9 research outputs found

    Updated site compilation of the Latin American Pollen Database

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    Flantua, Suzette G A et al.The updated inventory of the Latin American Pollen Database (LAPD) offers a wide range of new insights. This paper presents a systematic compilation of palynological research in Latin America. A comprehensive inventory of publications in peer-reviewed and grey literature shows a major expansion of studies over the last decades. The inventory includes 1379 cores and sections with paleoecological data and more than 4800 modern samples from throughout the continent. Through the years, pollen datasets extend over increasing spans of time and show improved taxonomic and temporal resolution. Currently, these datasets are from 12 modern biomes and 30 countries, covering an altitudinal range of 0 to 6300. m asl. The most densely sampled regions are the Colombian Andes, the southeast coast of Brazil, and Patagonia. Underrepresented biomes are the warm temperate mixed forest (3%), dry forests (3%), and warm temperate rainforest (1%); whereas steppe, tropical rainforest, and cool grass shrublands, such as the páramos, are generally well represented (all >. 17%). There are 126 records that span the late Pleistocene to the Last Glacial Maximum transition (21,000. cal. yr BP), and >. 20% of the records cover the Younger Dryas interval and the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. Reanalysis of numerous sites using multiproxy tools emphasize the informative value of this approach in paleoenvironmental reconstruction. We make suggestions for several pollen sites and regions to be visited again; similarly we identify some key research questions that have yet to be answered. The updated LAPD now provides the platform to support an exciting new phase of global palynological research in which multi-site data are being integrated to address current cutting-edge research questions. The LAPD compilation of sites and the literature database will be available through the Neotoma Paleoecology Database website and a new LAPD website by the end of 2015We thank the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO, grant 2012/13248/ALW) for financial support of this project.Peer reviewe

    60 years of scientific deep drilling in Colombia: The north Andean guide to the Quaternary

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    We sketch the initial history of collecting deep cores in terrestrial and marine sedimentary basins and ice cores to study environmental and climate change. Subsequently, we focus on the development of long records from the Northern Andes. The 586 m long pollen record from ancient Lake Bogotá reflects the last 2.25 ×106 years with ∼ 1.2 kyr resolution, whereas the sediment core reflects almost the complete Quaternary. The 58 m long composite core from Lake Fúquene covers the last 284 ka with ∼ 60 years resolution. We address the various challenges and limitations of working with deep continental cores. For the tropics, the presence of these deep cores has made the Northern Andes a key area in developing and testing hypotheses in the fields of ecology, paleobiogeography, and climate change. We summarize the results in the figures, and for details on the paleoenvironmental reconstructions, we refer to the corresponding literature. We provide an overview of the literature on long continental records from all continents (see the Supplement). Based on our 50 years of experience in continental core drilling, developing a research capacity to analyze the large amounts of samples, and keeping a team together to publish the results, we listed suggestions in support of deep continental records aimed at studying environmental and climate change over long intervals of time

    60 years of scientific deep drilling in Colombia: The north Andean guide to the Quaternary

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    We sketch the initial history of collecting deep cores in terrestrial and marine sedimentary basins and ice cores to study environmental and climate change. Subsequently, we focus on the development of long records from the Northern Andes. The 586 m long pollen record from ancient Lake Bogotá reflects the last 2.25 ×106 years with ∼ 1.2 kyr resolution, whereas the sediment core reflects almost the complete Quaternary. The 58 m long composite core from Lake Fúquene covers the last 284 ka with ∼ 60 years resolution. We address the various challenges and limitations of working with deep continental cores. For the tropics, the presence of these deep cores has made the Northern Andes a key area in developing and testing hypotheses in the fields of ecology, paleobiogeography, and climate change. We summarize the results in the figures, and for details on the paleoenvironmental reconstructions, we refer to the corresponding literature. We provide an overview of the literature on long continental records from all continents (see the Supplement). Based on our 50 years of experience in continental core drilling, developing a research capacity to analyze the large amounts of samples, and keeping a team together to publish the results, we listed suggestions in support of deep continental records aimed at studying environmental and climate change over long intervals of time

    A new modern pollen dataset describing the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

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    To improve our understanding of the Atlantic Forest responses to climate changes in space and time, it is essential to explore how the Brazilian Atlantic rain forest is structured as observed in modern pollen assemblages and which climate parameters determine these patterns. In this context, we compiled 196 modern pollen samples including 125 from the Atlantic Forest biome and assigned each sample to one or more eco-physiognomies. We identified seven eco-physiognomies of which four clusters of one or two eco-physiognomies were clearly distinguished, namely (1) Araucaria forest with high elevation grassland, (2) lowland rain forest, (3) semi-deciduous with riverine forests and (4) northeastern Atlantic rain forest. Climatically distinct, these clusters reflect a general temperature increase and precipitation increase from the first to the fourth cluster. Furthermore, comparison of the modern pollen dataset with the Côlonia pollen record from southeastern Brazil revealed that vegetation attributed to Araucaria forest with high elevation grassland showed an important variability with several shifts towards the lowland rain forest. As illustrated by comparison with the long fossil pollen record of Côlonia, developing such a modern training set is crucial for the understanding of responses of Atlantic Forest to environmental changes. However, additional samples are still necessary to improve characterization of different eco-physiognomies at a local scale following a defined floristic and climatic gradient. This sampling effort is becoming increasing urgent as a result of strong biodiversity loss and habitat destruction in this region

