169 research outputs found

    Model Keterlibatan Perguruan Tinggi Dalam Pengembangan Pangan Lokal

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    People who lived in Papua used to consume non-rice carbohydrate sources, but now they are consumingrice. Merauke Regency is designated nationally as a granary for eastern Indonesia. This conditionreduces the development of food diversification based on local resources. One of the universities inMerauke Regency is Musamus University, where the role is needed by the local community in the contextof preserving and developing local food. This study aims to create a model for the involvement of stateuniversities, especially Unmus in the context of developing local resource-based food. The researchmethod used is qualitative research methods. The research was conducted by involving academics (IBTUnmus) and the community in local villages around Merauke City (Wapeko, Yanggandur, Sota) to jointlyanalyze the problems in the form of FGD (focus group discussion) activities and interviews. Theanalytical methods used in the research generally include qualitative descriptive analysis (rational policymodels) and strategy analysis which is carried out using the SWOT method. The results of this studyfound 4 (four) main activities, namely (1) Research Topics, (2) Sustainable Education / Training /Socialization, (3) Sustainable Assistance, (4) Local Food Marketing Center. In this model, it can also beseen that there are external factors that affect the involvement of the university specifically MusamusUniversity in the development of local food in Merauke Regency.Masyarakat yang berdomisili di Papua dulu mengkonsumsi pangan sumber karbohidrat non beras, saatini berubah mengkonsumsi beras. Kabupaten Merauke ditetapkan secara nasional sebagai lumbung padibagi wilayah Indonesia Timur. Kondisi ini mengurangi pengembangan penganekaragaman panganberbasis sumber daya lokal. Salahsatu perguruan tinggi Kabupaten Merauke adalah UniversitasMusamus, dimana perannya dibutuhkan masyarakat lokal dalam rangka pelestarian dan pengembanganpangan lokal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan sebuah model keterlibatan Perguruan TinggiNegeri khususnya Unmus dalam rangka pengembangan pangan berbasis sumberdaya lokal. Metodepenelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan metode penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian dilakukan denganmelibatkan akademisi (IBT Unmus) dan masyarakat pada kampung-kampung lokal di sekitar KotaMerauke (Wapeko, Yanggandur, Sota) untuk bersama-sama menganalisis masalah yang ada dalambentuk kegiatan FGD (focus group discussion) dan wawancara. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalampenelitian, secara umum mencakup analisis deskriptif kualitatif (model kebijakan rasional) dan Analisisstrategi yang dilakukan dengan metode SWOT. Hasil dari penelitian ini menemukan 4 (empat) kegiatanutama yaitu (1) Topik Riset, (2) Pendidikan/ Pelatihan/ Sosialisasi Berkelanjutan, (3) PendampinganBerkelanjutan., (4) Local Food Marketing Center. Pada model ini juga terlihat bahwa ada faktor ekternalyang mempengaruhi keterlibatan perguruan tinggi khusus nya Universitas Musamus dalampengembangan pangan lokal di Kabupaten Merauke

    Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Etanol Daun Sirsak (Annona Muricata L.)terhadap Shigella Flexneri secara In Vitro

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    Diarrhea remains cause of health problem in developingcountries such as Indonesia because the mortality rate keep increasing.Diarrhea could be more serious when it becomes bloody diarrhea or alsoknown as shigellosis. Soursop (Annona muricata L.) has been used bymost of Indonesian people to treat many diseases. The society of Kutai inKalimantan choosed soursop leaves to treat diarrhea. Objective: The aimof this study was to investigate the antibacterial activity of ethanol extractsof soursop leaves against Shigella flexneri, determined the secondarymetabolite compounds, and determined the minimum inhibitoryconcentration (MIC) of ethanol extracts of soursop leaves to inhibit thegrowth of Shigella flexneri. Method: Soursop leaves was extracted bymaceration method using 70% ethanol. Chemical compounds of thisextract were determined by phytochemical screening. Antibacterial activitytest was determined by Kirby-Bauer Disc Diffusion method. This studyused various concentration consist of 500 mg/mL, 600 mg/mL, 700mg/mL, 800 mg/mL, 900 mg/mL, and 1000 mg/mL. Ciprofloxacin 5 µg/diskwas used as positive control while negative control used DMSO 10%.Result: Based on phytochemical screening, ethanol extracts of soursopleaves contained alkaloids, phenols, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, andtriterpenoids. Ethanol extracts of soursop leaves didn\u27t showedantibacterial activity against the growth of Shigella flexneri. Conclusion:Ethanol extracts of soursop leaves didn\u27t has antibacterial activity againstShigella flexneri.Keywords: Antibacterial, Ethanol extracts of soursop leaves, Shigellaflexneri1)Medical School, Faculty of Medicine, Tanjungpura University,Pontianak, West Kalimantan.2)Departement of Biology Pharmacy, Departement of Pharmacy, Facultyof Medicine, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, West Kalimantan.3)Departement of Dermatovenerology, Medical School, Faculty ofMedicine, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, West Kalimantan

