13 research outputs found

    The Role of Endorphin Stimulation, Oxytocin Massage and Suggestive Technique (SPEOS) in Improving Breast Milk Production among Breastfeeding Mother at Primary Health Center in Cimahi Tengah, West Java, Indonesia

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    Inadequatemilksupplyduringthefirstfewdays’after delivery become concern from most of the women. Indonesia Health Research and Development Agency in 2010 stated that the failure of exclusive breastfeeding commonly caused by insufficient milk production. The intervention of SPEOS (EndorphinStimulation, Oxytocin Massage, and Suggestive Technique) methods are offered to post-partum mothers in increasing breast milk supply. This study aimed to identify the influence of SPEOS on breast milk supply among post-partum mothers at Primary Health Care in Cimahi Tengah Indonesia. Quasi-experimental research with non-equivalent control group design was conducted. A total of 20 postpartum mothers were involved in this studyby using accidental sampling technique. The data were taken from March to April 2018 through observation on the amount of breast milk by pumping in two times observation including before and after the SPEOS method applied. The data were analyzed by t-independent test. Ethical approval was obtained from Health Research and Ethics Committee of Institute of Health Science Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi No. 005/KEPK/II/2018. The result shows that the intervention group produces more breast milkasmuchas3,74cconthethirddaysoftheexperimentthanthecontrolgroup(2,04 cc).Bivariateanalysisshowspvalue0,001.Therefore,SPEOS methods gives significant influences on breast milk supply among post partum mothers. Conclusions SPEOS methods are effective in increasing low breast milk supply amongpost-partummothers

    Risk Factors Of Preeclampsia Among Pregnant Women In Indonesia

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    Preeclampsia is the second highest cause of maternal death in Indonesia. The incidence of preeclampsia in Indonesia is very high at 24%. West Java is a province in Indonesia with a high preeclampsia rate of 25%. Predisposing factors include preeclampsia including age. Health Research Data (2010) shows that the percentage of early marriage aged <20 years is still high at 46.7% and marriage age> 35 years at 0.6%. Objectives This study aims to determine the relationship between age and the incidence of preeclampsia at Dustira Hospital in Cimahi City. This study was conducted using the correlation with the case control approach. The population in this study was 130 postpartum mothers treated at Dustira Level II Hospital. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with a total of 24 for the preeclampsia group and 24 for the non-preeclampsia group. The data collected is secondary data collected by observing the medical record book. The research instrument uses a checklist sheet. The study was conducted in June 2019 at Dustira City II Kindergarten Hospital Cimahi. Univariate analysis uses frequency distribution and bivariate uses chi-square. Univariate test results showed that the incidence of preeclampsia was mostly experienced by pregnant women with age at risk of 58.3%. Bivariate test results showed a p value of 0.007 (α <0.05) and OR 7 (95% CI: 1.822-26.887) meaning that there was a relationship between age and the incidence of preeclampsia, and mothers with age at risk had 7 times greater occurrence of preeclampsia compared to age is not at risk. Pregnant women aged less than 20 years or more than 35 years are at high risk of experiencing preeclampsia. One of the efforts to prevent the occurrence of preeclampsia is through health promotion about the age of mothers who are safe to reproduce. It is expected that health workers, especially maternity nurses, can provide health services to the public regarding the ideal age for pregnancy or childbirth as well as the age at risk of preeclampsia.   Keywords: Indonesia, Maternal age pregnancies, Preeclampsi

    Kegiatan Residensi Spesialis Keperawatan Maternitas Fokus Penerapan “Need for Help Wiedenbach” Dan “Conservation Levine” Pada Asuhan Keperawatan Pasien Perdarahan Karena Kanker Serviks

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    Introduction: health problems in Indonesia are including maternal and women's health. Maternity nursing specialists who have the role and function on the women's health are expected to play a role in addressing women's health problems. This final scientific work aimed to describe the implementation of maternity nursing specialist residency practice focused on the application of Wiedenbach Need for Help Theory which was performed in the acute phase and Levine Conservation Theory which was done in the maintenance phase in nursing care of cervical cancer bleeding was performed on seven patients. Method: maternity nursing specialist residency practice was due at Bekasi Regency General Hospital (RSUD), Ciptomangunkusumo National General Hospital (RSUPN), Jakarta. Result: the prior nursing problem in the acute phase was risk for hypovolemic. The prior nursing problems in the conservation stage were tissue perfusion disorder. The evaluation in the acute phase was hipovolemic shock did not occur. The evaluations in the conservation phase were the tissue perfusion disorder was resolved. The maternity nursing specialist competencies were achieved during the residency practice. Discussion: nursing care of patient with cervical cancer bleeding is perfectly applying two nursing theories, those are Wiedenbach Need for Help at acute phase and Levine Conservation at the maintenance phase to reach wholeness.The maternity nursing specialists are expected to be able to apply the nursing model theory in the implementation of nursing care in accordance with the patient's conditions and needs

