154 research outputs found

    Adapting a practical EPR dosimetry protocol to measure output factors in small fields with alanine.

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    PURPOSE Modern radiotherapy techniques often deliver small radiation fields. In this work, a practical Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) dosimetry protocol is adapted and applied to measure output factors (OF) in small fields of a 6 MV radiotherapy system. Correction factors and uncertainties are presented and OFs are compared to the values obtained by following TRS-483 using an ionization chamber (IC). METHODS Irradiations were performed at 10 cm depth inside a water phantom positioned at 90 cm source to surface distance with a 6 MV flattening filter free photon beam of a Halcyon radiotherapy system. OFs for different nominal field sizes (1 × 1, 2 × 2, 3 × 3, 4 × 4, normalized to 10 × 10 cm2 ) were determined with a PinPoint 3D (PTW 31022) IC following TRS-483 as well as with alanine pellets with a diameter of 4 mm and a height of 2.4 mm. EPR readout was performed with a benchtop X-band spectrometer. Correction factors due to volume averaging and due to positional uncertainties were derived from 2D film measurements. RESULTS OFs obtained from both dosimeter types agreed within 0.7% after applying corrections for the volume averaging effect. For the used alanine pellets, volume averaging correction factors of 1.030(2) for the 1 × 1 cm2 field and <1.002 for the larger field sizes were determined. The correction factor for positional uncertainties of 1 mm was in the order of 1.018 for the 1 × 1 cm2 field. Combined relative standard uncertainties uc for the OFs resulting from alanine measurements were estimated to be below 1.5% for all field sizes. For IC measurements, uc was estimated to be below 1.0%. CONCLUSIONS A practical EPR dosimetry protocol is adaptable for precisely measuring OFs in small fields down to 1 × 1 cm2 . It is recommended to consider the effect of positional uncertainties for field sizes <2 × 2 cm2

    Impact of random outliers in auto-segmented targets on radiotherapy treatment plans for glioblastoma.

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    AIMS To save time and have more consistent contours, fully automatic segmentation of targets and organs at risk (OAR) is a valuable asset in radiotherapy. Though current deep learning (DL) based models are on par with manual contouring, they are not perfect and typical errors, as false positives, occur frequently and unpredictably. While it is possible to solve this for OARs, it is far from straightforward for target structures. In order to tackle this problem, in this study, we analyzed the occurrence and the possible dose effects of automated delineation outliers. METHODS First, a set of controlled experiments on synthetically generated outliers on the CT of a glioblastoma (GBM) patient was performed. We analyzed the dosimetric impact on outliers with different location, shape, absolute size and relative size to the main target, resulting in 61 simulated scenarios. Second, multiple segmentation models where trained on a U-Net network based on 80 training sets consisting of GBM cases with annotated gross tumor volume (GTV) and edema structures. On 20 test cases, 5 different trained models and a majority voting method were used to predict the GTV and edema. The amount of outliers on the predictions were determined, as well as their size and distance from the actual target. RESULTS We found that plans containing outliers result in an increased dose to healthy brain tissue. The extent of the dose effect is dependent on the relative size, location and the distance to the main targets and involved OARs. Generally, the larger the absolute outlier volume and the distance to the target the higher the potential dose effect. For 120 predicted GTV and edema structures, we found 1887 outliers. After construction of the planning treatment volume (PTV), 137 outliers remained with a mean distance to the target of 38.5 ± 5.0 mm and a mean size of 1010.8 ± 95.6 mm3. We also found that majority voting of DL results is capable to reduce outliers. CONCLUSIONS This study shows that there is a severe risk of false positive outliers in current DL predictions of target structures. Additionally, these errors will have an evident detrimental impact on the dose and therefore could affect treatment outcome

    Auto-commissioning of a Monte Carlo electron beam model with application to photon MLC shaped electron fields.

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    OBJECTIVE Presently electron beam treatments are delivered using dedicated applicators. An alternative is the usage of the already installed photon multileaf collimator (pMLC) enabling efficient electron treatments. Currently, the commissioning of beam models is a manual and time-consuming process. In this work an auto-commissioning procedure for the Monte Carlo (MC) beam model part representing the beam above the pMLC is developed for TrueBeam systems with electron energies from 6 to 22 MeV. APPROACH The analytical part of the electron beam model includes a main source representing the primary beam and a jaw source representing the head scatter contribution each consisting of an electron and a photon component, while MC radiation transport is performed for the pMLC. The auto-commissioning of this analytical part relies on information pre-determined from MC simulations, in-air dose profiles and absolute dose measurements in water for different field sizes and source to surface distances (SSDs). For validation calculated and measured dose distributions in water were compared for different field sizes, SSDs and beam energies for eight TrueBeam systems. Furthermore, a sternum case in an anthropomorphic phantom was considered and calculated and measured dose distributions were compared at different SSDs. MAIN RESULTS Instead of the manual commissioning taking up to several days of calculation time and several hours of user time, the auto-commissioning is carried out in a few minutes. Measured and calculated dose distributions agree generally within 3% of maximum dose or 2 mm. The gamma passing rates for the sternum case ranged from 96% to 99% (3% (global)/2 mm criteria, 10% threshold). SIGNIFICANCE The auto-commissioning procedure was successfully implemented and applied to eight TrueBeam systems. The newly developed user-friendly auto-commissioning procedure allows an efficient commissioning of an MC electron beam model and eases the usage of advanced electron radiotherapy utilizing the pMLC for beam shaping