    Pola Kebiasaan Makan Orang Lanjut Usia (Studi Kasus: Penderita Penyakit Hipertensi Sukubangsa Minangkabau di Jakarta)

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    Food is a basic biological need for humans to stay alive, and now food has beenlinked to culture. Not all types of food available in the environment are considered asfood. Patterns of eating habits ingrained from childhood will take effect later in olderage. This article explains the eating habits of the elderly people of Minangkabau whosuffer from hypertension. The result shows that the culture greatly affects the patterns ofeating habits of the elderly. The eating habit happens to be one of the factors causinghypertension. After suffering from hypertension, the elderly are also difficult to changeeating habits

    Putusan Mahkamah Agung No. 981k/pdt/2009 Terhadap Pembatalan Sertifikat Hak Pakai No. 765 Atas Nama Pemerintah Kota Medan

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    The ownership of the Right of Use No. 765/Pusat Pasar certificate on behalf of Medan City Administration on July 1, 1996 which was legally given by the Land Office of Medan could be cancelled by the claim of Hin An Hui Association (Perhimpunan) in 2007, based the Ruling of the Supreme Court No. 981K/Pdt/2009. The research was descriptive analytic with judicial normative approach.The data were gathered by using library research and analyzed qualitatively. The conclusions of the research were as follows: 1) the factors which cancelled the certificate were a) the Association was legally established according to the prevaling law, b) the Association could give evidence about the grounds of its claim, and c) the ceding land rights had proved that the Association had controlled and used the disputable object based on the sales agreement on February 12, 1957, 2) The reason of the cancellation of the certificate, based on the Ruling of the Supreme Court, was legal since it was not contrary to law, and 3) legal protection for Medan City Administration was by cancelling all verdicts of Medan District Court, Medan Higher Court, and the Supreme Court

    The Analysis Of Fishing Effort By Scraping Net In Sungai Nyamuk, Sinaboi Sub District, Rokan Hilir Regency Of Riau Province

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    Research on the analysis of fishing effort by fishing scraping net, held in April2015 in Sungai Nyamuk, Sinaboi Sub District, Rokan Hilir Regency Of Riau Province.The research of aims to analyze large venture capital investments, and how large grossincome and net income of using fishing scraping net. The method used is a surveymethod. Determination respondents stratification of random sampling performed usinga method that is done by looking at the motor boat scraping levels at the study siteconsisting of a motor boat with a cargo scraping net 0,7 GT and GT 1. Respondentswere drawn consists of a fishing effort using the tool catches scraping net to charge 1GT by 3 fishermen and fishermen scraping net 0,7 GT by 3 people.The total investments invested in doing scraping net fishermen fishing effort is Rp29.647.000, for a motor boat fishermen 0,7 GT and Rp 44.295.000 for boat motors 1GT. Gross income of scraping net fishermen for season of motor boat 0,7 GT Rp.305.000 of day and Rp. 109.000 for not season of day. For motor boat 1 GT Rp.385.000 for season of day and Rp. 183.000. Net income scraping net fishermen of 0,7GT Rp. 196.000 for season of day and not net income for not season of day. As forfishermen of motor boat 1 GT is Rp. 220.000 for season of day and Rp. 18.000 for notseason of day

    Orang Mentawai: Peladang Tradisional dan Ekonomi Pasar

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    This article describes the pattern of cultivation, production and distribution of farm fields of the Mentawai society which are based on the results of a research conducted using the perspective of economic anthropology. The study was conducted in eight hamlets. Four separate hamlets in the north and south of Siberut Island, four other separate hamlets in Sipora Island and North Pagai Island. The farming habit of planting various types of plants in the field (mone) to meet the needs of food and cash crops to be sold (commodities for exports) is not focused and can only adapt to the market price and the small quantity of harvest, individually cost them, in contrast to traders who have strategies to anticipate losses due to the fluctuation of price
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