10 research outputs found

    Recovery Among People with Mental Illness (PMI) as Perceived by the Caregivers in Islamic Boarding School (IBS) in Indonesia

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    Background: Mental hospitals as places to rehabilitation people with mental illness(PMI) in Indonesia are limited in numbers and do not meet with the number of PMI.The society may contribute in facilitating recovery and rehabilitation place for PMI including Islamic boarding school. Some Islamic boarding schools provide rehabilitation for PMI to help with recovery process. Recovery is an important aspect to assess the success of PMI rehabilitation. Nevertheless, there has been no study on Islamic boarding school\u27s caregivers\u27 perception on PMI recovery.Purpose: This study aims to explore recovery perception of caregivers treating PMI in Islamic boarding school and factors affecting recovery.Methods: Data are acquired from 19 caregivers from three Islamic boarding schools providing rehabilitation for PMI with Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The data analyzed using descriptive analysis.Result: Having a good communication is a recovery criterion that is mentioned themost by caregivers. There are three biggest factors affecting recovery based on the caregivers such as prayers or religion followed by social support from family and environment and also doing activities.Conclusion: The results may depict the PMI recovery so that the health care providers can provide interventions that can support the recovery process in PMI

    Hubungan Antara Prestasi Remaja SMA Yang Dikonsulkan Ke Bimbingan Dan Konseling Dengan Tingkat Depresi

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    Background : Inability teenagers survive in the face of excessive problems can be a stressor. Thus, decrease and failure of academic achievement in teenagers high school grade 10, 11, and 12 which are in a transitional period of life can make them fall in a state of depression.Goal : To prove that there is a relation between Senior High School teenagers' achievement that is consulted at Guide and Counseling with the level of depression.Method : Method of this research is analytical observational with cross sectional design. There are 69 teenager respondents from Tritunggal Senior High School students' grade 10, 11, and 12 that is consulted in Guide and Counseling. The achievement is measured by using the academic result of student. While, the depression level is measured by Beck Depression Inventory-II questionnaire.Result : The result of depression level are 69,6 % do not experiencing depression; 21,7 % experiencing mild depression; 5,8 % experiencing moderate depression; dan 2,9 % experiencing severe depression. In Kolmogorov-Smirnov test finds that there is no significant relation between Senior High School teenagers' achievement that is consulted at Guide and Counseling with the level of depression.Conclusion : There is no significant relation between Senior High School teenagers' achievement that is consulted at Guide and Counseling with the level of depression because on the attitude itself becomes the reason teenagers have to be consulted, and they are still active doing hobbies affected lowering depression. Moreover, Guide and Counseling has an important roles in handling students

    Hubungan Prestasi Remaja SMA Yang Dikonsulkan Ke Bimbingan Dan Konseling Dengan Kejadian Kecemasan

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    Background: Excessive academic demand is one of teenager's stressors. Bad or low achievement indicates that there is excessive academic demand for teenager. Teenager who get troubles to following school progress will be consulted to school's guide and counceling. Too many stressors can cause a problem in teenager's developmental. One manifest of stress management failure is anxiety that can make worse more and more both performance and relationship with others.Purpose: To find out are there a relationship between achievement of teenager who is being consulted to guide and counceling with anxiety event.Method: It is an observational research which is using cross sectional analysis. There are 69 respondents. Then all of them are given informed consent and some questionnairs, such as: demograph questionnair and Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS). Their achievements are proved by their study report. The relationship between achievement of teenager who is being consulted to guide and counceling with anxiety event is tested using Chi-Square method.Result: Respondents have variation of demograph datas. There are 24,6% respondents who feel anxious. There are 50,7% respondents who have bad achievement. The statistic analysis point out that there is a significant relationship (p 0,003) between achievement of teenager who is being consulted to guide and counceling with anxiety event.Conclusion: The result of this research can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between achievement of teenager who is being consulted to guide and counceling with anxiety event. Bad achievement and stressors proved that there is anxiety event in teenagers who is consulted to guide and counceling

    Gambaran Beban Caregiver Penderita Skizofrenia di Poliklinik Rawat Jalan RSJ Amino Gondohutomo Semarang