    Tehnik Mengurangi Dismenore Primer Dengan Olah Raga

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    Dismenore primer di Indonesia sekitar 54-65%. Hasil studi pendahuluan didapatkan bahwa 14 dari 20 siswi mengalami dismenore yang mengganggu aktivitas dan produktivitas siswi. Tingginya kejadian dismenore tersebut diperlukan solusi untuk mengatasi hal tersebut. Salah satu cara yang paling sering digunakan yaitu dengan mengkonsumsi obat penghilang rasa nyeri tanpa resep dokter, namun cara tersebut dapat menimbulkan efek samping yang tidak diinginkan. Maka diperlukan tarapi alternatif lain salah satunya dengan melakukan olahraga. Olah raga merupakan cara yang sangat mudah, murah, dan efektif dengan menstimulasi pelepasan hormon endorphin dan melancarkan sirkulasi darah dalam tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh olahraga terhadap tingkat dismenore primer pada remaja putri kelas VIII MTsN Sukasari

    Application of “SISBAR” for effective communication between nurses and doctors at private hospital in Indonesia.

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    Aims : Effective communication is the main elements of patient safety goals because communication is the first cause of patient safety problems. Effective communication must be built on aspects of clarity, accuracy, in accordance with the context of language and information, systematic flow, and culture. This study looks at whether there is an effect of SISBAR communication than SBAR on effective communication between nurses and doctors during consultations or handovers Design : Observational study to 20 nurses as Nurse incharge at Ruby Barat and Timur in SHBC (Santosa Hospital Bandung Central), with Observational Chart of SISBAR in 1 month observation. Methods : This research method uses a quasi-experimental pre and post by using an observational study.  The statistical analysis test using the Wilcoxon non-parametric test. Results : The results of the statistical analysis test using the Wilcoxon non-parametric test obtained p-Value: 0.002 (< 0.05), meaning that there was an significant effect of SISBAR communication on effective communication than SBAR between nurses and doctors in SHBC Bandung. Conclusions : The results of this study indicate that SISBAR communication is more effective to be applied than SBAR. In SBAR even though there is an element of the introduction, but because it is not mentioned in the abbreviation, nurses often forget about the introduction (aspects of introducing themselves and who is speaking). Therefore, SISBAR can be an alternative in handover communication between nurses and doctors in hospitals. SISBAR communication with the development of SBAR, ISBAR to SISBAR can be developed in others hospitals and in Indonesia generally

    Peningkatan Pengetahuan Pada Perawat Dan Kader Kesehatan Di Puskesmas Wilayah Kota Cimahi Melalui Pelatihan Terapi Pijat Akupresur

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    Masalah kesehatan di masyarakat Indonesia masih menjadi tantangan untuk dikendalikan. selain penyakit menular, penyakit tidak menular juga masih memiliki jumlah yang tinggi di masyarakat. Upaya peningkatan dan pemeliharaan kesehatan di masyarakat dilakukan melalui terapi medis dan terapi tradisional komplementer. Salah satu terapi komplementer yang sudah banyak diteliti dan aman dilakukan adalah terapi pijat akupresur. Beberapa penelitian sudah membuktikan efektifitas terapi pijat akupresur dalam mengatasi masalah kesehatan pada gangguan sistem tubuh. Progam Studi Ilmu Keperawatan S1 dan Profesi Ners FITKES UNJANI dalam kurikulumnya memasukkan keperawatan komplementer akupresur. Sebagai aplikasi dan kontribusi dalam penanggulangan masalah kesehatan di masyarakat, maka dilakukanlah pengabdian masyarakat bekerjasama dengan Puskesmas se-Wilayah Kota Cimahi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang pijat akupresur untuk Perawat dan Kader Kesehatan. Hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan dalam peningkatan pengetahuan Perawat dan Kader Kesehatan setelah diberikan materi tentang terapi pijat akupresur.   Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan, Perawat dan Kader Kesehatan, Pijat Akupresu

    Community Perceptions of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Associated Health Protocols in West Java