    Efficiency enhancements of a Monte Carlo beamlet based treatment planning process: implementation and parameter study.

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    OBJECTIVE The computational effort to perform beamlet calculation, plan optimization and final dose calculation of a treatment planning process (TPP) generating intensity modulated treatment plans is enormous, especially if Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are used for dose calculation. The goal of this work is to improve the computational efficiency of a fully MC based TPP for static and dynamic photon, electron and mixed photon-electron treatment techniques by implementing multiple methods and studying the influence of their parameters. APPROACH A framework is implemented calculating MC beamlets efficiently in parallel on each available CPU core. The user can specify the desired statistical uncertainty of the beamlets, a fractional sparse dose threshold to save beamlets in a sparse format and minimal distances to the PTV surface from which 2x2x2=8 (medium) or even 4x4x4=64 (large) voxels are merged. The compromise between final plan quality and computational efficiency of beamlet calculation and optimization is studied for several parameter values to find a reasonable trade-off. For this purpose, four clinical and one academic case are considered with different treatment techniques. MAIN RESULTS Setting the statistical uncertainty to 5% (photon beamlets) and 15% (electron beamlets), the fractional sparse dose threshold relative to the maximal beamlet dose to 0.1% and minimal distances for medium and large voxels to the PTV to 1 cm and 2 cm, respectively, does not lead to substantial degradation in final plan quality. Only OAR sparing is slightly degraded. Furthermore, computation times are reduced by about 58% (photon beamlets), 88% (electron beamlets) and 96% (optimization) compared to using 2.5% (photon beamlets) and 5% (electron beamlets) statistical uncertainty and no sparse format nor voxel merging. SIGNIFICANCE Several methods are implemented improving computational efficiency of beamlet calculation and plan optimization of a fully MC based TPP without substantial degradation in final plan quality

    Technical note: A collision prediction tool using Blender.

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    Non-coplanar radiotherapy treatment techniques on C-arm linear accelerators have the potential to reduce dose to organs-at-risk in comparison with coplanar treatment techniques. Accurately predicting possible collisions between gantry, table and patient during treatment planning is needed to ensure patient safety. We offer a freely available collision prediction tool using Blender, a free and open-source 3D computer graphics software toolset. A geometric model of a C-arm linear accelerator including a library of patient models is created inside Blender. Based on the model, collision predictions can be used both to calculate collision-free zones and to check treatment plans for collisions. The tool is validated for two setups, once with and once without a full body phantom with the same table position. For this, each gantry-table angle combination with a 2° resolution is manually checked for collision interlocks at a TrueBeam system and compared to simulated collision predictions. For the collision check of a treatment plan, the tool outputs the minimal distance between the gantry, table and patient model and a video of the movement of the gantry and table, which is demonstrated for one use case. A graphical user interface allows user-friendly input of the table and patient specification for the collision prediction tool. The validation resulted in a true positive rate of 100%, which is the rate between the number of correctly predicted collision gantry-table combinations and the number of all measured collision gantry-table combinations, and a true negative rate of 89%, which is the ratio between the number of correctly predicted collision-free combinations and the number of all measured collision-free combinations. A collision prediction tool is successfully created and able to produce maps of collision-free zones and to test treatment plans for collisions including visualisation of the gantry and table movement

    A hybrid column generation and simulated annealing algorithm for direct aperture optimization.

