12 research outputs found

    A educação infantil escolar como espaço de subjetivação

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    We know that the first years of childrens lives are important for the psychic development, for this reason, considering their early age and the fact that they attend nursery schools, it is necessary to think about the relationship established between professionals of childrens education and the nurseries of 1s babies. This research starts from the idea that these professionals hold a place in these childrens psychic history. In order to do that, this research brings the view of psychoanalysis in order to reflect on the constitutive possibilities of children in Nursery Schools.Sabemos que los primeros años de vida de un niño son importantes para el desarrollo psíquico; por ese motivo cuando se trata de niños pequeños y que ya van a la guardería, se hace urgente y necesario pensar la relaci- ón que se establece entre los profesionales de la educaci ón infantil y parvularia y eses chicos. Este trabajo parte de la idea de que esos profesionales ocupan un lugar en la historia psíquica de esos niños, para eso esta pesquisa trae la mirada en el espacio de educación infantil.Sabemos que os primeiros anos de vida da criança são importantes para o desenvolvimento psíquico; por esse motivo, quando se trata de crianças muito pequenas e que freqüentam creches, faz-se necessário pensar sobre a relação que se estabelece entre os profissionais da Educação Infantil e os bebês de Berçário I. Este trabalho parte da idéia de que esses profissionais ocupam um lugar na história psíquica dessas crian- ças. Para isso, esta pesquisa traz o olhar da psicanálise a fim de refletir sobre as possibilidades constitutivas das crian- ças no espaço das Escolas de Educação Infantil

    Susceptibility to Vibrio cholerae Infection in a Cohort of Household Contacts of Patients with Cholera in Bangladesh

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    Vibrio cholerae is the bacterium that causes cholera, a severe form of diarrhea that leads to rapid and potentially fatal dehydration when the infection is not treated promptly. Cholera remains an important cause of diarrhea globally, and V. cholerae continues to cause major epidemics in the most vulnerable populations. Although there have been recent discoveries about how the bacterium adapts to the human intestine and causes diarrhea, there is little understanding of why some people are protected from infection with V. cholerae. This article describes several factors that are associated with the risk of developing V. cholerae infection among people living in the same household with a patient with severe cholera who are at high risk of contracting the infection. One of the findings is that IgA antibodies, a type of antibody associated with immunity at mucosal surfaces such as the intestine, that target several components of the bacteria are associated with immunity to V. cholerae infection. This article also describes genetic and nutritional factors that additionally influence susceptibility to V. cholerae infection

    Individuals with Le(a+b−) Blood Group Have Increased Susceptibility to Symptomatic Vibrio cholerae O1 Infection

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    Cholera remains a severe diarrheal disease, capable of causing extensive outbreaks and high mortality. Blood group is one of the genetic factors determining predisposition to disease, including infectious diseases. Expression of different Lewis or ABO blood group types has been shown to be associated with risk of different enteric infections. For example, individuals of blood group O have a higher risk of severe illness due to V. cholerae compared to those with non-blood group O antigens. In this study, we have determined the relationship of the Lewis blood group antigen phenotypes with the risk of symptomatic cholera as well as the severity of disease and immune responses following infection. We show that individuals expressing the Le(a+b−) phenotype were more susceptible to symptomatic cholera, while Le(a–b+) expressing individuals were less susceptible. Individuals with the Le(a–b−) blood group had a longer duration of diarrhea when infected, required more intravenous fluid replacement, and had lower plasma IgA antibody responses to V. cholerae LPS on day 7 following infection. We conclude that there is an association between the Lewis blood group and the risk of cholera, and that this risk may affect the outcome of infection as well as possibly the efficacy of vaccination

    Conhecimentos sobre prevenção da SIDA entre profissionais e acadêmicos da área de saúde

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    Este estudo exploratório foi realizado pelas alunas e alunos da Disciplina de Enfermagem nas Doenças Transmissíveis. Foram analisadas as respostas de 52 questionários distribuídos entre acadêmicos de enfermagem, de medicina, médicos, dentistas, enfermeiros e auxiliares de enfermagem que assistem pacientes com SIDA e enfermeiros que não assistem pacientes com SIDA. Estes questionários versaram sobre medidas de prevenção da transmissão sexual, normal de biossegurança, testes diagnósticos, direitos do paciente e do trabalhador e alterações no atendimento aos portadores desta patologia.This work is a exploratory research based on the analysis of the answers to the questionaires of 52 students and health care professionals knowledge about AIDS sexual prevention, biossecurity, diagnosis tests, patients and workers rights and the modifications of nursing and medica/ care to this kind of diseaseTrata se de un estudio exploratório acerca del conocimiento de la prevención de la SIDA, normas de seguridad biológica, pruebas diagnósticas, derechos de /os enfermos y trabajadores con SIDA y de esa mfermedad. Fueron analizados las respuestas de 52 cuestionários de estudientes de enfermería, nédicos, odontólogos, enfermeras y ajudantes de enfermería

    Estação cultural: requalificação urbana do núcleo ferroviário de Erechim RS

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. ArquiteturaTCC sem resumo

    Vibrio cholerae O1 Infection Induces Proinflammatory CD4+ T-Cell Responses in Blood and Intestinal Mucosa of Infected Humans▿†

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    Vibrio cholerae O1 is a noninvasive enteric pathogen and serves as a model for studies of mucosal immunity. Although symptomatic V. cholerae infection induces durable protection against subsequent disease, vaccination with oral killed whole-cell V. cholerae stimulates less long-lasting protection against cholera. In this study, we demonstrated that cholera induces an early proinflammatory cellular immune response that results in priming of Th1- and Th17-type cytokine responses to ex vivo antigenic stimulation and an increase in the ratio of Th1 to Th2 CD4+ T-cell responses. Comparable priming of Th1 and Th17 responses, with an increased ratio of Th1 to Th2 CD4+ T-cell responses, was not observed in subjects who received two doses of the oral cholera vaccine Dukoral (a whole-cell cholera toxin B subunit containing [WC-CTB] vaccine). These findings suggest that natural V. cholerae infection induces an early, proinflammatory cellular immune response, despite the apparent lack of clinical signs of inflammation. The failure of the WC-CTB vaccine to activate equivalent, CD4+ T-cell responses is a potential explanation for the shorter duration of protection following immunization with this vaccine. Additional studies are needed to determine whether these early T-cell-mediated events predict the subsequent duration of immunologic memory