37,701 research outputs found

    Evidence for realignment of the charge density wave state in ErTe3_3 and TmTe3_3 under uniaxial stress via elastocaloric and elastoresistivity measurements

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    We report the evolution of a charge density wave (CDW) state in the quasi-2D rare-earth tritellurides (RRTe3_3 for RR=Er,Tm) as a function of in-plane uniaxial stress. Measurements of the elastocaloric effect, resistivity, and elastoresistivity allow us to demonstrate the importance of in-plane antisymmetric strain on the CDW and to establish a phase diagram. We show that modest tensile stress parallel to the in-plane aa-axis can reversibly switch the direction of the ordering wavevector between the two in-plane directions. This work establishes RRTe3_3 as a promising model system for the study of strain-CDW interactions in a quasi-2D square lattice.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Anti-de Sitter massless scalar field spacetimes in arbitrary dimensions

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    We consider dd-dimensional static spacetimes in Einstein gravity with a cosmological constant in the presence of a minimally coupled massless scalar field. The spacetimes have a (d2)(d-2)-dimensional base manifold given by an Einstein space and the massless scalar field depends only on the radial coordinate. The field equations are decoupled in the general case, and can be solved exactly for the cases when either the cosmological constant vanishes or the base manifold is Ricci flat. We focus on the case of a negative cosmological constant and a Ricci-flat base manifold. The solution has a curvature singularity located at the origin, where also the scalar field diverges. Since there is no event horizon surrounding this singularity, the solution describes a naked singularity dressed with a nontrivial scalar field. This spacetime is an asymptotically locally anti-de Sitter one when the Ricci-flat base manifold is locally flat. The asymptotic solution for an arbitrary Einstein base manifold is found and the corresponding mass, calculated through the canonical generator of the time-translation invariance, is shown to be finite. The contribution to the mass from the scalar field at infinity is also discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure. Typos correcte

    Transport in Graphene Tunnel Junctions

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    We present a technique to fabricate tunnel junctions between graphene and Al and Cu, with a Si back gate, as well as a simple theory of tunneling between a metal and graphene. We map the differential conductance of our junctions versus probe and back gate voltage, and observe fluctuations in the conductance that are directly related to the graphene density of states. The conventional strong-suppression of the conductance at the graphene Dirac point can not be clearly demonstrated, but a more robust signature of the Dirac point is found: the inflection in the conductance map caused by the electrostatic gating of graphene by the tunnel probe. We present numerical simulations of our conductance maps, confirming the measurement results. In addition, Al causes strong n-doping of graphene, Cu causes a moderate p-doping, and in high resistance junctions, phonon resonances are observed, as in STM studies.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Isospin fractionation and isoscaling in dynamical nuclear collisions

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    Isoscaling is found to hold for fragment yields in the antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD) simulations for collisions of calcium isotopes at 35 MeV/nucleon. This suggests the applicability of statistical considerations to the dynamical fragment emission. The observed linear relationship between the isoscaling parameters and the isospin asymmetry of fragments supports the above suggestion. The slope of this linear function yields information about the symmetry energy in low density region where multifragmentation occurs.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Fluctuating loops and glassy dynamics of a pinned line in two dimensions

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    We represent the slow, glassy equilibrium dynamics of a line in a two-dimensional random potential landscape as driven by an array of asymptotically independent two-state systems, or loops, fluctuating on all length scales. The assumption of independence enables a fairly complete analytic description. We obtain good agreement with Monte Carlo simulations when the free energy barriers separating the two sides of a loop of size L are drawn from a distribution whose width and mean scale as L^(1/3), in agreement with recent results for scaling of such barriers.Comment: 11 pages, 4 Postscript figure

    Distributions of gaps and end-to-end correlations in random transverse-field Ising spin chains

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    A previously introduced real space renormalization-group treatment of the random transverse-field Ising spin chain is extended to provide detailed information on the distribution of the energy gap and the end-to-end correlation function for long chains with free boundary conditions. Numerical data, using the mapping of the problem to free fermions, are found to be in good agreement with the analytic finite size scaling predictions.Comment: 12 pages revtex, 10 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Radial Redshift Space Distortions

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    The radial component of the peculiar velocities of galaxies cause displacements in their positions in redshift space. We study the effect of the peculiar velocities on the linear redshift space two point correlation function. Our analysis takes into account the radial nature of the redshift space distortions and it highlights the limitations of the plane parallel approximation. We consider the problem of determining the value of \beta and the real space two point correlation function from the linear redshift space two point correlation function. The inversion method proposed here takes into account the radial nature of the redshift space distortions and can be applied to magnitude limited redshift surveys that have only partial sky coverage.Comment: 26 pages including 11 figures, to appear in Ap