18 research outputs found

    Viral molecular mimicry circumvents abortive infection and suppresses bacterial suicide to make hosts permissive for replication

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    The global interplay between bacteria and bacteriophages has generated many macromolecules useful in biotechnology, through the co-evolutionary see-saw of bacterial defense and viral counter-attack measures. Bacteria can protect themselves using abortive infection systems, which induce altruistic suicide in an infected cell and therefore protect the clonal population at the expense of the infected individual. Our recent paper describes how bacteriophage ΦTE successfully subverted the activity of a plasmid-borne abortive infection system. ΦTE evolved mimics of the small RNA antitoxin that naturally inhibits the active toxin component of this anti-viral mechanism. These mutant phages further manipulated the behavior of the host population, through transduction of the plasmid encoding the abortive infection system. Transductants thereby became enslaved by the abortive infection system, committing suicide in response to infection by the original phage population. In effect, the new host was infected by an “addictive altruism,” to the advantage of the resistant bacteriophage

    Viral Evasion of a Bacterial Suicide System by RNA-Based Molecular Mimicry Enables Infectious Altruism

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    Abortive infection, during which an infected bacterial cell commits altruistic suicide to destroy the replicating bacteriophage and protect the clonal population, can be mediated by toxin-antitoxin systems such as the Type III protein–RNA toxin-antitoxin system, ToxIN. A flagellum-dependent bacteriophage of the Myoviridae, ΦTE, evolved rare mutants that “escaped” ToxIN-mediated abortive infection within Pectobacterium atrosepticum. Wild-type ΦTE encoded a short sequence similar to the repetitive nucleotide sequence of the RNA antitoxin, ToxI, from ToxIN. The ΦTE escape mutants had expanded the number of these “pseudo-ToxI” genetic repeats and, in one case, an escape phage had “hijacked” ToxI from the plasmid-borne toxIN locus, through recombination. Expression of the pseudo-ToxI repeats during ΦTE infection allowed the phage to replicate, unaffected by ToxIN, through RNA–based molecular mimicry. This is the first example of a non-coding RNA encoded by a phage that evolves by selective expansion and recombination to enable viral suppression of a defensive bacterial suicide system. Furthermore, the ΦTE escape phages had evolved enhanced capacity to transduce replicons expressing ToxIN, demonstrating virus-mediated horizontal transfer of genetic altruism

    Antitoxin autoregulation of M. tuberculosis toxin-antitoxin expression through negative cooperativity arising from multiple inverted repeat sequences

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    Toxin-antitoxin systems play key roles in bacterial adaptation, including protection from antibiotic assault and infection by bacteriophages. The type IV toxin-antitoxin system AbiE encodes a DUF1814 nucleotidyltransferase-like toxin, and a two-domain antitoxin. In Streptococcus agalactiae, the antitoxin AbiEi negatively autoregulates abiE expression through positively co-operative binding to inverted repeats within the promoter. The human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis encodes four DUF1814 putative toxins, two of which have antitoxins homologous to AbiEi. One such M.tuberculosis antitoxin, named Rv2827c, is required for growth and whilst the structure has previously been solved, the mode of regulation is unknown. To complete the gaps in our understanding, we first solved the structure of S. agalactiae AbiEi to 1.83 Å resolution for comparison with M.tuberculosis Rv2827c. AbiEi contains an N-terminal DNA binding domain and C-terminal antitoxicity domain, with bilateral faces of opposing charge. The overall AbiEi fold is similar to Rv2827c, though smaller, and with a 65º difference in C-terminal domain orientation. We further demonstrate that, like AbiEi, Rv2827c can autoregulate toxin-antitoxin operon expression. In contrast to AbiEi, the Prv2827c promoter contains two sets of inverted repeats, which bind Rv2827c with differing affinities depending on the sequence consensus. Surprisingly, Rv2827c bound with negative co-operativity to the full Prv2827c promoter, demonstrating an unexpectedly complex form of transcriptional regulation

