36 research outputs found

    Modelling the spread and control of African swine fever in domestic and feral pigs

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    African swine fever (ASF) represents a significant threat to the Australian pork sector and the economy in general. Estimates of the economic damages from a large multi-state outbreak of ASF in Australia exceed $A2 billion. ASF outbreaks are widespread and increasing in number in Asia and Europe. Although ASF is not present in Australia, detections of ASF viral fragments in undeclared pork products intercepted at the Australian border and the recent spread of the disease to neighbouring Papua New Guinea demonstrate the significance of the threat. The AADIS model (Bradhurst et al., 2015), simulates the spread and control of contagious emergency animal diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease. The ability to evaluate different outbreak scenarios in time and space, and trial various control measures, assists the development of animal health policy. This project expanded the AADIS modelling framework to simulate the potential spread and control of ASF in Queensland domestic and feral pig populations. Of particular interest was the epidemiological interface between domestic and feral pigs and the potential role of ASF-infectious feral pig carcasses in transmission. The upgraded model will provide a useful decision support tool to assist with preparedness and planning for ASF outbreaks. The report provides a literature review on ASF, feral pigs in Australia, and ASF decision support tools. Case studies on the spread and control of ASF in domestic and feral pigs demonstrate the functionality of the new model. Queensland was selected as the test case study area due to the wide distribution and high numbers of feral pigs and the availability of local expertise and data from Biosecurity Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Australian Pork Limited and SunPork Group Pty Ltd. The model was parameterised from the literature review and expert opinion that incorporated local knowledge of Australian production systems and environmental conditions. Note that the model is only parameterised for Queensland and will be scaled up to a national model through Biosecurity Innovation Program project 182021

    Microbial community dynamics induced by rewetting dry soil: summer precipitation matters

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    International audienceThe massive soil CO2 efflux associated with rewetting dry soils after the dry summer period significantly contributes to the annual carbon budget of Mediterranean grasslands. Rapid reactivation of soil heterotrophic activity and available carbon are both required to fuel the CO2 pulse. Better understanding of the effects of altered summer precipitation on the metabolic state of indigenous microorganisms may be important in predicting future changes in carbon cycling. We investigated the effects of a controlled rewetting event on the soil CO2 efflux pulse and on the present (DNA-based) and potentially active (rRNA-based) soil bacterial and fungal communities in intact soil cores previously subjected to three different precipitation patterns over four months (full summer dry season, extended wet season, and absent dry season). Phylogenetic marker genes for bacteria (16S) and fungi (28S) were sequenced before and after rewetting, and the abundance of these genes and transcripts was measured. Even after having experienced markedly different antecedent water conditions, the potentially active bacterial communities showed a consistent wet-up response, reflecting contrasting life-strategies for different groups. Moreover, we found a significant positive relation between the extent of change in the structure of the potentially active bacterial community and the magnitude of the CO2 pulse upon rewetting dry soils. We suggest that the duration of severe dry conditions (predicted to change under future climate) is important in conditioning the response potential of the soil bacterial community to wet-up as well as in framing the magnitude of the associated CO2 pulse

    Responses of soil bacterial and fungal communities to extreme soil drought and rewetting

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    International audienceQuestion: The patterns of resource allocation and activity of the soil microbial community over the dry summer in Mediterranean grasslands are still largely unknown. The microbial response to summer desiccation reflects adaptation strategies, setting the stage for a large rainfall-induced soil CO2 pulse upon rewetting, an important component of the ecosystem carbon budget. Methods: In three California annual grasslands, the present (DNA-based) and potentially active (RNA-based) soil bacterial and fungal communities were tracked over a summer season and in response to controlled rewetting of intact soil cores. Phylogenetic marker genes for bacterial (16S) and fungal (28S) RNA and DNA were sequenced and the abundance of these genes and transcripts were measured. Results: While bacterial community composition differed between sites, all sites shared a similar response pattern of the present and potentially active bacterial community to dry-down and wet-up. In contrast, the fungal community was not detectably different between sites, and largely unaffected by drought, showing a marked resistance to dessication. The potentially active bacterial community changed significantly as summer drought progressed, then returned to pre-drought composition within several hours of rewetting, displaying spectacular resilience. Upon rewetting, transcript copies of bacterial rpoB genes increased consistently, reflecting rapid activity resumption. Changes in relative abundance of the most dominant potentially active bacterial taxa reflected a differential response of phyla, which was consistent across sites and conserved at high taxonomic level. Conclusions: These contrasting drought-related bacterial life-strategies suggest that predicted changes in precipitation patterns may affect soil nutrient and carbon cycling by impacting activity patterns of microbial communities

