158 research outputs found

    Leggi di Dio, doveri degli uomini. Vantaggi e svantaggi dell’obbedienza religiosa

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    Si tratta della Lecture inaugurale tenuta a Torino il 16 aprile 2006 in occasione del conferimento dei Premi Arturo Carlo Jemolo e Edoardo Dieni. Volendo conservare il carattere discorsivo, il testo viene pubblicato senza riferimenti bibliografici.SOMMARIO: 1. Considerazioni introduttive - 2. Il pluralismo religioso - 3.Cambiamento religioso e modernità - 4. Leggi di Dio e doveri degli uomini: lacomunità religiosa - 5. L’individualismo religioso e i suoi problemi - 6. Un rapido confronto - 7. Conclusioni

    Le minoranze religiose in Italia. Una prospettiva storico-religiosa

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    SOMMARIO: 1. Considerazioni introduttive - 2. Minoranze religiose e costruzione della nazione - 3. Per una storia delle minoranze religiose. Religious minorities in Italy: a historical-religious perspective ABSTRACT: The history of religious minorities in unitary Italy has been deeply linked to the construction of the national state both in its formative phase (the Risorgimento) and in the period of liberal Italy. The responses ranged between a desire for integration, as in the Jewish case, and an occasional and missionary presence, as in the case of certain Evangelical communities. The Great War, first, the twenty years of Fascism, then, profoundly changed this situation, further marginalizing the religious minorities also as a consequence of the 1929 Concordat

    Il ruolo della Legge Divina nel sistema dei valori cristiano antico

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    The essay examines the argumentative and hermeneutical strategies by which Early Christianity adapted concepts and notions borrowed from the past to the Gospel message. In this perspective, the Author highlights the pivotal role played by the notion of the Divine Law at the intersection of Greek Philosophy and Jewish Tradition. The transformative thought which gave new substance to the oldest narratives and representations is investigated through the main works of Philo of Alexandria, St. Paul and of the Patristic writers.The essay examines the argumentative and hermeneutical strategies by which Early Christianity adapted concepts and notions borrowed from the past to the Gospel message. In this perspective, the Author highlights the pivotal role played by the notion of the Divine Law at the intersection of Greek Philosophy and Jewish Tradition. The transformative thought which gave new substance to the oldest narratives and representations is investigated through the main works of Philo of Alexandria, St. Paul and of the Patristic writers

    Cristianesimo e religioni

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