    CRISPRTarget: bioinformatic prediction and analysis of crRNA targets

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    The bacterial and archaeal CRISPR/Cas adaptive immune system targets specific protospacer nucleotide sequences in invading organisms. This requires base pairing between processed CRISPR RNA and the target protospacer. For type I and II CRISPR/Cas systems, protospacer adjacent motifs (PAM) are essential for target recognition, and for type III, mismatches in the flanking sequences are important in the antiviral response. In this study, we examine the properties of each class of CRISPR. We use this information to provide a tool (CRISPRTarget) that predicts the most likely targets of CRISPR RNAs (http://bioanalysis.otago.ac.nz/CRISPRTarget). This can be used to discover targets in newly sequenced genomic or metagenomic data. To test its utility, we discover features and targets of well-characterized Streptococcus thermophilus and Sulfolobus solfataricus type II and III CRISPR/Cas systems. Finally, in Pectobacterium species, we identify new CRISPR targets and propose a model of temperate phage exposure and subsequent inhibition by the type I CRISPR/Cas system

    Mutagenesis and functional characterisation of the RNA and protein components of the toxIN abortive infection and toxin-antitoxin locus of Erwinia

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    Bacteria are constantly challenged by bacteriophage (phage) infection and have developed multiple adaptive resistance mechanisms. These mechanisms include the abortive infection systems, which promote “altruistic suicide” of an infected cell, protecting the clonal population. A cryptic plasmid of Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica, pECA1039, has been shown to encode an abortive infection system. This highly effective system is active across multiple genera of gram-negative bacteria and against a spectrum of phages. Designated ToxIN, this two-component abortive infection system acts as a toxin-antitoxin module. ToxIN is the first member of a new type III class of protein-RNA toxin-antitoxin modules, of which there are multiple homologues cross-genera. We characterized in more detail the abortive infection phenotype of ToxIN using a suite of Erwinia phages and performed mutagenesis of the ToxI and ToxN components. We determined the minimal ToxI RNA sequence in the native operon that is both necessary and sufficient for abortive infection and to counteract the toxicity of ToxN. Furthermore, site-directed mutagenesis of ToxN revealed key conserved amino acids in this defining member of the new group of toxic proteins. The mechanism of phage activation of the ToxIN system was investigated and was shown to have no effect on the levels of the ToxN protein. Finally, evidence of negative autoregulation of the toxIN operon, a common feature of toxin-antitoxin systems, is presented. This work on the components of the ToxIN system suggests that there is very tight toxin regulation prior to suicide activation by incoming phage

    The phage abortive infection system, ToxIN, functions as a protein-RNA toxin-antitoxin pair

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    Various mechanisms exist that enable bacteria to resist bacteriophage infection. Resistance strategies include the abortive infection (Abi) systems, which promote cell death and limit phage replication within a bacterial population. A highly effective 2-gene Abi system from the phytopathogen Erwinia carotovora subspecies atroseptica, designated ToxIN, is described. The ToxIN Abi system also functions as a toxin–antitoxin (TA) pair, with ToxN inhibiting bacterial growth and the tandemly repeated ToxI RNA antitoxin counteracting the toxicity. TA modules are currently divided into 2 classes, protein and RNA antisense. We provide evidence that ToxIN defines an entirely new TA class that functions via a novel protein-RNA mechanism, with analogous systems present in diverse bacteria. Despite the debated role of TA systems, we demonstrate that ToxIN provides viral resistance in a range of bacterial genera against multiple phages. This is the first demonstration of a novel mechanistic class of TA systems and of an Abi system functioning in different bacterial genera, both with implications for the dynamics of phage-bacterial interactions