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is still a significant problem in the world, including in Indonesia. Its spread has not been stopped, and its incidence is increasing. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all aspects of life, not just health. This study aimed to explore the perceptions of people in West Java, Indonesia regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and its health protocols. This was descriptive research and data were collected through focus group discussions. The participants were adults from communities in Cianjur City, Sukabumi, Purwakarta, Karawang, Cimahi, West Bandung Regency, and Bandung City in West Java, recruited through purposive sampling. There were four groups, each consisting of 8-12 participants. The focus groups were conducted online using Zoom in May-June 2020. Data analysis was carried out in six steps according to Colaizzi, which included the stages of transcription, reading the transcript repeatedly, finding keywords, creating categories, determining themes, and then describing the findings. Six themes were found, namely the community’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, changes in behavior during the pandemic, changes in daily activities, the impact experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, community responses to government programs related to COVID-19, and people’s wishes during the pandemic. Health promotion regarding health protocols must be continuously improved. Keywords: Indonesia, COVID-19 pandemic, public perception, health protoco


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    ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: permasalahan kesehatan di Indonesia diantaranya seputar kesehatan ibu dan kesehatan perempuan. Ners spesialis keperawatan maternitas yang memiliki peran dan fungsi pada kesehatan perempuan diharapkan dapat berperan dalam mengatasi permasalahan kesehatan di Indonesia. Karya ilmiah akhir ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran pelaksanaan praktek residensi ners spesialis keperawatan maternitas dengan fokus penerapan teori keperawatan need for help Wiedenbach’ pada fase akut dan conservation Levine’ pada fase pemeliharaan dalam asuhan keperawatan pada tujuh kasus perdarahan akibat kanker serviks. Metode: praktik residensi keperawatan maternitas dilaksanakan di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Kabupaten Bekasi, Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional (RSUPN) Ciptomangunkusumo Jakarta. Hasil: masalah keperawatan prioritas pada fase akut adalah resiko hipovolemi. Masalah prioritas pada tahap pemeliharaan adalah gangguan perfusi jaringan. Evaluasi pada fase akut adalah tidak terjadi syok hipovolemi. Evaluasi pada fase pemeliharaan adalah gangguan perfusi jaringan teratasi. Kompetensi selama pelaksanaan praktek keperawatan maternitas dapat dicapai. Pembahasan: asuhan keperawatan pada pasien perdarahan akibat kanker serviks, sangat tepat dengan mengaplikasikan dua teori keperawatan yaitu teori keperawatan need for help wiedenbach pada fase akut dan teori Conservation Levine pada fase pemeliharaan mencapai keutuhan (wholeness). Ners spesialis keperawatan maternitas diharapkan mampu menerapkan teori model keperawatan dalam pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan sesuai dengan kondisi dan kebutuhan pasien. ABSTRACT Introduction: health problems in Indonesia are including maternal and women's health. Maternity nursing specialists who have the role and function on the women’s health are expected to play a role in addressing women's health problems. This final scientific work aimed to describe the implementation of maternity nursing specialist residency practice focused on the application of Wiedenbach Need for Help Theory which was performed in the acute phase and Levine Conservation Theory which was done in the maintenance phase in nursing care of cervical cancer bleeding was performed on seven patients. Method: maternity nursing specialist residency practice was due at Bekasi Regency General Hospital (RSUD), Ciptomangunkusumo National General Hospital (RSUPN), Jakarta. Result: the prior nursing problem in the acute phase was risk for hypovolemic. The prior nursing problems in the conservation stage were tissue perfusion disorder. The evaluation in the acute phase was hipovolemic shock did not occur. The evaluations in the conservation phase were the tissue perfusion disorder was resolved. The maternity nursing specialist competencies were achieved during the residency practice. Discussion: nursing care of patient with cervical cancer bleeding is perfectly applying two nursing theories, those are Wiedenbach Need for Help at acute phase and Levine Conservation at the maintenance phase to reach wholeness.The maternity nursing specialists are expected to be able to apply the nursing model theory in the implementation of nursing care in accordance with the patient’s conditions and needs

    Pelatihan Pengelolaan Kasus Berdasarkan Berpikir Kritis dengan Pendekatan Proses Keperawatan di Santosa Hospital Bandung Central (SHBC)

