2,410 research outputs found

    Calculation of Infrared-Divergent Feynman Diagrams with Zero Mass Threshold

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    Two-loop vertex Feynman diagrams with infrared and collinear divergences are investigated by two independent methods. On the one hand, a method of calculating Feynman diagrams from their small momentum expansion extended to diagrams with zero mass thresholds is applied. On the other hand, a numerical method based on a two-fold integral representation is used. The application of the latter method is possible by using lightcone coordinates in the parallel space. The numerical data obtained with the two methods are in impressive agreement.Comment: 20 pages, Latex with epsf-figures, References updated, to appear in Z.Phys.

    Hematite at Meridiani Planum, Mars, Investigated by Simultaneous Fitting of MER Mossbauer Spectra

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    The Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity encountered sedimentary outcrop rocks at its landing site. Spherules with diameters in the millimeter range were found to weather from the outcrop rocks. With Opportunity s miniaturised M ssbauer spectrometer MIMOS II, hematite was detected in spherules and in the outcrop matrix [1,2]. Figure 1 shows the target Berry Bowl, where brushed outcrop and an accumulation of spherules could be investigated on sols 46 and 48 of Opportunity s mission. Hematite undergoes a transition from a weakly ferromagnetic above to an antiferromagnetic state below the Morin temperature (T(sub M) approx.265 K for chemically pure, crystalline hematite). The magnetic hyperfine splitting (B(sub hf)) shows a general decrease with increasing temperature and a drop of approx.0.8 T at T(sub M). The quadrupole splitting ((Delta)EQ) changes its sign at T(sub M), with negative values above and positive values below the transition. Crystallinity and particle size influence the magnitude and temperature dependence of the magnetic splitting and the quadrupole splitting [3]

    Properties of Martian Hematite at Meridiani Planum by Simultaneous Fitting of Mars Mossbauer Spectra

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    Mossbauer spectrometers [1] on the two Mars Exploration Rovers (MERs) have been making measurements of surface rocks and soils since January 2004, recording spectra in 10-K-wide temperature bins ranging from 180 K to 290 K. Initial analyses focused on modeling individual spectra directly as acquired or, to increase statistical quality, as sums of single-rock or soil spectra over temperature or as sums over similar rock or soil type [2, 3]. Recently, we have begun to apply simultaneous fitting procedures [4] to Mars Mossbauer data [5-7]. During simultaneous fitting (simfitting), many spectra are modeled similarly and fit together to a single convergence criterion. A satisfactory simfit with parameter values consistent among all spectra is more likely than many single-spectrum fits of the same data because fitting parameters are shared among multiple spectra in the simfit. Consequently, the number of variable parameters, as well as the correlations among them, is greatly reduced. Here we focus on applications of simfitting to interpret the hematite signature in Moessbauer spectra acquired at Meridiani Planum, results of which were reported in [7]. The Spectra. We simfit two sets of spectra with large hematite content [7]: 1) 60 rock outcrop spectra from Eagle Crater; and 2) 46 spectra of spherule-rich lag deposits (Table 1). Spectra of 10 different targets acquired at several distinct temperatures are included in each simfit set. In the table, each Sol (martian day) represents a different target, NS is the number of spectra for a given sol, and NT is the number of spectra for a given temperature. The spectra are indexed to facilitate definition of parameter relations and constraints. An example spectrum is shown in Figure 1, together with a typical fitting model. Results. We have shown that simultaneous fitting is effective in analyzing a large set of related MER Mossbauer spectra. By using appropriate constraints, we derive target-specific quantities and the temperature dependence of certain parameters. By examining different fitting models, we demonstrate an improved fit for martian hematite modeled with two sextets rather than as a single sextet, and show that outcrop and spherule hematite are distinct. For outcrop, the weaker sextet indicates a Morin transition typical of well-crystallized and chemically pure hematite, while most of the outcrop hematite remains in a weakly ferromagnetic state at all temperatures. For spherule spectra, both sextets are consistent with weakly ferromagnetic hematite with no Morin transition. For both hematites, there is evidence for a range of particle sizes

    Magneto-optic Kerr effect in a spin-polarized zero-moment ferrimagnet

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    The magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) is often assumed to be proportional to the magnetisation of a magnetically ordered metallic sample; in metallic ferrimagnets with chemically distinct sublattices, such as rare-earth transition-metal alloys, it depends on the difference between the sublattice contributions. Here we show that in a highly spin polarized, fully compensated ferrimagnet, where the sublattices are chemically similar, MOKE is observed even when the net moment is strictly zero. We analyse the spectral ellipsometry and MOKE of Mn 2 Ru x Ga, and show that this behaviour is due to a highly spin-polarized conduction band dominated by one of the two manganese sublattices which creates helicity-dependent reflectivity determined by a broad Drude tail. Our findings open new prospects for studying spin dynamics in the infra-red.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Exploring CP Violation with BcB_c Decays

