400 research outputs found

    Соціальний туризм в Україні: проблеми та перспективи розвитку

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    Метою роботи є дослідження сегментації соціального туризму, розгляд існуючих сегментів соціального туризму в Україні, визначення проблем та перспектив розвитку

    Морфологічні аспекти реакції тиротропів аденогіповіза, як наслідок хронічної інтоксикації малими дозами пестициду 2,4 Д

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    В работе представлены результаты исследований структурно-функциональных изменений тиротропных клеток аденогипофиза в условиях пестицидной интоксикации различной длительности.In this work we prove the presente the results of structural estimation of the functional state of the adenohypophysis in different periods of pesticide intoxication increase

    Изменение параметров прокатки при скоростях валков менее 1 м/с

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    Приведены результаты экспериментальных исследований по влиянию скорости прокатки на контактные касательные напряжения и коэффициент трения в очаге деформации. Опытами установлено, что с увеличением скорости валков от 0,2 до 0,8 м/с при прокатке полос с технологической смазкой опережение и коэффициент трения существенно уменьшаются; при прокатке полос в сухих валках величины опережения и коэффициента трения возрастают с увеличением скорости прокатки v до 0,5 м/с, а при прокатке с v > 0,5 м/с параметры стабилизируются. Дано физическое толкование изменения исследуемых параметров.Наведено результати експериментальних досліджень по впливу швидкості прокатки на контактні дотичні напруження і коефіцієнт тертя в осередку деформації. Дослідами встановлено, що при збільшенні швидкості валків від 0,2 до 0,8 м/с при прокатуванні штаб із технологічним мастилом випередження і коефіцієнт тертя істотно зменшуються; при прокатуванні штаб у сухих валках величини випередження і коефіцієнта тертя зростають при збільшенні швидкості прокатки v до 0,5 м/с, а при прокатуванні з v > 0,5 м/с параметри стабілізуються. Наведено фізичне тлумачення зміни досліджуваних параметрів.The tests investigation results of rolling velocity influence on contact tangents strain and fiction coefficient in the point (site) of deformation are concerned. It was determined by experiments that with increasing of rolls velocity from 0,2 to 0,8 m/s while strips are being rolled with rolling lubricant, the forward creep and friction coefficient are clearly reduction. But while strips are being rolled in dry rolls the value of forward creep and friction coefficient are rising with an increase of rolling velocity to ≈ 0,5 m/s. At the same time when rolling velocity excesses 0,5 m/s, the given parameters are stafilized. Physical explanation of the investigated parameters is given

    In vitro evaluation of defined oligosaccharide fractions in an equine model of inflammation

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    Background: Dietary supplementation with oligosaccharides has been proven to be beneficial for health in several mammalian species. Next to prebiotic effects resulting in a modulation of gut micro biota, immunomodulatory effects of oligosaccharides have been documented in vivo. Supplementation with defined oligosaccharide fractions has been shown to attenuate allergic responses and enhance defensive immune responses. Despite the accumulating evidence for immunomodulatory effects, very limited information is available regarding the direct mechanism of action of oligosaccharides. This study aims to elucidate the effects of selected oligosaccharide fractions on the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced inflammatory response in equine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). We investigated three different products containing either galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) alone, a combination of GOS with fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), and a triple combination of GOS and FOS with acidic oligosaccharides (AOS), at different concentrations. These products have been used in an identical composition in various previously published in vivo experiments. As the selected oligosaccharide fractions were derived from natural products, the fractions contained defined amounts of mono- and disaccharides and minor amounts of endotoxin, which was taken into account in the design of the study and the analysis of data. Acquired data were analysed in a Bayesian hierarchical linear regression model, accounting for variation between horses.Results: Exposing cultured PBMCs to either GOS or GOS/FOS fractions resulted in a substantial dose-dependent increase of tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) production in LPS challenged PBMCs. In contrast, incubation with GOS/FOS/AOS resulted in a dose-dependent reduction of both TNF-α and interleukin-10 production following LPS challenge. In addition, incubation with GOS/FOS/AOS significantly increased the apparent PBMC viability, indicating a protective or mitogenic effect. Furthermore, mono- and disaccharide control fractions significantly stimulated the inflammatory response in LPS challenged PBMCs as well, though to a lesser extent than GOS and GOS/FOS fractions.Conclusions: We found distinct immunomodulating effects of the investigated standardised oligosaccharide fractions, which either stimulated or suppressed the LPS induced inflammatory response in PBMCs. Both scenarios require additional investigation, to elucidate underlying modulatory mechanisms, and to translate this knowledge into the clinical application of oligosaccharide supplements in foals and other neonates

    Роль сечової кислоти в механізмах кардіоінотропних ефектів бальнеотерапевтичного комплексу курорту Трускавець

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    В русле концепции оо эндогенной мочевой кислоте как одном из звеньев механизма действия биоактивной воды Нафтуся на функциональные системы организма проанализированы совместные изменения под влиянием бальнеотерапии на курорте Трускавець уровня урикемии и сократительной активности миокарда. Выявлены три типа детерминации урикемией инотропии: ураторто-, уратинверс- и уратнезависимый типы, реализация которых обуславливается констелляцией 22 исходных параметров вегетативной регуляции, велоэргометрии, электролитного и липидного обменов, гемодинамики, а также антропометрии.It is detected three types determination of inotropy by plasma level of uric acid: uratorthodependent, uratinversdependent and uratindependent types. It is selected constellation of initial parameters of vegetative regulation, veloergometry, haemodynamic, antropometry, electrolythic and lipid exchange conditionizes these types

