfate to produce crystals that diffract to 2.4 A with a space group of P43212 or P41212. A native data set has been collected to 2.4 A using synchrotron radiation and cryocooling.European UnionBBSR

    The Stochastic Reach-Avoid Problem and Set Characterization for Diffusions

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    In this article we approach a class of stochastic reachability problems with state constraints from an optimal control perspective. Preceding approaches to solving these reachability problems are either confined to the deterministic setting or address almost-sure stochastic requirements. In contrast, we propose a methodology to tackle problems with less stringent requirements than almost sure. To this end, we first establish a connection between two distinct stochastic reach-avoid problems and three classes of stochastic optimal control problems involving discontinuous payoff functions. Subsequently, we focus on solutions of one of the classes of stochastic optimal control problems---the exit-time problem, which solves both the two reach-avoid problems mentioned above. We then derive a weak version of a dynamic programming principle (DPP) for the corresponding value function; in this direction our contribution compared to the existing literature is to develop techniques that admit discontinuous payoff functions. Moreover, based on our DPP, we provide an alternative characterization of the value function as a solution of a partial differential equation in the sense of discontinuous viscosity solutions, along with boundary conditions both in Dirichlet and viscosity senses. Theoretical justifications are also discussed to pave the way for deployment of off-the-shelf PDE solvers for numerical computations. Finally, we validate the performance of the proposed framework on the stochastic Zermelo navigation problem

    Acute high-intensity interval running increases markers of damage and permeability but not gastrointestinal symptoms.

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    Purpose: To investigate the effects of high-intensity interval (HIIT) running on markers of gastrointestinal (GI) damage and permeability alongside subjective symptoms of GI discomfort. Methods: Eleven male runners completed an acute bout of HIIT (eighteen 400 m runs at 120%O2max ) where markers of GI permeability, intestinal damage and GI discomfort symptoms were assessed and compared with resting conditions. Results: Compared to rest, HIIT significantly increased serum lactulose:rhamnose ratio (0.051 ± 0.016 vs. 0.031 ± 0.021, p = 0.0047; 95% CI = 0.006 - 0.036) and sucrose concentrations (0.388 ± 0.217 vs 0.137 ± 0.148 mg.l-1; p < 0.001; 95% CI = 0.152 - 0.350). In contrast, urinary lactulose:rhamnose (0.032 ± 0.005 vs 0.030 ± 0.005; p = 0.3; 95% CI = -0.012 - 0.009) or sucrose concentrations (0.169 ± 0.168% vs 0.123 ± 0.120%; p = 0.54; 95% CI = -0.199 - 0.108) did not differ between HIIT and resting conditions. Plasma I-FABP was significantly increased (p < 0.001) during and in the recovery period from HIIT whereas no changes were observed during rest. Mild-symptoms of GI discomfort, were reported immediately- and 24 h post-HIIT, although these symptoms did not correlate to GI permeability or I-FABP. Conclusion Acute HIIT increased GI permeability and intestinal I-FABP release, although these do not correlate with symptoms of GI discomfort. Furthermore, by using serum sampling, we provide data showing that it is possible to detect changes in intestinal permeability that is not observed using urinary sampling over a shorter time-period

    Design of Electronic Learning Courses for IT Students Considering the Dominant Learning Style

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    Methods of using e-learning courses to support learning activities of students at higher educational institutions is the subject of a large number of scientific and educational studies. In particular, much attention is paid to the structure, content and format of educational resources of e-learning courses. However, the problem of dependency of their efficiency on the learning styles of students still needs to be further researched. This paper deals with the learning styles characteristic for IT students on the basis of determining their leading modality; designs the structure of e-learning courses for IT students considering the dominating learning styles and provides the results of pedagogical experiment by measuring the performance and satisfaction in learning activity