282 research outputs found

    Valutazione dell’impatto del settore della pesca sull’ecosistema marino - Indicatori ecosistemici (sezione V) Sub-area Geografica (GSA) 16 – Stretto di Sicilia Anno 2016

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    Il Programma Nazionale Italiano 2014-2016 di Raccolta Dati nel settore della pesca prevede, inter alia, la stima di cinque indicatori dell’impatto della pesca nell’ecosistema marino, in accordo con quanto riportato nell’appendice XIII della Decisione della Commissione del 6 novembre 200

    A Multistep Approach to Deal With Advanced Heart Failure: A Case Report on the Positive Effect of Cardiac Contractility Modulation Therapy on Pulmonary Pressure Measured by CardioMEMS

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    During the last years, the management of heart failure (HF) made substantial progress, focusing on device-based therapies to meet the demands of this complex syndrome. In this case report, we present a multistep approach to deal with HF. Specifically, we report the first patient subjected to the implantation of both Optimizer Smart(R) (Impulse Dynamics Inc., Marlton, NJ, USA) and CardioMEMS devices. A 72-year-old male patient with HF and reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) was admitted to our cardiology department in January 2021, following a progressive shortening of the time between hospitalizations for levosimendan infusions. Specifically, the patient was monitored daily by CardioMEMS, and a strategy of levosimendan infusions guided by the device had been adopted. He was also a carrier of MitraClips and cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator (CRT-D) and had optimized HF medical therapy. In January 2021, the patient implanted Optimizer Smart(R) device for cardiac contractility modulation (CCM) therapy because of poor response to therapy and elevated pulmonary artery pressure (PAP). CCM significantly reduced PAP values following discharge (systolic PAP 33.67 & PLUSMN; 2.92 vs. 40.6 & PLUSMN; 3.37 mmHg, diastolic PAP 14.5 & PLUSMN; 2.01 vs. 22.5 & PLUSMN; 2.53 mmHg, mean PAP 22.87 & PLUSMN; 2.20 vs. 30.9 & PLUSMN; 2.99 mmHg, HR 60.93 & PLUSMN; 1.53 vs. 80.83 & PLUSMN; 3.66 bpm; p < 0.0001), with persisting effect at 9 months. The usefulness of CCM is objectively demonstrated for the first time by continuous invasive monitoring of PAP by CardioMEMS, which can suggest the correct timing for CCM implantation

    Supporting Remote Maintenance in Industry 4.0 through Augmented Reality

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    Abstract Due to the Industry 4.0 initiative, Augmented Reality (AR) has started to be considered one of the most interesting technologies companies should invest in, especially to improve their maintenance services. Several technological limitations have prevented AR to become an effective industrial tool in the past. Now some of them have been overcome, some others not yet by off-the-shelf technologies. In this paper, we present a solution for remote maintenance based on off-the-shelf mobile and AR technologies. The architecture of the application allows us to remotely connect a skilled operator in a control room with an unskilled one located where the maintenance task has to be performed. This application, which has been initially described in a previous work, has been improved on the basis of feedback received by industrial partners. We describe the important features we have added and the rationale behind them to make the remote communication more effective


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    Il presente contributo discute i risultati di un’indagine esplorativa sulle pratiche di didattica delle lingue a distanza messe in atto da un campione di oltre 1.000 insegnanti di lingue straniere all’inizio dell’emergenza sanitaria da COVID-19 in Italia. I dati sono stati raccolti attraverso un questionario e analizzati sul piano sia quantitativo sia qualitativo. Pur non consentendo generalizzazioni, i risultati dell’indagine offrono indicazioni sui fattori-chiave da considerare per progettare e implementare interventi efficaci di didattica delle lingue a distanza. Teaching foreign languages at a distance in an emergency situation: the results of a sample survey The paper reports the results of a survey that explored the distance language teaching practices employed by a sample of more than 1.000 foreign language teachers at the beginning of the COVID-19 emergency in Italy. Data collection took place by means of a questionnaire and the answers were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Although the research findings cannot be generalized, they provide insights on the key-factors that need to be taken into account in order to effectively design and implement distance language teaching

    smartR: An r package for spatial modelling of fisheries and scenario simulation of management strategies