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    Latar belakang : Skizofrenia merupakan gangguan jiwa berat yang perjalanannya berlangsung kronis dan menimbulkan kemunduran. Penderita skizofrenia mempunyai hendaya yang nyata pada taraf kemampuan fungsional sehari-hari, sehingga memerlukan bantuan dan pertolongan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan kehidupannya pada pihak lain (caregiver/carer). Peningkatan peran ini akan menimbulkan konsekuensi, yang akhirnya akan menimbulkan beban perawatan bagi keluarga. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendeskripsikan beban perawatan pada caregiver yang merawat penderita skizofrenia dengan menggunakan instrumen Burden Assessment Schedule (BAS) versi Bahasa Indonesia dan komponen beban perawatan yang paling berpengaruh. Metode : Merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan 100 orang caregiver yang merawat penderita lebih dari 2 tahun di Poliklinik Rawat Jalan kelas III dan pasien Jamkesmas Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Amino Gondohutomo Semarang. Responden diwawancara dengan kuesioner terstruktur BAS versi Bahasa Indonesia. Hasil : Didapatkan nilai skor BAS antara 18 sampai 40, dengan rerata 26,41. Sebanyak 89 responden (89%) merasa terbeban dengan kondisi penderita. Urutan domain yang paling berperan terhadap beban caregiver adalah dampak terhadap perasaan nyaman, beratnya masalah gangguan yang dihadapi, dampak terhadap hubungan dengan orang lain, apresiasi terhadap peran perawatan dan dampak terhadap kualitas hubungan perkawinan. Simpulan : Sebagian besar caregiver menganggap perawatan terhadap anggota keluarga dengan gangguan skizofrenia sebagai beban dan komponen yang paling berperan adalah dampak terhadap perasaan nyaman. Kata kunci: Beban perawatan, caregiver skizofrenia, instrumen BAS versi Bahasa Indonesia

    Pengaruh Pemberian Aromaterapi Lemon terhadap Skor Kecemasan Mahasiswi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro

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    Background: Based by Riskesdas in 2013, 6% of Indonesia's population the age of 15 years old and more had emotional disorders which shown by symptoms of anxiety and depression. In university students, the study found that 25% of them had light anxiety, 60% had moderate anxiety, and 15% had severe anxiety. The mean of medical student who had anxiety symptoms around the world are 12-69%. Relaxation therapy able to decrease anxiety level, which by giving aromatherapy, it able to stimulates the brain to relax. Lemon is one of the aromatherapies that found effectively able to decrease anxiety symptoms by its refreshingly sharp smell and lifting the mood, which strengthening its user's psyche. To measure the anxiety score, the author used the Zung Self-rating Anxiety Scale (ZSAS). The objective of this study aimed to investigate the effect of inhaling lemon aromatherapy on anxiety in female students of Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University Methods: This study used experimental pre and post-test without control design. Zung Self-rating Anxiety Scale was used to investigate the anxiety level of the samples. 32 persons volunteered as participants by 1 of them dropped out. The group inhaled lemon aromatherapy for 2 weeks. At the end of week 2, the participants' anxiety was measured, and the results were statistically analysed. Saphiro-Wilk Test was used as the normality test while the results of the measured anxiety were tested by Wilcoxon Test. Results: There was a significant decreased anxiety score of the participants after inhaling lemon aromatherapy for two weeks. Based by pre and post-test result, the mean of anxiety score decreased from 37.32 to 31.84 (p=0.000). Conclusions: Lemon aromatherapy essential oil is able to significantly decrease the anxiety score of female students of Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University.   Keywords: Lemon aromatherapy, anxiety, medical studen

    The 8th National Congress Indonesian Psychiatric Association (IPA) & 15th Congress ASEAN Federation of Psychiatry and Mental Health (AFMPH): 25-27 August 2016, Semarang – Indonesia: “New Challenges in Psychiatric Care in ASEAN Economic Community”

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    The above meeting was organized by PERHIMPUNAN DOKTER SPESIALIS KEDOKTERAN JIWA INDONESIA and ASEAN Federation for Psychiatry and Mental Health (AFPMH), where Dr. Danardi Sosrosumihardjo, Sp.KJ(K), the President of Indonesian Psychiatric Association and the President of AFMPH welcomed delegates from ASEAN countries to the 8th National Conference of The Indonesian Psychiatric Association (IPA) and 15th ASEAN Federation of Psychiatry and Mental Health (AFMPH) Congress. IPA and AFMPH has chosen Semarang as the most attractive location for this congress. The theme is “New Challenges in Psychiatric Care in ASEAN Economic Community” and has been carefully developed to meet the learning, networking and latest needs of regional psychiatric services.Please click PDF below to download the full paper...Â