420 research outputs found

    Observation of topological Uhlmann phases with superconducting qubits

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    Topological insulators and superconductors at finite temperature can be characterized by the topological Uhlmann phase. However, a direct experimental measurement of this invariant has remained elusive in condensed matter systems. Here, we report a measurement of the topological Uhlmann phase for a topological insulator simulated by a system of entangled qubits in the IBM Quantum Experience platform. By making use of ancilla states, otherwise unobservable phases carrying topological information about the system become accessible, enabling the experimental determination of a complete phase diagram including environmental effects. We employ a state-independent measurement protocol which does not involve prior knowledge of the system state. The proposed measurement scheme is extensible to interacting particles and topological models with a large number of bands.Comment: RevTex4 file, color figure

    Non-cyclic Geometric Phase due to Spatial Evolution in a Neutron Interferometer

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    We present a split-beam neutron interferometric experiment to test the non-cyclic geometric phase tied to the spatial evolution of the system: the subjacent two-dimensional Hilbert space is spanned by the two possible paths in the interferometer and the evolution of the state is controlled by phase shifters and absorbers. A related experiment was reported previously by Hasegawa et al. [Phys. Rev. A 53, 2486 (1996)] to verify the cyclic spatial geometric phase. The interpretation of this experiment, namely to ascribe a geometric phase to this particular state evolution, has met severe criticism from Wagh [Phys. Rev. A 59, 1715 (1999)]. The extension to a non-cyclic evolution manifests the correctness of the interpretation of the previous experiment by means of an explicit calculation of the non-cyclic geometric phase in terms of paths on the Bloch-sphere.Comment: 4 pages, revtex

    Driving Rydberg-Rydberg transitions from a co-planar microwave waveguide

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    The coherent interaction between ensembles of helium Rydberg atoms and microwave fields in the vicinity of a solid-state co-planar waveguide is reported. Rydberg-Rydberg transitions, at frequencies between 25 GHz and 38 GHz, have been studied for states with principal quantum numbers in the range 30 - 35 by selective electric-field ionization. An experimental apparatus cooled to 100 K was used to reduce effects of blackbody radiation. Inhomogeneous, stray electric fields emanating from the surface of the waveguide have been characterized in frequency- and time-resolved measurements and coherence times of the Rydberg atoms on the order of 250 ns have been determined.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Observation of Entanglement Between Itinerant Microwave Photons and a Superconducting Qubit

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    A localized qubit entangled with a propagating quantum field is well suited to study non-local aspects of quantum mechanics and may also provide a channel to communicate between spatially separated nodes in a quantum network. Here, we report the on demand generation and characterization of Bell-type entangled states between a superconducting qubit and propagating microwave fields composed of zero, one and two-photon Fock states. Using low noise linear amplification and efficient data acquisition we extract all relevant correlations between the qubit and the photon states and demonstrate entanglement with high fidelity.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Microwave-controlled generation of shaped single photons in circuit quantum electrodynamics

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    Large-scale quantum information processors or quantum communication networks will require reliable exchange of information between spatially separated nodes. The links connecting these nodes can be established using traveling photons that need to be absorbed at the receiving node with high efficiency. This is achievable by shaping the temporal profile of the photons and absorbing them at the receiver by time reversing the emission process. Here, we demonstrate a scheme for creating shaped microwave photons using a superconducting transmon-type three-level system coupled to a transmission line resonator. In a second-order process induced by a modulated microwave drive, we controllably transfer a single excitation from the third level of the transmon to the resonator and shape the emitted photon. We reconstruct the density matrices of the created single-photon states and show that the photons are antibunched. We also create multipeaked photons with a controlled amplitude and phase. In contrast to similar existing schemes, the one we present here is based solely on microwave drives, enabling operation with fixed frequency transmons

    Geometric phases in superconducting qubits beyond the two-level-approximation

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    Geometric phases, which accompany the evolution of a quantum system and depend only on its trajectory in state space, are commonly studied in two-level systems. Here, however, we study the adiabatic geometric phase in a weakly anharmonic and strongly driven multi-level system, realised as a superconducting transmon-type circuit. We measure the contribution of the second excited state to the two-level geometric phase and find good agreement with theory treating higher energy levels perturbatively. By changing the evolution time, we confirm the independence of the geometric phase of time and explore the validity of the adiabatic approximation at the transition to the non-adiabatic regime.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Tsirelson bounds for generalized Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequalities

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    Quantum theory imposes a strict limit on the strength of non-local correlations. It only allows for a violation of the CHSH inequality up to the value 2 sqrt(2), known as Tsirelson's bound. In this note, we consider generalized CHSH inequalities based on many measurement settings with two possible measurement outcomes each. We demonstrate how to prove Tsirelson bounds for any such generalized CHSH inequality using semidefinite programming. As an example, we show that for any shared entangled state and observables X_1,...,X_n and Y_1,...,Y_n with eigenvalues +/- 1 we have | + <X_2 Y_1> + + + ... + - | <= 2 n cos(pi/(2n)). It is well known that there exist observables such that equality can be achieved. However, we show that these are indeed optimal. Our approach can easily be generalized to other inequalities for such observables.Comment: 9 pages, LateX, V2: Updated reference [3]. To appear in Physical Review

    Cavity QED with separate photon storage and qubit readout modes

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    We present the realization of a cavity quantum electrodynamics setup in which photons of strongly different lifetimes are engineered in different harmonic modes of the same cavity. We achieve this in a superconducting transmission line resonator with superconducting qubits coupled to the different modes. One cavity mode is strongly coupled to a detection line for qubit state readout, while a second long lifetime mode is used for photon storage and coherent quantum operations. We demonstrate sideband based measurement of photon coherence, generation of n photon Fock states and the scaling of the sideband Rabi frequency with the square root of n using a scheme that may be extended to realize sideband based two-qubit logic gates.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, version with high resolution figures available at http://qudev.ethz.ch/content/science/PubsPapers.htm