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    Abstract Overfishing or exploitation patterns with high juvenile mortalities often negatively impact demersal fish stocks. Meanwhile, the increased availability and diffusion of georeferenced information is propelling a revolution of marine spatial planning. A spatial‐explicit approach to the management of fishing effort should protect the Essential Fish Habitats and minimize the impact of trawlers on areas where juveniles of commercial species concentrate. The smartR package is a data‐driven model that implements the Spatially explicit bio‐economic Model for Assessing and managing demeRsal Trawl fisheries to edit and format the raw data; construct and maintain coherent datasets; to numerically and visually inspect the generated metadata; to simulate management scenarios and forecast the possible effects in terms of resources status and economic performances of the fleets. Explicit inclusion of the spatial dimension is essential to improve the understanding of the fishery system, and to enhance the ability of management plans to improve stocks statuses

    Dialogo tra Didattica della Matematica e Didattica Generale: problemi e sinergie

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    The didactic action is an holistic process in which general didactic (GD) and disciplinary didactic (DD) interact. But, how are they related? Two different modes occurred in the past: distinguishing between knowledge and education or removing one of the poles. This work attempts to overcome these two opposite solutions. The two discipline, GD and DD, impact on the same didactic action and each of them acts on the same aspects, although with different perspective. This synergy allows a plural analysis otherwise flawed. In order to gather problems and synergies of a plural analysis, this work analyses a research project, concerning a math teaching sequence for Primary School pupils, which involved researchers of the two disciplinary areas (GD and DD).L’azione didattica ù un processo olistico in cui interagiscono la didattica generale (DG) e le didattiche disciplinari (DD). Ma come si relazionano? Nel passato sono emersi due modelli: separando l’intervento tra saperi ed educazioni o eliminando uno dei due poli.Il lavoro che presentiamo cerca di superare i due opposti modelli. Le due discipline, DG e DD, impattano sulla stessa azione didattica e ciascuna interviene su tutti gli aspetti, ma con prospettive differenti. Tale sinergia permette un’analisi plurale che altrimenti sarebbe zoppa. Per cogliere i problemi e le sinergie di un’analisi plurale, il contributo analizza la ricerca relativa a un percorso di didattica della matematica per la Scuola Primaria al cui sviluppo hanno partecipato ricercatori dei due settori disciplinari

    Escape Survival and Scale Damage Assessment of Red Mullet (Mullus barbatus Linnaeus, 1758) during Bottom Trawling in the Central Mediterranean Sea

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    Stock assessments routinely evaluate the status of commercially harvested species, but seldom account for the possible mortality of released or escaping fish. This study presents a method for estimating the escape survival of the red mullet (Mullus barbatus) from demersal trawling in the Central Mediterranean Sea. Fish escaping from the trawl codend were collected in a detachable cage, which was lined to reduce water flow and protect the sampled fish from further fatigue and injury. Control fish (from an open codend) showed high survival, 94% (87–97%, 95% Confidence Interval), and minimal injuries, while fish escaping through codend meshes had significantly increased injuries and reduced survival, 63% (55–70%). During 7 days of captive monitoring, treatment group mortality was highest in the first 24 h and ceased for both groups within 48 h. Conflicting length-related mortality was observed, where larger treatment fish had a higher probability of dying, while the opposite was observed in the controls. Analysis showed that treatment fish were significantly more injured than control fish, with treatment fish predominantly injured in the head zone. In conclusion, this improved methodology should be repeated to provide accurate escape mortality estimates for the improved stock assessment of the red mullet in the Central Mediterranean