    Crystal structure of the anti-CRISPR repressor Aca2

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    Bacteria use adaptive CRISPR-Cas immune mechanisms to protect from invasion by bacteriophages and other mobile genetic elements. In response, bacteriophages and mobile genetic elements have co-evolved anti-CRISPR proteins to inhibit the bacterial defense. We and others have previously shown that anti-CRISPR associated (Aca) proteins can regulate this anti-CRISPR counter-attack. Here, we report the first structure of an Aca protein, the Aca2 DNA-binding transcriptional autorepressor from Pectobacterium carotovorum bacteriophage ZF40, determined to 1.34 Å. Aca2 presents a conserved N-terminal helix-turn-helix DNA-binding domain and a previously uncharacterized C-terminal dimerization domain. Dimerization positions the Aca2 recognition helices for insertion into the major grooves of target DNA, supporting its role in regulating anti-CRISPRs. Furthermore, database comparisons identified uncharacterized Aca2 structural homologs in pathogenic bacteria, suggesting that Aca2 represents the first characterized member of a more widespread family of transcriptional regulators

    PADLOC: a web server for the identification of antiviral defence systems in microbial genomes

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    Most bacteria and archaea possess multiple antiviral defence systems that protect against infection by phages, archaeal viruses and mobile genetic elements. Our understanding of the diversity of defence systems has increased greatly in the last few years, and many more systems likely await discovery. To identify defence-related genes, we recently developed the Prokaryotic Antiviral Defence LOCator (PADLOC) bioinformatics tool. To increase the accessibility of PADLOC, we describe here the PADLOC web server (freely available at https://padloc.otago.ac.nz), allowing users to analyse whole genomes, metagenomic contigs, plasmids, phages and archaeal viruses. The web server includes a more than 5-fold increase in defence system types detected (since the first release) and expanded functionality enabling detection of CRISPR arrays and retron ncRNAs. Here, we provide user information such as input options, description of the multiple outputs, limitations and considerations for interpretation of the results, and guidance for subsequent analyses. The PADLOC web server also houses a precomputed database of the defence systems in > 230,000 RefSeq genomes. These data reveal two taxa, Campylobacterota and Spriochaetota, with unusual defence system diversity and abundance. Overall, the PADLOC web server provides a convenient and accessible resource for the detection of antiviral defence systems.This work was supported by the Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi (RSNZ) Marsden Fund, the School of Biomedical Sciences Bequest Fund from the University of Otago and Bioprotection Aotearoa (Tertiary Education Commission, NZ). L.J.P. was supported by a University of Otago Doctoral Scholarship. We acknowledge and appreciate the use of the New Zealand eScience Infastructure (NeSI) high-performance computing facilities in this research, which are funded jointly by NeSI collaborator institutions and the Ministry of Buisness, Innovation and Employment. N.T. is supported by grant PID2020-113207GB-I00 from the MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033

    AbiEi binds cooperatively to the Type IV abiE toxin-antitoxin operator via a positively-charged surface and causes DNA bending and negative autoregulation

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    Bacteria resist phage infection using multiple strategies, including CRISPR-Cas and abortive infection (Abi) systems. Abi systems provide population-level protection from phage predation, via “altruistic” cell suicide. It has recently been shown that some Abi systems function via a toxin-antitoxin (TA) mechanism, such as the widespread AbiE family. The Streptococcus agalactiae AbiE system consists of a bicistronic operon encoding the AbiEi antitoxin and AbiEii toxin, which function as a Type IV TA system. Here we examine the AbiEi antitoxin, which belongs to a large family of transcriptional regulators with a conserved N-terminal winged-helix-turn-helix (wHTH) domain. This wHTH is essential for transcriptional repression of the abiE operon. The function of the AbiEi C-terminal domain (CTD) is poorly characterised, but it contributes to transcriptional repression and is sufficient for toxin neutralization. We demonstrate that a conserved charged surface on one face of the CTD assists sequence-specific DNA binding and negative autoregulation, without influencing antitoxicity. Furthermore, AbiEi binds cooperatively to two inverted repeats within the abiE promoter and bends the DNA by 72°. These findings demonstrate the mechanism of DNA binding by the widespread family of AbiEi antitoxins and transcriptional regulators can contribute to negative autoregulation