9 research outputs found

    HIV-1 Nef disrupts MHC-I trafficking by recruiting AP-1 to the MHC-I cytoplasmic tail

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    To avoid immune recognition by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 Nef disrupts the transport of major histocompatibility complex class I molecules (MHC-I) to the cell surface in HIV-infected T cells. However, the mechanism by which Nef does this is unknown. We report that Nef disrupts MHC-I trafficking by rerouting newly synthesized MHC-I from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) to lysosomal compartments for degradation. The ability of Nef to target MHC-I from the TGN to lysosomes is dependent on expression of the μ1 subunit of adaptor protein (AP) AP-1A, a cellular protein complex implicated in TGN to endolysosomal pathways. We demonstrate that in HIV-infected primary T cells, Nef promotes a physical interaction between endogenous AP-1 and MHC-I. Moreover, we present data that this interaction uses a novel AP-1 binding site that requires amino acids in the MHC-I cytoplasmic tail. In sum, our evidence suggests that binding of AP-1 to the Nef–MHC-I complex is an important step required for inhibition of antigen presentation by HIV

    Representing high throughput expression profiles via perturbation barcodes reveals compound targets

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    <div><p>High throughput mRNA expression profiling can be used to characterize the response of cell culture models to perturbations such as pharmacologic modulators and genetic perturbations. As profiling campaigns expand in scope, it is important to homogenize, summarize, and analyze the resulting data in a manner that captures significant biological signals in spite of various noise sources such as batch effects and stochastic variation. We used the L1000 platform for large-scale profiling of 978 representative genes across thousands of compound treatments. Here, a method is described that uses deep learning techniques to convert the expression changes of the landmark genes into a perturbation barcode that reveals important features of the underlying data, performing better than the raw data in revealing important biological insights. The barcode captures compound structure and target information, and predicts a compound’s high throughput screening promiscuity, to a higher degree than the original data measurements, indicating that the approach uncovers underlying factors of the expression data that are otherwise entangled or masked by noise. Furthermore, we demonstrate that visualizations derived from the perturbation barcode can be used to more sensitively assign functions to unknown compounds through a guilt-by-association approach, which we use to predict and experimentally validate the activity of compounds on the MAPK pathway. The demonstrated application of deep metric learning to large-scale chemical genetics projects highlights the utility of this and related approaches to the extraction of insights and testable hypotheses from big, sometimes noisy data.</p></div

    Experimental setup and architecture of the deep model used.

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    <p><b>(A)</b> Cells treated with compounds in 384-well plates. <b>(B)</b> Cell lysate used for ligation mediated PCR with gene-specific probe pairs, and the gene expression measured using an optically addressed bead array technology. <b>(C)</b> Raw intensity is normalized and converted to relative expression changes versus control (z-scores) on a plate-wise basis. Variability is observed between biological replicates.</p

    Visualizations of the data based on z-scores or perturbation barcodes were examined to select candidate compounds in the phenotypic neighborhood of a series of known MAPK pathway inhibitors.

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    <p><b>(A–D)</b> t-SNE maps of the data, z-scores on top, perturbation barcode maps on the bottom. <b>(A, B)</b> the entire dataset is shown with the tested compounds in dark blue. <b>(C,D)</b> The neighborhood of the query MAPK pathway inhibitor compounds (orange) is shown. Common MAPK tools used for nearest neighbor analysis are circled. <b>(E,F)</b> Results of AP-1 reporter assays. Known MAPK actives are distinguished from unknowns predicted to be active in (C,D). <b>(G,H)</b> Rather than selecting neighbors of seed MAPK tool compounds in the t-SNE map, nearest neighbors in the native datasets were selected and tested in the AP-1 reporter assay. Key as in (E,F). See Fig C in <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005335#pcbi.1005335.s001" target="_blank">S1 Text</a> for breakdown by categories, including overlaps.</p

    Performance of perturbation barcodes on public LINCS data.

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    <p>Analyses correspond to Rows 1–3 of <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005335#pcbi.1005335.t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>.</p