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    The purpose of this work was to develop a hybrid column generation (CG) and simulated annealing (SA) algorithm for direct aperture optimization (H-DAO) and to show its effectiveness in generating high quality treatment plans for intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) and mixed photon-electron beam radiotherapy (MBRT). The H-DAO overcomes limitations of the CG-DAO with two features improving aperture selection (branch-feature) and enabling aperture shape changes during optimization (SA feature). The H-DAO algorithm iteratively adds apertures to the plan. At each iteration, a branch is created for each field provided. First, each branch determines the most promising aperture of its assigned field and adds it to a copy of the current apertures. Afterwards, the apertures of each branch undergo an MU-weight optimization followed by an SA-based simultaneous shape and MU-weight optimization and a second MU-weight optimization. The next H-DAO iteration continues the branch with the lowest objective function value. IMRT and MBRT treatment plans for an academic, a brain and a head and neck case generated using the CG DAO and H DAO were compared. For every investigated case and both IMRT and MBRT, the H-DAO leads to a faster convergence of the objective function value with number of apertures compared to the CG-DAO. In particular, the H DAO needs on average half the apertures to reach the same objective function value as the CG DAO for a specifically selected number of apertures. The average aperture areas are 27% smaller for H-DAO than for CG-DAO leading to a slightly larger discrepancy between optimized and final dose. However, a dosimetric benefit remains. The H-DAO was successfully developed and applied to IMRT and MBRT. The faster convergence with number of apertures of the H-DAO compared to the CG-DAO allows to select a better compromise between plan quality and number of apertures

    Delivery time reduction for mixed photon-electron radiotherapy by using photon MLC collimated electron arcs.

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    Electron arcs in mixed-beam radiotherapy (Arc-MBRT) consisting of intensity-modulated electron arcs with dynamic gantry rotation potentially reduce the delivery time compared to mixed-beam radiotherapy containing electron beams with static gantry angle (Static-MBRT). This study aims to develop and investigate a treatment planning process (TPP) for photon multileaf collimator (pMLC) based Arc-MBRT.&#xD;&#xD;Approach: An existing TPP for Static-MBRT plans is extended to integrate electron arcs with a dynamic gantry rotation and intensity modulation using a sliding window technique. The TPP consists of a manual setup of electron arcs, and either static photon beams or photon arcs, shortening of the source-to-surface distance for the electron arcs, initial intensity modulation optimization, selection of a user-defined number of electron beam energies based on dose contribution to the target volume and finally, simultaneous photon and electron intensity modulation optimization followed by full Monte Carlo dose calculation. Arc-MBRT plans, Static-MBRT plans, and photon-only plans were created and compared for four breast cases. Dosimetric validation of two Arc-MBRT plans was performed using film measurements.&#xD;&#xD;Main results: The generated Arc-MBRT plans are dosimetrically similar to the Static-MBRT plans while outperforming the photon-only plans. The mean heart dose is reduced by 32% on average in the MBRT plans compared to the photon-only plans. The estimated delivery times of the Arc-MBRT plans are similar to the photon-only plans but less than half the time of the Static-MBRT plans. Measured and calculated dose distributions agree with a gamma passing rate of over 98% (3% global, 2 mm) for both delivered Arc-MBRT plans. &#xD;&#xD;Significance: A TPP for Arc-MBRT is successfully developed and Arc-MBRT plans showed the potential to improve the dosimetric plan quality similar as Static-MBRT while maintaining short delivery times of photon-only treatments. This further facilitates integration of pMLC-based MBRT into clinical practice

    Impact of the gradient in gantry-table rotation on dynamic trajectory radiotherapy plan quality.

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    BACKGROUND To improve organ at risk (OAR) sparing, dynamic trajectory radiotherapy (DTRT) extends VMAT by dynamic table and collimator rotation during beam-on. However, comprehensive investigations regarding the impact of the gantry-table (GT) rotation gradient on the DTRT plan quality have not been conducted. PURPOSE To investigate the impact of a user-defined GT rotation gradient on plan quality of DTRT plans in terms of dosimetric plan quality, dosimetric robustness, deliverability, and delivery time. METHODS The dynamic trajectories of DTRT are described by GT and gantry-collimator paths. The GT path is determined by minimizing the overlap of OARs with planning target volume (PTV). This approach is extended to consider a GT rotation gradient by means of a maximum gradient of the path ( ) between two adjacent control points ( ) and maximum absolute change of G ( ). Four DTRT plans are created with different maximum G&∆G: &  = 0.5&0.125 (DTRT-1), 1&0.125 (DTRT-2), 3&0.125 (DTRT-3) and 3&1‍(DTRT-4), including 3-4 dynamic trajectories, for three clinically motivated cases in the head and neck and brain region (A, B, and C). A reference VMAT plan for each case is created. For all plans, plan quality is assessed and compared. Dosimetric plan quality is evaluated by target coverage, conformity, and OAR sparing. Dosimetric robustness is evaluated against systematic and random patient-setup uncertainties between in the lateral, longitudinal, and vertical directions, and machine uncertainties between in the dynamically rotating machine components (gantry, table, collimator rotation). Delivery time is recorded. Deliverability and delivery accuracy on a TrueBeam are assessed by logfile analysis for all plans and additionally verified by film measurements for one case. All dose calculations are Monte Carlo based. RESULTS The extension of the DTRT planning process with user-defined to investigate the impact of the GT rotation gradient on plan quality is successfully demonstrated. With increasing , slight (case C, : up to‍-1‍Gy) and substantial (case A, : up to -9.3 Gy, case‍B, : up to -4.7‍Gy) improvements in OAR sparing are observed compared to VMAT, while maintaining similar target coverage. All plans are delivered on the TrueBeam. Expected and actual machine position values recorded in the logfiles deviated by 96% (2%‍global/2 mm Gamma passing rate) with the dose calculation. With increasing , delivery time is prolonged by <2 min/trajectory (DTRT-4) compared to VMAT and DTRT-1. The DTRT plans for case A and B and the VMAT plan for case C plan reveal the best dosimetric robustness for the considered uncertainties. CONCLUSION The impact of the GT rotation gradient on DTRT plan quality is comprehensively investigated for three cases in the head and neck and brain region. Increasing freedom in this gradient improves dosimetric plan quality at the cost of increased delivery time for the investigated cases. No clear dependency of GT rotation gradient on dosimetric robustness is observed