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    ABSTRAK  Pelatihan praktek langsung merupakan upaya yang sangat strategis dalam meningkatkan kompetensi perawat untuk berpikir kritis dalam pengelolaan kasus menggunakan proses keperawatan. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah mengidentifikasi proses pengelolaan kasus yang didasarkan pada berpikir kritis dengan pendekatan proses keperawatan di SHBC  Bandung dengan cara observasi dan pemberian pelatihan berfikir kritis dan terlibat langsung di lapangan SHBC. Maka diadakan pelatihan berfikir kritis terkait dengan kasus dengan pendekatan 3S (Standar Diagnosa keperawatan Indonesia (SDKI), Standar Luaran keperawatan Indonesia (SLKI) dan Standar Intervensi keperawatan Indonesia (SIKI). Pelatihan hybrid learning yaitu dengan Online dn Offline. Pelatihan pengabdian ini di fasilitasi oleh Fakultas Ilmu dan Tekhnologi Kesehatan, UNJANI, Departemen keperawatan SHBC dan Diklat SHBC. Pelatihan ini melibatkan 34 orang, terdiri dari KaUnit, CI Unit, Penanggung Jawab Shift dan Perawat pelaksana di lingkungan SHBC dengan melibatkan mereka didapatkan hasil yang signifikan dalam proses berfikir kritis dalam mengelola asuhan keperawatan berdasarkan 3S. Langkah praktis dalam pelatihan ini dengan pemberian materi terkait berfikir kritis, kemudian Pre test dan post test  terkait pengetahuan dan pemaparan 3 Kasus yang di Kelola oleh perawat di ruangan masing masing. Dari hasil pengabdian masyarakat ini terkait  pelatihan ini didapatkan hasil yang baik terkait pengetahaun berfikir kritis dari 50 % menjadi 80 %, 3S dan aplikasi penggunaan 3S dalam pengelolaan asuhan keperawatan, juga peningkatan terkait pengetahuan berfikir Kritis. Kata Kunci : Berfikir kritis, Standar 3S, Pengabdian Masyarakat  ABSTRACT  Direct practical training is a very strategic effort in improving the competence of nurses to think critically in case management using the nursing process. The purpose of this community service is to identify the case management process based on critical thinking with the nursing process approach at SHBC Bandung by observing and providing critical thinking training and being directly involved in the SHBC field. Then a critical thinking training was held related to cases with a 3S approach (Indonesian Nursing Diagnosis Standards (SDKI), Indonesian Nursing Outcomes Standards (SLKI), and Indonesian Nursing Intervention Standards (SIKI). Hybrid learning training, namely Online and Offline. This service training was facilitated by the Faculty of Health Science and Technology, The University of Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi, SHBC Nursing Department, and SHBC Training and Education. This training involved 34 people, consisting of Heads of Units, CI Units, Shift Managers, and Nurse Practitioners in the SHBC environment. By involving them, significant results were obtained in the critical thinking process in managing nursing care based on 3S. Practical steps in this training are by providing material related to critical thinking, then pre-test and post-test related to knowledge and exposure of 3 cases managed by nurses in their respective rooms. From the results of this community service related to this training, the results obtained well for pe knowledge of critical thinking from 50% to 80%, 3S and the application of using 3S in the management of nursing care, as well as improvements related to critical thinking knowledge. Keywords: critical thinking, 3S Standard, community servic

    Risk Factors of Maternal Nutrition Status During Pregnancy to Stunting in Toddlers Aged 12-59 Months

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    Maternal nutrition status during pregnancy highly contributed to risk factors of stunting among children. Bone ossification approximately begins in the sixth weeks of embryonic development and continues to the end of pregnancy. However, inadequate nutrient supply in pregnant women harmed fetal growth. The study aimed to identify the association between pregnant women’s nutrition status and stunting. The case-control study using the retrospective design involved mothers with children aged 12-59 months. A proportional random sampling technique was applied to select participants. The sample was 80 toddlers, divided into 40 stunted, and 40 non-stunted toddlers. Data were taken from 27 April to 3 May 2019 through observations following the Mother and Child Health handbook and children’s height. Weight gain calculation during pregnancy determined the maternal nutrition status, referred to as maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index. The univariate analysis used frequency distribution, while bivariate analysis used the chi-square test. This study obtained approval from The Health Research Ethics Committee of the Institute of Health Science of General Achmad Yani, Cimahi. The mothers’ poor nutritional status caused as many as 85% of stunted toddlers’ prevalence during pregnancy. Results showed that maternal nutritional status during pregnancy was significantly associated with stunting among children (p-value: 0.000). The OR value was 13,222, which means children born to mothers with inadequate nutrient supply during pregnancy were more likely to be stunted as much as 13,222 times, than children born to mothers who had good nutrient supply. It is recommended that health workers prevent stunting from pregnancy by providing supplementary food to pregnant women, and promoting the health of the maternal nutritional status during pregnancy. Suggestions for pregnant women is to increase nutrient intake and nutritional status during pregnancy to prevent stunting in children