3,564 research outputs found

    The use of microencapsulated feeds to replace live food organisms in shrimp hatcheries

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    Abstract only.An adequate supply of hatchery produced shrimp fry is the major constraint to the intensification and growth of shrimp culture practices. If even 20% of the more than 500,000 ha of the world's existing tropical and sub-tropical brackishwater ponds were to stock at the relatively low density of 50,000 fry/ha/year, it would take thousands of new hatcheries to produce the 25 billion fry required. The availability of artificially produced diets to replace cultured live food organisms would alleviate many of the problems currently limiting shrimp hatchery production by: (i) reducing the level of technical skill required to operate a hatchery; (ii) assuring a reliable supply of a nutritionally balanced larval feed; (iii) reducing sources of contamination and larval disease; and (iv) simplifying hatchery design and capital cost requirements, thereby facilitating small scale hatchery development. Aquatic farms has been working with the Mars Microencapsulation Research Group (MMRG) to develop techniques for adapting current shrimp hatchery technology and design so that MMRG feeds can be used in existing hatcheries as a live feed replacement. Feeding trials have been conducted in commercial hatcheries in Hawaii, Malaysia and Thailand. The results of these trials and the techniques employed are discussed. Growth and survival of larvae fed microencapsulated diets as total or partial replacement of live foods was comparable to larvae cultured in control tanks using the standard operating procedures of the hatchery in which the trials were conducted. In trials to date, larval survival from nauplii to postlarvae has been as high as 70%

    Iterative Learning Control of Single Point Incremental Sheet Forming Process using Digital Image Correlation

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    Single Point Incremental Sheet Forming (SPIF) is a versatile forming process that has gained significant traction over the past few decades. Its increased formability, quick part adaption, and reduced set-up costs make it an economical choice for small batch and rapid prototype forming applications when compared to traditional stamping processes. However, a common problem with the SPIF process is its tendency to produce high geometric error due to the lack of supporting dies and molds. While geometric error has been a primary focus of recent research, it is still significantly larger for SPIF than traditional forming processes. In this paper, the convergence behavior and the ability to reduce geometric error using a simple Iterative Learning Control (ILC) algorithm is studied with two different forming methods. For both methods a tool path for the desired reference geometry is generated and a part is formed. A Digital Image Correlation (DIC) system takes a measurement and the geometric error along the tool path is calculated. The ILC algorithm then uses the geometric error to alter the tool path for the next forming iteration. The first method, the Single Sheet Forming (SSF) method, performs each iteration on the same sheet. The second method, the Multi Sheet Forming (MSF) method, performs each iteration on a newly replaced sheet. Multiple experiments proved the capability of each method at reducing geometric error. It was concluded that using the MSF method allows for negative corrections to the forming part and, therefore, leads to better final part accuracy. However, this method is less cost effective and more time consuming than using the standard SSF methodology. In addition, it was found that in order to effectively correct a part with an ILC algorithm, steps must be taken to increase the controllability of the part geometry

    Analysis of Geometric Accuracy and Thickness Reduction in Multistage Incremental Sheet Forming using Digital Image Correlation

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    Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF) is a freeform manufacturing method whereby a 3D geometry is created by progressively deforming a metal sheet with a single point tool following a defined trajectory. The thickness distribution of a formed part is a major consideration of the process and is believed to be improved by forming the geometry in multiple stages. This paper describes a series of experiments in which truncated cone geometries were formed using two multistage methods and compared to the same geometry formed using the traditional single stage method. The geometric accuracy and thickness distributions, including 3D thickness distribution plots, of each are examined using digital image correlation (DIC). The data collected indicate that multistage forming, compared to single stage forming, has a significant effect on the geometric accuracy of the processed sheets. Moreover, the results of the experiments conducted in this paper show that sheets processed with multistage forming do not have a uniform sheet thickness reduction, rather they have a parabolic-like thickness distribution in the processed region

    Boojums and the Shapes of Domains in Monolayer Films

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    Domains in Langmuir monolayers support a texture that is the two-dimensional version of the feature known as a boojum. Such a texture has a quantifiable effect on the shape of the domain with which it is associated. The most noticeable consequence is a cusp-like feature on the domain boundary. We report the results of an experimental and theoretical investigation of the shape of a domain in a Langmuir monolayer. A further aspect of the investigation is the study of the shape of a ``bubble'' of gas-like phase in such a monolayer. This structure supports a texture having the form of an inverse boojum. The distortion of a bubble resulting from this texture is also studied. The correspondence between theory and experiment, while not perfect, indicates that a qualitative understanding of the relationship between textures and domain shapes has been achieved.Comment: replaced with published version, 10 pages, 13 figures include

    Theory of monolayers with boundaries: Exact results and Perturbative analysis

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    Domains and bubbles in tilted phases of Langmuir monolayers contain a class of textures knows as boojums. The boundaries of such domains and bubbles may display either cusp-like features or indentations. We derive analytic expressions for the textures within domains and surrounding bubbles, and for the shapes of the boundaries of these regions. The derivation is perturbative in the deviation of the bounding curve from a circle. This method is not expected to be accurate when the boundary suffers large distortions, but it does provide important clues with regard to the influence of various energetic terms on the order-parameter texture and the shape of the domain or bubble bounding curve. We also look into the effects of thermal fluctuations, which include a sample-size-dependent effective line tension.Comment: replaced with published version, 21 pages, 16 figures include

    First Science Observations with SOFIA/FORCAST: Properties of Intermediate-Luminosity Protostars and Circumstellar Disks in OMC-2

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    We examine eight young stellar objects in the OMC-2 star forming region based on observations from the SOFIA/FORCAST early science phase, the Spitzer Space Telescope, the Herschel Space Observatory, 2MASS, APEX, and other results in the literature. We show the spectral energy distributions of these objects from near-infrared to millimeter wavelengths, and compare the SEDs with those of sheet collapse models of protostars and circumstellar disks. Four of the objects can be modelled as protostars with infalling envelopes, two as young stars surrounded by disks, and the remaining two objects have double-peaked SEDs. We model the double-peaked sources as binaries containing a young star with a disk and a protostar. The six most luminous sources are found in a dense group within a 0.15 x 0.25 pc region; these sources have luminosities ranging from 300 L_sun to 20 L_sun. The most embedded source (OMC-2 FIR 4) can be fit by a class 0 protostar model having a luminosity of ~50 L_sun and mass infall rate of ~10^-4 solar masses per year.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letter

    Efficient Passive ICS Device Discovery and Identification by MAC Address Correlation

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    Owing to a growing number of attacks, the assessment of Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) has gained in importance. An integral part of an assessment is the creation of a detailed inventory of all connected devices, enabling vulnerability evaluations. For this purpose, scans of networks are crucial. Active scanning, which generates irregular traffic, is a method to get an overview of connected and active devices. Since such additional traffic may lead to an unexpected behavior of devices, active scanning methods should be avoided in critical infrastructure networks. In such cases, passive network monitoring offers an alternative, which is often used in conjunction with complex deep-packet inspection techniques. There are very few publications on lightweight passive scanning methodologies for industrial networks. In this paper, we propose a lightweight passive network monitoring technique using an efficient Media Access Control (MAC) address-based identification of industrial devices. Based on an incomplete set of known MAC address to device associations, the presented method can guess correct device and vendor information. Proving the feasibility of the method, an implementation is also introduced and evaluated regarding its efficiency. The feasibility of predicting a specific device/vendor combination is demonstrated by having similar devices in the database. In our ICS testbed, we reached a host discovery rate of 100% at an identification rate of more than 66%, outperforming the results of existing tools.Comment: http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/ICS2018.
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