    Technical note: Feasibility of gating for dynamic trajectory radiotherapy - Mechanical accuracy and dosimetric performance.

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    BACKGROUND Dynamic trajectory radiotherapy (DTRT) extends state-of-the-art volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) by dynamic table and collimator rotations during beam-on. The effects of intrafraction motion during DTRT delivery are unknown, especially regarding the possible interplay between patient and machine motion with additional dynamic axes. PURPOSE To experimentally assess the technical feasibility and quantify the mechanical and dosimetric accuracy of respiratory gating during DTRT delivery. METHODS A DTRT and VMAT plan are created for a clinically motivated lung cancer case and delivered to a dosimetric motion phantom (MP) placed on the table of a TrueBeam system using Developer Mode. The MP reproduces four different 3D motion traces. Gating is triggered using an external marker block, placed on the MP. Mechanical accuracy and delivery time of the VMAT and DTRT deliveries with and without gating are extracted from the logfiles. Dosimetric performance is assessed by means of gamma evaluation (3% global/2 mm, 10% threshold). RESULTS The DTRT and VMAT plans are successfully delivered with and without gating for all motion traces. Mechanical accuracy is similar for all experiments with deviations <0.14° (gantry angle), <0.15° (table angle), <0.09° (collimator angle) and <0.08 mm (MLC leaf positions). For DTRT (VMAT), delivery times are 1.6-2.3 (1.6- 2.5) times longer with than without gating for all motion traces except one, where DTRT (VMAT) delivery is 5.0 (3.6) times longer due to a substantial uncorrected baseline drift affecting only DTRT delivery. Gamma passing rates with (without) gating for DTRT/VMAT were ≥96.7%/98.5% (≤88.3%/84.8%). For one VMAT arc without gating it was 99.6%. CONCLUSION Gating is successfully applied during DTRT delivery on a TrueBeam system for the first time. Mechanical accuracy is similar for VMAT and DTRT deliveries with and without gating. Gating substantially improved dosimetric performance for DTRT and VMAT

    Enabling non-isocentric dynamic trajectory radiotherapy by integration of dynamic table translations.

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    OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study is to develop a treatment planning process (TPP) for non-isocentric dynamic trajectory radiotherapy (DTRT) using dynamic gantry rotation, collimator rotation, table rotation, longitudinal, vertical and lateral table translations and intensity modulation and to validate the dosimetric accuracy. APPROACH The TPP consists of two steps. First, a path describing the dynamic gantry rotation, collimator rotation and dynamic table rotation and translations is determined. Second, an optimization of the intensity modulation along the path is performed. We demonstrate the TPP for three use cases. First, a non-isocentric DTRT plan for a brain case is compared to an isocentric DTRT plan in terms of dosimetric plan quality and delivery time. Second, a non-isocentric DTRT plan for a craniospinal irradiation (CSI) case is compared to a multi-isocentric intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) plan. Third, a non-isocentric DTRT plan for a bilateral breast case is compared to a multi-isocentric volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) plan. The non-isocentric DTRT plans are delivered on a TrueBeam in developer mode and their dosimetric accuracy is validated using radiochromic films. MAIN RESULTS The non-isocentric DTRT plan for the brain case is similar in dosimetric plan quality and delivery time to the isocentric DTRT plan but is expected to reduce the risk of collisions. The DTRT plan for the CSI case shows similar dosimetric plan quality while reducing the delivery time by 45% in comparison with the IMRT plan. The DTRT plan for the breast case showed better treatment plan quality in comparison with the VMAT plan. The gamma passing rates between the measured and calculated dose distributions are higher than 95% for all three plans. SIGNIFICANCE The versatile benefits of non-isocentric DTRT are demonstrated with three use cases, namely reduction of collision risk, reduced setup and delivery time and improved dosimetric plan quality