11,178 research outputs found

    Deep space network

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    Background, current status, and sites of Deep Space Network stations are briefly discussed

    Deep space network support of the manned space flight network for Apollo, volume 2 Technical memorandum, 1969 - 1970

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    Deep Space Network support activities for Apollo 9 through 13 flights and associated equipmen

    Microlocal spectrum condition and Hadamard form for vector-valued quantum fields in curved spacetime

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    Some years ago, Radzikowski has found a characterization of Hadamard states for scalar quantum fields on a four-dimensional globally hyperbolic spacetime in terms of a specific form of the wavefront set of their two-point functions (termed `wavefront set spectrum condition'), thereby initiating a major progress in the understanding of Hadamard states and the further development of quantum field theory in curved spacetime. In the present work, we extend this important result on the equivalence of the wavefront set spectrum condition with the Hadamard condition from scalar fields to vector fields (sections in a vector bundle) which are subject to a wave-equation and are quantized so as to fulfill the covariant canonical commutation relations, or which obey a Dirac equation and are quantized according to the covariant anti-commutation relations, in any globally hyperbolic spacetime having dimension three or higher. In proving this result, a gap which is present in the published proof for the scalar field case will be removed. Moreover we determine the short-distance scaling limits of Hadamard states for vector-bundle valued fields, finding them to coincide with the corresponding flat-space, massless vacuum states.Comment: latex2e, 41 page

    Draft Genome Sequence of Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens Strain UCD-AKU (Phylum Actinobacteria).

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    Here we present the draft genome of an actinobacterium, Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens strain UCD-AKU, isolated from a residential carpet. The genome assembly contains 3,692,614 bp in 130 contigs. This is the first member of the Curtobacterium genus to be sequenced

    Chandra X-ray Observation of a Mature Cloud-Shock Interaction in the Bright Eastern Knot Region of Puppis A

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    We present Chandra X-ray images and spectra of the most prominent cloud-shock interaction region in the Puppis A supernova remnant. The Bright Eastern Knot (BEK) has two main morphological components: (1) a bright compact knot that lies directly behind the apex of an indentation in the eastern X-ray boundary and (2) lying 1' westward behind the shock, a curved vertical structure (bar) that is separated from a smaller bright cloud (cap) by faint diffuse emission. Based on hardness images and spectra, we identify the bar and cap as a single shocked interstellar cloud. Its morphology strongly resembles the ``voided sphere'' structures seen at late times in Klein et al.'s experimental simulations of cloud-shock interactions, when the crushing of the cloud by shear instabilities is well underway. We infer an interaction time of roughly 3 cloud-crushing timescales, which translates to 2000-4000 years, based on the X-ray temperature, physical size, and estimated expansion of the shocked cloud. This is the first X-ray identified example of a cloud-shock interaction in this advanced phase. Closer to the shock front, the X-ray emission of the compact knot in the eastern part of the BEK region implies a recent interaction with relatively denser gas, some of which lies in front of the remnant. The complex spatial relationship of the X-ray emission of the compact knot to optical [O III] emission suggests that there are multiple cloud interactions occurring along the line of sight.Comment: 22 pages LaTeX with multiple figures, to appear in Ap

    Hydrogen absorption properties of amorphous (Ni0.6Nb0.4−yTay)100−xZrx membranes

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    Ni based amorphous materials have great potential as hydrogen purification membranes. In the present work the melt spun (Ni0.6Nb0.4−yTay)100−xZrx with y=0, 0.1 and x=20, 30 was studied. The result of X-ray diffraction spectra of the ribbons showed an amorphous nature of the alloys. Heating these ribbons below T < 400 °C, even in a hydrogen atmosphere (1−10 bar), the amorphous structure was retained. The crystallization process was characterized by differential thermal analysis and the activation energy of such process was obtained. The hydrogen absorption properties of the samples in their amorphous state were studied by the volumetric method, and the results showed that the addition of Ta did not significantly influence the absorption properties, a clear change of the hydrogen solubility was observed with the variation of the Zr content. The values of the hydrogenation enthalpy changed from ~37 kJ/mol for x=30 to ~9 kJ/mol for x=20. The analysis of the volumetric data provides the indications about the hydrogen occupation sites during hydrogenation, suggesting that at the beginning of the absorption process the deepest energy levels are occupied, while only shallower energy levels are available at higher hydrogen content, with the available interstitial sites forming a continuum of energy levels
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