23 research outputs found

    Mendefinisikan Kembali Arti Kampung Melayu

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    Secara umum, permukiman Melayu hampir selalu dijumpai dalam susunan tradisional yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan kampung. Kampung Melayu ini terbentuk oleh pola tertentu. Hal ini dikemukakan oleh Sir Thomas Raffles yang menyatakan bahwa kampung Melayu mestilah berada pada atau berdekatan dengan pesisir, dan tidak berada di pedalaman. Dalam hal ini, perlu adanya penjelasan lebih lanjut terkait dengan definisi kampung Melayu dari sudut pandang berbeda. Tulisan ini disusun melalui penelitian arsitektur dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui serangkaian pengumpulan dan pengelolaan data lapangan yang didapat melalui beberapa metode operasional seperti observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan diskusi kelompok. Melalui tulisan ini, diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman dari persepsi arsitektur tentang arti kampung Melayu

    Penerapan Prinsip Desain Kenzo Tange pada Perancangan Language Education Center

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    ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) occurs in Indonesia since 2016. It is necessary for Indonesia to prepare themselves. Besides softskill and knowledge, foreign language ability must be inconcern. To learn foreign language, it needs a proper place, such as Language Education Center. Language Education Center has spaces that its function in accordance with the activities to learntheory, discussion, visual, laboratory, and games that can be used by students. Kenzo Tange design principles are used in this design of the Language Education Center which can support design byexposing the structure and using glass for space separators.The concept applied into this design is Exposed All the Things, which is taken from the vision of this Language Education Center. Thisconcept is applied by exposing what inside the building itself, such as columns, beams, open spaces, using a free-ornament façade, and a simple interior design. This is resulting into a design that canmaximize its function properly

    Perancangan Fasilitas Komunitas Kristen di Pekanbaru dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Simbolik

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    The development of the Christian is basically not detached from some roles of the Church's youth as the next generation. In developing nations which have various crises, the role of youth with great spiritual, intelligent, and morality quality is required. With the rapid growth of Christian population in Pekanbaru, a means known as Christian community facility is needed to motivate the Christians, especially the youths in order to realise the great potential in themselves. This facility is meant to be centre of icon for the youths in conducting spiritual guidance. To maintain christianity values, this Christian facility will be designed using symbolic architectural approach which applies Eikumene philosophy in its design concept. Those symbol and principle will make atmosphere in the design stronger with Christian spirituality nuance. Christian spirituality nuance applied on orientation, symbol, aperture, colors, sound and vegetation

    Perancangan Coworking Space di Pekanbaru Berdasarkan Prinsip Desain Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe

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    Coworking Space is a place where start-ups work along side each other in flexible environtment, which desks are available to rent on daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. The space is in thesame line with Ludwig Mies van der Rohe design principle in function efficiency and simplicity of form. Through the design principle, concept of this coworking space design is Share Through The Glass, which is defined as interaction between outer and inner of building with glass wall. This is based on coworking space characters, such as collaboration, community, sustainability, openness, and accessibility. The concept is applied on zoning, mass order, massing, and facade. Zoning, mass order, and massing are based on Ludwig Mies van der Rohe design principle in simple geometric pattern. By applying vertical and horizontal surface composition principle, colomn and beam become building facade

    Perancangan Freshwater Aquarium Park di Indragiri Hulu dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Hemat Energi

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    Freshwater Aquarium Park in Indragiri Hulu accommodate different types of aquatic fauna and ecosystem (natural) that provides an overview of the life of freshwater without having to dive can be used as a means of recreation, education and conservation. Indragiri Hulu as a region with a thousand rivers, has the potential of fish and aquatic plants, which is not yet fully developed and there are no facilities to accommodate its Indragiri aquatic ecosystems. This design apply the principle of energy-efficient architecture with the concept of multi expression unity of design. The application of this concept in the design of Freshwater Aquarium Park that analogy as root produce different shapes on each side of the building, penzoningan which facilitate inter-space function that applies the principles of energy saving by optimizing the air, light, and water. The integration between the air system of artificial and natural, system of artificial and natural light and the synergy between passive and active methods. This building with filtration maximize water conservation and ecosystem modeling

    Pusat Pelatihan Penanggulangan Bencana di Riau dengan Pendekatan Eko Arsitektur

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    Mitigation is an effort in the face of natural disasters, prevent and reduce casualties. Itrequired trained personnel who are ready to get down to the field who have specialized knowledgeand skills in the field of mitigation. Disaster Management Training Center in Riau is designed as aplace of education, training, and recreation in the field of disaster mitigation. This training centeraccommodate all disaster simulation activities either indoor or outdoor. The Disaster ManagementTraining Centre approaches Eco Architecture as the design theme. Not only space in outer spacebut also applying the principles of Eco Architecture. Disaster Management Training Centre toapply the concept of solidarity and humanity are qualities that should be possessed by humans.Solidarity and Humanity selected as a draft so that this region can later make a high level ofawareness of fellow human beings. Disaster Management Training Center in Riau has fourbuilding mass by applying the concept of solidarity and humanity as the basis for the formation andbuilding mass. Access the mass of the building's four interconnected in order to strengthen theconcept of solidarity and humanity in the draft. For the space in the building for DisasterManagement Training Centre has many openings that provide natural lighting effects andpenghawaan into buildings

    Penerapan Arsitektur Bioklimatik pada Science Technology Park Universitas Riau

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    Advance Technologies exist everywhere these day. They can accommodate a number of informative media about science and technology that are accessable for everyone, such as students and public. In this paper, the Science Technology Park is developed in University of Riau as a facility by using Bioclimatic Architecture approach in responding to the problem of energy efficiency and environment. Application of Bioclimatic Architecture becomes a medium for learn about buildings how they respons to local climate. From this, the concept of Hidden Sciemce is conveyed as visualization of teaching and learning facilities that is not visible directly from outside the site. Principles of Bioclimatic Architecture such as landscape, transition, opening, and orientation is applied to the concept of Hidden Science