    Changing summer precipitation pattern alters microbial community response to fall wetup in a Mediterranean soil

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    National audienceThe large soil CO2 efflux associated with rewetting dry soils after the dry summer period significantly contributes to the annual carbon budget of Mediterranean grasslands. Rapid reactivation of soil heterotrophic activity and a pulse of available carbon are both required to fuel the CO2 pulse. Better understanding of the effects of altered summer precipitation on the metabolic state of indigenous microorganisms may be important in predicting future changes in carbon cycling. Here, we investigated the effects of a controlled rewetting event on the soil CO2 efflux pulse and on the present (DNA-based) and potentially active (rRNA-based) soil bacterial and fungal communities in intact soil cores previously subjected to three different precipitation patterns over four months (full summer dry season, extended wet season, and absent dry season). Phylogenetic marker genes for bacteria (16S) and fungi (28S) were sequenced before and after rewetting, and the abundance of these genes and transcripts was measured. Even after having experienced markedly different antecedent water conditions, the potentially active bacterial communities showed a consistent wet-up response. Moreover, we found a significant positive relation between the extent of change in the structure of the potentially active bacterial community and the magnitude of the CO2 pulse upon rewetting dry soils. We suggest that the duration of severe dry conditions (predicted to change under future climate) is important in conditioning the response potential of the soil bacterial community to wet-up as well as in framing the magnitude of the associated CO2 pulse

    Wet-up response of the microbial community is shaped by soil dry-down patterns

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    International audienceBackground/Question/Methods The massive soil CO2 efflux associated with rewetting dry soils after the dry summer period significantly contributes to the annual carbon budget of Mediterranean grasslands. Rapid reactivation of soil heterotrophic activity and available carbon are both required to fuel the CO2 pulse. Better understanding of the effects of altered summer precipitation on the metabolic state of indigenous microorganisms may be important in predicting future changes in carbon cycling. We investigated the effects of a controlled rewetting event on the soil CO2efflux pulse and on the present (DNA-based) and potentially active (rRNA-based) soil bacterial and fungal communities in intact soil cores previously subjected to three different precipitation patterns over four months (full summer dry season, extended wet season, and absent dry season). Phylogenetic marker genes for bacteria (16S) and fungi (28S) were sequenced before and after rewetting, and the abundance of these genes and transcripts was measured. Results/Conclusions Even after having experienced markedly different antecedent water conditions, the potentially active bacterial communities showed a consistent wet-up response, reflecting contrasting life-strategies for different groups. Moreover, we found a significant positive relation between the extent of change in the structure of the potentially active bacterial community and the magnitude of the CO2 pulse upon rewetting dry soils. We suggest that the duration of severe dry conditions (predicted to change under future climate) is important in conditioning the response potential of the soil bacterial community to wet-up as well as in framing the magnitude of the associated CO2 pulse

    Changing precipitation pattern alters soil microbial community response to wet-up under a Mediterranean-type climate

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    EA ECOLDUR CT3International audienceA large soil CO2 pulse is associated with rewetting soils after the dry summer period under a Mediterranean-type climate, significantly contributing to grasslands/' annual carbon budget. Rapid reactivation of soil heterotrophs and a pulse of available carbon are both required to fuel the CO2 pulse. Understanding of the effects of altered summer precipitation on the metabolic state of indigenous microorganisms may be important in predicting changes in carbon cycling. Here, we investigated the effects of extending winter rainfall into the normally dry summer period on soil microbial response to a controlled rewetting event, by following the present (DNA-based) and potentially active (rRNA-based) soil bacterial and fungal communities in intact soil cores (from a California annual grassland) previously subjected to three different precipitation patterns over 4 months (full summer dry season, extended wet season and absent dry season). Phylogenetic marker genes for bacteria and fungi were sequenced before and after rewetting, and the abundance of these genes and transcripts was measured. After having experienced markedly different antecedent water conditions, the potentially active bacterial communities showed a consistent wet-up response. We found a significant positive relation between the extent of change in the structure of the potentially active bacterial community and the magnitude of the CO2 pulse upon rewetting dry soils. We suggest that the duration of severe dry summer conditions characteristic of the Mediterranean climate is important in conditioning the response potential of the soil microbial community to wet-up as well as in framing the magnitude of the associated CO2 pulse