97 research outputs found

    Wasting, stunting, and anemia in angolan children after deworming with albendazole or a test-and-treat approach for intestinal parasites: binary longitudinal models with temporal structure in a four-arm randomized trial

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    Undernutrition, anemia, and intestinal parasitic infections are public health problems in Angola, especially in pre-school children. We analyzed binary data from a longitudinal four-arm randomized parallel trial conducted in Bengo Province, northern Angola, over the course of two years, with seven follow-up assessments to explore the effects of four interventions (deworming and a test-and-treat approach for intestinal parasites, at both the individual and household levels) on wasting and stunting, and to understand their indirect benefits for anemia, malaria, diarrhea, and vomiting. A total of 121 children with intestinal parasitic infections received baseline treatment, and were allocated to the four arms (1:1:1:1). Using continuous outcome variables of height-for-age (HAZ) and weight-for-height (WHZ) statistical approaches did not reveal a clear benefit of any particular arm (Pathogens 2021, 10, 309). Next, HAZ and WHZ were transformed into binary variables of stunting and wasting, respectively, considering their mild-to-severe (Z-score bild, fitted models revealed the potential benefit of a test-and-treat approach at the individual level for wasting compared with annual albendazole at the individual level, especially considering mild-to-severe forms (ORadj = 0.27; p = 0.007). All arms showed similar effects on stunting, compared with annual albendazole, at a 5% significance level. Time and age at baseline presented favorable effects in the percentage of stunting using both severity degrees. Results showed a decreased chance of having anemia and diarrhea over time, although with no significant differences between arms. Data from longitudinal studies are essential to study the direct and indirect effects of interventions, such as deworming, and to explore additional approaches aiming at better understanding the temporal structure of nutrition and health outcomes in children.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A rapid review of time management strategies among nurse managers

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    Background: Time management practice is the act of influencing one's behavioural dimensions to complete as many tasks as possible within a specified amount of time. These behavioural dimensions include work organization and the continued application of time management techniques. Good time management, such as setting goals and priorities, as well as planning and delegating tasks, can facilitate productivity and success, contributing to work effectiveness, maintaining balance and job satisfaction. Conversely, poor time management has been associated with poor quality of work, low productivity, negative influence on the career path, and high levels of stress. Aim: The study aims to identify the strategies used by middle nurse managers in time management. Methods: A rapid review of biomedical databases was undertaken during the month of June 2021. The included studies were published in English and in Italian. Results: Findings reveal that the most used and effective time management strategies for nurse managers are setting goals, and priorities and delegating tasks. Other useful strategies also found to be fundamental are discussed in detail. Conclusion: A manager should prioritize the concept of planning, which can be counted as an efficient time management technique and educate himself on delegating. Time management has an impact not only on productivity and organizational success, but also on the balance between private and working life of managers

    Análise de casos de malária em gestantes atendidas no Hospital Municipal de Benguela

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    Introdução: A malária é uma doença evitável e tratável que continua a ter um impacto devastador na saúde e nos meios de subsistência das pessoas em todo o mundo. A Região Africana da OMS continua a suportar o fardo mais pesado da malária. A infecção por malária durante a gravidez é um problema importante de saúde pública em regiões tropicais e subtropicais em todo o mundo. Todos os anos há pelo menos 30 milhões de mulheres grávidas em zonas maláricas da África, a maioria das quais reside em zonas de transmissão (Cunningham et al. 2019). Em Angola, a malária constitui um grave problema de saúde pública, actualmente, representando a primeira causa de mobimortalidade, absentismo laboral e escolar. No país, mais de três milhões de habitantes estão sob risco de contrair a doença, a qual lidera a lista de doenças endémicas nas 18 províncias, com possibilidade de surtos epidémicos em algumas delas (Chaves et al. 2018). Objetivos: Analisar os casos de malária em gestantes, atendidas no Hospital Municipal de Benguela de acordo a densidade parasitaria, faixa etária e proveniência durante o ano de 2021. Material e Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo retrospectivo de natureza descritiva com abordagem quantitativa. A população foi constituída por n=1197 gestantes encaminhadas para o laboratório de análises clínicas do Hospital Municipal de Benguela. Resultados: Nesta pesquisa, 80% (965) foram negativas e 20% (232) gestantes com diagnóstico positivo de malária, sendo que a faixa etária mais acometida pela doença é compreendida entre 21 a 30 anos de idade correspondendo á 50,9% (118) de casos. Em relação a densidade parasitária 99% (230) gestantes apresentaram baixa parasitemia, sendo que o maior número 43% (99) foram provenientes da Zona A. Já para alta parasitemia apenas 2 gestantes tiveram tal resultado, também foram provenientes da zona A. Conclusões: Conclui-se que a malária continua sendo um grande problema de saúde pública devido ao crescente número de casos. Mais da metade foram consideradas negativas, sendo que a menor proporção foi positiva, entre elas, maior parte apresentou baixa parasitemia e eram provenientes da zona A

