8 research outputs found
An Algorithm For Estimating Carbon Monoxide Formation In Enclosure Fires
- Publication venue
- 'International Association for Fire Safety Science'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1997
- Field of study
A Numerical Study Of Window-to-window Propagation In High-rise Building Fires
- Publication venue
- 'International Association for Fire Safety Science'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1991
- Field of study
Size Constraints On Self Ignition Of Charcoal Briquets
- Publication venue
- 'International Association for Fire Safety Science'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2003
- Field of study
International Experience In The Development And Use Of Performance - Based Fire Safety Design Methods: Evolution, Current Situation And Thoughts For The Future
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'International Association for Fire Safety Science'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study
Potential health effects of electronic cigarettes: A systematic review of case reports
- Author
- Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases (ATDSR)
- Allen
- Atkins
- Bahl
- Bartschat
- Bassett
- BBC News
- Behar
- Behar
- Behar
- Burstyn
- Calkins
- Camus
- Cervellin
- Chatham-Stephens
- Chen
- Choi
- Christensen
- Civic Impulse
- Davis
- Davis
- Department of Transportation
- Durmowicz
- Eberlein
- Electronic cigarette fires and explosions. Emmitsburg: US Fire Administration (USFA)
- Farsalinos
- Gill
- Gillen
- Grana
- Gupta
- Hallagan
- Hua
- Hureaux
- Jablow
- Jensen
- Kahr
- Kim
- Kivrak
- Kloosterman
- LA Times
- Lee
- Lerner
- Madsen
- Mark
- McCauley
- McGrath-Morrow
- Mishra
- Modi
- Mohney
- Monroy
- Moore
- Naik
- Pisinger
- Rowell
- Ruokolainen
- Schipper
- Schweitzer
- Smith
- Sussan
- The DailyMail
- The Journal
- The Local
- Thomas
- Thornton
- Thota
- Tierney
- Trehy
- Trtchounian
- Trtchounian
- Valento
- Vannier
- Varlet
- Westenberger
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Yu
- Zhu
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Some Fluid Dynamic Aspects of Fires
- Author
- AerospaceSciencesMeeting Reno
- Association and Society
- Association Cleveland
- Association Quincy
- Association Quincy
- Babrauskas V.
- Budnick E. K.
- BureauofStandards Babrauskas
- CompartmentFire
- Crowl D. A.
- Englewood Cliffs NJ
- Fire ProtectionAssociationandSociety
- FireHazard Analysis UniversityofMaryland
- Flammability Vol
- Furniture Calorimeter
- Gaithersburg MD
- Gaithersburg MD.
- Hemisphere NewYork
- Issaquah WA
- Jan Lilley
- Journal Vol
- JournalofPropulsionandPower Vol
- July-Aug Lilley
- Kawagoe K. D.
- Kent UK
- Lilley D. G.
- Materials Vol
- Materials Vol
- Materials Vol
- Meeting Reno
- Meeting Reno
- Model
- NationalInstituteofStandardsandTechnology Gaithersburg
- NationalInstituteofStandardsandTechnology Gaithersburg
- Norwood MA
- Pettersson O.
- Plastics for theAssociation
- ProtectionAssociation
- ProtectionAssociation
- ProtectionAssociation
- Quintiere J. G.
- Research Institute
- Rockett J. A.
- Safety Engineers Lilley
- Slye O. M.
- Smoke
- Societyof FireProtectionEngineers Denver
- Springfield IL
- Stalbyggnadsinstitutet Stockholm
- Standards Gaithersburg
- Standards NBS
- Techol Tech
- Thomas P. H.
- UsingFireData Correlations
- Vol Cote
- Wiley NewYork
- Publication venue
- 'American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Examining Carceral Medicine through Critical Phenomenology
- Author
- Al-Saji Alia.
- Alcoff Linda Martín.
- Anno B. Jaye.
- Blattner William.
- Brough John Barnett.
- Carel Havi
- Carel Havi.
- Carel Havi.
- Carel Havi.
- Carel Havi.
- Carman Taylor.
- Chase Robert T.
- Cloud David.
- Cooper Lisa A.
- de Beauvoir Simone.
- Fanon Frantz.
- Fanon Frantz.
- Fanon Frantz.
- Fire Journal
- Freeman Lauren.
- Garland-Thomson Rosemarie.
- Genty Philip M.
- Greifinger Robert B.
- Guenther Lisa.
- Heidegger Martin.
- Husserl Edmund.
- Husserl Edmund.
- Kawachi Ichiro
- Leder Drew.
- Lee Emily S.
- Medina José.
- Merleau-Ponty Maurice.
- Metzl Jonathan M.
- Mulhall Stephen.
- Murray Billie
- Ocen Priscilla A.
- Ortega Mariana.
- Pitts Andrea.
- Pitts Andrea.
- Pont Jörg
- Rosenberg Susan.
- Salamon Gayle.
- Salamon Gayle.
- Sichel Dana L.
- Smedley Brian D.
- Svenaeus Fredrik.
- Svenaeus Fredrik.
- Svenaeus Fredrik.
- Toombs S. Kay.
- Toombs S. Kay.
- Toombs S. Kay.
- Waitzkin Howard.
- Weiss Gail.
- Yancy George.
- Young Iris Marion.
- Zahavi Dan.
- Publication venue
- 'University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Computer security
- Author
- Allen Brandt R
- American Management Association
- Anonymous
- Babcock J. D.
- Bates William S
- Bergman H. W.
- Booth D. F.
- Bureau Of National Affairs "Security Of Computer Systems As Major Problem For
- Carroll J. M.
- Carroll John M
- Comber Edward V
- Conway R. W. W. L.
- Corbato F. J.
- Daley R. C.
- Data Systems News
- Dean Albert Jr
- Dennis Robert L
- Dillon G. M.
- Electronics Review
- Evans D. C.
- Fanwick Charles
- Federal Fire Council
- Felser G. M.
- File Organization Using Multiple Keys "
- Fire Journal
- Foster Caxton C
- Gallati R. R. J.
- Gellman Harvey S
- Glaser E. L.
- Glaser E. L.
- Graham G.
- Guise Jr. R. F.
- Hansen M. H.
- Harrison Annette
- Healy R. J.
- Hemphill Jr.
- Hemphill Jr.
- Hoffman Lance J
- Hoffman Lance J
- Howes Paul R
- International Business Machines Corporation
- Jacobsen Robert V
- Jacobsen Robert V
- Johnson Carl E
- Jones R. S.
- Lampson B. W.
- Lampson B. W.
- Lampson B. W.
- Lauren Roy H
- Learson T. Vincent
- Linde R. C.
- Management Review
- Martin James
- McCahill F. X. Jr.
- Molho L. M.
- Newsletter
- Occupational Hazards
- Owens Richard C. Jr.
- Owens Richard C. Jr.
- Perham John
- Peter S. Browne
- Peters Bernard
- Peterson H. E.
- Pfoff Alfred M
- Rofes W. L.
- Rofes W. M.
- Scoma Jr.
- Skatrud R. O.
- Sorenson J. L.
- The Office
- The Office
- The Office
- Van Tassel Dennie
- Van Tassel Dennie
- Van Tassel Dennie
- Vyssotsky V. A. F. J.
- Ware Willis
- Ware Willis H
- Ware Willis H
- Wasserman Joseph J
- Wasserman Joseph J
- Wasserman Joseph J
- Weissman Clark
- Weissman Clark
- Welke L. A.
- Publication venue
- 'Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)'
- Publication date
- Field of study