22 research outputs found
Do antibiotic-impregnated shunts in hydrocephalus therapy reduce the risk of infection? An observational study in 258 patients
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Shunt infection in hydrocephalus patients is a severe, even life-threatening complication. Antibiotic-impregnated shunts (AIS) have been developed in an attempt to reduce rate of shunt infection. The study was performed to analyze if AIS can diminish the rate of shunt infection. The pathogenic nature of shunt infection in patients with AIS systems and those without antibiotic impregnated shunts (non-AIS) was compared.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Over a period of 24 months in the Department of Neurosurgery at University Hospital of Tübingen shunt surgery was performed in 258 patients. In 86 patients AIS systems were implanted. Shunt catheters were commercially impregnated with clindamycin and rifampicin. Analysis of the clinical data included sex, age, classification of hydrocephalus, shunt types and risk factors for shunt infection [age (< 1 year and > 80 years), prematurely born patients, external ventricular drainage, former shunt infection, former systemic infection, disturbance of consciousness, former radiation-/chemotherapy]. Infection rates and underlying bacterial pathogens of patients with AIS were compared to patients with implanted non-AIS systems (172 patients).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>AIS and non-AIS patients did not differ in sex, etiology of hydrocephalus and the shunt type. In the AIS group 72 out of 86 patients had at least one risk factor (83.7 %), compared to 126 patients in the non-AIS group (73.3 %). There was no significant difference between the two groups (p = 0.0629; Fisher's exact test). In patients with no risk factors, only one patient with non-AIS suffered from shunt infection. In patients with one or more risk factors the rate for shunt infection was 7.14 % in patients with non-AIS and 6.94 % in patients with AIS. Former shunt infection (p = 0.0124) was related to higher risk for shunt infection. The use of AIS had therefore no significant advantage (p = 0.8611; multiple logistic regression).</p> <p>Significantly related to a shunt infection was the number of shunt surgeries. 190 interventions in the AIS group (2.21 interventions per patient) and 408 in the non-AIS group (2.37 interventions per patient) had been performed (p = 0.3063; Wilcoxon). There was no shunt infection in the group of patients on whom only one shunt surgery was performed. In patients with at least two shunt surgeries the infection rate was 9%. The infection rate in AIS patients was 5/52 (9.6 %) and in the non-AIS 10/114 (8.77 %), (p = 1.0; Fisher's exact test). Staphylococcus epidermidis was the most frequent pathogen for shunt infection. Fourteen out of 15 infections occurred within the first 6 months of surgery. The most frequent pathogen for shunt infection was S. epidermidis. No toxic or allergic complications were seen using the AIS shunt systems. The presented data show a remarkably low infection rate of 5.8 % in the non-AIS group compared to other studies which demonstrated a significant decrease in the infection rate by AIS.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>AIS did not significantly reduce shunt infection in hydrocephalus patients in the presented study. In the AIS group three patients suffered from shunt infections caused by skin ulceration or neurosurgical procedures with exposure of the cerebrospinal liquor after shunt implantation. AIS was not developed to prevent infection in such cases, therefore an advantage of AIS can not be excluded. In view of the presented data and the small number of reported studies a prospective randomized multicenter study is required.</p
Infecções em dispositivos neurológicos implantáveis em crianças e adolescentes
OBJETIVO: Determinar a freqüência, as causas, o sítio específico e as manifestações clínicas e laboratoriais das infecções em crianças e adolescentes após a implantação de dispositivos neurológicos (DVP) no Hospital Governador João Alves Filho (Aracaju SE).
MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo, observacional, não controlado de 50 pacientes, submetidos a DVP (58 procedimentos), no período de janeiro de 2003 a outubro de 2004.
RESULTADOS: Observaram-se taxas de infecção por procedimento de 27,6%, taxas de infecção de índice cirúrgico zero, 1 e 2 de 25,7% e 30,4%, respectivamente (NNIS-CDC). A infecção de sítio cirúrgico foi a principal complicação com 50% das infecções.
CONCLUSÃO: Taxa de infecção por procedimento, paciente e índice de risco cirúrgico mostraram-se elevadas. Não houve significância estatística com relação à idade, etiologia da hidrocefalia, ao tipo de procedimento (derivação primária e reinserção), tempo de internação pré-operatória, duração da cirurgia, antibioticoprofilaxia, cateter SNC prévio e índice de risco cirúrgico. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE: To determine frequency, etiology, site and clinical and laboratory findings of ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VPS) infections in children and adolescents with hydrocephalus managed in Hospital Governador João Alves Filho, Aracaju SE, Brazil.
METHOD: A non-controlled prospective observational study comprising 50 patients that underwent VPS (58 procedures) from January/2003 to October/2004.
RESULTS: Infection rate per procedure was 27.6%; surgical risk index (NNISS-CDC) 0 and 1-2 were 25.7% and 30.4% respectively; surgical site infection was the main complication with 50% of the cases.
CONCLUSION: Infection rates per procedure, per patient, and per surgical risk index were high. No statistical differences were found related to the following: age, etiology of hydrocephalus, type of procedure, pre-operative length of stay, duration of procedure, antibiotic prophylaxis, previous central nervous system catheter, and surgical risk index
La renaturalització urbana planteja reptes per a la justícia social
Les solucions basades en la natura per a la renaturalització de les ciutats planteja dos desafiaments importants. D'una banda, la seva conceptualització derivada de l'estret vincle del binomi deterioració ambiental/creixement econòmic, està basada en l'expansió econòmica. Per un altre, s'adhereix als aspectes socials de raça, ètnia i gènere i privilegien les classes mitjanes i altes. Un grup de recerca multidisciplinària ha explorat les injustícies que es troben en la base d'aquestes soluciones i ha treballat per facilitar un pronòstic amb el qual es puguin generar noves narratives i vies de creixement i d'accés a la naturalesa urbana de forma més igualitària.Las soluciones basadas en la naturaleza para la renaturalización de las ciudades plantea dos desafíos importantes. Por un lado, su conceptualización derivada del estrecho vínculo del binomio deterioro ambiental/crecimiento económico, está basada en la expansión económica. Por otro, se adhiere a los aspectos sociales de raza, etnia y género y privilegian a las clases medias y altas. Un grupo de investigación multidisciplinar ha explorado las injusticias que se encuentran en la base de estas solucionesy ha trabajado para facilitar un pronóstico con el que se puedan generar nuevas narrativas y vías de crecimiento y de acceso a la naturaleza urbana de forma más igualitaria.Nature-based solutions for renaturing cities poses two major challenges. On the one hand, their conceptualization derived from the close link between the environmental deterioration/economic growth binomial, is based on economic expansion. On the other hand, they adhere to the social aspects of race, ethnicity, gender and privileges of the middle and upper classes. A multidisciplinary research group has explored the injustices that are at the base of these solutions and has worked to facilitate a forecast with which new narratives and ways of growth and access to urban nature can be generated in a more egalitarian way