    Prognostic value of gender and primary tumor location in metastatic colon cancer

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    Sex might influence prognosis in patients affected by colorectal cancer. We retrospectively studied a cohort of patients affected by metastatic colon cancer (mCC) stratified by sex and primary tumor location. RAS mutational status was also included in the analysis. Overall, 616 patients met the eligibility criteria, 261 women and 355 men. Neither gender, nor RAS mutational status influenced overall survival (OS) in the entire population. As expected, patients with right-sided colon cancer (RCC) had a significant shorter OS compared to those with left-sided colon cancer (LCC) (21.3 vs 33.1 months, p= 0.002). When the analysis was performed stratifying for gender, RCC retained worse prognosis among men (OS 20.5 vs 33.9 months, p= 0.008), but not among women (p= 0.132). Similarly, the presence of RAS mutations had no prognostic effect in women, but was significantly associate with shorter survival in men (OS 29.5 vs 33.7 months, p= 0.046). In addition, when comparing clinical outcome of women or men according to sidedness and RAS mutational status, RCC was associated with dismal prognosis only in men with RAS mutated tumor (OS 17.2 vs 32.3 months, p= 0.008). Our study highlights the importance of gender in the outcome of patients with mCC

    Laboratory services contribution to supporting public health and health services in Portuguese-speaking countries

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    Objetivo: promover o debate sobre a importância do laboratório no apoio à saúde pública e aos serviços de saúde nos países de língua portuguesa, numa perspetiva global e de uma só saúde. Métodos: revisão de literatura, análise dos documentos preparatórios das comunicações do 5º Congresso Nacional de Medicina Tropical, apresentações realizadas pelos oradores de Cabo Verde, Angola e Portugal e o debate que se seguiu. Resultados: identificaram-se os desafios que deverão ser ultrapassados de forma a criar uma rede de laboratórios de diagnóstico que possa estimular o acesso universal das populações aos cuidados de saúde, tendo-se proposto medidas e estratégias com base na experiência dos sistemas de saúde dos diferentes países de língua portuguesa. Reviu-se o contributo dos Laboratórios do IHMT/NOVA para esta estratégia. Conclusão: não há acesso universal a cuidados de saúde de qualidade sem serviços de diagnóstico laboratorial de qualidade. Assim, deve-se promover uma correta, eficaz e sustentável inter-relação entre laboratórios de referência nacionais, hospitalares e privados e ainda laboratórios de investigação, todos cooperando em sintonia com os serviços de saúde de modo a garantir os melhores cuidados de saúde. Objective: To promote the debate on the importance of the laboratory services in supporting public health and health services in Portuguese-speaking countries, from a global and One Health perspective. Methods: literature review, analysis of the preparatory papers for the 5th Tropical Medicine National Congress, presentations by speakers from Cape Verde, Angola and Portugal and the ensuing debate. Results: we identified the challenges that must be overcome in order to create a network of diagnostic laboratories that can stimulate universal access to health care for the populations. Measures and strategies based on the experience of health systems in different Portuguese-speaking countries are proposed. The contribution of the IHMT/NOVA Laboratories to this strategy was reviewed. Conclusion: There is no universal access to quality health care with-out quality laboratory diagnostic services and without promoting a correct, effective and sustainable interrelationship between national reference laboratories, hospital and private, and research laboratories, all cooperating in line with health services to ensure the best quality health care.publishersversionpublishe