88 research outputs found

    Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Batik Gonggong “Lawana” Tanjungpinang dalam Membangun Brand Awareness

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    The term of gonggong sounds foreign or strange impression for people outside the Kepulauan Riau. But for people in the Kepulauan Riau, is no stranger to this one sea slug. Gonggong (Strombus Turturella) is one of the many sea slug that are found around the Kepri waters. Batik Gonggong is new textile design in Indonesia. In 2010 open Selaras Shop as a manufacturer of batik gonggong with the brand "Lawana". In building brand awareness can be done through marketing communications. But in reality brand awareness is not present in the minds of consumers. Therefore, companies need to first know the marketing communication strategy that needs to be done for effective marketing.The type of research is qualitative with the presentation of descriptive analysis. The technique of collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation. Research subjects are Owner, Batik Designer, Employee and Constumer with purposive technique.The results of this study indicate that the segmentation of Batik Gonggong "Lawana" Tanjungpinang is from adults until children, Targeting, is for all circles, especially consumers who are interested in batik, and Positioning which has a unique style, limited edition motifs, and many options. Marketing communication strategy is done through advertising that is using electronic media and print media. Personal selling is done by direct presentation to consumers who come to the outlet, and also in events held by government agencies,private organizations and so on. Public Relations,opened mini workshop and build relationship with some government agencies. Direct marketing activities that use the phone and e-mail

    Manajemen Isu Terkait Pemberitaan Kebakaran Hutan Dan Lahan Humas Pt.rapp Dalam Mempertahankan Citra Perusahaan Di Provinsi Riau

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    The development of issues through mass media both printed and online on the issue of forest fires and RAPP land can have a negative impact on the company's image. The emergence of various negative news through the mass media both print and electronic about PT. Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper related to forest and land fire issues RAPP can give negative reaction to public company in responding to media coverage. Therefore the company must have an effective issue management strategy to respond to the problem. The purpose of this research is to know the strategy of Corporate Communications Department of PT.RAPP in determining the strategy of problem management planning, issue management implementation and supervision of issue management through communication strategy activity related to the development of negative issue of forest fire and RAPP land.The research method used in this research is qualitative method by assigning 5 (five) subject of research as informant through purposive technique. Management Strategy Public Relations Issues PT.RAPP In Maintaining Company Image Related News Forest Fire and Land in Riau Province. Information data obtained through observation, interviews, documentation. Data analysis techniques in this study using interactive data model Miles & Huberman. Data validation checks use optical elongation and triangulation techniques.The results show that the Corporate Communications Department's issues management strategy is done by taking a planning strategy with environmental monitoring, gathering data around issues and developing communication strategies. Implementation is done by developing proactive policies, analyzing organizational relationships with stakeholders, preparing contingency plans and setting messages, goals and media. Supervision is conducted by monitoring issues that threaten and monitor the dynamics of issues, media monitoring, socialization and evaluation

    Does the Rank-size Rule Matter in Indonesia? Determinants of the Size Distribution of Cities

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    In Indonesia the cities have continously grown. However they varied in size. Some cities have the population above two million citizens, while some have below than fivehundred thousands. Some economic factors are hypothesized to influence such distribution. This study aims to test the rank-size rule (Zipf's law) and to find thedeterminants of size distribution of cities. The panel data method is employed to satisfy the objectives of study. All district and provincial level data are used for year 1995, 2000 and 2005. The pareto exponent shows that the rank-size rule does not matter in Indonesia.Level of agglomeration economies, local government expenditure and number of administrative city increases the concentration of size of cities. The labor force participation and region's openness affects the size of cities to be more equally distributed

    Miniatur Palang Pintu Kereta Api Otomatis Dengan Menampilkan Kecepatan Kereta Serta Waktu Tunggu Menggunakan Arduino

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    Kecelakaan kereta api merupakan salah satu peristiwa transportasi. Salah satu masalah yang mengemuka adalah persoalan palang pintu perlintasan kereta. Faktor manusia dan teknologi sering menjadi sorotan dalam banyak kasus di perlintasan kereta api. Beberapa penelitian teknologi palang pintu kereta otomatis pernah dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan penelitian teknologi palang pintu kereta otomatis. Metode Research and Development atau R&D di terapkan dalam penelitian ini. Pengembangan penelitian sebelumnya dilakukan dengan menambahkan sistem pengukur kecepatan kereta dan kontrol manual pada palang pintu otomatis. Perancangan pada pembuatan miniatur ini dimulai dari pembuatan rangkaian catu daya, membuat komunikasi sensor srf-04, servo, alarm dan LCD dengan arduino. Ujicoba miniatur dilakukan dalam dua tahapan yaitu uji fungsional dan uji unjuk kerja miniatur. Uji fungsional meliputi uji sistem secara keseluruhan dan uji sistem pengukur kecepatan. Uji unjuk kerja miniatur meliputi uji rangkaian catu daya, uji sensor srf-04 dan ketelitian sudut pada servo. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa miniatur palang pintu kereta otomatis dengan menampilkan kecepatan kereta serta waktu tunggu menggunakan arduino. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba miniatur dapat bekerja dengan baik. Pintu dapat menutup secara otomatis dan sistem dapat mengukur kecepatan kereta, serta pada keadaan darurat palang pintu dapat dioperasikan secara manual. Kecepatan terukur kereta maksimal 250 cm/s. Pergerakan servo dengan program pada miniatur memiliki toleransi 0,450

    Daya Saing dan Permintaan Ekspor Produk Biofarmaka Indonesia di Negara Tujuan Utama Periode 2003-2012

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    Permintaan obat herbal dunia semakin meningkat, tentunya diperlukan USAha yang lebih intensif agar pasokan bahan baku produk biofarmaka dapat terpenuhi. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat bagaimana daya saing yang terjadi antardua negara di dunia terhadap penyediaan produk ekspor serta menganalisis faktor yang memengaruhi permintaan ekspor produk biofarmaka dunia terhadap negara tujuan utama. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penenelitian ini adalah Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Export Product Dynamics (EPD) dan Gravity Model. Periode waktu yang diteliti adalah rata-rata tahun 2003 hingga 2012. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa Indonesia memiliki daya saing yang baik terhadap komoditi kunyit dan kayu gaharu apabila dibandingkan dengan negara pesaing berdasarkan analisis RCA dan EPD dengan posisi daya saing “Lost Oppportunity”. Hasil estimasi faktor yang memengaruhi permintaan produk biofarmaka adalah Real GDP, Real Exchange Rate, Population dan Economic Distance berdasarkan analisis gravity model, seluruh variabel indepeden berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap dependen dan sesuai dengan hipotesis

    Evaluasi Non Performing Loan (NPL) Pinjaman Qardhul Hasan (Studi Kasus di BNI Syariah Cabang YOGYAKARTA)

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    The Qardhul-hasan is one of financing-product provided by Islamic banks. Unlike other financing products, the qardhul-hasan has some unique characteristics, including to entertaint a very specific customers who might be categorized as the dhuafa’ group. The study indicates that three of independent variables (customer’s basic characterisitic, reference, payment) are negatively correlated with dependent variable. However, the factor of purpose has no significant correlation. Further qualitative analysis also indicates that both bank management as well as qardhul hasan recepients have inappropriate perceptions toward the qardhul hasan product. In turn, it [the perception] worsens the NPL of Qardhul-hasan
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