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    We point out that the pure ``tree'' decays Bc±Ds±DB_c^\pm\to D^\pm_s D are particularly well suited to extract the CKM angle γ\gamma through amplitude relations. In contrast to conceptually similar strategies using B±K±DB^\pm\to K^\pm D or BdK0DB_d\to K^{\ast0} D decays, the advantage of the BcB_c approach is that the corresponding triangles have three sides of comparable length and do not involve small amplitudes. Decays of the type Bc±D±DB_c^\pm\to D^\pm D -- the UU-spin counterparts of Bc±Ds±DB_c^\pm\to D^\pm_s D -- can be added to the analysis, as well as channels, where the Ds±D^\pm_s- and D±D^\pm-mesons are replaced by higher resonances.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures, reference adde

    The property of maximal transcendentality in the N=4 SYM

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    We show results for the universal anomalous dimension gamma_{uni}(j) of Wilson twist-2 operators in the N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in the first three orders of perturbation theory. These expressions are obtained by extracting the most complicated contributions from the corresponding anomalous dimensions in QCD.Comment: 6 pages, published in the Proceedings of International Bogolyubov Conference "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" (dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of N.N. Bogolyubov (1909-1992)), Dubna, Russia, August 21 - 27, 2009 (Phys.Part.Nucl. in press

    Two-loop two-point functions with masses: asymptotic expansions and Taylor series, in any dimension

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    In all mass cases needed for quark and gluon self-energies, the two-loop master diagram is expanded at large and small q2q^2, in dd dimensions, using identities derived from integration by parts. Expansions are given, in terms of hypergeometric series, for all gluon diagrams and for all but one of the quark diagrams; expansions of the latter are obtained from differential equations. Pad\'{e} approximants to truncations of the expansions are shown to be of great utility. As an application, we obtain the two-loop photon self-energy, for all dd, and achieve highly accelerated convergence of its expansions in powers of q2/m2q^2/m^2 or m2/q2m^2/q^2, for d=4d=4.Comment: 25 pages, OUT--4102--43, BI--TP/92--5

    Electron Spin Dynamics and Hyperfine Interactions in Fe/Al_0.1Ga_0.9As/GaAs Spin Injection Heterostructures

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    We have studied hyperfine interactions between spin-polarized electrons and lattice nuclei in Al_0.1Ga_0.9As/GaAs quantum well (QW) heterostructures. The spin-polarized electrons are electrically injected into the semiconductor heterostructure from a metallic ferromagnet across a Schottky tunnel barrier. The spin-polarized electron current dynamically polarizes the nuclei in the QW, and the polarized nuclei in turn alter the electron spin dynamics. The steady-state electron spin is detected via the circular polarization of the emitted electroluminescence. The nuclear polarization and electron spin dynamics are accurately modeled using the formalism of optical orientation in GaAs. The nuclear spin polarization in the QW is found to depend strongly on the electron spin polarization in the QW, but only weakly on the electron density in the QW. We are able to observe nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) at low applied magnetic fields on the order of a few hundred Oe by electrically modulating the spin injected into the QW. The electrically driven NMR demonstrates explicitly the existence of a Knight field felt by the nuclei due to the electron spin.Comment: 19 Figures - submitted to PR

    Analysis of 6.4 KEV Moessbauer Spectra Obtained with MIMOS II on MER on Cobbles at Meridiani Planum, Mars and Considerations on Penetration Depths

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    The miniaturized Moessbauer (MB) spectrometers MIMOS II [1] on board of the two Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity have obtained more than 600 spectra of more than 300 different rock and soil targets [2-7]. Both instruments have simultaneously collected 6.4 keV X-ray and 14.4 keV .-ray spectra in backscattering geometry [1]. With Spirit's MB spectrometer, 6.4 keV and 14.4 keV spectra have been obtained for all targets through sol 461. After this date, only 14.4 keV spectra were collected. With Opportunity's spectrometer, 6.4 keV and 14.4 keV spectra have been collected for all targets to date. The Fe-mineralogy of rock and soil targets at both landing sites reported to date has been exclusively extracted from 14.4 keV spectra [2-5]. The comparison of 6.4 keV and 14.4 keV spectra provides depth selective information about a sample, but interpretation is not always straightforward [8]

    Transcendental numbers and the topology of three-loop bubbles

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    We present a proof that all transcendental numbers that are needed for the calculation of the master integrals for three-loop vacuum Feynman diagrams can be obtained by calculating diagrams with an even simpler topology, the topology of spectacles.Comment: 4 pages in REVTeX, 1 PostScript figure included, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let