53 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Media Informasi Rumah Adat Provinsi Di Indonesia Menggunakan Macromedia Flash Mx 8.0

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    Perkembangan komputer yang semakin maju membuat komputer bukan hanyadapat digunakan sebagai alat data tetapi juga dapat digunakan sebagai alatmultimedia Informasi. Oleh karena itu penulis mencoba membuat programaplikasi yang dapat di pergunakan sebagai sarana untuk media informasi Di eramodern saat ini, mungkin telah banyak orang yang telah melupakan akan adatistiadat bangsa sendiri, mulai dari suku, bahasa, tarian dan Rumah Adat sertabentuk-bentuk keanekaragam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Indonesia memilikikeanekaragaman bentuk rumah adat yang unik dari negara lain oleh karena itupenulisan ini akan menjelaskan tentang rumah adat yang ada di IndonesiaPenulis dalam tulisan ilmiah ini hanya dibatasi pada pembuatan aplikasi danpembuatan sketsa objek yang akan digunakan nanti. Aplikasi ini juga untukmedia informasi yang berisikan informasi tentang rumah adat Melalui karya inipenulis menggunakan Aplikasi Macromedia Flash MX 8.0 untuk menampilkanbentuk rumah adat provinsi di Indonesia agar mempermudah masyarakat dalammencari tahu tentang rumah adat di Indonesia

    Visual Basic as Supporting the Presentation of Information System Applications on the Consolidated Loan Portfolio in the Bank PT Indonesian Exports

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    In managing the information of credit data today is still done manually by using microsoft excel, later writers trying to create an application system that replaces the manual system on credit data management at PT Bank Indonesia (Persero), which the authors are currently employed.The system generated a report expected to produce fast, precise and accurate, so it can be used by the leaders in the context of decision making

    Delivery Information About Global Warming with Internet Media Using PHP and MySQL

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    Global warming is a view of the future that will happen in the future if people are not well aware about the importance of protecting the environment. The author proposes that by creating a website about global warming, which is intended to provide information about environmental issues and global warming in particular that occurred in Jakarta. Such information that is only in the authors limit the scope of the city which will be presented in the form of websites that contain menus which are interrelated.Definition of global warming is increasing the average temperature of the earth's surface due to increasing emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Global warming and climate change that occurred in Indonesia at this time due to human activities, primarily related to the use of fossil fuels (petroleum and coal) and other activities related to forests, agriculture, and livestock.The author proposes a website that provides information about the environment, especially global warming, which is intended to provide information about environmental issues and global warming in particular that happened in Jakarta, because in the website there is news that can provide useful information for visitors , in addition the website also provides a forum for visitors to the website to submit an article or opinion about global warming on-line.In order for the information contained in this website is becoming more widely expect the author comments, articles or news from our website visitors that can be sent directly through this website

    Layanan Informasi Pemesanan Tiket Pesawat melalui Fasilitas Internet dengan Menggunakan PHP dan MySQL

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    Saat ini Raudhah Wisata masih menggunakan manajemen tradisional dalammelakukan pelayanannya. Karena itu Penulis mencoba membuat sebuah mediauntuk menyampaikan dan menyebarkan informasi mengenai produk dan layananPT. Raudhah wisata, tentang profil Perusahaan, jadwal - jadwal dan berbagailayanan yang diberikan oleh Perusahaan dalam sebuah website. Internetmerupakan salah satu sarana promosi alternatif bagi agen perjalanan transportasiudara, raudhah wisata. Untuk bersaing di dunia bisnis perjalanan transportasiudara. Website sebagai media promosi akan memberikan beberapa nilai plusyaitu sarana promosi dengan lingkup Internasional yang dapat diakses olehsetiap orang di dunia melaui internet dan dapat menampilkan informasi yangjauh lebih lengkap dengan biaya promosi yang relatif lebih rendah dibandingkandengan media promosi lainnya

    Plane Ticket Booking Information Services Through Internet Facilities Using PHP and MySQL

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    Saat ini Raudhah Wisata masih menggunakan manajemen tradisional dalammelakukan pelayanannya. Karena itu Penulis mencoba membuat sebuah mediauntuk menyampaikan dan menyebarkan informasi mengenai produk dan layananPT. Raudhah wisata, tentang profil Perusahaan, jadwal - jadwal dan berbagailayanan yang diberikan oleh Perusahaan dalam sebuah website. Internetmerupakan salah satu sarana promosi alternatif bagi agen perjalanan transportasiudara, raudhah wisata. Untuk bersaing di dunia bisnis perjalanan transportasiudara. Website sebagai media promosi akan memberikan beberapa nilai plusyaitu sarana promosi dengan lingkup Internasional yang dapat diakses olehsetiap orang di dunia melaui internet dan dapat menampilkan informasi yangjauh lebih lengkap dengan biaya promosi yang relatif lebih rendah dibandingkandengan media promosi lainnya

    Citeureup Health Information Presentation Through Internet by Using Php and Mysql

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    As the formal health institutions, health centers to hospitals began using the Internet to convey a lot of health information. By using the internet facility, patients can be directly consulted about the disease or treatment to the health center without coming directly to the location. To support the patients receive health information Citeureup, the writer had the idea of making a website that contains a variety of health information Citeureup using PHP & My SQL. Using PHP script in designing and creating dynamic websites, website maintenance is expected to become easier and the process of updating the data can be done

    System Purchase / Reservation of Goods in A-net Computer Programming Language Using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

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    System purchase / ordering of goods on the A-Net Computer consists of a purchase of data processing applications, as well as data of employees, suppliers, and goods. The application also provides information support to management functions in decision making.By using this application, is expected to assist parties interested in the trading business in obtaining the information they need, in addition to assisting also in the process of transactions that occur

    Ordering Information Systems And Acceptance Of Goods In PT. Euro Star Garmindo Using Microsoft Access

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    PT. Euro Star Garmindo is one of the many companies engaged in the garment. Thecompany needed a fast service in processing data increasing reservations. Constraintsfaced by ole PT was seeking data based on alphabetical order. This is due to still usethe recording in data processing and reporting. To the authors offer an alternativesolution which is expected to help the company.Use a computer with a Microsoft Access application is one way that can be used tofacilitate the officers in making goods stock reports. For storage data using acomputer model of the author of RAM 486 with 8 MB, this is in accordance with thereservation data processed by the company. With the computerization is expected toassist in the ordering of goods production needs

    Tickets Booking Service Aircraft Information Through the Internet Facilities Using Php and Mysql

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    Currently Raudhah Tourism is still using the traditional management of doingministry. The author therefore tried to create a media to convey and disseminateinformation about products and services. Raudhah tour, about the company profile,schedules -timetables and various services provided by the company in a website.Internet is one means of promotion of transportation alternatives for air travel agents,tour raudhah.To compete in the business world trip air transportation. Website as amedia campaign will provide some value plus the promotional tools withinternational scope that can be accessed by anyone in the world via the internet andcan display a much more complete information with promotional costs are relativelylower compared to other promotional media
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