    Amazon forest dynamics under changing abiotic conditions in the early Miocene (Colombian Amazonia)

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    Aim We analysed in detail a past marine incursion event in north-western Amazonia and measured its effect on the forest composition. We also determined the sediment provenance in the fluvio-estuarine system and reconstructed the overall floral composition of the Amazon lowland forest during the Miocene climatic optimum. Location A 60-m-thick sedimentary succession situated along the Caquetá River in Colombian Amazonia (0.77° S; 71.97° W). Methods Palynological, geochemical and statistical analyses were performed on samples from organic-rich sediments. Results The lower section was formed by fluvial floodplain deposits of Andean provenance rich in pollen of Malvacipolloides maristellae (aff. Abutilon) and Rhoipites guianensis (aff. Vasivaea). The middle section was formed by fluvial channel and estuarine swamp deposits of central Venezuelan provenance dominated by pollen of Mauritiidites franciscoi (Mauritia). Towards the top, the swamp deposits represent an estuarine floodplain with aquatic biomarkers, marine palynomorphs and mangrove pollen. The succession ended with fluvial floodplain deposits of central to southern Venezuelan origin with R. guianensis as dominant pollen type. Palynological diversity was high throughout the section with Andean- and Venezuelan-derived sediments each with their characteristic taxa. Tropical rain forest taxa, such as Arecaceae, Fabaceae, Sapotaceae, Malpighiaceae and Bombacoideae, were common in these sediments, although taxa adapted to drier conditions also occurred. We provide a ‘figshare’ link to an image library of selected taxa, as well as the raw counts and processed data. Main conclusions The fluvio-estuarine system was of mixed origin with sediments and palynomorphs from the emerging Andes, but also from an area situated in the modern Orinoco Basin. Marine influence was linked to the Venezuelan source area and thus of indisputable Caribbean origin. Overall, a mixed forest with drought-resistant components existed in the drainage system during the Miocene climatic optimum. Our data provide a novel insight into the composition of the tropical lowland forest and the environments in north-western Amazonia prior to the main uplift of the central and northern Andes

    Global acceleration in rates of vegetation change over the past 18,000 years

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    Global vegetation over the past 18,000 years has been transformed first by the climate changes that accompanied the last deglaciation and again by increasing human pressures; however, the magnitude and patterns of rates of vegetation change are poorly understood globally. Using a compilation of 1181 fossil pollen sequences and newly developed statistical methods, we detect a worldwide acceleration in the rates of vegetation compositional change beginning between 4.6 and 2.9 thousand years ago that is globally unprecedented over the past 18,000 years in both magnitude and extent. Late Holocene rates of change equal or exceed the deglacial rates for all continents, which suggests that the scale of human effects on terrestrial ecosystems exceeds even the climate-driven transformations of the last deglaciation. The acceleration of biodiversity change demonstrated in ecological datasets from the past century began millennia ago

    Data from: Warming, drought and disturbances lead to shifts in functional composition: a millennial-scale analysis for Amazonian and Andean sites

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    The data were used to evaluate long-term (~10,000 y) changes in the functional composition of tree communities in Amazonian and Andean forests, and how these changes are explained by climate change, droughts, and disturbances. The dataset contains community-weighted means (CWM) over time of four traits: wood density, seed mass, leaf area and adult tree height. Traits were weighted by taxon abundances derived from fossil pollen records. The dataset also contains data on climate (d18O), temperature, droughts (El Niño frequency), fire disturbance (from charcoal abundance), and other general disturbances (from Cecropia abundance)

    Global acceleration in rates of vegetation change over the past 18,000 years

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    Global vegetation over the past 18,000 years has been transformed first by the climate changes that accompanied the last deglaciation and again by increasing human pressures; however, the magnitude and patterns of rates of vegetation change are poorly understood globally. Using a compilation of 1181 fossil pollen sequences and newly developed statistical methods, we detect a worldwide acceleration in the rates of vegetation compositional change beginning between 4.6 and 2.9 thousand years ago that is globally unprecedented over the past 18,000 years in both magnitude and extent. Late Holocene rates of change equal or exceed the deglacial rates for all continents, which suggests that the scale of human effects on terrestrial ecosystems exceeds even the climate-driven transformations of the last deglaciation. The acceleration of biodiversity change demonstrated in ecological datasets from the past century began millennia ago

    Compositional turnover and variation in Eemian pollen sequences in Europe

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    The Eemian interglacial represents a natural experiment on how past vegetation with negligible human impact responded to amplified temperature changes compared to the Holocene. Here, we assemble 47 carefully selected Eemian pollen sequences from Europe to explore geographical patterns of (1) total compositional turnover and total variation for each sequence and (2) stratigraphical turnover between samples within each sequence using detrended canonical correspondence analysis, multivariate regression trees, and principal curves. Our synthesis shows that turnover and variation are highest in central Europe (47–55°N), low in southern Europe (south of 45°N), and lowest in the north (above 60°N). These results provide a basis for developing hypotheses about causes of vegetation change during the Eemian and their possible drivers