    Титульні сторінки та зміст

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    Colostrum oligosaccharides are known to exhibit prebiotic and immunomodulatory properties. Oligosaccharide composition is species-specific, and equine colostrum has been reported to contain unique oligosaccharides. Therefore, equine oligosaccharides (EMOS) from colostrum from different horse breeds were analyzed by CE-LIF, CE-MSn, HILIC-MSn, and exoglycosidase degradation. Sixteen EMOS were characterized and quantified, of which half were neutral and half were acidic. EMOS showed about 63% structural overlap with human milk oligosaccharides, known for their bioactivity. Seven EMOS were not reported before in equine oligosaccharides literature: neutral Gal(beta 1-4)HexNAc, Gal(beta 1-4)Hex-Hex, beta 4'-galactosyllactose, and lactose-N- hexaose, as well as acidic 6'-Sialyl-Hex-Ac-HexNAc, sialyllacto-N-tetraose-a, and disialylacto-N-tetraose (isomer not further specified). In all colostrum samples, the average oligosaccharide concentration ranged from 2.12 to 4.63 g/L; with beta 6'and 3'- galactosyllactose, 3'-sialyllactose, and disialyllactose as the most abundant of all oligosaccharides (27-59, 16-37, 1-8, and 1-6%, respectively). Differences in presence and in abundance of specific EMOS were evident not only between the four breeds but also within the breed

    Крымский юридический - от командных курсов РКМ к институту МВД: этапы становления и развития (1921-2006 гг.)

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    Новизна данной статьи состоит в первую очередь, в постановке самой проблемы и решении ряда конкретных исследовательских задач, касающихся организационного построения и деятельности учебного заведения системы Министерства внутренних дел (МВД) Украины в Крыму. В представленной работе, на основе архивных документов и материалов, значительная часть которых вводится в научный оборот впервые, автором исследуются различные стороны исторического развития Крымского юридического института Харьковского национального университета внутренних дел.Новизна даної статті полягає в першу чергу, в постановці самої проблеми і рішенні ряду конкретних дослідницьких задач, що стосуються організаційної побудови і діяльності учбового закладу системи Міністерства внутрішніх справ (МВС) України в Криму. У представленій роботі, на основі архівних документів і матеріалів, значна частина яких вводиться в науковий оборот вперше, автором досліджуються різні сторони історичного розвитку Кримського юридичного інституту Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ

    Epithelial integrity, junctional complexes, and biomarkers associated with intestinal functions

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    An intact intestinal barrier is crucial for immune homeostasis and its impairment activates the immune system and may result in chronic inflammation. The epithelial cells of the intestinal barrier are connected by tight junctions, which form an anastomosing network sealing adjacent epithelial cells. Tight junctions are composed of transmembrane and cytoplasmic scaffolding proteins. Transmembrane tight junction proteins at the apical-lateral membrane of the cell consist of occludin, claudins, junctional adhesion molecules, and tricellulin. Cytoplasmic scaffolding proteins, including zonula occludens, cingulin and afadin, provide a direct link between transmembrane tight junction proteins and the intracellular cytoskeleton. Each individual component of the tight junction network closely interacts with each other to form an efficient intestinal barrier. This review aims to describe the molecular structure of intestinal epithelial tight junction proteins and to characterize their organization and interaction. Moreover, clinically important biomarkers associated with impairment of gastrointestinal integrity are discussed

    Storage Fungi and Mycotoxins Associated with Rice Samples Commercialized in Thailand

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    The study focused on the examination of the different fungal species isolated from commercial rice samples, applying conventional culture techniques, as well as different molecular and phylogenic analyses to confirm phenotypic identification. Additionally, the mycotoxin production and contamination were analyzed using validated liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). In total, 40 rice samples were obtained covering rice berry, red jasmine rice, brown rice, germinated brown rice, and white rice. The blotting paper technique applied on the 5 different types of rice samples detected 4285 seed-borne fungal infections (26.8%) for 16,000 rice grains. Gross morphological data revealed that 19 fungal isolates belonged to the genera Penicillium/Talaromyces (18 of 90 isolates; 20%) and Aspergillus (72 of 90 isolates; 80%). To check their morphologies, molecular data (fungal sequence-based BLAST results and a phylogenetic tree of the combined ITS, BenA, CaM, and RPB2 datasets) confirmed the initial classification. The phylogenic analysis revealed that eight isolates belonged to P. citrinum and, additionally, one isolate each belonged to P. chermesinum, A. niger, A. fumigatus, and A. tubingensis. Furthermore, four isolates of T. pinophilus and one isolate of each taxon were identified as Talaromyces (T. radicus, T. purpureogenum, and T. islandicus). The results showed that A. niger and T. pinophilus were two commonly occurring fungal species in rice samples. After subculturing, ochratoxin A (OTA), generated by T. pinophilus code W3-04, was discovered using LC-MS/MS. In addition, the Fusarium toxin beauvericin was detected in one of the samples. Aflatoxin B1 or other mycotoxins, such as citrinin, trichothecenes, and fumonisins, were detected. These preliminary findings should provide valuable guidance for hazard analysis critical control point concepts used by commercial food suppliers, including the analysis of multiple mycotoxins. Based on the current findings, mycotoxin analyses should focus on A. niger toxins, including OTA and metabolites of T. pinophilus (recently considered a producer of emerging mycotoxins) to exclude health hazards related to the traditionally high consumption of rice by Thai people